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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. Yeah both versions are supposed to be back. NU and old Charlie along with Nu and old Bobby, because there aren't enough characters crammed into these last episodes already.
  2. Sam hugging Donna looks like a direct copy of when Dean said goodbye to her. Sam looking all beat up at the scene of the final battle. That scene about 50 seconds in, looks very much like Dean is reassuring Sam that he can do it. Jack lying on his bed looking all sad. Dean standing by the car looking all sad. The you've sacrificed for us Dean speeches. It all point in a direction I will be shocked if it doesn't go in.
  3. Still getting major Swan Song vibes
  4. With the soccer game pics, I remember the story that it was a lousy day on set. Basically if things could go wrong they were, so Jensen organized the game to help everyone blow off steam. These are the type of stories that made me a fan of the actor. That and his incredible portrayal of Dean Winchester. I for one can't wait to see him take on the challenge of Soldier Boy.
  5. Interview with Jared and Jensen with the Japanese media. The questions are written in Japanese but based on the answers it isn't hard to figure out the what the gist of the question was. I was distracted when I listed I listed to it and haven't had a chance to watch uninterrupted yet, , but I don't think there is any spoilers, but its possible I missed something.
  6. I'm not sure if this is the pic your referring to, but its not a manip.
  7. For me, I don't need a person to be ripped to be a ladies Man. yup. I actually don't like over large muscles on a guy. But you seem to be judging his physique based on decade old picture. People change a lot during that time. Those soccer pics are from 2010. From the sounds of answers he's given to questions at cons he doesn't seem lazy. When asked how he liked to spend his weekends he said he plays with the kids, goes paddle boarding, swimming, golf etc. They have a home gym we know he uses, because he's posted instagram pics of him running on a tread mill. He's a known avid soul cycler. His instructer dubbed him a front row national rider. (admittedly I'm not familiar with soul cycling but it sounds impressive). As for nutrition he admitted he eats far more like Sam, with smaller lighter meals. When filming he has to run at half speed to the camera crew can keep up with him. So what we seen on screen doesn't always tell the whole story. So he may not have 6 pack abs but he's not out of shape by any means. He just seems to prefer being active, like playing sports of running, or cycling, than hitting the gym. When they were getting the brewery ready to open he helped with a lot of the physical labour. Put the man is not over weight by an definition. I we all have our own definition of attractive. I'm glad because Jensen is it for me. Top picture s15. Bottom s1. If this isn't the definition of aging like fine wine I don't know what is. But to each is own. We agree to disagree.
  8. Press release for ep 16 https://www.spoilertv.com/2020/10/supernatural-episode-1516-press-release.html I wish they hadn't give a flash back ep to Dabb's assistant. She's the one who thought it was a good idea to tell someone to watch the early seasons while cleaning. Sneak Peek. I feel like this small clip is basically everything that is wrong with the writing these days. Jack Jack Jack, and some more Jack with a side of comic relief Dean and Sam researching, and Cas off on an errand. If they want to try and reach Amara why don't they have Dean try and reach her. They have that connection.
  9. They've been doing 2 year renewals. I read somewhere (although no source) that the network really wanted s16 and 17 and were negotiating for it. I think they gave Jensen incentive to sign by misleading him on the Michael storyline by telling him it would last 14 eps. It technically did but Jensen was really only given 1.5 eps to really play the character before iit was dropped and handed off to another character. There was a blind item that went around saying a popular character was leaving his long running series. It was never revealed who it was because it was later retracted saying they agreed to do one more season. I know there was speculation it might have Jensen. But it was never revealed who it was.
  10. I wasn't sure where to put this but I figured this was the best thread. If this is legit (I never heard of this site before) I'm already loving the direction of s3.
  11. I wonder if the finale is going to be a final hunt (to accomodate that random vampire spoiler) and that is done by mid- episode and then there is a flash forward to the brothers dying of old age and reminsicing about everyone in their lifes. The thing they wanted to do was bring back everyone for a cameo but they will end up using stock footage because of Covid. Then the brothers meet in heaven at the bridge.
  12. Doesn't sound that brother centic to me. https://tvline.com/2020/09/24/the-boys-season-2-spoilers-maeve-homelander/
  13. Dabb did say were were going to see both Nu and old Charlie and Bobby
  14. This is how Singer describes the final ep Its not really spoilery but I'll tag just in case. https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/how-supernatural-filmed-during-covid-19-1234772638/
  15. Since they are meeting with Amara all I can see is Jared's werid random "Sam gets possessed by Amara,; During his interview with Gen yesterday, when asked if he could say anything about the final eps, Jared said 'Now that I know how it ends I couldn't be more proud.' Pretty much identical when asked his opinion about Swan Song. Gen also claimed it was some of the best acting Jared has ever done. So it sounds Sam heavy. Between that and the you always take care of us Dean speeches, which usually precede let us take care of you, and Jensen's initial reaction, im nervous about how it is for Dean.
  16. New trailer being released in about an hour. This will probably give up a clearer direction if not spoil everything. Ep 15 description MATT COHEN DIRECTS – Castiel (Misha Collins) and Jack (Alexander Calvert) work a case involving members of a local church. Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) go off in search of Amara (guest star Emily Swallow). Matt Cohen directed the episode written by Davy Perez (#1515). Original airdate 10/15/2020. http://www.ksitetv.com/supernatural/supernatural-gimme-shelter-description-matt-cohen-directs/205429/
  17. This is what I liked about it. Several time I've often said, I'd like to be a fly on the wall for this conversation and that is what this felt like. A chat among friends. It also reminded me of how much I missed all the Robsen from not having cons. I loved that he and Rob considered quarantining together. I also thought it was interesting that Jensen talked about having conference and video calls and interviews. Inquiring minds what to know Jensen. lol.
  18. There is video but you have to join their patreon to unlock it. The back ground was actually just his apartment, and they were making a joke. Gen joins about 20 minutes in, Jared about 6 minutes later. When asked if there was anything he could share about the finale. (no spoilers) Jared said now that he knows how it ends he couldn't be more proud. Those were pretty much identical words to his answer when asked how he felt about the end of s5.
  19. https://anchor.fm/kings-of-con-podcast/episodes/A-Very-Special-Canadian-Quarantine-with-Jensen-Ackles-ek0ugu Rob and Rich's interview with Jensen. I was grinning from ear to ear. It felt eavesdropping on a conversation between 3 friends rather than a formal interview.
  20. I believe the one that bought the videos tried to get Mark Sheppard to do one. He said no. He explained it really would be waste of the fans money becasue he said if he wanted to talk to Jensen or Jared he could just pick up the phone. She also tried to get Chuck Norris to make one for Jared. He declined.
  21. This would fit with what Jensen said about being concerned with Dean's legacy. He wants it to be the guy who saved people Not the brother who learned to let go of the guy who saved people.
  22. Given the fact that one of his main stars clearly wasn't happy with the ending he had a perfect opportunity to consult and make some changes. "here aren’t as many bad guys in a scene as we would normally have because of COVID restrictions" This is the big problem with Andre Badd. Not every character needed that last hurrah.
  23. I've always seen Sam's connection to the car as being more about Dean than the car itself. In IMTOD, when Sam is insisting the car can be fixed, 'Even if there is one working part, that's enough' He was talking about Dean himself, and using the car as a metaphor. And when Sam turned down the car in Free to Be, it was more about making a clean break rather than him feeling like he didn't deserve it. I'm not saying Sam doesn't care about the car, but it comes across to me more about I care because Dean cares. It never really seemed all that connected to Sam. That line about being home in Baby seemed awkward coming out of Sam's mouth. He never looked at the car that way before unless it was required for the episode. I have no problem with Jared getting a car, I'm sure he sees it as sentimenal, but I don't see that attachment from Sam.
  24. One thing I found odd was the differences in their stories, regarding the Impalas. Jensen said he had fought for the last couple of years and had it written into this contract that he got the hero car. and Jared was offered number 3, but he didn't know if he accepted it. Whereas Jared said they were a gift for the years of of heard work. Just seemed a little strange that they didn't seen to know what the other was doing.
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