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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. I was also reading that if filming resumes, there would be no love scenes, kissing scenes, or action/fight scenes in order to abide by social distance rules. So basically all eps would be standing around and talking. Which fits with this season. lol
  2. Things in the US seem to be getting worse, not better. So how would it work with actors coming in. Would they have to quarantine for 2 weeks before they even start filming?
  3. I was reading an article from the show runners of Prodigal Son. They had an ending in mind right from the start of the season, and they ended up shooting the finale out of order. Then they went back to their normal schedule. So when it became clear that the virus was going to impact filming. They revamped ep 17 to make it fit the finale and basically scrapped 18 and 19. I wish SPN had done something like that. I'd rather have a definitive ending even if it meant 2 or 3 less eps. Given that nothing has really happened all season, I don't see it being that hard. I know they all want to film the ending, and I know they will do everything in their power to to do so, but nothing is guaranteed. If for some reason it doesn't that means the shows legacy ends on a (not sure if writers for eps are spoilers so tagging just in case. That's worse.
  4. Its a new tattoo, for the twins. It's an arrow going through a Zeppelin knot. He showed it to someone at the brewery. But he never posted a full picture of it. Probably because someone went and had his custom design for JJ done.
  5. FBBC is still paying their employees (as per Gino) so I have no problem if or any other business feel the need to generate income or advertise during all this.
  6. TBF, he's not really promoting it. Its a picture on the FBBC merchandise website that fans found an posted else where. Jensen himself made no tweets about it or posted it on any of his social media. Even the FBBC social media doesn't have that picture promoted.
  7. Watching that it almost sounds like Jensen is throwing shade at the writing. That's how it came across to me. How did they get through that with a straight face. lol
  8. Its possible he hasn't seen it yet, or donated and just didn't bother to post.
  9. Last Holiday- I think this is supposed to be the episode where Sam and Dean meet their friend, the guy who is big on manners. Written by Jeremy Adams (I think that is his last name) Gimme Shelter- I believe this is the Cas centric ep. Not sure who wrote it, but probably Perez. Drag me Away (From you)- Weechester ep written by Dabb's assistant. Unity- No idea what this is about or who wrote it. Maybe Glynn or Perez The Truth- Written by Berens. My guess is its about Jack. This is the ep I believe where Jensen says "stop killing my people." This would be the episode I'm really not looking forward too. Berens is my least favorite writer. I wonder if this is that ep that was refered to that takes in the bunker and is supposed to be five stories in one. 15,19 Inherit the Earth. Dabb is so literal I'm guessing this is where Jack becomes God. Written by Buck/Lemming. You know things are bad when these two are the strongest writers. Carry On- the aftermath of there being no Supernatural creatures left. Sam and Dean trying to figure out their future.
  10. I think it will depend on how long the shut down is. I think everyone has every intention of filming the end, but if pandemic lasts 6-8 months it may not be economically feasible for the CW to restart for 2-3 weeks and get everyone back together. Plus, Jensen will always be a wild card. Jared is contracted to Walker, but that being a CW property it can be postponed. But if Jensen signed, for example, with Sony (purely hypothetical, no knowedge), he may not be allowed to film a for the WB. This is why I think Jared and Jensen haven't said anything. I don't think its conspiracy or that Misha is placating. I think they all want to, but in the end it may not be up to them. I was thinking, I personally hope they do get some kind of ending because if not that means berens wrote the series finale.
  11. One thing I noticed, one of Dean's biggest strengths is his ability to adapt and make the best of things. I love that this showed up in AU Dean too. He grew to like the beer, the clothes and of course the car. I like seeing that this seems to be a consistent trait in all Deans. There was so much of Dean in AU Dean but they were two totally different characters. Jensen really is gifted.
  12. Unfortunately, because of Berens apology scene this will just look more like "character growth" from Dean that he didn't get angry and forgave rather than the anger being justified. It all depends on how the dialogue is framed. Seriously, I wanted to punch Cas when he was talking about Dean. "Give him time" Really Cas, shut up because that is the one thing you never gave him.
  13. How did alt Sam and Dean drive Baby when Dean, Sam, Cas, and Jack drove to the church in it? I didn't hate it, is basically the best thing I can say about an ep these days. AU Sam and Dean were fun. This just tells me once again that I can't wait to see Jensen in a new project. His alt Dean, even when in the flannel was completely different. It was Dean but not Dean at the same time. Even the shirt looked to big, even though it was Deans' shirt. I chuckled at AU Dean getting scared of real Dean about Baby. No one messes with baby. Even Dean. How bad is the writing when Buck/Lemming are the ones to remember canon, and Amara and the balance, and Jack killing Mary. Although there was so much lol Canon with the whole retconing of the Jo/Ruby stuff. Ruby was terrified of Angels. Basically both Ruby and were time wasters. Especially Jo. I like Danneel but Jo is a pointless character. I also Dean's like Dean calling himself dumb or his plan. It wasn't. It was a good idea. I dislike the Jack and Cas show and how once again Sam and Dean were basically just given busy work in their own show. If they aren't in this ep, no key plot points really change. It was nice to see Jack apologize. I just hope they don't make Dean apologize. Shut up Cas. You don't get to talk about Dean and forgiveness after you demanded it. Yes, you are still an idiot and lying and withholding information. This is a sentence I never thought I would write. Buck/Lemming are the best writers they have left. The only eps I thought were okayish were 2, 8 and this one. All written by B/L. And half of ep 7. Low bar
  14. Jensen could end up being a wild card. We don't know what he might be doing. If for example he signed a contract with Sony (this is a hypothetical example, not a hint of anything), he may not be allowed to film for the WB. I think they have every intention of filming but its hard to make a firm commitment with so many things up in the air.
  15. https://ew.com/tv/genevieve-padalecki-supernatural-return-ruby-interview/ Ruby was never a good demon. She only saved them because she needed them alive. She saved Dean as a way to trick Sam.
  16. How does this show always get things so backwards. Ruby was a demon working with Lucifer. Sam didn't betray her. Not even close. I can only imagine how much they are going to retcon. Let me guess the bad ass side is her easily beating up the boys. The vulnerability will be poor poor mis understood Ruby. https://tvline.com/2020/03/22/supernatural-ruby-returns-season-15-genevieve-padalecki-preview/
  17. I saw that the titles of the last two eps are: 19 Inherit the Earth 20 Carry On. Given how literal Dabb is (Jack in the Box), my guess is that spec that Jack becomes the new God and end the need for hunters is right on. Carry on is probably about Sam and Dean trying to figure out what to do now. My guess is Sam becomes some sort of (human) bounty hunter on the road with Eileen. Dabb said something about it not being a rom com ending. And Dean reopening Swayze's. That way the writers completely flip the brothers beginnings. It would also fit with what Jensen said about there being a problem with the show coming back, and Dabb saying it would be "someone else's problem."
  18. Jensen changed his profile pic on instagram. But why did he add an astronaut? Is he hinting at something or is he bored? lol
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