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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. I just caught up with this episode and had to bail halfway through. I could't take Doug obsessing over the fact that Dr. Now called him a 'failure'. If you took a shot every time cried about it, you'd die of alcohol poisoning. I realize it's probably a deep trigger somewhere psychologically for him and he needs to work through that, but the whining and blaming Dr. Now for him being unable to get back on track was irritating as hell.
  2. It's actually not lawyers but the government. Those fair balance disclaimers are required by the FDA.
  3. Don Lemon was either crying a lot or totally stoned--his eyes were very red. I'm guessing it's the first. Lots of people really broken up at CNN.
  4. Well, we're talking about it and you remember the product. Voluntary recall is huge.
  5. A common problem --he was trying too hard to impress with too many techniques in the allotted time. The contest is a balance of skill and strategy. Face it they'd all probably knock it out of the park if they had plenty of time to make the dessert.
  6. I'm watching some of the reruns and love when they bring in the K9s. It cracks me up to watch the handlers during some of these chases. "Get down on the ground you fucking scumbag or I'll send the dog. Down NOW!" Only to turn around in the same breath and talk to the dog in baby talk, "Good boy, das my gooboy, whatta gooboy." Warms my heart how happy the dog and handler both look, and I don't mean that sarcastically.
  7. Someone brought this commercial up in another thread which reminded me to post it here. I usually tune out car commercials but this one made me laugh. I love how the dog owner starts reciting the designer breed of her dog which is SO different than a common 'poodle'. The pretentiousness of those who think these are real breeds is spot on. We used to just call them mutts
  8. I hate car commercials but that one about how that dog is NOT just a poodle makes me laugh. I get how it drones like a pharma ad though, but I think that's the intent.
  9. Evidently they did separate, at least once. I really liked these women, and rooted for them from the beginning. What a pleasant surprise to see them take responsibility for their weight loss. I didn't hear either of them whine and complain that it was too hard, or they couldn't find any healthy food on the road. As for Brandi getting pregnant, not the smartest move but at least she's approaching it in a sensible way by working with her OB/GYN. My biggest judgy judgmental thought about that situation is regarding the father. I wonder if she ever told him she was pregnant. Oh and Kandi? Agree with the lesbian vibes. I have a weak gaydar, but it was pinging loudly.
  10. I love the Prancercise lady!! BTW, I don't think it's Werewolves of London that's playing. It sounds a little like AC/DC Back in Black, but it might not be that either.
  11. I'm with you on that one. A ball on a pedestal is just begging for a dog to play with it. It's what they do!
  12. Surprisingly, I get this and agree with it. It sure sucks for the person to die, but that's due to their choices. Bringing someone down with them, like maybe killing someone with their car, is way worse.
  13. I don't know if it was just in my area or national, but when they broke after the Home Depot theft story there was a commercial for...Home Depot! Perfect timing.
  14. Whenever Dr. Now is a real hardliner about getting to a specific weight rather than just showing they are motivated, makes me think there's some other health issue going on. He wanted her to to lose 200 lbs, which is a HUGE variance from the usual 30-50lbs. Since he wanted to recheck her even with the weight loss, I'm guessing she had health problems above and beyond the usual that would put her in higher than normal danger for the surgery.
  15. I dunno, I kinda like it. It makes me chuckle the way the 'tick' says KILLS.
  16. Yes! That's exactly what it sound like he wants!
  17. Plus, I think the weight of the skin removed was around 20lbs + change so she didn't have a lot more to lose.
  18. Admittedly, I'm not a huge car fan, but by the same token cars and motorcycles are their passions and have been from the start. I've come to appreciate their knowledge and have learned things in spite of myself. Plus, I love watching them light up when they come across a "gem". It's probably how I would be if I found a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes in the bargain bin at TJ Maxx. Interestingly (to me), is that I also don't care one way or another for motorcycles however I have found myself talking to my friends who have Harleys about Indians, and why they didn't go with that brand.
  19. I hadn't watched this show in ages but decided to give it a try. It's totally unwatchable! Not so much because of the topics, although they're meh sometimes, but the lack of substance is mind boggling. 3 minutes of a scratch the surface interview, him saying 'we'll be right back', and then 5 minutes of commercials. I find it distracting and frustrating. With the short blips of talk, nothing really gets uncovered, analyzed or fixed. What's the point?
  20. I thought you said it on purpose, Prosperina65. As if Janice was having an affair with another insurance company spokesperson.
  21. I couldn't believe he said that, and was kind of flirting with her. No one else gets away with that shit.
  22. I'll add onto what Elizzikra said. Hypochondria is thinking you have these diseases vs. actively injuring yourself.
  23. It would have to be a commercial for one of these:
  24. Perhaps he was trying a new technique for eliminating the stray cat population.
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