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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. I thought I read that the Walker pilot was going to be shot around the upfronts because I remember wondering if it was going to interfer with Jared going to JIB which takes place around the exact same time
  2. This still irritates me. Why is the show acting like Sam and Dean have never faced normal problems before. They have. Dean knows how to fix the damn car. He rebuilt it from scratch.
  3. I'm leaning more toward Swan Song again and thinking that Jared's comment at comic con was a slip. Amara will be back just in time for the finale, I'm thinking the finale is going to be Sam being possessed by Amara so he can kill God so Jack can take his place. Dean will watch from the Impala. Then go open a bar. No wonder Jensen didn't like the ending. Unless Dabb didn't know Eileen and Sam kissed in The Trap. Which is entirely possible.
  4. I guess its more about it bringing up my issues with the writers than really anything against Shoshanna, herself. I know she's just answering the question. I feel like the writers are using her as a replacement for Dean.
  5. I know that and before Dabb it wouldn't have bothered me in the least, but with everything they've stripped from Dean and continue to do so, its just bugged me.
  6. This is from an interview with Shoshanna and I have to admit this answer about how she can help annoyed me. Dean doens't have much but he's always been the loyal, hunter with the heart on his sleeve who is fiercely loyal. The guy who will get in anyone's face to protect Sam. Dean was the leader and the guy who set the mood. Now he doesn't even have that. This honestly sounds like they are writing Eileen as a female Dean. https://variety.com/2020/tv/features/supernatural-shoshannah-stern-this-close-eileen-sam-chuck-final-season-interview-1203474955/ I didn't read the whole interview so beware there may be spoilers.
  7. Thanks for finding this. I've watched it repeatedly.
  8. I really don't know what message Dabb was trying to send. But IMO, the line about Superman's water bill seems to highlight his thinking about heroes vs regular people. No, nobody worries about Superman's water bill because 1. Literally no one cares, and 2. Clark Kent has a job. Its like Dabb isn't capable of seeing Superman and Clark Kent as the same person. Its like its the same with Sam and Dean. He's trying to say that they are now experiencing "plot irrelevant" things, but yet there are still plot irrelevant stuff, like Dean not being swollen for days and not seeing Garth have to feed the twins or but them to bed As much as I love Dean dancing, and have my head canon about what it meant, it did seem out of place. The whole thing was just a confusing mess.
  9. But they have had car trouble in the past. Fresh Blood had Dean teaching Sam to fix the car. Dean might have been protected from lactose intolerance but he still got ice cream headaches. That wasn't exactly plot relevant. Dean had 17 cavities. His mouth should have been sore and swollen for days. Plus the fillings seemed invisible. These so call plot relevant/not relevant still doesn't really make a lost of sense. I have no idea what point Dabb was trying to make because dead spark plugs and replacing them is also a learned skill. So is fighting. It makes no sense that Sam and Dean couldn't fight anymore or Dean can't fix the Impala. We've seen Dean just as recently as s13 fix a bus. We've seen him teach Sam. So Dabb....aka Chuck... just didn't take away plot relevant stuff. He took away stuff to try and be funny but in doing so over stepped and has sent a message that Sam and Dean never had the relevant skills to do their jobs. I don't even know what the point was. I doubt he does either.
  10. "Do you ever wonder how Superman pays his water bill or Batman doesn't get a flat? It's because it slows down the story." This is how bad the dialogue has gotten. I mean, did Dabb forget Superaman's alter ego Clark Kent has a job. I'm guessing he pays his water bill with the salary he makes as a reporter. Batman's car is specially designed. I'm guessing fans don't need to be hit over a the head to guess that include the tires. It doesn't have to slow down the story. Clever writing can incorporate these things and enhance it. Sam and Dean's conversation in Baby when they didn't have money for a hotel room. Or Sam and Dean fixing the car the car in Fresh Blood. This whole concept should have been shelved before it made it to a script outline.
  11. I can't stop watching that turn. How did he not trip himself up
  12. I can buy this too. Dance can also make a person feel free. I know someone whose daughter is in dance and she says that is why she loves it. Because she just feels the music and doesn't think about anything else. We see this during the routine. Dean is hesitant at first. He's not sure whats going one but he's drawn toward Garth and starts imitating him. Then he's an equal partner and then he shines on his own. At the end he seems really into it. I think its symbolic of Dean's inner spirit and going his own way busting lose.
  13. 😭 Maybe that is why Dabb didn't use Dean's name. Maybe he dies in the finale and Dabb is saving it for Sam and Eileen's kid. (not based on any spoilers)
  14. Watching this, I saw it the opposite way based on the lyrics that played over the dance scenes. Wild Hearts can't be broken. I think the dancing scenes were supposed to show he Dean was free to dance to the beat of his drummer
  15. I accept this reasoning. The answer was 'yes he did' More proof Jensen Ackles isn't human
  16. So Dean's lactose intolerant which allows him to eat ice cream, but he still gets an ice cream headache. Chuck isn't really good at this protection stuff. Also were their lives really easier when just because they didn't get a cavity when they were homeless and had to sleep in car. Didn't know if John was going to come back when he left? The constant worry and pressure Dean felt to keep Sam safe? The neglect at the hands of John? Tell me at what point the Winchesters had it easy becasue of God?
  17. I was just think, Dean who never had a cavity in his life, ends up on a case with a dentist just as he happens to get 17 (yeah right) of them. I'd call that lucky. Dabb can't even keep the plot consistent in this own episode.
  18. At least Kripke had the decency to speak out after the episode so the audience wasn't left with the impression Dean was a dick. My issues with yellow fever was Bobby and Sam. They were the dicks. They acted annoyed that they had to save Dean and didn't really seem to be in any real hurry despite Dean's ticking clock. Not surprisingly this is a Dabb episode. I did like Dean's crazy people speech. But overall I disliked the first episode we had dealing with Dean's hell trauma was a comedy ep. I felt like they were mocking Dean's fears. Maybe it didn't mean to but as usual, Dabb sucks and takes an interesting concept but doesn't know how to put it together. There was a reason Jared compared it to putting a dog down.
  19. Last night's episode didn't work, for me, on any level. Ignoring the fact that it spit on Sam and Dean's legacy, Sam and Dean have never been lucky. They also are not superheros. They were ordinary, everyday brothers trying to get by and deal with life's tragic circumstances the way they know how. We've seen them deal with so-called normal problems. They've had car trouble. They've had no money for hotels and had to sleep in the car. Dean's gone hungry. He had to steal. Sam has gotten sick. Dean's got drinking problem. They have nightmares, They've lost loved ones. These are normal problems that normal people face every day. So what exactly was this so called plot armour protecting them from? They're lives were never easy. Also, fighting and being a mechanic are learned skills. John taught them both to fight and he taught Dean to fix the Impala. So God exposing them to normal problems they've had since the pilot, shouldn't take away their ability to fight and throw a punch. Also normal people don't trip over themselves ever minute of the day. They would still retain their knowledge to cover their hands before picking up a hot object. Even if it was God, being exposed to something you can still learn. This concept might have sounded funny in the writers room but it doesn't work on screen because Sam and Dear have been ordinary people with ordinary people problems coping with extraordinary circumstances. They've lived David vs Goliath since November 22, 1983. Just because they might not have had a cavity or a parking ticket doesn't mean they didn't experience ordinary people problems repeatedly. If God was protecting them he did a crappy job just Andrew Dabb did with this episode. The only redeeming quality is that once again Jensen Ackles made lemonade out of those lemons Dabb Chuck handed him.
  20. He did it all. It was confirmed by the crew.
  21. Ive seen it in the fandom but Dabb isnt' that clever.
  22. I would bet money Dabb wrote that dance scene with humiliating Jensen in mind. 🖕 But as usual he underestimated him.
  23. What annoys me more than anything is that based on the promo this doesn't look like a one off thing. It seems this is going to be he norm going forward. So Im guessing one brother will learn quickly and the other not so much.
  24. Of course they left the door open for Sam to have done it all on his own. They made sure to mention that specifically last week. I really don't get how anyone can say Dabb favors Dean. It's obvious, to me he hates the character and most likely the actor. Jensen you stayed one year too long
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