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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. According to the email I got if you can't make the new dates apparently creation will refund your money. As for the guest list, 98% of creations guest lists are the exact same. So I would feel confident in saying that the majority, if not all the guests will be the same. After the show ends, people are going to take a gamble that Jared and/or Jensen might have to pull out regardless of anything related to the delay, but Jared, Jensen and Misha are confirmed for Nashville.
  2. Right now, I think its in a holding pattern. I don't think anyone really knows what will happen in the future. I think their intention is to return and continue shooting and that they all want to, but this virus is unpredictable. I have a relative in Calgary who said that they've cancelled the rest of the school year and won't reopen until September. They can only hold out for so long, maybe a few weeks to a couple of months, because contracts will expire. Will the CW spend the time and expense to renegotiate contracts that will last about 3 weeks. What about rehiring or replacing crew. All of which will need new contracts. If BTS people have new contracts with new shows they might not be able to come back. Jensen is a wild card. He could have a contract with show that might not let him film. I remember Jensen talking about he other CW shows doing crossovers. He said its cool to see it on screen, but behind the screen its a logistical nightmare. Trying to coordinate, scripts schedules, actors, etc. My guess is that trying to put the crew/actors back together would be similar depending on how long the shut down goes for. I think the CW wants to and I fully believe the guys want too, and I think everyone who works on the wants to. But like everything in Hollywood it will come down to money and whether it economically feasible for the CW to do so. It might not be their choice. Didnt Pedowitz move on? The new person may not be a big champion of the show he was. Misha's tweet could have been a potential spoiler and not related to the shut down. But if it was 100% sure it would I think Jensen, and Jared would have tweeted that reassurance or the net work would have put out a statement. This post is all my own thoughts and not based on anything else. Just my limited knowledge of how thing in Hollywood seem to go.
  3. I would love it if the writers were planning this. But I think this is Dean's new normal after his "awareness" that he gets angry for some very legitimate reasons for no reason. I think Jensen is trying to spin straw into gold, but even for him its impossible because there was no straw in this ep for him to work with .For me token protests, "oh Jack might be evil" don't work when Sam, Dean and Cas's actions all contradict the words. Plus the show seems to be ignoring the fact that Jack killed Mary so they can get back to My three Dads. Jack is untrustworthy. So the burden should not be on Sam and Dean to earn Jack's trust back. The Malak box would have worked if it wasn't for Sam, and Cas. For me all this did was bridge Jack in to the spot light and the Winchesters on back burner. I don't think it was about Chuck, I think this was Berens inability to accept that fact that wayward wasn't picked up and he decided he was going to write what probably would have been the premier ep. Chuck and boys very much felt showhorned into a plot that didn't really make sense. Why is no one suggesting to call on Amara? She's an option no one has even mentioned. At this point the bunkers warding is a joke, no matter how many times they talk about it. Because if its on how is it possible for Cas and Jack to be in the bunker?
  4. NGL, kinda glad it was dropped because I didn't want to watch another ep like 14.03 Berens tweets come across as someone who is trying to hard. Its also obvious he his loyalty lies to Wayward.
  5. Did this episode even mention the spear I fast forwarded 90% of it.
  6. Then why have Dean do it again and why tweet this Its seems Berens is contradicting himself. (Something he is used to considering the major plot hole in this ep that directly contradicted his last ep) Also it makes no narrative sense because there is no love loss between Dean and any version of Kaia, why would she run into Dean's arms in for any reason?
  7. Damnit, it looks like Dean found out where Sam and Cas were hiding his Valium and he took a triple dose to make up for lost time. Never before have i seen Jensen so checked out of an episode.
  8. They should have named this episode Plot Hole since it was a giant one. In Berens last ep he said they coudldn't trap God because it would tip the balance, but in this ep its okay for Jack to kill God. Dean agrees they're both right. It sees like Cas actually broke Dean. He seems to be back his season one personality. Go along to get along. Kaia and Claire literally spent five minutes together. I get sometimes you can instantly feel connected to someone but to spend literally 2 minutes together and they are the love of your life and you want to avenge them so much you literally don't show up. (Yes, I know Kathryn Newton isn't available but don't go there). Someone needs to tell Berens Wayward wasn't picked up. Both versions of Kaia are Mary Sue's. They are pretending Jack didn't kill Mary. There is no love lose between Kaia 1 or Kaia 2 and Dean. Why would she run into his arms? (aside from obvious plot related reasons, of course). The writers really have given up and are just writing for fan service.
  9. I guess this episode was so boring, no one wants to talk about it.
  10. https://www.tvguide.com/news/supernatural-season-15-series-finale-preview/?PostType=image&UniqueID=F31A7632-67CD-11EA-ACAC-ECAD96E8478F&TheTime=2020-03-16T21%3A34%3A43&ServiceType=twitter&ftag=COS-05-10aaa3b Jared, Jensen, Misha and Alex on the finale. I wonder what Jensen meant by "Jared takes the reins on this one" Also when asked about what relationships they would explore with Dean, Jensen once again has to tap dance around the answer 'none"
  11. I have mixed feelings about the show not resuming. I feel bad for Jensen, Jared, and Misha for not getting to finish the series on their terms, but on the other hand on a personal level I'm not that bothered about it since this season is one big cluster f*** I'm not even sure I'm going to watch tonight because of who wrote the ep and the subject matter.
  12. We might not even get the full 18 episodes filmed. It takes several weeks afterward to edit, add music, special effects. etc, and there are reshoots, and ADR that are usually necessary. I'm not sure how much of that can be done on an individual basis. I guess I'm in the minority, because of how much I despise this season. I feel like my show ended in s11 when Dean saved the world with his big heart. I have my closure. Although I do feel bad for the cast and crew that worked so hard to keep the show on the air for so long that won't get it.
  13. SUPERNATURAL “Last Holiday” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME - Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover a wood nymph (guest star Meagan Fey) living in the bunker who is determined to protect her family, at any cost. Eduardo Sanchez directed the episode written by Jeremy Adams (#1514). Original airdate 3/30/2020. Wasn't this the ep about the guy with the manners problem? Also how can Sam and Dean be living in the bunker for 8 years and not notice someone was living in the bunker? I swear its Dabb's purpose to make them look bad. https://www.spoilertv.com/2020/03/supernatural-episode-1514-last-holiday.html
  14. An episode written by Glynn and Berens and directed by Speight, featuring Ninja Kaia Sue Wayward. Sucky isn't even going to begin to describe this episode.
  15. They will need help to defeat God. There was a spoiler that Dean was going to call Amara. Then they established that Dean thinks Sam is better at him than everything, There had to be a reason for that. Back at comic con Jared's "if Sam was possessed by Amara" is far to specific to be random. Why would that even cross Jared's mind when his character never really associated Amara? The only explanation that makes sense is that Jared was told that this would happen. I still see the finale as being a thinly veiled Swag Song 2.0.
  16. Between Jake coming back as Michael, Lucifer's potential return, Alex saying his favorite moment in the finale (which means Jack has a key role), Castiel having powers, Jack being super charged, and Sam potentially being possessed by Amara, what is Deans' role going to be in finale? I don't mean in a bitch/jerk kind of way, but a genuine question? How does Dabb prevent Dean from getting lost?
  17. This is why I'm surprised that the WB allowed Jared and Jensen to do Vegas con. It was a big risk.
  18. IIRC, when Creation rescheduled Vegas, they offered refunds to anyone who couldn't make the new dates, but did not compensate any money for hotel, travel, etc.
  19. Watching the afternoon panel, Jared said something about how he likes emotional scenes that are retrospective and we would see more of that soon. (at least that is what it sounded like, the audio wasn't the greatest. So I wonder if the finale is going to be little more than a clip show with This is your life Sam Winchester. I don't really see Dean factoring into the finale much. This, IMO, fits with the spoilers we've gotten. Dean saying 'stop killing my people.' A heavy emotional scene that Jared isn't in at the end of ep 18. I feel like Dean will call Amara in ep 18, she'll decide he sold her a lemon with this whole family thing and wants nothing to do with him. Ep 19 will be pretty much be a repeat of Swan Song with Amara possesseing Sam. (To specific to be a random slip) and him taking out God and dying in the process. Episode 20 will be Sam in a coma and Dean will be his spirit guide who has to convince him to let go by reminding him how awesome he is. IMO, there is a reason they had Dean say Sam was better at him then everything.
  20. Thanks for posting this. The story of the drunk girl had me roaring. Jensen has a real gift for story telling
  21. After seeing photo ops from the weekend, creation did their usual job of enforcing the rules. I saw a couple of photos of Jared hugging people. If that was me I'd be upset that I followed the rules but there were special exemptions for certain fans.
  22. I also think they like the attention Jensen brings them. I wish Misha would stop baiting them.
  23. Posting this here because we don't have a Jensen thread. This would be perfect for Jensen. Its about a guy from Austin, Texas trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world. Its from the team behind Chernobyl
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