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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I'm so not paying attention that I totally missed the naked taco date. And boy am I glad!
  2. Joe: If Kendall really really wanted me back, she should have told me before I got here. Me: What, and miss 15 additional minutes of fame whoring? Joe, come on buddy.
  3. Thanks a lot for beating me to it Browncoat. NOT! No category header over the FJ clue tonight. Matt missing that computer science DD is like me missing a DD about show dogs when the answer is a breed I own. Harsh!
  4. I didn't get to watch this episode all the way through and only saw parts. But what is the significance of 9.23 and the number 23, all shown at different points in different timelines.
  5. This article published Sept. 20 in The Ringer should be required reading for all J! fans. Story By Claire McNear
  6. Matt's Twitter is hilarious, he's so funny yet kind and gracious too. Thanks for posting those screen grabs.
  7. I saw Roger Rabbit and was lost anyway. I can name the actor and the characters' names though so there's that in case it ever comes up.
  8. Since some didn't agree with my statement that the new curtains are a shout out to Art Fleming days, did anyone notice the quick clip of the curtains opening to reveal the Jeopardy board in the opening segment? I guess no one noticed that Tracy answered "Lake of the Ozarks" when the clue was the lake was named for THIS MOUNTAIN RANGE. No, Tracy, the mountains are not Lake of the Ozarks, they are just Ozarks. Then she answered Soldier Boy for the rapper when his name is Soulja Boy. The pronunciation is not the same, and it's way more different than Berry/Barry. I loved the FJ category but I guess seeing a movie 33 years ago in the theater means certain details don't stay with me. Plus I was obsessing over why TJF had capped "Dip" instead of just writing "dip." I kept wondering if it was some French Onion dip someone doctored up or something. I didn't remember anyone eating chips and dip in Roger Rabbit but then again, that was 33 years ago. Pay no attention to that man in front of the curtain!
  9. When I was in high school, all the cool girls wore Capezios. It was a HUGE deal. So you were lucky that person was the dancer and not some rando high-school grad.
  10. LOL! No kidding. For once Mama was one of the better parts of this dreck episode.
  11. Same here. Last Supper? Last Samurai? Last of the Mohicans? I'm running out of Lasts. It was pretty funny when James said he didn't have a good track record against female librarians on game shows.
  12. So much this. What a really bad horrible episode this was last night. At least Anthony asked the guests some questions. But no one thought to ask the diamond guy WHERE he found a diamond just laying around on the ground? What a bunch of dumbasses. Finally one said it was at Crater of Diamonds. I know all about that place, but it's not somewhere little kids would find fun to go. It's not exactly exciting sitting and sifting through dirt for hours ... and finding nothing. Then none of these people had ever heard of noodling for catfish? Holy cats. I think there was even a teevee show about that a while back. The butter sculptor saying she's THE butter sculptor ... no honey, you are not. Iowa State Fair has had a butter cow, newly sculpted every year, since 1911. Now all the state fairs (and other events) have butter sculptures. You are not THAT special. I don't know who that London woman is but I hope I never EVER see or hear her again.
  13. That first guy was so good getting $90,000, then I was surprised he tanked on the chase part. Even I knew John Jay and Uganda for those two answers. Not that I ever would have earned more than him on the question round, I'd be lucky to garner $10,000. Being involved in the show-dog world, I answered "Neuticals" as soon as that question was read. Side note: If found implanted in a show dog, that dog would be banned for life by AKC. The first photos of Obama after he left office were of him kite surfing with Richard Branson off his island in 2017. Too bad Amanda didn't pay more attention to those news feeds. I did feel badly for her when she left with nothing though. She was a good contestant, and bravo for going with the high amount offered by James.
  14. Hey @Mindthinkr, welcome back to the party. I'm up for a slice of that Napoleon if you don't mind me reaching across the table to snag a piece.
  15. Zoey, I went to Decatur every year for dog shows in a downtown venue. It was always Easter weekend so the judge tables all had Easter baskets on them. The show site eventually changed to the fairgrounds, then the kennel club got absorbed into the cluster held at the state fairgrounds in Springfield. Never been to Canton, although that's about 1-1/2 hour south of me. Going past the sign for Clinton always unsettled me since there is a Clinton, Iowa just a stone's throw across the river from me, and a nuke plant near that as well, on the Illinois side. Six years on a submarine ... yikes. Before college, I worked for the federal government. There was a strict dress code that women wore skirts/dresses. When that changed so women were allowed to wear pants suits as long as they were matching top and bottom, I was the first to wear one, and yes, it had matching top and bottoms. The head of the department where I worked laid into me for having the gall to wear pants to work and said so many horrible things to me, I spent the day in the bathroom crying my eyes out. Other men in the department griped at me when I wore longer skirts, they wanted me back in those minis and bending over in front of them and they made no secret about how unhappy they were with midi skirts AND pants suits, which eventually did catch on. There was no such thing as sexual harassment back then. We women just had to suck it up and try to live and get along in a man's world and tolerate everything that was said to and about us. When I was 15 I was sexually assaulted by a man who kept his ponies at the same farm where I kept my horse. I managed to fight him and break away, but I never told anyone for oh so many reasons. So yeah, I'm very sensitive to offensive comments about women and what they wear (Mayim) and hateful comments about women who have been abused, like it's their fault. What happened to me scarred me for life and is just as real today as it was all those decades ago. On a happier note, Happy National Cheeseburger Day everyone. Find a special at your fav restaurant!
  16. My 2/5 week: 1. The 13 Colonies. What? Rhode Island was one of the 13 colonies? Who knew. 2. Scientific Etymology. You mean I have to name TWO scientists? Gah. 3. Authors. An easy one ... Lewis Carroll 4. The 21st Century. That has to be Malala, no last name needed. 5. 19th Century U.S. Politics. Thanks former president for loving this president who ruled as a dictator.
  17. Not a fit, not a problem. Icing optional but delicious. Shape also optional since I happen to be at T42 as well and with me there cookies will disappear faster than anyone can tell what shape they used to be.
  18. As someone posted on TJF, it would be awesome for Matt to win his 75th game with Ken as host. I'd pay money to see that. Thanks for that great clip @ams1001. That made me laugh so early in my morning.
  19. I thought FJ was going to be a fail until I remembered the fascination a former president had/has with this former president. Then it was a no brainer. So yeay me for paying attention to current events.
  20. week 1 • Sept. 13, 2021 — NO asterisk 1. The 13 Colonies. Founded by an advocate of religious freedom, it was the site of America’s first Baptist church & oldest synagogue. 2. Scientific Etymology. 2 of the 3 men for whom armalcolite, a dark gray mineral discovered in 1969, is named 3. Authors. In addition to knowing many languages & making up his own, he also taught language at the Universities of Leeds & Oxford 4. The 21st Century. In 2009 this 11-year-old started posting on BBC’s Urdu language website under the screen name Gul Makai. 5. 19th Century U.S. Politics. Named after a U.K. political party that helped depose a king, the U.S. Whig Party was formed to oppose this man.
  21. I haven't understood the scoring all season but I chalked it up to me not knowing anything about surfing.
  22. I think this is exactly why I was sort of ... meh ... about this episode. It's like the hustler didn't care so yeah, is he really a hustler then? I wonder if hustlers are given instructions or just allowed to do whatever. I'm kinda thinking it's the second choice.
  23. I'm another one who has heard about molasses in January but I forgive all three players for not knowing what's in my brain since I don't know a fraction of what's in theirs. Ouch to your teacher saying that's a dead lamb with the shaking tail. Although thinking about it, having raised sheep for a number of years, my lambs didn't have any tails to shake past a few days of age. My mom told this joke when I was so young. I didn't understand it until I was much older. Three moles are in their burrow. One sticks his head out and says, "I smell pancakes." The second mole sticks his head out and says "I smell pancakes." The third mole can't get past the other two. He says "I smell molasses." I first heard the phrase about coals to Newcastle from J! and this thread. But when the clue was replayed on the tournament rerun, I STILL couldn't answer it. Short-term memory loss.
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