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Everything posted by Smad

  1. They way they have tried to tackle toxic masculinity this Season leaves a lot to be desired. What's weird about what he said about Hughie and Kimiko, none of it is gender specific. You can have a female character doing it for the reasons Hughie (according to Kripke) did it. No one would call it toxic masculinity then...would it be toxic femininity? Is that even a thing? Just like you can have a male character doing it for the reasons Kimiko did it. He should fix his female characters more than anything. A lot of them are mothers falling victim to men (Stilwell, Becca, Monique, Victoria). The others are supes who also happen to be the only supes with a conscience (Annie, Kimiko, Maeve). We have had one male supe so far (Sonic) who seemed to be a good person and he was killed off quick. Sure we had some female supes who are crappy people (Stormfront, Crimson, the female twin), But in a show where the ratio of male characters to female characters is overwhelmingly in favor of the former, it's a little antiquated that only the latter seem to have any morality. His need to keep Deep and A-Train around, despite both of them being useless and a waste of screen time because they provide nothing to the story's narrative, is something I would like to have a word with Kripke about. While he has been neglecting Maeve for the entirety of the show despite her being the perfect parallel storyline to Annie (similar to how HL and Butcher are).
  2. There is a reason why his supe name is ironic. Because he ain't deep. What you see is what you get, same with A-Train. Which is why I consider both a giant waste of screen time. But the show goes out of it's way to continuously save A-Train's life. And they apparently love sea life porn jokes so Deep ain't going anywhere.
  3. First of all I doubt she would know the SB/HL/Ryan connection. Second, Ryan was actually born with powers. Vic's daughter was not so there is no guarantee that when you shoot her up with compound V, she will get any useful powers. And even if her daughter has powers, that is no guaranteed survival strategy. HL could probably laser someone from orbit. All this does is screw up her daughter's life. Unless the point of the show is that there are no decent parents, whether they are supes or regular people. Name one decent parent on this show. I guess Monique would count but Todd is a freaking tool so she is just inviting trouble into her and her daughter's life. Hughie's dad seems like the best dad on the show except he screwed up his son a little too. MM seemed like a great dad too until his issues were dialed up to 11 this Season.
  4. I want to know what the situation there is in general. Why give the girl V? From the videos of young Vic she really seemed to resent her powers. Then as an adult she felt used by Stan. Why would you inflict that on your own child? First she has no guarantee the V won't kill her. Then she has no idea what powers her daughter will get. What if she gets deformities ala Deep (gills)? What if her powers are debilitating in every day life? What if Vought comes knocking? Or Butcher? Other than her daughter maybe having some kind of terminal illness (of which there has been no hint at all), why would Vic do it? I doubt it's for the reason Annie's mom did it. I just don't get it.
  5. I'd love to know if Maeve is just biding her time for the right moment to escape. Because that cell does not look like it could hold her. There is glass in the middle of the door for crying out loud. And the guards are puny humans it seems. So even if the walls are too thick to punch through and the door made of such thick metal she can't just punch the door out...punch through the glass. Vought's prison designs are really stupid, first there was Annie's last Season and now this one.
  6. Hughie is currently the Sam Winchester of this show. The former moral compass with an inferiority complex who gets seduced by power so he can punch in the big league. He's even getting his dose of demon blood, I mean temp V. Butcher is a mix of Ruby and Lucifer. It's funny how many people are poo, pooing Annie and MM for not being into Scorched Earth and the collateral damage that comes with it. Cheering on the future villains, how ironic. There is no difference between Hughie/Butcher and the villains as far as I can see. I hope Kripke sees it through to that natural progression, otherwise it would be disappointing. Liberty/Stormfront is absolutely Homelander's mommy. They didn't put in SB mentioning her and the Maeve 'egg harvest' for nothing. Plus Homie likes getting it on with his mommy figures so it would bring that chapter full circle. I hope Kripke turns this father/son thing on it's head at the last minute. Once SB knows and is over the 'I'm a daddy, yay' phase, he takes a good look at HL and discards him. We already know he thinks the cape is a dumbass move. And he wanted sons and raise them to be 'real men'. HL's insecurities, cape wearing and need to be loved absolutely makes him a sissy. I fear for poor Ryan though because neither of these two guys should get a hold of him.
  7. Aww isn't Homie such a nice guy? Instead of literally raping the woman this time, he is just going to medically rape her. Swell guy. Really, show? At this point I hope Maeve dies next episode. I'm so done with her only being used as Homelander's chew toy for 3 Seasons. Of course SB is HL's daddy. Totally predictable since they need to stall the inevitable. Black Noir...that was certainly a reveal I didn't see coming. Cartoon characters? He really got screwed up.
  8. I think the difference between Cindy and VN is that VN seems to make things explode from the inside. Cindy's powers work from the outside. They probably also differ in that VN expands things until they pop whereas Cindy compresses things. We also don't know if VN's powers work on non-living things the way Cindy's do.
  9. I don't want it either but this show is out of options. They are not going to off/depower Homelander this Season. They showed that a couple supes powerful enough can take him on. So he needs back up. Soldier Boy would need a good reason not to follow through on the deal he made with The Boys (guy wanted kids after all). So they will go there. And probably add Ryan eventually for the generational storytelling where grandpa-son-grandson are one unit. It's Supernatural all over again. You start with a few demons in S1 and by S5 you got big bad angels and God. And just like there you will ask the question over and over: Why are these Boys (and everyone else) still alive? Not that people haven't been asking that since S1 already but you get the point.
  10. Pretty sure the most thankless role on this show is Queen Maeve. Chace Crawford at least gets screen time. And he will continue until the end of the show because they just love to make fun of this doofus. Sure it's a thankless role (and I consider the Deep a giant waste of screen time) but at least he gets things to do, dumb as they may be. Maeve on the other hand would have been such a fascinating character to explore but the showrunners don't want to. Never did. They know what they wanted from the Deep as a character but with Maeve they had/have no clue what to do. Which makes it the most thankless role IMO.
  11. I only want Jack on screen if the scene with him is Amara clawing her way out and disposing of Marti Stu Baby Jesus' body forever.
  12. Look at the different upper arm sizes in the trailer. If you don't see a difference, then I don't know what to tell you. I don't give a damn about someone's body, male or female. The fact that the males in Disney Marvel have been exploited as hell is strangely something no one discusses. It's all about the poor women (and I say that as a woman myself). I care about integrity. Both of the characters and the people making the movie. Give me an out of shape or over weight super hero (I would love it). So long as their character has integrity I don't care what they look like, male or female. Don't have a man be Taskmaster and when the helmet comes off, it's a woman. Either have a woman in that suit full time or make the Taskmaster male. Have Natalie Portman beef up to as much as she is capable and work with that. But for anyone who watched this trailer more thoroughly, you can see they used CGI because the arm sizes vary greatly. And it's utterly unnecessary because she gets super powers. My problem with the female characters is that they are utterly reprehensible people and I'm supposed to be cheering for them. And so many people don't see a problem with that. Give me a female character with integrity, that's all I'm asking. I don't care what they look like.
  13. If nothing else, this movie will make for an awesome drinking game. 'Take a drink every time Marvel forgets to CGI giant arms on Jane.' Considering it happened already in the trailer, the chances for liver poisoning look good. So this movie is not going to deal with the crap Valkyrie has done? She abandoned Asgard and it's people for thousands of years (Thor is 1500 years old and the Valkyries have already reached legend status when he was young) and now gets to be their reigning queen...sorry king (guess sex change operation is in store as well)? Not to mention that she spend thousands of years as a slave trader, selling innocent beings to a fighting ring which was a death sentence for them. Marvel's female characters are truly a marvel at this point. The many they try to pass of as good or heroes or that should be forgiven are actually utter scum, lacking morals and ethics or outright villains.
  14. Oh absolutely. I don't buy it and that AMC was basically like...well Carol won't be in it because of MMB (so blame her). And nothing in regards to Reedus has anything to do with it, nuh uh. Nope. Now don't get me wrong, something could be up with MMB aside from not wanting to relocate. From what I understand she was barely in the second third of this current Season so who knows. But I don't believe in coincidences at all. This spin-off was announced how long ago? Before the pandemic even? That's over 2 years ago. During all this time nothing was said about it except for the *travel the country* part. But certainly not to travel Europe or just shooting in Europe. If that were the case I would imagine MMB would have opted out right there. And if a 'creative decision' announcement had come right after TWD: World Beyond ended (because of the cliffhanger), no one would be making a fuss except for fans expressing their disappointment that Carol won't be in it. But they want me to believe that it's just a fluke that this announcement comes right after Norman's SO got a job in Europe? And that no one is to blame (except maybe MMB but definitely not AMC or NR) and it's just a coincidence? Yeah, no. And JDM needs to stay off Twitter. He could use the platform to rally for better pay for the female cast members (wonder how much more he is getting paid than Lauren in their spin-off. Instead of saying Negan isn't a rapist and defending his buddy that gets millions blown up his ass by AMC (and therefor can afford to live wherever and just up and leave) and pointing the finger at MMB again. Stop smelling your own farts dude.
  15. I doubt it will take place in America but just filmed in Europe. They put in that cliffhanger at the end of World Beyond and they will have to pay it off somehow. This way they won't have to make an actual TWD show centered around an entire European cast but can have one of their established characters go across the pond. Who knows though, you couldn't pay me enough to watch a show about Squinty McUnwashed. Well maybe if they paid me as much as Reedus I would have the show on while I sleep. I got no interest in a show about McRapey and the woman who was assassinated to make him look great either. Just let this damn franchise die already...
  16. This is all on Norman Reedus probably. Kind of shitty of him to screw over a close friend (Melissa) and the entire film crew. And AMC for caving into their dirty, unwashed 'cash cow'. There is no way that 2 years ago the plan was for them to go to Europe. Otherwise MMB would have opted out right there. Norman's significant other is from Europe so they probably want to move there permanently, hence he most likely requested the change of location. MMB has lived where she lives since the 80's or so, of course she is not going to relocate to another continent for a show that might even just make it one Season. And she isn't getting any younger either so why bother.
  17. Wonder if they will touch on the big part the angels played in regards to their relationship or if the show will just ignore that and retcon it. It wouldn't surprise me if they did. After all this is Supernatural where retcons have retcons have retcons. But it's a fact that John and Mary actually hated each other (when they had free will) and the angels send a cupid to them to force them to fall in love so they could give birth to Sam and Dean.
  18. But that was all Steve's fault because he hit it and quit it and never cared that Sharon was left no options after helping Steve rescue the actual love of his life. Just like Steve was an ignorant a-hole because he didn't look into history and find out about the black man who was used and abused, wearing his mantle and having his powers. The MCU citizens might have Rogers the Musical but the MCU writers have fun destroying his character. Just like with Tony Stark, the billionaire who apparently didn't pay anyone and who didn't have any securities in place for the bodies of dead Avengers (how on Earth did SWORD get Vision with Tony around?) or the Avengers compound (how the hell did items from there end up in black market auctions?). Natasha Romanoff doesn't exist to the MCU citizens (except for a tiny mention in Far From Home) apparently and her movie destroyed her entire character (too many wtfs to name). Thor's entire arc was already crapped over in IW/EG so 50/50 on whether Thor 4 will be worse or better for him. Loki was made a freaking joke and embarrassment in his own show. Sharon is a tiny drop compared to what they did to the main characters. Someone further down explained it complete with the tweet link. Yelena won't take up the mantle but do her own thing, which is fine. Just funny how even Falcon, a secondary Avenger, is going to get a legacy character (who will carry the name). Easy when now female character are actually allowed to be more than a one note stereotype. All female characters from the early days, with the exception of Darcy and Jane from the Thor movies, were all the same character with only minor differences. In the rest of the movies Pepper, Natasha, Gamora, Maria Hill, Nebula, Peggy Carter etc were all the same. They are all serious, competent, focused, humorless and have the least ego. Pepper was sometimes allowed to badly spar verbally with Tony and screaming uselessly and Nebula had a lot of rage but other than that nothing distinctive. Natasha and Gamora are literally the same exact character. And once you have established these characters, there is no way to significantly change them. It's now easy for people to fawn all over the likes of Kate or Yelena when female characters are now allowed to have character and poo poo all over how much better they are than their previous counterparts/generation. Well duh. Except no one seem to think that this character literally makes no sense considering her background. But I guess most people don't tend to think too deeply about how damaged and non-functioning someone would be coming out of a lifetime of psychological conditioning and eventual mind-control. Yelena shouldn't even be able to function once the mind-control stops, she certainly wouldn't turn into a quipping jokester. Freaking fanfic writers understand this but not the people writing for Marvel currently. Not surprising considering they seem to lack ethics and morals, any understanding about basic human function and are focused on destroying now dead characters.
  19. I'm still waiting for the MCU citizens to recognize Natasha Romanoff. It's such bs that she is the only Avenger to be disrespected like that in universe. And the only one not to get a legacy character or something similar either, seeing as Feige said Yelena won't be the next BW. The only Marvel content to not completely screw over, ignore or character assassinate Natasha post Infinity War was a freaking animated one (What If...?). And that was different universes...
  20. The reason for the Reapers was them being part of a regular Season. They had half of S11 written and ready to shoot when the axe came from AMC that TWD main show was cancelled. They had no time to rewrite that part and probably did as much as they could while shooting it. So either it got lost in all the havoc or the Reapers were supposed to be there all of S11 and eventually their reasons were going to be revealed. But they had to do away with them quickly once the axe came down so some things are now left unexplained.
  21. They planned the Time Heist, for which he was there for, so he does know which year everyone traveled to. And even if he doesn't guess the year, their Thanos was dead so this one could only have come from the past. 'Send them back where they cam from' or 'send them back to their year' still seems more likely than 'everyone fighting with Thanos'.
  22. I still have no idea how Gamora could possibly be part of this movie unless it's flashbacks of her that the characters have. When Tony did the snap in Endgame, I only see two options as to what he did. He either 'send everything that came from 2014 back to 2014' or 'destroy everything that came from 2014'. Tony had no idea that Gamora was there so he wouldn't have made an exception. Which means that 2014 Gamora is either dead or went back to her timeline. So there shouldn't be a Gamora in the current timeline that the group can look for.
  23. Because Yelena fought her. Her going inside with a gun pointed at Yelena made sense given that she didn't know 'who' she was going to encounter (like a widow-ed Yelena). But she told Yelena to stay down at the beginning of the fight but Yelena wouldn't stop. That actually makes sense when you connect it to her biological mother. She asked Dreykov what her mother's name was and he described to her where she was buried. That doesn't mean Nat is buried where her mother is but it's a similar place. I was actually expecting Yelena to ask Nat whether she got something extra in the Red Room or from her time in SHIELD. Which would also have given the audience an explanation as to how Nat can take so much damage. It's really obvious in this movie especially when compared to Yelena who seems way more fragile. Harbor's character made no sense. We start with him as serious, competent, intelligent enough, calm and collected character (in the flashbacks at the beginning). We get to him in present time and he is an incompetent, unfunny idiot.
  24. How can Geralt be confident he can protect her though? They made it clear that these are monsters not native to their sphere. And even the monsters in their sphere are changing. What if slicing a monster in half doesn't kill it but it creates two of the same? Or you wound one like the chernobog but it's blood is acid or lava or some such? Only reason the monster bait doesn't go sideways is because Geralt is a protagonist and he's supposed to be flawless in this Season. I personally would feel way more betrayed by the guy who was my father for a century than some woman I have had a couple one night stands with for the past 6 years (which until they reveal the wish could very well be rape). And if you forgive your father immediately for doing way worse, then some chick you slept with a couple times should be even easier to forgive. But that might just be how I would feel.
  25. What did Yen actually do? She mislead Ciri about Geralt being a prisoner at Cintra to bring her to VM. Which she backed out of at the last second anyway. That's basically it. Geralt actually went through with using Ciri as monster bait which was especially dangerous as these were all new monsters for which witchers didn't know the method of killing. He would have continued giving her herbs and mushrooms. And he would have continued to ignore Ciri's existence. Maybe he would have cared once he heard about Cintra falling, whenever that would have been, but we will never know. Triss will get off without consequences despite ratting Ciri's powers out to Tissaia and therefor Vilgefortz. Vesemir already got instant forgiveness for trying his best to kill Ciri for half the Season. Geralt has amnesia about his own misdeeds. The only bad guy here is Yen, clearly. I'm not sure if the guy is in love with her. Letting an elf racist know she is part elf, telling her she isn't beautiful in their breakup argument, being mad that he lost out on the new hot version of her when she entered the ball post transformation and disrespecting her wish not to use Yenna...doesn't exactly scream love to me personally.
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