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Everything posted by TVForever

  1. And this is how we know the writers didn't really think this through. What is the point of this plan? Yes, getting Sheila to confess ALL her crimes on tape would be great, but look how much time and resources have been wasted, when the testimony of three actual victims would have done the trick? Finn: Sheila was pointing a gun at my wife. I stepped in front of her, and she shot me instead. Steffy: I knelt down to comfort my husband. Sheila told me she couldn't go to prison, and then she shot me. Li: Sheila was angry with me. She chased me for several miles, and finally ran me off the road. Prosecutor: Thank you for your testimony. Jury: Guilty Judge: Prison time. This could have been wrapped up months ago.
  2. For me, this brings back memories of Lindsey and her Toxic Mama Drama on Chicago PD. I guess female cops on TV having awful mothers is officially a thing now...
  3. Something about Keisha annoys me. I'm still trying to decide whether its the character or the actor. I was actually not that angry with Dr Pace until this episode. I thought she was ridiculously strict, but she wasn't wrong about how tough the dance world would be outside of school. But setting Keisha up to injure herself and get kicked out of the dance program?That was straight up Mean Girl behavior. And it was wrong. Especially from a person of authority.
  4. Ugh. So, Jamie ends a perfectly nice relationship with the Hungarian cop because "he didn't trust her". Pardon me, but a few dates and sleeping with someone once or twice is a nice start to something bigger. It's not necessarily the level of trust that he was dealing with. The man had discovered internal corruption, and was now on the run to prove his innocence and save his life. He didn't know who he could truly trust. He reached out to Jamie; why wasn't that enough? But I guess the chip on Jamie's shoulder was too big. She blew up at Vo for taking her off the case (before she knew it was a ruse). But wouldn't it be expected for a cop to not be on the case when the guy she's dating is the main suspect? Erdos seemed like a nice guy. Pity, Jamie and her tiny little circle of trust is moving on.
  5. How is Liam the lone voice of reason in this mess with Thomas? All of these people should know better, but one by one, Steffy, Hope and now Brooke(!) have all caved to the idea of Thomas coming back. That said; no Liam, HFTF has not been loved by "millions and millions" around the world. I've never seen what was so special about it, and frankly that supposedly amazing presentation that Thomas put out looked like just another Forrester fashion show. Everything else he's said is 100% on point.
  6. I thought something was going to go wrong with the patient due to her prior mistreatment that would have been blamed on Julia.
  7. Seriously. Why not just register for the gifts she actually wants in the first place?
  8. Yeah, that was weird. I think we've all accepted the level of "unreality" that comes with this show, but...a realtor jumping into a canal fully clothed because her clients chose a house? Why? Which producer thought of this nonsense? And how did they get Floor to agree to it?
  9. I don't think we ever got an "exit story". I think Show just stopped writing for him, and we're supposed to forget he even exists.
  10. Whatever you're currently doing for a living; quit. THIS is your calling!!! Seriously!!!! Real question: Is it really that expensive to have more than a few sets? Or are we seeing the effects of budget cuts? Speaking of budget cuts, are Noah and Allie even on the show anymore?
  11. IKR?!?! Grandma was awfully high and mighty for someone that managed to raise not one, but two criminals! I'm glad she changed her mind, and a shared custody arrangement in Preach's favor is a great option. Amina needs all her family working together.
  12. I'm assuming that the move was for a lower cost of living. And yes, it's another country, but it's only a 2.5 hr flight from Arizona to Puerto Vallarta. If she had moved to Florida, it would be over 4 hours. And between Zoom and FaceTime, they can stay in nearly constant communication if they choose to. It's not an ideal situation, but probably not as awful as it sounds on the surface. Just my opinion...
  13. Eddie is completely insufferable. Oh my gosh, somebody smack her and make her stop.
  14. I'm embarrassed by this, but every episode has moments that actually make me giggle out loud! I'm glad to hear the show has been renewed; it's just fun, and I don't even mind all the unrealistic things they (well, Todd, mostly) do.
  15. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2980074/ Will this do? I LOVE this series!
  16. Good grief. Taylor and Steffy have been having the same conversation, over and over, for what feels like the past 2 weeks. Confess or don't confess, just please can we stop this endless loop?!
  17. 1. I wish Show had just let Nick and Sally be a great example of a male/female friendship, because frankly, I like their talks. There is caring between them, and Nick gives her good advice. I just don't see romantic chemistry between them. Being in love with Adam and best friends with Nick could have been a good twist on the overly done "Who's the Daddy, this brother or that one" storyline.
  18. Nah. Sheila just realizes that the prospect of losing Will is probably the only thing that might break the bizarre hold she's got over Bill, so she's making moves to try to keep him from having to make that choice. Too bad for her, Katie's not allowing any part of it.
  19. Why are all of Brooke and Taylor's scenes lately ending with their faces inches away from each other? I swear I thought they were about to make out yesterday! Is Show punking us?
  20. I'm crying actual tears right now!!🤣🤣🤣 NinjaP, my friend, you win the boards today!!!👏🔥🔥
  21. And now that we know that the pond is the time travel portal, I'm convinced (sort of) that Jacob has been living in some other time all along. I just haven't figured out how it ties into the story yet.
  22. As the show was originally written, most of the media attention has always been about Damon, who was such a hotshot baseball prospect that he was supposed to go to either the pros or a really big-time school, and instead chose Bringston (someone with a better memory than mine can fill us in). Even this latest "scandal" seemed to be focused less on Bringston than on the fact that "lowly" Bringston managed to beat the school they weren't supposed to beat, and by the way, tell us again what Bringston had to do to get such a hot prospect to come there? They have to have done something shady, blah, blah, etc.
  23. By the way, did we already know that Fenmore was gay, or was today his coming out for the audience?
  24. Wondering the same. This can't be about Noah-- he's sort of a non-entity at this point. It's not obvious yet, but I suspect this is going to end up being about Chance. I think Show is still deciding whether to go with Audra-Nate-Elena, or Audra-Chance-Sharon
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