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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. Those pics are old. That was the shot they used for Jensen's birthday last year.(not that I'm complaining about getting the full shot)
  2. Its my friend's theory but it makes sense. But if its a daughter, This child would be the new Darkness (filled with Sam's purity, of course. ) Then Jack becomes the new light, AKA God. this could also explain why Amara possesses Sam, so he can kill her and sacrifice himself so his child can be the new darkness. Together they make a stepford world. Dabb did say they didn't change their planned ending, just how they got there. In Jensen's own words, he doesn't. Same. I love Danneel but Sister Jo serves absolutely no story purpose.
  3. The episode is called Destiny's Child. Maybe Ruby was pregnant with Sam's child. Sam's son is the thing that died with Ruby and the task Cas asks Jack to do is go to hell and retrieve Sam's son. That would be just the kind of thing Dabb would do.
  4. I would not be surprised in the slightest. I just hope we aren't going back to Demon blood drinking Sam.
  5. In the continuing tradition of spoiling absolutely everything, and in the name of fan service, and turning every character into a fluffy bunny... I bet Dean apologizes for killing Ruby.
  6. She's in this ep. You can see a brief glimpse of her in the photo. Berens loves his Sue, so its probably the most logical explanation.
  7. The pic was from a recent ep. Ep 12 was filmed around Christmas time. I don't think the pic has anything to do with the book, I think it is nothing more than a pic of Misha standing in an onion field.
  8. There is two Kaia's. (one is too many). Kaia 1 is one Jack met. The Kaia from last season is the one from the bad place who killed Kaia 1 while trying to kill Claire, But sure lets call her rescue heartbreaking. RME
  9. I'm sure Billie will also feel the need to add her two cents about Dean messing up the plan to trap Michael.
  10. Episode 12 press release Why would the Ninja Sue's rescue be extraordinary and heartbreaking. Can't she rescue herself? Let me guess she gets in a pickle because she didn't have her spear. Ugh Berens, Glynn and Speight.
  11. Yay/sarcasm My guess is that its the next ep because Ninja Sue can be seen in the trailer. As for the Vintage telescope, I bet its the key to Deaths Library. Look in it and it points the way.
  12. It looks like Jensen is on a float. I'm going to need a full HD shot of that outfit. Speaking of outfits. This year's king outfit
  13. From Steve Carlson's instastories. https://www.instagram.com/stevecarlson/?hl=en Oh Jensen. Steve looks like a lamp
  14. The only time I remember him is when all the cast came on stage to sing Purple Rain as a tribute to Prince. He played the guitar at Hawaii and and Australasian con
  15. My guess is that Jensen and Steve are working on Vol. 2. Jensen said music was a side project for him and he could do it anywhere, but that his main focus would be finding on camera work. So I hope he has some offers already.
  16. Also their reaction to his death spoke volumes. Talk is cheap if you never back up your words. Bobby might have said Dean is his favorite but he certainly didn't treat him like that. He really didn't treat him any better than John. There is a difference between babying someone and treating them with respect, which he did with Sam and his feelings. Bobby also said Sam was the better hunter. I'd rather Dean be the better hunter. If that is how Bobby treats his favorite, Sam is welcome to him.
  17. If they tried to say that Chuck killed Mary and let Jack off the hook, I'd just end up resenting the character even more. Because its proof posistive they want the character to be the most purest snowflake ever. This makes characters boring. Give me messy complicated ones any day.
  18. From @NougatJack is the media thread I don't like Mary's character. I don't think they did a single thing right with her return. I thought she was cold, selfish and uncaring. But from a plot standpoint, and Sam and Dean's POV Mary is the corner stone of the entire show. It was her death that sent John off on his quest and he dragged Sam and Dean with him. Mary was a big trigger for Dean and Sam always seemed curious about her. Remember Sam told Mary, "having you here fills in the biggest blank." They just got her back for a hot minute. The brothers clearly made peace with their relationship with her and her death should have had a much bigger impact. Instead, Sam seemed to barely notice, Dean said he was wrong to get angry about it, Cas barely cared about brothers losing their mom. Then they welcome Jack back with open arms and don't bat an eye that he's eating people's hearts. IMO, it doesn't matter what kind of character Mary was simply because of what she represented to the brothers. I think the writers realized they went to far with Jack killing Mary and they didn't know how to probably deal with the aftermath so they swept it under the rug, and the expense of the characterization of the 3 mains leads. This is why Jack is a terrible character, IMO, because he causes other character to behave in ways they normally wouldn't.
  19. Dean already forgave and admitted he was wrong, and couldn't figure out why he was angry in the first place. The show handled the whole thing so badly.
  20. A bad cold allows me to take a sick day and I get a paid day off. 😉
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