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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. Technically, with the whole "Chuck wrote everything" nothing is really canon. They could start from scratch and say, that the story Chuck wrote wasn't even close to what really happened and he lied. Nothing violates canon if canon doesn't exist. Thanks Dabb. You made that easy. I don't think Jensen will go that route. There is one big question that wasn't answered. Why Mary an John? We saw how the yellow eyed demon found Mary but at time Mary and John were already together. So the angels already acted. How were they chosen in the first place? I know it was said brains and brawn but I'm sure that would suit a lot of people. So it has to be more than that. Maybe John has some kind Supernatural experience in Vietnam, and he wrote it off an a hallucination. Or Mary did something that got the angels attention. Mary and John's story isnt' just Mary and John. I'm sure the angels and demons will come into play. Maybe we will see the births of Sam and Dean and the aftermath of Mary's death if the show gets multiple seasons.
  2. For that to happen, Sam and Dean have to be born. So of course its the supernatual but there are ways to tell this story without John and Mary jumping into the Impala.
  3. I wouldn't say there would be retconning. There isn't even a script yet. Jensen mentioned in his tweet he was familiar with Canon. Battling together doesn't have to mean just fighting monsters. We know they were forced together and didn't like each other at first. It could mean fighting to stay together long enough for Sam and Dean to be born.
  4. But the show isn't even in preproduction yet. Knowing Jensen, he probably had every intention of involving Jared or asking him. Also the virtual panel was at least 3 months ago. Jensen specifically mentioned he was working on five projects. Jared said they talk often. Could Jared not have asked him what he was working on or showed the slightest bit of interest? Communication works both ways. Jared had this phone in his hand. He could have given his best friend and colleague, the one who stood beside him and supported him through so many mis-steps the benefit of the doubt and called Jensen. He didn't. Awhile ago, some fan criticized Jared and Jared said something and is fans started going after that person and hours later, he's like don't send hate. This situation is copy and paste. Jared has a history of doing this all the time. Sorry you don't throw a friend under the bus like that knowing exactly how your fans would react.
  5. Which I feel is exactly what he wanted. Jensen has gotten a lot of press lately
  6. Not every show needs squeaky clean cut perfect characters. They need interesting ones. Homelander is my favorite character on the boys and he really had no redeeming qualities, but Antony is a fantastic actor who builds those layers an doesn't make him feel like a mustache twirling villian. Whether you like, love, or hate John, IMO, he was good character an the dynamics between him and his sons made the show. Dean said their marriage was only perfect after Mary died. I'm guessing the show will address this. Mary and John were totally 2 different people before they were caught up in Heaven and Hell and they were literally forced together. There is potential here.
  7. The pic Danneel posted for Pride, shows here with shorter hair, so Im guessing its recent. If you look behind her its looks like a wooded area. That suggests Colorado to me.
  8. That's the thing. Its not even a show yet, its still a concept. Things can move so slowly, and with the pandemic it even slower. This show probably won't even air until the 22/23 season, if its picked up. What Jensen has been doing these last few months is securing the rights/permission to make the show and the network to say yes, we think this has potential. I would think that JP who claims to have an interest in producing would know that. I agree with those who said this was calculated. JP wasn't cut out of anything. But at this point I hope he is. But Jensen is too classy for that.
  9. Jared: we talk as we often do. Jensen: We're both busy and don't talk like we used to. Which is it? Seems like they contradicted each other.
  10. But it doesn't matter what kind of relationship Sam had with this parents because Sam and Dean won't exist in this time period.
  11. I'm curious how you know Jensen wasn't planning on asking Jared to a guest narrator from time to time? Just because it wasn't' announced straight away doesn't mean Jensen wasn't going to try and make it happen. Jim Parsons narrates young Sheldon. Its about 2-3 minutes per ep. so it probably won't be a huge part. Typical Jared. Makes a passive aggressive tweet and then tell people not to send hate when its too late.
  12. I agree with those who said if the situation was reversed we would never have known about it. We would never have known Jared was aware Jensen wasn't happy with the finale if Jared hadn't mentioned it, same way we wouldn't have known that Jared may have screwed Jensen over with the whole Walker thing because according to Jared (not Jensen) he originally was developing the role for Jensen but loved it so much he decide to keep it for himself. If the situation was reversed, Jensen would have congratulated Jared and then called him about the rest. If it was Jared developing the sequel, TBH, no I'd be curious but I would be more apprehensive because I often don't agree with Jared's take on the characters.
  13. But how do we know Jared won't have a role to play or that Jensen has plans to include Jared. In the last live stream, he said Jared would be involved. He could have been planning on asking Jared to do some narration too as a guest star since he's busy with Walker. We don't know. No, it wouldn't' have been announced during the initial announcement if JP hadn't signed a contract yet. There is a big difference between a show about to air and a show that is in development. Jensen took the idea to the network to get a John/Mary spinoff greenlit. Basically that is what happened. The show isn't picked up yet. There are no actors, scripts, directors or writers yet. Just a basic idea. We don't know the full terms of the the NDA Chaos Machine signed. At early stages telling the wrong person can get a project cancelled. (Remember Misha's story about audition for Anakin Skywalker and him telling cashier at a pizza place he had a call back). It doesn't matter at this stage who might have been on SPN for how long or what relationship they had with the show. Do you think Jared and Jensen were consulted about the plot for Bloodlines or Wayward despite it being their show?
  14. Even if he did come around to liking it, it still doesn't change the fact that by Jared's own words, in the initial meeting where they were told, that he knew Jensen had reservations and wasn't thrilled with the proposed ending. Jared sat there and didn't say a word. He basically hung his friend and colleague of 15 years out to dry with the whole take it or leave it thing. I'm not saying Jared can't like Sam's proposed ending but maybe if they presented a united front they could have compromised to something they both liked. But Jensen's feelings didn't matter to Jared then, so I can't say I have much sympathy that for Jared here.
  15. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPqaGdPgohs/ Jensen working out in shorts and a tank top needs a content warning.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/p/CO6cKx8gXxf/ The Most excellent Jensen Ackles (Karl Urban's description) posted a pic of him and Jack Quaid. (Jack Quaid also posted the same pic).
  17. Jensen's friend is running an art auction for charity and asked Jensen to contribute. So, of course he drew batman. lol Someone has also been working out.
  18. Yup. Its nice to see. But I have to admit this kind of caught my attention. More childhood dreams coming up or is he refering to part 2. I know he' a big fan of Ryan Reynolds, I wonder how he feels about Ryan following him back on twitter.
  19. Over a million likes in less than 24 hour. I love that people are excited for this movie.
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