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  1. two seasons in and I'm still like...why is the Stranger there. His storyline drags. The show generally suffers from very uneven plotlines and timings. Some storylines have too much going on for the time frame (Numenor, the rings corrupting the dwarves) and others not enough (Stranger, Arondir/Isildur). the actress who plays Galadriel does have great chemistry with basically anyone she shares a scene with.
  2. the problem is, WoT was not an instant hit. It has very little buzz online, it's got a dedicated audience but it's fairly niche. The 8 episodes every 2 years system BARELY works for huge hit shows which can keep up the hype from the debut. Even there we can see that interest just wanes over time (RoP, HoD). WoT doesn't even have hype in the first place - how are they supposed to build it up by releasing such little content over such a long time?
  3. Season 3 comes out probably late next year, isn't this premature? I mean I will support the show, but it's a bit early. The two year breaks are preventing the show from gaining any momentum if you ask me.
  4. I don't agree with anyone getting sent hate or threats obviously, and a lot of the criticism of the Michaela situation does come across as homophobic, unfortunately, but that's not the only problem with the swap and her statement saying she fought hard for John/Francesca to have their story told only for Jess Brownell to explicitly make Francesca a lesbian disappointed with her lack of attraction to John is...lol. I wonder if she said that to put pressure on JB to change that but it's more likely she'll double down on this next season.
  5. I agree with everyone, re:Michaela. I don't mind the genderswap in theory though it means Francesca's storyline will have to be completely different from the book, but I HATED that they are basically diminishing the John/Francesca connection. They were so cute in the first half and lovely representation that love can look different. Only to go, well actually Francesca isn't into him she's into his cousin. Who asked for that. I've always hated love triangles with related parties, it's gross (I would have hated it too with a male Michael). Is Francesca going to make googly eyes at her husband's cousin all of next season? Yikes.
  6. I think the show has pointed out why Bobby didn't face charges either, because while the fire started from his radiator, it would not have gotten that big that fast if not for the building being shoddily built. Any electrical appliance malfunctioning could have led to that disaster. but I also think the plot wasn't well thought through. A disaster of that scale would have Wikipedia entries and documentaries about it, Bobby's name would be out there for sure. The Grenfell Tower disaster in the UK "only" killed 70ish people and that was international news.
  7. really? I thought the opposite. They basically got together and came out as a couple in like 2 eps and then never shared any significant scenes again. They're sorely lacking in development as a couple for now. Aside from his backstory at the 118 Tommy is basically at Marisol "just kinda there" levels of love interest. there's surely a better middle ground between "centerpiece of the show" (which I don't think they ever were? other characters had storylines too in the two episode(s)) and "barely relevant" that I'd like the writers to cover with them.
  8. I assume they're just gonna be the villains next season. Which might make for an interesting storyline. Hopefully next season without the writer's strike affecting will have better plotting in general.
  9. idk the whole time I was thinking someone else would have killed this. He was...okay. Which for him is good I guess but he never really strikes the right chords for me emotionally. The only time I truly thought he was good was his breakdown in S5, he sold that.
  10. I disagree, I think she has the same comfortable friendly chemistry with Nikolai that she has with Mal. If anything, the actors sold me on the intense connection between Mal and Alina so I don't see her swerving to Nikolai 100%. Plus I know he apparently sucks in the books but show!Mal is a pretty great boyfriend, he's endlessly supportive of Alina. Fake an engagement with a future king? Makes sense, I trust you. Also he's my new bestie! I need to die for you to fulfil your destiny? Cool, let's do it. Hell, let me encourage the other guy to bring you happiness after I'm gone! It's like they really wanted to stick it to the people insisting that the Darkling was the better love interest for Alina based on Ben Barnes being hot and people loving themselves a bad boy lol. Which involved people coming up with all kinds of flaws of "co-dependent", "possessive" Mal while conveniently ignoring the Darkling's whole...villain-thing.
  11. I'll be honest, and I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't like it much. There were some good parts and the ending felt satisfying overall but I thought it dragged on a lot and was both overly grim and cheesy at times. Like Rocket's furry friends, everything about that was just so over the top. It was obvious they would die and lo and behold, they did, since the element of surprise was completely missing I just felt like the director was yelling CRY PEOPLE ARE YOU CRYING YET in the background. Idk, had it been a bit more subtle/toned down, it would have been more effective in my opinion. In comparison, Peter & Gamora's bittersweet ending did hit the right notes IMO, it was a lot more understated. I also thought the bad dog bit was unfunny and they just kept repeating it over and over. Generally thought some of the jokes were really bad this time, though some did land and were funny. Just kind of a meh experience overall.
  12. I've never played D&D and I thought the movie was hilarious. Don't remember the last time I laughed so much in the cinema. It was predictable in a good way, it just felt so comfortable watching.
  13. for real, reminded me of Buck's S4 storyline of not finding anyone to date and angsting about ending up alone. I was like, dude, a handsome, nice firefighter with a cool apartment, looking to settle down and get serious...you'd be the king of tinder with that bio. and echoing everyone else on the annoyance that being single is constantly presented as a huge drama on the show and you need a partner to be happy or you'll die depressed and alone.
  14. anything involving time travel always requires a loooot of suspension of disbelief, I don't think we need to come up with an explanation. He can't change the timeline because the screenwriters said so lol. He could very likely come up with a scenario that wouldn't miraculously end with Spock dead or the galaxy at stake and save himself but that would cheapen the stakes of his entire arc so "the universe" decrees it can't be done. I mean look at Voyager etc and how often they changed the timeline just cause they were personally unhappy with some stuff. There's no real rhyme or reason to the laws of this.
  15. My theory is they're not having Ryan Guzman do anything that requires emotionalism or nuance because the guy can't act to save his life. Man but he was bad in even those "do more" and "trying very hard to look like he's tearing up" scenes. They're probably trying to minimise the Buck/Eddie interactions in hopes it'll deter the shippers. The coma dream was such a letdown. There's a bazillion interesting things you could do with a scenario like that and they did it in the blandest, least inspired way possible. Feel bad for Oliver Stark cause he tried and I saw some online interview where he seemed excited about getting a storyline that wasn't just being the butt of a joke again but alas, this was not a great showcase for him.
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