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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. This is what I'm wondering and even more than the brightly lit scene, when Dean mentions vampmimes, Sam gives an amused smile and not his bitch, annoyed face. That was a huge clue. Sam being amused by his jokes, pie, milk run old school hunt with John's journal, its almost too perfect. Too old fashioned. While this should indicate its Dean's heaven, Dabb doesn't' know the characters at all so this could easily be Sam's, even if it doesn't really fit. But I am expecting some kind of let go message for Dean. We know that Jim Beaver is in this ep, and Misha is credited with a voice credit, so I have two different theories about what may happen. Dabb did say we'd see our Bobby so I'm guessing this is him and not AU Bobby. (Also why I don't by covid as an excuse if Misha isn't in the ep. They brought Jim Beaver back to Vancouver, quarantined him for two weeks for what I've heard is one scene. 1. Dean is dead but doesn't know it. Sam does that killing himself thing to talk to Dean in heaven, Bobby is Sam's spirit guide telling Sam he has to tell Dean and convince him to let go. Because Sam has to return to his body and this is the big emotional scene. Sam goes back to Earth, Dean stays in Heaven, we get a montage of Sam living his best life, Sam dies of old age. Dean picks him up. 2. One of both brothers almost dies in the hunt and Sam decides he want more out of life. He convinces Dean to let him go. Montage of Sam living his best life with Dean doing stuff. Brothers die of old age, meet in heaven.
  2. I don't deny this, but the problem is that Jack was always a threat. Right from the day he was born. Why did Chuck only want him to even exist in the first place if we are supposed to believe he wrote everything. He was not only powerful but he could be bribed with a bar of Nougat. It makes me wonder if Jack was evil all along. There were so many 'accidents" and his birth set off a chain of events that lead to the destruction of billions of people. Now he's so powerful he can't be stopped. Sam and Dean better hope no bigger baddie comes along with a box of snickers. There was no rhyme or reason to what was and wasn't the hamster wheel. Are we supposed to really believe that they were on it from Dean showing up at Sam's to him not shooting Sam 15 years later. When Dean shows up on the field at Swan Song he's told he's not part of the story. We've seen evidence that Dean is the influence on Cas, and that without him, Cas becomes a literal nazi. Why would God constantly bring back Cas into the story if he couldnt' control him. Why would God even write Jack into existence in the first place? Someone who could destroy him? Dean was supposed to kill Sam back in s2. He didn't. Dean never played his part in s5. He rejected Michael. There are times it makes no sense for God to write the story the way he was. That's becasue this season was a retconned mess. Humanity was free for centuries because God himself said he was hands off, but because of Jack billions are dead on other worlds.
  3. If Dean had killed Jack, God would have stayed out of it,. Technically, God only showed up because Jack lost his soul and God considered him a threat for...reasons. When Dean refused to kill Jack, and then Sam shot God for...reasons its made God mad enough to start elminating words. So eliminating Jack right off the bat would have saved billions, not to mention Mary.
  4. Two things caught my ear. 1. Jensen saying he's done more voice over work during quarantine. That sounded like more than just the rumored batman movie. 2. Jensen saying that he'll be back in Vancouver sooner rather than later... for whatever reason. Do tell Jensen. Was it just me or did it sound like The WB was the one that approached him and Danneel about the production company?
  5. The problem with this is that it puts Sam and Dean right back on the hampster wheel of someone else controlling their story. "I don't like that ending, so I'm going to erase it and write a new one.' The guys should be upset and questioning if they will ever escape but there really isn't time for another existential crisis. If this wasn't DabbNatural I would wonder if they might pull another what really happened. The ending was very neat, and would be Dean's fantasy. Being on the open road with with Sam, would be Dean's Heaven. He looked pretty beat up during that God fight. I also had a theory that Dean is dead and is revealed to be a ghost and Sam has to basically tell him and convince him to let go. Kind of like Road Kill.
  6. Amara deserved better. Also the Reaper was the only female character in the entire episode. So I just role my eyes when people try to say Dabb's era is better in this regard.
  7. Would he have though? At the start of s13, Sam was using Jack and Dean was down right hostile and Cas was dead. So basically his formative first few months we not exactly supportive. It seems like Jack's fate was sealed the minute Clark offered him candy. Also according to Chuck he wrote the Winchesters story. They didn't have free will until he died. There was no rules or any rhyme or reason to what Chuck controlled and what he didn't. So did Chuck write the Winchesters being nice to Jack? Doesn't this mean Chuck actually stopped him from following in Lucifer's footsteps? The whole thing was a confusing muddled mess.
  8. This would also be something Jensen doesn't like. There is a random vampire listed on IMDB. Dabb said something about a hunt in that interview, and there is that big fight scene that took 3 days to film. I figure it will go one of two ways. Dean dies on this 'milk run.' Sam realizes there is more to life than hunting. And he settles down with Eileen to live a long happy life. Or one or both brothers almost die on this last hunt and Sam decides he want more out of life than hunting and asks Dean to let him go, and Sam settles with Eileen for a long happy life. Dean opens a bar.
  9. I don't think Covid was to blame. Dabb said the overall story didn't really change. They just had to do some tweaking over logistics because of restrictions. I liked the Winchesters wouldn't stay down. I liked Dean scenes with Miracle and I felt something when he disappeared. Far more than when Cas died. As for the rest- I got nothing. Because nothing literally happened. Is it really live tweeting when you make two tweets and than having nothing else to say so you pretend to start crying so you can't continue.
  10. For me: Full eps From 12- Asa Fox (can't remember the full title), and Regarding Dean. 13- None 14- Gods and Monsters 15- None so far. Eps that have stand out scenes. 12- Dean in the cowboy outfit, I liked Dean telling off Mary in The Raid and the the stuff with Ketch. I liked Dean's scene with Mary. 13- has to be the blandest of all. The only real standout scene was in Death's library. I like the Nightgown scene an Dean talking about why he loves Scooby Doo, but the over all ep had had too much Dean hitting on Daphne. I liked the scene with Dean and Ketch in the AU. I thought Jensen did a really good job after Sam died in that AU. that is pretty much all I remember in s13. 14- I liked Dean's enthusiasm in Mint Condition, and his scenes with the guest star. The last two minute when Michael took him over. The small scene in the malak box, the welding, the scene where Dean realizes Michael is gone. 15- I liked the Dean/Ketch stuff in ep 2. The opening scene of Atomic monsters, and hearing Jensen's song, Dean's interactions with the guest star (even if she turned out to be Lilith), the Dean half of Last call, the dancing, the scene with Billie telling Dean he defined chaos and Cas telling Dean how he sees him. Very slim pickings.
  11. There is one way he can go to Heaven and still affect the world around him. Dean's soul is strong, what if he's the key to saving Heaven. That his soul is so full of light that it can power Heaven. That way he's still a force of nature but he has peace all around him. I could see Jensen finding that cheesy because he doesn't' see Dean that way. So that might have been his objection.
  12. ThT Take this with a grain of salt, of course. I saw it posted on another site and couldn't find the original source. But it does sound plausible and explain why Jared loves the finale. Honestly, I wouldn't hate this as long as Dean plays a part in the final fight, like distracting or weakening God so Sam can take him out. But I'm not sure about that because the last time the net work said no. The Charlie/Bobby thing is true. That was confirmed. Spoilers could support the rest, but I think covid cancelled a lot of cameos. But if we see a lot of famous faces, it could explain Jack being there.
  13. I feel like with Mother, vampire and officer there is likely to be one last hunt. I'm just not sure if the hunt is someone's heaven or if Jack left one last creature on earth for Sam and Dean to hunt. Then at the end the brothers say goodbye That would fit with Jensen saying he hopes people look at the bigger picture rather than a snap judgment. A snap judgment would be Dean needs to let go of Sam to let him grow up, but the larger picture would be they want different things out of life. I just have no idea how Jack, Lucifer and maybe Misha might fit in. Alex said he has no dialogue. So it might be part of a montage, kind of the last 5 minutes is basically a clip show of their greatest hits. Then the final good bye
  14. I remember something in a virtual panel about him commenting on having read the finale, and that lead to a lot of speculation that hes in it. I hope not because if he is, I'll be convinced of a Swan Song 2.0 situation.
  15. I really wish this was going to be a foiler like the Uriel stuff seems to be because that was before quarantine.
  16. Jensen also said that he had trouble digesting the finality of it. The word final kind of caught my attention. Even if Dean dies the finale could still be Sam centric, and everyone telling him how strong and brave he is to carry on without Dean. Or it could be he has to convince Dean to let go. *I've always had this ideal ending in my mind for Dean. I've always felt the character needed to go out in a blaze of Glory because he had such a burden on him on, and thinking that someone or something will always want something from Dean. So I've always pictured this big battle. Sam and Dean each contributing equally, but neither one making a sacrifice just Dean gets fatally injured and we see his ghost standing there trying to decide if he wants to go back to his body or go with John and Mary who are waiting for him. Sam tells Dean that he'll be okay and its time for him to rest, than we see Dean walk off into the light with John and Mary and Sam throwing the shot gun in the trunk with I got work to do. I can see the final ep being a version of this. I can see Jared liking it Sam was the one either alive or dead. Because either way he made the sacrifice, either giving up Dean or giving up his life. I wouldn't hate the final ep if it was Dean's funeral. *This theory was something I imagined way back in s1. Obviously somethings don't fit.
  17. Wasn't Robert Wisdom supposed to be back as Uriel? I thought I remembered spoiler pics of Misha and Robert Wisdom together. I remember Alex mentioning we see Jack briefly in the finale but he has no dialogue. According to IMDB if accurate Charlie, Bobby,Donna are all back. It also lists Rob and Emily. I figure Jack blowing up the empty is what woke up Lucifer. I think next ep will start with Sam and Dean being sad over losing Eileen and Cas. I'm guessing Adam shows up here and tells them they everyone is gone. So Sam and Dean head out. We get Sam and Dean wondering what to do, and Dean finding the dog, which will single hope. Unless this is God. Sam and Dean end up at the hotel where they find Lucifer. They decide to take the fight to God. This is the beach scene. There is a big battle. We have that shot of Sam with his face all bloody and Jensen held up a similar photo on his phone in one of those interviews. We know this will also involve an emotional conversation. So I wonder if Sam isn't possessed by Amara but he's given the emotional appeal to her this time. Amara fights from the inside. I'm guessing either Sam or Dean will sacrifice themselves here. (I go back and forth on who it will be). Chuck will be stopped, Jack will become the new death. But as a reward, all the people on Earth are brought back. This is why we see our Bobby or our Charlie. So I'm guessing the brother that survived is on Earth trying to carry on. The brother that died is in Heaven. There is a random vampire, so that sounds like a hunt in Heaven. With the pic of Dean happily eating pie, it seems like it fits Dean' version of happiness rather than Sam, but characterization is no a strong point for these writers. is there any other scenes from the promos we haven't seen yet?
  18. So if I'm understanding this correctly.. Dabb took Jared out to dinner to talk about his leadership arc. Dabb talked to Alex about his role as Jack and the direction his character would take. Berens talked to Misha about the direction of his character But Jensen seems like he was once again left out. The level of disrespect at this point has to be personal. There is no other satisfactory explanation.
  19. What's worse, while Misha didn't outright say it would go full canon, he trolled enough that many of his fans believe it is. So if it doesn't because of this, fans will now blame Jensen, saying it was supposed too but he nixed it. Its too bad all this nastiness happened becasue I've waited years to finally hear someone say those words to Dean. I also loved Billie calling Dean, death defying, rule breaking, and the definition of chaos. (Paraphrasing of course. ) Dean really is the most powerful character in the SPN universe.
  20. If Jared didn't object how was Jensen supposed to know.? Jensen made his displeasure about the proposed ending. Its not the same situation.
  21. Maybe because Jared talked a lot about how much he loved that arc. Or maybe he didn't see it as them destroying his character since Carver called Dean boring, and all Singer and Carver could talk about was how mean Dean was being.
  22. "I don't want to talk about Sam and Dean, but Jack, let me tell you about Jack," Even when not asked about Jack we have to hear about Jack. They have made Dean and Cas's relationship so one sided, and made us watch Dean grieve over Cas so many times, I just don't care anymore. https://tvline.com/2020/11/04/titans-season-3-spoilers-kory-starfire-blackfire-tamaran/
  23. I think to help get word out in Minnesota about voting. I don't blame them for turning the comments off.
  24. A really good discussion with Jensen, Misha, Jared, Klobuchar, and Ashley Biden. This is a partisan discussion since they are talking with Biden's daughter. Please Jared never tell that interrupting Sloth joke again, because its not funny to begin with and its even worse when you don't tell it right.
  25. It is possible they were both offered cars but Jensen wanted the hero. Someone said that Baby1 was worth 100K in its current condition.
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