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Everything posted by ILoveReading

  1. I think Cas will be the one to save both of them. Shoshanna (Eileen) posted a video of her and Misha on the casino set. Also this is the episode where Dean is supposed to pray to Cas. i think they're going to get separated in Purgatory and Dean prays to Cas and Cas saves him, finds the flower and then goes to save Sam. Have I mentioned Berens is my least favorite writer.
  2. It seems to be my one talent. 🤣 Unfortunatley, it never seems to be an answer I want to hear.
  3. I forgot I even sent this question in, but the long and the short of it is no. Don't expect Dean's traumas to be discussed. This is why I don't believe Dabb would ever describe Dean as God like.
  4. From @gonzosgirrl in the bitter spoilers thread. No spoilers mentioned I think it has to do with set access. I remember a reviewer during s8 reviewing taxi driver said Dean needed more to do. Then with ep 21 she was suddenly convinced that Dean had a part to play, when he had even less to do in that episode. I always wondered if she got her hand slapped. It just seemed odd that she suddenly changed her tune. Alice Jester, who runs Winchester Family Business used to be on the list for screeners. But stopped getting them. TBH, I have no idea why. I just remember her complaining that she didn't give one.
  5. I found this So these trips sound exclusive and only offered to a select few. 👀 https://www.smobserved.com/story/2020/01/08/lifestyle/dpa-luxury-lounge-kicks-off-new-decade-with-the-golden-globe-pre-awards-gifting-suite/4370.html
  6. Full disclosure. This was my first though. If Hollywood ran on talent alone there should be a bidding war for Jensen. If I was trying to woo someone this is exactly what I would do. If what I read was accurate this DPA even is invite only and exclusive
  7. Reading Dabb's thoughts on the ending and how its been peppered in to previous episodes, with all the Jack pimping, I'm guess the spec that he becomes the new God is right on. Cas becames his right hand man/arch angel. Sam and Eileen decide to hit the road as hunters. Dean retires and opens a bar. Or Sam dies killing God, and Dean opens a bar. I can see Jensen having problems with both those endings.
  8. TBH, I don't know if Netflix is sponsoring the trip, just that that the other two people given it were from netflix.
  9. This is interesting. It looks like Jensen was gifted with a trip for two for a 7 nights stay in Tahiti, and Bora Bora, along with two other Netflix Actors.
  10. So to summerize this article: Dean was in purgatory before and it had an effect on him, so it was important he go back to purgatory becasue he was there and it had an effect on him, But let me tell you all the ways your should be afraid for God like Sam. He is going to go through all this important stuff. Its a good thing he has Eileen because she'll keep Sam grounded because she's a boots on the ground character. So while, I always felt that Dean deserved more than wind beneath Sam's wings that was was always his job. To look after Sam and keep him grounded but apparently that isn't even his storyline this season. But Sam is God-Like, and Eileen is grounded, what is Dean purpose? I certainly don't blieve Dabb see him as God-Like, and he's not even a grounded character, apparently. This is not me being facetious or bitch/jerk, I'm honestly wondering?
  11. Part of me will always wonder if Jensen was that blind item about a major lead leaving his long running series.
  12. IIRC, it was Jared himself at a comic con interview. IMO they attempted to in episode 14.05. They had all the AU people listening to Sam's every word, they called him chief, and it didn't seem to be a confidence thing. Everyone in that ep told Sam how great he was. The bunker was supposedly running like a well oiled machine. The one person who dared question Sam, was AU Bobby but even he was made to learn a lesson that he was wrong wrong wrong to call Sam out. Dean even gave Sam all the credit. I feel like we were supposed to see Sam as great and powerful leader that mean bossy Dean just wouldn't let Sam be. Its just that Dabb and co. constantly underestimate Jensen and his screen presence (or this was exactly what he was talking about with his breathing room comment. ) Jensen is dominate when on screen. This is why Dean appears in charge even when they are pimping Sam. I don't think they see Sam as a failure.. They still treat Sam as the leader. He tends to question the witnesses on hunts, find the connections, solve the case and get the a majority of the kills. When another hunter calls the bunker its usually Sam they call or are looking for. So I believe they are attempting to both show and tell with regards to Sam being being the leader. They have never once even hinted that Dean possesses this skill. As I said, above, I believe they are attempting to both show and tell, but IMO, Jared just isn't executing. But I believe the writers intentions are clear.
  13. Somebody should tell this to Andrew Dabb. He specifically said that Sam was only stepping into his rightful place and that Dean was holding him back. They had Mary say, 'you were born for this' for a reason. The writers don't see Dean as a leader, they just saw him as being bossy and holding Sam back and no small few in the fandom agreed with this assement. So I need it acknowledged because the people writing the scripts don't see this as a strength of Dean's character. Dabb even took Jared out to dinner, supposedly for discussion on this storyline. (Jensen he totally blew off when he asked for help with the driection of Michael). Given that Dabb all said he had to get Dean off screen to give other characters breathing room, its seems to me the main purpose of the Michael storyline was to get Dean off screen to push his Sam is the bestest most special leader ever. He's so awesome his army just wants to call him chief even though he told them to stop. They even made Dean one of Sam's flunklies by saying he would ask Sam if he could take Jack on more hunts. I fail to see how Dean is right about Jack since the show is completely ignoring that Jack killed Mary and made Dean public enemy number one in the fandom with Dean wanting to lock Jack away. That was very much portrayed as mean bossy Dean making Sam do that. Plus they made Dean be the one to say that Jack didn't deserve what he got. We know that as of 14.20 that that they have very special plans for Jack. So what does it matter if someone says Dean was right if they continue writing Jack like a woobie.
  14. Filming started 2 weeks later than it normally does and they had 3 weeks off over Christmas rather than 2. . I think if there is a strike they can film what they have written but Im not 100 %sure on that.
  15. yes. The show finishes filming in early April. IIRC, April 9th is the last day.
  16. I disagree here. I think Dean is more the people person and the person looking to make connections. Deans' biggest fear is being alone. He adapts far better than Sam. The bunker is his home. He made it that way days after moving in, he started nesting. Dean knows everyone in town. He lies for a living but he's never been that great at it. He told Cassie the truth immediately. Lisa knew his true self. While a normal life didn't work out for him, he genuinely cared about Lisa and Ben, and them him. He seems to make connections easily and win people over. Benny, Victor, Ketch, Lee, Ritchie, (guy from Sin City) are good examples. Also Dean adapts wherever he goes whether its prison or Hollywood. Sam, on the other hand comes across as a loner. He never told Jessica the truth or even some watered down version of it. He seems to push people away more than reaches out to them. Sam is the one who never really fit into the bunker. He even tells Dean that he never fit in. Even Sam's supposed role as chief he didn't seem to know those under than other than their names. The way he was doing everything to the point he couldn't sleep that shows he doesn't really trust the people he's working with, if they can't so something simple like monitor check-ins. When Dean gave Sam full credit after Dean rescused Maggie, it was clearly Dean that checked on her. Also none of those hunters even looked in Sam's direction. He had no real connection with any of them. Of course its not completely black and white and there have been times its been reversed, but for the most part, IMO, if I ignore the tell for the show, Dean is the people person who wants connections whereas Sam is the loner who pushes everyone away.
  17. Pre-Dabb I would have agreed, but these days even when we get a moment where we see Dean do something smart the writers make sure to throw in a dumb Dean moment to remind the audience he's not smarter than Sam. Just last episode Dean had a good idea but then they had to make Dean not even know what an achilles heel is. Dean needs help to pronounce simple Latin words. He has to be told to burn a body to get rid of the ghost. We rarely see him looking up cases or researching answers. How many times have we heard Dean say, Sam's on it. Dean even had to ask Sam to fix the colt and he's supposed to be the weapons expect. Under Dabb, Sam is suddenly and electronics expect and builds things, just like Dean. He came up with a cure to a biblical plauge. He speaks and reads multiple languages. He's been given Dean's instincts, his leadership abilities, he's completing complex spells that even Rowena couldn't finish. This last season he has 3 different storylines. With his relationship with Eileen, his connection to Chuck, and becoming a witch. Dean's been relegated to comic relief.
  18. I don't think Dean being an expert in pool, which we know is how he made his living, means he's good at everything. But I don't want to go into bitch/jerk so I'll leave it there.
  19. But show history has shown Dean to be more the hustler. I just want to see him get to play too. Not just Sam with Dean being the cheerleader.
  20. I'm guessing the blood on Sam's shirt comes from God using the scalpel on him. Because maybe now you can preform surgery to get back the piece of your soul that you lost.
  21. So what i'm seeing is a lot of Dean falling down, getting beat up, and giving up and needing another pep talk. Of course its Sam doing the pool paying. You can see a shot at 1.25.
  22. This is cute until you read the caption and realize its an ad for Eddie Bauer outwear.
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