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Everything posted by TVForever

  1. Between the language and the sex scenes, how did this make it onto broadcast TV?
  2. I don't know why the writers couldn't come up with a better backstory to explain Tucker and Diane's connection. Tucker managed to unearth a whole "unknown Abbott family member (Allie)" : why would he need Diane to come up with info on Ashley? Tucker clearly has extensive resources to get any information he needed without using someone that the Abbotts wouldn't give the time of day, let alone any insider scoops on Ashley's comings and goings. I have to admit, the backstory on Diane as an unwitting money-laundering mule is a plausible one. Going from being used by one rich guy to being blackmailed by another is also a good story, it's just the nature of the blackmail that doesn't track. I'm at the point where I don't even care what Diane did in the past. I want to see her winning. I wouldn't even mind seeing her her and Jack together, if only to watch the Witches' heads explode.
  3. I really liked the show, even if I didn't like every single moment. I hope we get another season, and I actually hope Kacey is there. I thought that she represented a lot of twenty-somethings that I've known--sweet, a little flaky, making plenty of dumb mistakes as she figures things out. Not everyone is a type-A like Anya, Adja, and Victoria (all of whom I also love!) In fact, Margaux is a bit like Kacey--nice girl, but really unfocused. She just has the benefit of not having to worry about money yet. I can understand where her father was coming from: I'm sure he was happy for her effort, but I suspect he's seen a lot of her big ideas flash and fizzle. As for Emily and her mother's business, I can't help but wonder why anyone in Paris would need to use a fabrication workroom all the way in New York? I mean, it's Paris-- I can't imagine there aren't plenty of top-flight fabrication shops there! Maybe they're aiming to be the go-to for Paris- companies doing work in the US. Emily didn't make it clear, and I was head-scratching wondering why her mother and two brothers needed to fly all the way to Paris to hang sheer drapes?! I'll be interested to see how Victoria's path with the Chloe Colette is progressing. But that one has got to tone down the histrionics. I thought she was going to start tossing drinks at Emily. And Mama Anya to watch over them all. Would love to see her get married! And most of all, more Paris!
  4. Watching the show lately feels like I fell asleep and woke up 2 years in the past. Bill's obsessing over Brooke (again) after being rejected by Katie (again), Thomas is obsessing over Hope (again), being aided and abetted by Douglas (again), Liam is freaking out over it (again), and Hope is clueless and calling Liam crazy (again)! Taylor is back in the Cliff House, having bought it back from Wyatt, apparently. Did we get any explanation as to where Wyatt is? He was at lunch with Bill and Liam several weeks ago, but that was it. So is he gone now? WHY are we in this place AGAIN?
  5. So... No one needs Paris to do social work or non-profit foundation work anymore?
  6. Why is Chance being so weird lately? It started with Abby being a little clingy, but now I'm starting to wonder-- where is Show going with this? Almost forgot- I'm proud of Billy for (literally) talking Chelsea down from the ledge, but now that the immediate crisis has passed, it's time to call in the professionals (not Sharon!). This isn't a "cup of tea and a chat" moment.
  7. Okay, Show. You did a decent job with some heavy material today. I'll even admit I freaked out a little when I thought that Chelsea jumped. But be careful, Show; if you're going to take on something this heavy, you'd better do it justice. Because, unlike another "Who's the Daddy" storyline, depression and suicide hit way too close to home for so many people, in real and painful ways. "Tread carefully" is all I'm saying.
  8. I thought he also sees outpatients. I got the impression that these kids were one of his therapy groups.
  9. I knew it was going to be something bad that was keeping the elevator from working. My first thought was a body, but no one was complaining of a smell in the building. Drugs was my second thought, but I guess guns would be in that same category--Someone using the broken elevator shaft as a hiding spot for something illegal.
  10. Lola and Mark's friendship is the best thing about the show, IMO. They're almost like siblings.
  11. And she just seemed so positive, which was great because hubby was so Debbie Downer serious. And their kids were so cute! And the house they chose was great.
  12. I found myself thinking back to the Glory Days of Soaps ( and I know I'm dating myself by doing this) when a honeymoon in Costa Rica would have meant an actual location shoot in Costa Rica. Some lovely tropical location porn, especially at this time of year as most of us in the US are on the fall/winter downslide. The production's in southern California--heck, take a remote crew to the beach at Malibu and film some scenes there as a stand-in for CR. Instead we get fake romance, and now fake family time with Harrison in fake Costa Rica. I guess we won't see anyone in the Grand Phoenix hotel suite until they don't need the "Costa Rican villa" anymore. Btw, is Phyllis drunk? She's being weird today, even for her.
  13. So too would Moira Rose ( her character in Schitt's Creek!) She would have LOVED that lobster fascinator, lol!
  14. I'll give Brooke ONE HOUR to grieve this "loss", then I'm going to need her to move on. Because frankly, anyone who could dump me so callously, with no explanation, doesn't deserve me. I want Thomas' deception to be uncovered, but only so Ridge will know how evil his spawn really is. But I don't want Brooke to take him back. Ever. I don't even want her to accept his apology when it comes. As for the foolishness that's about to start between Bill and Deacon, please don't, Show. We've "been there, done that" WAAAAAY too many times. Seeing Bill suddenly regress to his Caveman behavior from years ago was jarring to say the least. He was just (again, out of the blue) begging Katie for another chance. And now that sh'es said no, he's making another beeline for her sister?!? And Deacon: a marriage proposal, seriously? WHERE did that come from? Somebody get the writers out of the Old Scripts Room and make them write something new!
  15. Just watched the Tribute episode yesterday. I was actually holding back tears at the end...
  16. Just tuning in today. Was there an explanation for whatever's going on on Abby's face?
  17. There, fixed that for ya.
  18. I thought the Costa Rican honeymoon was the opportunity to rotate the two actors off the canvas for a few weeks. Imagine my disappointment seeing them today. I just don't need any scenes of the two of them in fake Costa Rica.
  19. Did Nikki think that ambushing Tucker with a reporter was going to work? And why did Talia get salty when Tucker gave her the BS answers she deserved? He didn't owe her squat! I don't know what it is about the way this storyline, is playing out, but everyone is being SO self-righteous and sanctimonious that I'm actually rooting for Diane and Tucker, and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to be. But between the Witches of Genoa City, Auntie Jack, and Kyle and Summer The Tsk Tsk Chorus berating Diane at every single turn, I can barely watch the scenes. Maybe it's because I wasn't watching the show during the years when Diane was doing all the things that has everyone in town hating her, but I do know that not one of these folks has room to throw stones. Not.One.
  20. Grabby Hands: I guess some people really are destined to learn everything the hard way.
  21. I would have preferred to see Quarter ride off into the sunset together. Maybe go off to reestablish her jewelry business in Paris. That pairing made Carter dynamic; on his own, Carter is nice to look at, but really boring and needy. And the thought of him being paired with Little Miss Perfect Katie? I’m yawning just thinking about it…
  22. Is Li no longer in the picture? I wondered about that the other day when Bill was begging Katie AGAIN to get back together. I've wondered if the show needs a bigger cast, or maybe 30 minutes isn't enough. It just feels like we're watching the same people do the same things year after year. And if there is some change or growth, the character gets snatched back to the same old pattern. What was the point of explaining away Thomas' previous awfulness with a brain tumor if he's just going to go back to the same bad behavior? New characters come in, get crappy storylines, and then disappear with no explanation. I did a double take when he said that line. I wondered if the writers were deliberately messing with us.
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