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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. One thing I noticed with the temp V. Homelander is Butcher's nemisis and he ended up with strength, laser eyes and he's bullet proof. Homelander has all those powers. Hughie had issues with A-Train and he ended up with speed. Does temp V somehow manifest in the powers of the person you clash with? Antony is putting in his strongest performance yet. Homelander is realizing that the people who were controlling him were only doing so because he was allowing it. The only thing stopping him from destroying the world is his restraint. That is eroding bit by bit has he is realizing that he truly is The Homelander and he can do whatever the fuck he wants, literally. Jensen played the scene of Soldier Boy walking up and being confused and disoriented perfectly. It would be so easy to over act. I think the Russians put Solider Boy on ice because he's not too powerful and can seemingly neutralize other supes around him. But given that he woke up as soon as the door was open... This isn't a spoiler, just speck but I'll tag just in case.
  2. Then this just ends up being stock footage. And Jensen can't record the entire season in one week because it won't be written. Most shows have an outline where they want the season to go but its not plotted to the very last detail. something could happen in an early episode that they want to explore. Ex, Cas was only supposed to be signed for 3 episodes. So ended up being in a lot more. So if someone was doing voice over work for that season, and they recorded it all upfront, a very important new plot point/character would be missing. I think the network asked Jensen to appear on screen to introduce the characters to new audiences and for nostalgia for older fans. I personally don't see it as a PR stunt because I think it serves a narrative purpose, but even if it was a PR Stunt those aren't necessarily a bad thing. I never took the trailer as confirmation Dean will be on screen more often that not. His Big Sky character has a beard and a longer hair style. Jensen isn't a miracle worker that can grow it that fast if he's bouncing back and forth between the two shows.
  3. The thing is that Jensen is a regular on Big Sky next year. That films in New Mexico and The Winchesters is supposed to be filmed in New Orleans. I don't see how he will have time to go back and forth. I know he seems to have endless stamina, but between The Winchesters, Big Sky, Chaos Machine, cons and whatever else he has going on, he can't keep that up for 9 months. Scripts in broadcast television often don't come out until a week before shooting starts so its not possible to film all this scenes at once no matter how short they are. So I think the narration will be more like Young Sheldon, with Dean appearing in the first episode. I don't see that as a PR stunt, but more of a tone setter and point the show in the direction it wants to go. As for the wording, it could just be as simple as Dean needs a mission because he's bored driving around waiting for Sam. Dean have never been one to be idol. Those statements can mean a lot of things.
  4. I loved the start of this season. Nice character arcs are being set up and I'm really looking forward to where this goes. I love Laz Alonso as Mother's Milk, so I'm extremely happy to have his Boys character be the one with the personal vendetta against Solider Boy and I really look forward to seeing them clash. Antony really does an amazing job of showing a Homelander who is barely holding on. He really looks like he's one minute away from snapping. The only arc i'm not feeling right now is the whole American Hero thing. This season is very crowded and while the writers do an amazing job to include everything I feel like there is not really enough time to develop that plot properly. I think it would have been better suited for the spin off. I don't really care about Supersonic. IMO one of Jensen's strengths is his ability to do a lot with a little. When I watched that scene I saw a guy whose bravado doesn't match his ego. He's used to be the alpha male, and the top dog and when Grace stood up to him, his whole demeanour changed. Even his tone of voice changed. I could see he immediately because defensive and went on the attack, plus the little lip and cheek twitch and him looking like he was about to cry. I thought it was a brilliant piece of acting. Because it told me a lot about Soldier Boy's real persona. IMO, small moments like this are often overlooked for big moments. That's not to take away from the big moments, they are important too, and Antony was brilliant these last 3 eps and I feel like he should have gotten performer of the week from TVLine. I do also look forward to the big moments from Soldier Boy too. I really look forward to these two high calibre actors facing off on screen. They can only raise each other's game. While Soldier Boy shares some surface traits with Dean, they are nothing alike. Dean is rough and the edges and he can crude, but at his core he's a good person. He hunts to make sure people's families don't end up like his did. While we see him make some inappropriate comments when he's with a girl he very much is with her. He treats her well, and is very attentive, I can't see Soldier Boy doing that. I'm sure if he's with anyone its all about him. Different motivations for characters who might share some traits, can really help to create a vastly different character. Soldier Boy carries himself differently than Dean. He seems more happy go lucky, whereas Dean looks like he he carries the wait of the word. But this is probably a discussion for a different thread. I'm not sure if the Don't do drugs PSA The Boys Instagram account counts as a spoiler but I'll tag it just in case. Stan didn't have the power he did when Solider Boy was in his hey day so I am also looking forward to seeing how Solider Boy reacts to a much more power Stan Edgar.
  5. From @Hana Chan in The Winchester spinoff thread. Jared certainly didn't care about Jensen's feelings regarding the legacy of the show in the culmination of their 15 year journey. He sat there in silence when he knew Jensen was struggling. He can like his ending fine but he should have had Jensen's back. IMO, its the exact same situation. If people are going to complain that its both their show, then it should have been both their show then and they shouldn't have left that room until they were both happy. In an interview Jared gave, in his own words, he said he had to separate being an EP from a husband and friend and it was necessary to lie to his own wife about things. In the Podcast with Michael Rosenbaum, Jared said he started developing Walker back in s14. He wanted to be EP, and said he had Jensen in mind for the lead role and didn't tell him. Kind of hypocritical for him to get upset when he did the same thing. Asking Jensen if he was interested in that kind of role is a very important thing. I don't care if Jared changed his mind later, the initial thought was he didn't tell Jensen what he was doing. And Jared wasn't cut out of anything. If the news leaked and said they were going to start principle photography next week, than I would agree, but when it leaked, it was a script commitment, and that was just permission to have a script written. In comparison it would be like not telling your friend you decided to buy a house until after you were pre-approved for a mortgage. The earliest possible stage. There would be plenty of time to get your friend to look at houses with you, discuss pros and cons and locations, price, size, etc. In the end the friend wasn't cut out from anything. Same thing with the Winchester's. There was all kinds of opportunity, The only thing Jensen didn't do was check in with Jared about whether this was a project he wanted. And Jensen wasn't obligated to do that. If Jensen chose not to include Jared after his twitter actions that is on Jared, not Jensen. If Jared wants nothing to do with it, then people ( and I mean people in general, not directed at any one person) need to stop whining that poor Jared is cut out because again that is his choice. But in a recent TV insider interview Jensen mentioned he had multiple conversations about how to include Sam/Jared in the story. So again it really seems this whinging is misplaced. And like I said, he wasn't cut out of anything. There was no idiocy on Jensen's part. Nothing he did was done with any intent to cut Jared out or go behind his back. He said he didn't want to say until there was a chance it could go forward. He didn't think the project existed, at that stage and that there was nothing to tell. No one, unless its a matter of life and death, is obligated to give information they aren't ready to share. When Jensen felt the time was right he was excited to share the info with Jared. It's just unfortunate that it leaked and when it did, Jensen was on set filming. He had to deal with a ton of stuff, didn't have easy access to his cell phone, and not let this effect his performance. Which is another thing, communication works both ways. Jensen made no secret of the fact that he wanted more. Jensen hinted at it multiple times. Not his fault if Jared wasn't paying attention. And also during one of those many conversations Jared claimed they have did he not show any interest in what Jensen was doing? From what we've seen, Jensen can't help himself sometimes with saying stuff he shouldn't. If Jared showed no interested in Chaos Machine project, that I don't blame Jensen for thinking that. I can understand Jared feeling hurt seeing it on twitter, but if they have the kind of friendship they say they have, why is it Jared couldn't give the guy who stood loyally behind him for 16 years the benefit of the doubt for a few hours? If Jared wanted a Dean Jr. spin off, it would make me question the motivation of this tweets. Was he really upset about Jensen not telling him or was he mad Jensen scooped him, which again goes back to the lack of communication from Jared. They both made mistakes, but IMO, the difference was intent. Jensen didn't set out of hurt Jared, Jared did.
  6. I will respond to this in Bitch/Jerk so we don't get off topic here.
  7. yup and the fact that Dabb took both Alex and Jack to dinner to discuss their character arcs but Jensen he blew off. They had been trying since that ep with the raid on the MoL's compound to push Sam as a leader and it wasn't working because of Jensen's dominate screen presence, which, IMO, was the only reason they gave Jensen to Michael arc,.
  8. I know the big one is John finding about about the supernatural before Mary's death. They did an episode where this happens in s5, where Angels decided to go the terminator route. John found out stuff and in the end the angels wiped his mind. This was during the Kripke Era. That episode was really well received by the fandom. If its okay for Kripke to use it in the main show why is it so taboo for Jensen to use it here? (this is a rhetorical question and not directed at anyone) The show itself deals with time travel, AU's and mind wipes. All canon all used multiple times. Nothing in the show is really canon, There is very little we know about John and Mary. As Jensen said we have tent pole or way points that they are aware of and will hit. (Someone noted the John and Mary scene takes place by a movie theatre which is canon and matches the story Dean told). Also just because something seems different in the pilot doesn't mean that they won't hit that at a later point in the series. Like John and Mary supposedly being matched by Heaven. Down the road they could have a knock down, drag out fight and the angels decide to intervene then. If the prequel doesn't interest someone, that's fine not everyone will be interested in everything, but the whole "but canon..." thing to me is really premature because nothing is really changed yet, and if it is, its easily made canon by using actual show canon.
  9. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdoDpHBlAYC/ Jensen posted The Boys trailer. Run doesn't walk to watch it.
  10. thanks, my mistake. I remember reading he stepped back, I thought he left.
  11. Both Pedowitz and Roth already left, long ago. So the current administration are the ones who made the decision to pick up the show. I'm sure that if the model no longer fits they can adapt to change things. That is one benefit of a new show.
  12. This is why I never understood the but canon... upset when all these things existed to be able to tell the story within canon. As Jensen said, there was not really a lot of specific canon about John and Mary but tent poles or way points he said all along that they would hit. The more I hear about this show, the more excited I get. I am really excited to meet Carlos. The actor playing him, seems very talented. His singing voice is amazing. David said he talked to Jensen about it. I'm guessing this took place when they met up at cons.
  13. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccs36VcNdFD/ Sneak Peek of the Man About Town photoshoot.
  14. Exactly. IMO, a complete re-write of the character would have been Dabb's version of Mary, who went from hating hunting and wanting out to abandoning her husband and son to go hunting and one who didn't even seem to like her children.
  15. But young John and Mary were not. Its like watching The Star Wars prequels and seeing Anakin Skywalker be the complete opposite of Darth Vader. They are different characters. As for knowing the ending, how many people re-read favorite novels or rewatch TV shows. The ending in known in those scenarios. There was a show on awhile ago called Motive. In the first five minutes of the show it identified the killer and the victim and the show was more about how the events unfolded then the rather than a straight who done it. It was a different spin on a crime drama and it was very good. Adaptations of novels, remakes, reboots, graphic novels are all very popular. They might might some changes, but we still know mostly how its probably going to end. If I go see a movie called Spiderman, I might not know all the specifics but I'm pretty sure its going to end up with Spiderman being he hero, not hard to guess that ending.. Not to mention how predictable SPN became in the final few seasons. IMO, the journey can be just as exciting if done right. There is a lot of material to expand on. We only know a few key points in John and Mary's life. Lots of blanks to fill in. I can't count how many times I've seen the audience saying a great idea for a prequel would be John after Mary's death. So it seems that really isn't an issue since people having been asking to actually see that John's story since the show started back in 2005.
  16. Something else about his ghost story caught my ear. He said he was on a zoom call and the people on the other end asked why he didn't freak out about possible ghosts. That suggests, to me, that whoever it was isn't overly familiar with SPN, if they had to ask. So who were you talking to Jensen and about what?
  17. I know its a private thing, but I would love to see the Forever Young video. I love that Danneel had a no cell phone rule. That meant Jensen didn't have to be "on" he can just relax and enjoy himself.
  18. Normally the show doesn't take that long to film. coivd delayed a lot of the filming, making it longer. With restrictions easing, it will make things easier and Jensen can come home when he's off. And unless he is needed on set, producers meetings can be done over zoom. I really hope him golfing with the head of Sony TV means something.
  19. But filming isn't for at least another couple of months. He's in great shape so it wouldn't be hard for him to build up again. He still has the biceps for sure. Those didn't go anywhere. So I don't think that comment is confirmation one way or the other.
  20. I don't know all the ins and outs but i'm guess its under 'fair use' Fan fic usually has to have a disclaimer that they they don't' own the IP or are affiliated or making any money. Technically, the WB could shut it down if they want, Real or fake, the script it was an unauthorized leak. I'm guessing NDA's were probably broken if its real, and copy right was broken if it wasn't. There are probably different rules for developing, unaired projects.
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