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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. They probably had a 2 year contract in place for s 14 and 15. It sounds like the network was trying to negociate 16 and 17 when they pulled the plug.
  2. I think they could have done so much more with Mary. They had an interesting scenario with her coming back to grown sons she didn't know. Dean only having vague memories of the perfect mom. But as usual they didn't know what to do with this and Mary came across as very selfish and uncaring. I truly believe even if she hadn' died she would have left eventually. I would have liked to see her get to know her sons again. Its a great opportunity to dive into the Winchester past. Like why not write and ep where we see her trip to Lawrence. She could meet some hunters who knew John and get a real sense of what life was like for Sam and Dean growing up. They could give Cas more of a story line about trying to fix heaven and figure out how to keep the lights on. They could have delved more into history of the bunker and he Men of Letters or hunting. We could have had some flashback eps with Pastor Jim, or Caleb or Joshua. People Sam and Dean haven mentioned. Lets see a flashback to John's first hunt. I would have been more than okay with Matt Cohen playing him. They could have given Crowley more to do. Make Rowena a regular. Did more with the AU and the AU hunters. Make a couple of them recurring and give them a personality. I thought it would be cool if some of them saw Dean as a threat and they were gashlighting him. I also thought a cool storyline for the final season would be a human big bad. (sort of.). In the form of a reporter. Sam and Dean have died and come back to life so many times, maybe someone wanted to find the real story and everywhere they go they see this person. They could have bought in former guest stars of the people the boys saved and we could see what happened to them. Like what happened to Michael after the Striga. Making it both poignant and meaningful instead of just forced like it feels now. TL/DR: The show has such a rich history of characters and storylines any one of them could have been explored rather than bringing a character to just do a poor retelling of Sam's story. Jensen talked about this. He said they had to find a balance between what Jensen and Jared wanted and how many eps the network needed to make it feasible economically.
  3. My only thought is that Jared's slip at comic con isn't that far fetched.
  4. For me its season 11. Dean saved the world with his heart an his compassion. Since he gave Amara what she wanted so she gave him what he wanted. When he got back to the bunker Benny was waiting for him. Dean left Sam a note saying 'gone hunting" threw the shot gun in the trunk and told Benny "we got work to do." That was exactly the way it happened.
  5. Its been this way all season. In the Rowena ep, where she says no one can go into her apartment, except Sam. Fans were left to guess whether that included Dean and the dialogue never cleared it up. All season long, Dean fans have had to look for ways to include Dean. Even in closing hell, he was given the least to do. Rowena talked about how dangerous it was but in reality, Dean knelt next to the hole. They didn't actually show him getting attacked. It looked like he did nothing. There were a lot of fans who felt that way too considered the number of Dean is useless tweets I saw from Cas fans. The trip to Purgatory doesn't' change if Dean wasn't there. Despite that fact that it was Dean that killed Eve, she wanted Cas. If Dean wasn't in this season the only think the writers would have to rewrite was someone else kneeling next to the hole. Even the one ep Dean got focus, it was a one off and not related to the plot. Also was Dean able to fight Lee because Chuck wanted him too? Apparently he cant' fight on his own. While this season isn't all that Sam positive either at least the writers are giving him the little moments. Want to bet that when it come time to make the big "we are the writers of our own story speech' when it counts its given to Sam.
  6. I don't think this was either. Dean couldn't fix the car he spent the majority of his life time maintaining. Dean might have won but he killed a cancer patient and didn't seem to care. Are we supposed to believe Dean cared about people only because Chuck wrote him that way? Sam wasn't called a beach read. I don't care if beach reads are popular. They are called beach reads becasue they are quick and light reading and don't require much thought. I'm sorry but there is no way not to see that as an insult at Dean, IMO. She certainly didn't care that Dean said he as Tolstoy. She wanted to play Sam because he was interesting. If a writer wants to send a message that she doesn't' want to play Dean because of his skill, then she should have called Sam the beach read. If its no big deal and not really an insult then it should okay to direct it at Sam. Sam is the one that impressed her enough to give her back their luck. Dean got it back as an afterthought. Sam got the moment where he upped the stakes. Dean got to tack on a "me too" So I really don't see a Dean positive moment. Nothing about this episode changes if Dean wasn't in it. It didn't change the message that Sam and Dean only have skills because someone else granted those to them. The writing made sure people knew Sam was good at spell work. It did nothing like that for Dean.
  7. If this happens, I believe that is where Jensen's words about digesting the ending rather than a snap judgment come in. He's probably worried that if he ends up in purgatory this is how fans will see his character, especially if Jack become NougatGod and doesn't intervene. I wouldn't mind if Dean's heaven looked like Purgatory, especially if Benny was there, but "Nu!lol!Canon! says Dean can't go to Heaven.
  8. And yet they have no problem showing multiple people tying up and beating up Sam, and showing the aftermath. IMO, the real reason has nothing to do with what time the show is on or how old the audience is, and everything to do with the writers either outright disliking the character or not seeing him as significant.
  9. They did this exact same thing in Swan Song. I didn't like it then and I have zero desire to see it now. Dean already told Sam he's better at him then everything and he was proud. So I don't see how Dean doesn't already feel he did good with Sam and that Sam can take care of himself. Don't even get me started on that ridiculous Chief story. Dean has done nothing plot worthy all season. He was given the non-active role in closing hell. He knelt by a hole. He's had to grovel and beg forgiveness for being upset Cas lied and got his mom killed. He's the butt of just about every joke. He doesn't' get to save people anymore. He doesn't even have his instincts. Sam was the one who felt something wasn't right in Atomic Monsters, and and ep 5. Sam was the one who upped the stakes last episode. No, the writing isn't good for either brother right now but at least the digs aren't aimed his character and his character isn't told how dumb he is every ep. Even Chuck made sure to mention that Sam's affinity for spell work was all him. At least the writers are making an effort with Sam, even if its minimal. He had 3 different storylines. The God one, Eileen and Rowena. He even gets to name and talk about his traumas. Deans- well he went to purgatory and it effected him, so he had to go back because he went to purgatory and it effected him. When asked if Dean traumas are going to be addressed, Dabb said no. Dean couldn't even get a kid named after him despite Garth not even meeting Cas, and having the closest relationship with Dean.
  10. Its only Dean these insults are directed at. Its becoming more blatent and more frequent in every ep.
  11. Do they even have Veto power? I remember there was the wascaly wabbit line Jared didn't want to say but the writer wouldn't budge and I remember them having to come back to Vancouver because Adam Glass wanted them to film Dean liking Taylor Swift. If Jensen had veto power we might have gotten more Michael. I do remember Jensen saying how everyone loved the ending and he didn't want to be the odd man out. Sometimes I wish he'd be less of a team player. Based on sighting and scuff level they were both in Austin all last week. Based on the picture Radio company posted in their instastory Jensen flew back yesterday which leaves Jensen with about two days of filming. Not sure about Jared, but he was spotted in Austin on Friday at a charity event. But Jensen flew back commercial based on the pic. Not sure where JP is at the moment. I was kind of hoping that maybe two Jared and Jensen light eps might be because they're trying to conserve filming days so they can have a heavier presence toward the end.
  12. In Dabb's comics, I think Sam was 7 and could outshoot Dean who spent a lot of time complaining the rifle was too heavy.
  13. https://tvline.com/2020/02/03/supernatural-season-15-episode-16-new-young-sam-dean/ This would have excited me at one time but im sure these current writers will screw it up.
  14. I had this weird thought that is 100% wrong but I was watching Dean's tap dancing scene again (the only scene worth watching) and my mind immediately jumped to a way that scene could be significant in the fight against Chuck. When I was watching that Wild Hearts Can't be Broken video that was linked in the fan fiction thread, with bits of Dean dancing in between being controlled. It made me think of that old movie, Village of The Damned. Its an old movie staring Christopher Reeve and Kristy Alley about a group of alien children who can read peoples thoughts and control their actions. I'll spoiler tag the next part. In the movie
  15. Thinking about what various things Jensen, Jared and Misha have said about the finale. For me the biggest thing that sticks out is Jensen saying he hopes fans will not make a snap judgment and will take time to digest the finale. That seems to suggest that Dean does something or ends up somewhere that may paint him in a negative light. This is what give me the most anxiety. Jensen said he had trouble digesting the finality. Misha said that it was both a happy and sad ending. Jared said he liked the peace when you are done aspect. There was Jared's words at comic con. (I won't say them here. In case it was a major spoiler). Jensen has gone back and forth on whether he wants the brothers alive or dead at the end but it was always the same for both. I think Jack will become the new God and Cas will be his right hand. If they each went their separate ways, with Dean opening a bar and Sam marrying Eileen that, IMO, wouldn't seem to have the finality that bothered Jensen. They could still see each other regularly. So I feel like whatever happens with the brothers they are going to end up separated with one alive and one dead.. I go back and forth on which brother is going to die. But if Dean dies he can't go to heaven because of "new canon" So what if he does end up in purgatory. He may worry that fans will see his character as a "monster" with all the anger issues getting mad at nougat boy. It would also fit with Jensen saying he hope fans take time to think about it. That Dean saw the place as pure and he'd be reunited with Benny (I refuse to believe that Leviathan). Or if Dean survives and its Swan Song 2.0. Dean doesn't make a deal or try anything to bring Sam back, he just goes on with his life.reopens Swayze's, and Lisa walks into the bar, or something. Jensen did not like the domestic Dean storyline. We know that the ep where Sam dies in the AU didn't sit well with Jensen, that he wouldn't leave his brother behind. Both scenarios fit everything we've heard. A scenario I would love that I don't see Dabb doing is that Dean dies in ep 19 and the ending is Dean's funeral with the big party he wanted, and Death trying to convince his spirit to let go. In the end Dean sees Sam is happy and they have a kid named Dean. That could fit too, and Jensen wouldn't have much to do int he finale, just lay there. I can see him having trouble with the finality of that but i can't see him having trouble with a celebration of his character. Although it could be Sam's funeral. That would also fit with the clues
  16. Yuck, which probably means this is exactly what happens.
  17. But at some point the show needs to start building Dean up. It needs to have someone refute these points. *I don't mean this is a bitch vs jerk context, but from a character standpoint. I don't know exactly where the bitch/jerk line is with regards to this so I'm going to just strongly disagree because I don't want to cross the line.
  18. Jensen you stayed one season too long. There will be nothing left of Dean by the end of this season.
  19. They literally had Dean say Sam is better than him at just about everything. True but at 14 and half years in its sad that Dean still thinks he's inferior to Sam. Where is the character growth?
  20. Id disagree. Sam and Dean didn't earn their luck back. They were granted it back because apparently half cowboy/half Christ figure Sam impressed Fortuna (or whatever her name was.) There was nothing I could see in the ep that suggested Sam and Dean always had the skills. It doesn't change the fact that they could only do things becuase Chuck allowed them. If it was walking it back they wouldn't have overcame it on their own rather than having it granted because Sam is a saint.
  21. please tell me this line was not in the actual episode
  22. Every week I become more and more convinced that Jensen is the one that pulled the plug and the writers are punishing him for it.
  23. Im hoping Jensen will be too busy. But as much as I have loved this show over the years its beyond time to put it out of its misery.
  24. You know something is wrong when even Fangasm knows something is up. https://fangasmthebook.com/2020/01/29/supernatural-the-heroes-journey-sort-of/
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