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Everything posted by Smad

  1. Henry actually took a pay cut to play Geralt because he loved the character so much and he really wanted the part. But this news doesn't shock me. Henry has been saying constantly he wants the show to stick closer to the source material. The showrunner has been lying about sticking to the source material. She has used this show for her own virtue signaling and nepotism (the writers were friends of hers) and nothing else. I always knew that unless he was locked down in a 5 Seasons contract, Henry would eventually pull out. Plus this really surprised no one after a writer just a few days ago came out and said the writers on the show actively hated the games/books and would make fun of them. Now he got Superman back (with a massive paycheck probably and the guarantee for a faithful character representation) so he said 'goodbye'.
  2. Daemon's fireproof-ness is even stronger than Dany's. Whenever she had to go through fire, her clothes burned off. As they should. But Dameon emerges fully clothed from passing through dragon fire and he isn't naked? That's some serious magic there Daemon. Can he extend that into a fireproof force field or something in the coming battles? Would be helpful.
  3. So it looks like by episode 19 they will have brought the after credit scene from TWD:WB Finale into this show. Guess those of us who speculated that the Primrose team was in Commonwealth were right.
  4. Guess you missed GOTG 1 and especially GOTG 2. And there has been plenty with other male characters, they just didn't bother to have a running commentary about it. It was just...there. Didn't remember which one it was but thanks for the correction. I'm sorry but this character sounds crazy. Nothing wrong with calling out things a woman can experience. But in a universe that has Natasha Romanoff, Gamora, Nebula and Yelena Belova in it...a woman equating catcalling and mansplaining (aka the worst to ever happen to this character apparently) to being murdered is so beyond bonkers. These 4 women suffered through decades of abuse and lived with the possibility of actually being killed pretty much every single day. Hell you could even add Wanda to this list (growing up in a poor, war torn country/parents tragically dying/loosing her brother). If Marvel wants to make a show to specifically tackle actual issues women face in daily life then by all means go for it. But for God's sake, take the kids gloves off and dispense with the nonsense.
  5. But then how about some equality? Women can be abusers and commit sexual assault as well. Ask a male bartender how grabby women can get when they have a few. I believe the only Marvel product to have something approaching that was Ms. Marvel with the abusive mother. But I love Jen equating catcalling and mansplaining to murder (hope no one tells her almost 80% of homicide victims are male). She says that to the guy who was severely abused by his father. Who had to watch his abusive father murder his mother. That the reason Hulk comes out via anger and why he is a separate entity is all tied to Bruce's childhood trauma. That Bruce gets blamed for everything Hulk does and often has to live in hiding or being hunted by the army. But yes Jen, mansplaining is more horrifying and dangerous than anything Bruce ever went through.
  6. She-Hulk writers: 'We have no idea about lawyers or courtrooms or anything. We also didn't consult with someone who does know.' There is your clue #1 as to her 'skill'. Clue #2...you have met Jen, that's all the clues you need. If you want to see an actual kick ass female lawyer and how they conduct themselves, watch some Camille Vasquez. Better to let your family member die then I guess.
  7. I'm not just talking about the driving scene here. There were many others cliche stereotypes displayed by Jen during the episode. But I'm not looking to convince anyone. I just see things differently. And I ask for better writing from Marvel both for story and character in these projects because I know it an be done. Other people don't see anything wrong or don't care and that's fine.
  8. Except it is, so much of Jen is a cliché of bad sexist stereotypes. I guess we are also going to ignore the fact that she didn't watch the road and saw the big spaceship because she was too busy displaying another cliché with 'women are gossips'. Quite frankly she could have driven under the ship, there seemed be enough room. Jen is a terribly written character displaying so many sexist clichés but hey, to each their own I guess. She is also utterly unbelievable as a lawyer, she would not make it a day in the courtroom. Hell she probably wouldn't pass the bar to begin with. I guess it's too much to ask these days to get well written characters. My bad.
  9. She needed a life saving blood transfusion from someone with similar blood (aka family), so there was no other choice than Bruce. But apparently one family member saving another makes one 'irresponsible'. It's much more responsibly done in this show though. What with Jen fulfilling the cliché of 'women can't drive', getting into an accident and almost killing another family member and because of that getting infected. Total improvement.
  10. I applaud the show for giving the main character every negative, sexist stereotype that is ascribed to women. Probably the only funny thing in this show so far.
  11. Unless I remember it wrong (could be since I barely paid attention to this nonsense movie), didn't Thor and Valkyrie know that the bifrost can take you to Eternity?
  12. So Thor , during Infinty War, could have just gone to the 'Make a Wish Foundation' and wished Thanos out of existence or something? And none of the horrors the universe had to go through because of the snap needed to happen. Got it.
  13. There is no way Vought wasn't in control of whatever happened in Russia. Compound V is their most prized product and they have been very secretive and careful so it doesn't fall into other hands. Remember how Stan Edgar was like 'Idiot Homelander, you let our formula get out' when HL was making supe terrorists. Why would Vought risk the Russians replicating it? Or just using SB's sperm to make a breeding program? And clearly experiments were done to SB as we saw in video footage. It would not surprise me if Vought used Russia because they would have a harder time doing this in America. And because of the Cold War it was even more ideal of a location. I wonder if SB always had that blast ability (did they tell us?) or if it's a result of the experiments. It could very well be they were trying to create an actual weapon that replicated the depowering effect. Since I wonder wth Stan's plan was to be out of the supe business. They were still injecting babies with Compound V in S1. And the only ways to not have supes is to either not giving anyone Compound V anymore and wait till they all die off (good luck since some of them can probably live centuries) or to fry the V out of them. How was he planning to be out of the supe in 5 years?
  14. For me, that was always the obvious route with Butcher. He would be the final villain. He, just like Homelander, should be getting more unhinged the longer he can't kill HL. He eventually gets to the point where even his own team says 'this is too far' and leave him. Then nothing is holding him back and no one to pull him back and he becomes what he hates (full on HL 2.0). And then it's Butcher vs his former team which IMO would be so much more emotional and so much better drama. Butcher's life is a tragedy, nothing wrong with seeing that through to the end. This was not supposed to be a happy ending show after all. See I would have even been fine with a HL that is not depowered. So long as the other characters stay true to themselves and their goal. They could easily excuse the blast not working on Homelander with 'he didn't get his powers from V'. They could say that SB burns the V out of a person rather than the general superpowers. Neither HL nor Ryan got their powers from V, so if the goal was to keep the status quo alive, make it so SB's blast doesn't work on them. But have the protagonists follow through on their mission/plan and then deal with it having failed. Instead all they have achieved is making The Boys team complicit in every life HL will end up taking.
  15. That's the point of Ashley. She absolutely has humanity. But that will never win out over her desire to be on top or in power. Someone who is willing to destroy themselves for that, they are beyond help or redemption. That makes no sense because the obvious solution here is gunning after Maeve before she can do anything. You don't wait for your opponent, especially if said opponent can go on live tv at any moment and spill ALL the beans. She can tell the truth about Soldier Boy and also why she was held captive, the plane crash and any number of things from the past. Not to mention Ashley knows that if HL finds out she knew about Maeve but kept it to herself, she is royally screwed.
  16. If that was the case, then the director did a terrible job. Ashley had several instances over the Seasons where in the moment you can see some humanity come through. It's just that her desire for power and fear of her higher ups makes it so that we don't get more than glimpses. In this episode, when they were gassing Maeve's holding cell, Deep and Ashley were standing there. Ashley actually mouthed 'I'm sorry' through the window. The face she had when watching the video was not showing the motivation you guys ascribe to it. If I was supposed to read that as 'yay perfect PR for us if I delete this', then the director really screwed up. Earlier in an episode, when SL confronted Ashley about Maeve's whereabouts, Ashley at first was going to tell SL what happened. But then she pulled herself back and shut up because 'I'm the one in power bitch'. I have no sympathy for Ashley either because she makes the choices she does. And she is willing to even damage herself (bye bye hair) and endure endless threats from HL, all for prestige and power.
  17. I don't want to give the writers any credit here (because writing was so bad this episode) but it brings Maeve/Ashley full circle from last Season. Remember when Elena left and Maeve drowned herself in alcohol, drugs and a threesome? Ashley walked in on her in bed with those guys and berated Maeve with 'this is not lesbian!'. Maeve, while in tears, said to Ashley 'for once in your life, be a fucking human being'.
  18. She discovered it for 20 seconds. I didn't say the entire episode. But those 20 seconds...shocked me to my core.
  19. Most shocking thing in this episode, at least for me, will always be Ashley discovering humanity.
  20. How would that rally the troops? Hughie - dating a supe Frenchie - dating a supe Butcher has actually stopped saying 'genocide' in front of his troops. He constantly said it in S1. And it's because half his team is dating supes that he has backed off. But Maeve is a safe bet to whom who can say that. So he hasn't changed his opinion at all.
  21. He has not changed his opinion. In the episode where he banged Maeve, he said again that ALL supes have to go. The only reason why he protects Ryan is because he's his last link to Becca. And HL is the biggest threat, as long as he is in play Butcher will focus on that. Because HL is one of the few supes who if he catches scent of supes dropping, might interfere. He's priority number #1 (unless Ryan gets in the middle and hypocrite Butcher's comes out to play). Not to mention that it's been said that every supe requires a different method. The show, and therefor Butcher, don't got time for that. But if HL was dealt with, Butcher would go after more. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if he didn't. If he doesn't mean that all of them have to go, why continue to say it?
  22. I was thinking about that earlier today. How did SB end up with Grace? I don't think Grace knew what was going to happen at the tower since Butcher refused her call. And I'm sure she is pissed at Butcher that HL has Ryan now largely because of Butcher. She might have heard over the great vine about Vought tower being evacuated since she probably figured HL would take Ryan there so she kept an eye and ear out. But still, she would need a team, the nerve gas and equipment to take him from Vought and secure him. Would he even have been unconscious? And you would need supes to restrain him if he wasn't. It's just one of those things the writers didn't want to address and didn't think through IMO.
  23. For me what was poor storytelling was the deliberate way they kept MM and SL away from SB. Same with Kimiko and Frenchie's side plot. SL only knows stories second hand and MM would probably not change his mind no matter how much contact he had with SB. But if they don't have exposure to SB, their opinions can remain unchanged. Did they even know that the building and Herogasm wasn't deliberate? But they need to believe, for the Finale, that SB is somehow worse (which I still don't see why they think that but whatever show) and prioritize him over HL. So they need to be kept apart from SB.
  24. Butcher has said since S1 that all supes have to go. He said it again this Season. Replace superpowers with skin color. Would you still say it's not racist wanting to, for example, genocide all black people? Or if you don't want racism, how about super powers = disability? Would it be alright if he advocated the death of everyone with a certain disability? For Butcher it doesn't matter if a supe is a good person or a bad one, they all have to go. Remember when he wanted just his wife back last Season and ditch Ryan just because Ryan was a supe? He only changed his mind because of Becca. Only reason he would think twice about offing SL and Kimiko are Hughie and Frenchie, take those guys away and Butcher would have no trouble getting rid of them. Just because they are supes. HL literally calls supes a different breed. And just like Stormfront wants his own breeding program. He wants a master race. I don't think I have to mention the historic parallels here? Humans are mud people but for now he needs them to satisfy his need to be loved/worshipped. If there were enough supes to worship him, he would have no need for that other breed known as humans.
  25. Maybe someone from the creative team takes a peek at Reddit. We aren't the only ones complaining about the Finale. Only morons listen to the social media echo chamber. Of course Reddit isn't perfect since sometimes it takes Seasons until the people who complain aren't downvoted into oblivion and even the last idiot can't deny the travesty anymore (*cough* GoT *cough*).
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