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Everything posted by TVForever

  1. Oh goodness, watching those Forresters today talking about Finn's emotional state regarding Sheila: Ridge: Well, she did give birth to him... Thomas : She also shot him. Taylor: Yeah, but she gave birth to him... I replayed that moment about 4 times, it had me laughing so hard! And I'm going to need everyone to stop saying "Sheila's toe" over and over, because it's grossing me out.
  2. I was feeling sorry for Nate too, but after today's episode, I have ZERO sympathy for the idiot. First of all, Imani has been anything but subtle in her pursuit of Nate, and now he has actual proof that the meeting that she supposedly set up never existed, but he is being so woefully clueless about it. I don't even like Elena, but I was practically standing up and applauding her as she laid out the situation with perfection for her clueless idiot boyfriend.
  3. I'm going to give nuDouglas a pass for now. Newbie soap actors are usually very wet behind the ears, and they can be comically bad sometimes. He's got the right look for the part, and it will be fun watching him grow into it. I mean, our patience has mostly paid off with Liberty-Bibberty, hasn't it?
  4. Oh, this so ridiculous! Mauled by a bear? That's the best they could come up with? Sheila's not dead. We all know it, the characters even know it. This is so awful, I'm actually feeling a bit insulted.
  5. I was stunned too when he said he was a school principal. He did seem awfully young for that!
  6. I can't believe I missed that! You're right-he actually wished Amy a "nice day"! He wasn't just Evil Bastard; he was Racist Evil Bastard!
  7. I actually liked Phyllis' dress today. Yes, that sleeve was a bit extra, but I'll give it a pass. The overall style and ( especially) the color worked well on MS. Now tomorrow? Who knows...
  8. I believe this is the third time that Amanda is going offscreen to be with sick Naya, (who's getting an awful lot of storytime for someone we haven't seen in months). It's time to wrap this up, one way or another. It feels like the grandfather's trial, which after all the buildup, took place 98% offscreen. Why is Show doing this?
  9. Watching that coven of Genoa City Witches carrying on today made me realize that I don't even care at this point if Diane really is up to no good. Seeing those three so gleeful and self-righteous in their plan to "take Diane down" makes me want them to lose, and lose BIG.
  10. I can see why she's amused-- she's already called Phyllis on her B.S.--what I can't see is why Summer is giving into it. Don't do the "I'll talk to Kyle" thing--girl, Boss Up and tell your mother that no one has time for her foolishness in their workplace.
  11. So Nate's concerned about people finding out that he was Ashland's "unwitting" accomplice in his cancer scam, and what that would do to his reputation. Wonder if he was ever worried about people finding out that he was a reluctant, but fully aware accomplice in Victor's medical scam? And speaking of things that Show apparently wants us to forget: All this talk about Harrison's parents never seems to include Tara. She's his mother. She's in prison for financial crimes, not child abuse. I guess that will be a storyline sometime down the line.
  12. Oooo, Robin was just wrong, wrong, wrong in this episode! Personally: If you're the baby's main caretaker, then you're it. If he got called into work unavoidably (whe did he go back to the FBI, btw?) and the babysitter couldn't make it, there are at least 2 grandparents in town ( I'm assuming Lola's mother is around, even though we haven't seen her in awhile). Either way, you don't just show up at the other parent's workplace without calling, baby in tow. What in the world?! What if she had already been in court? Now you're forcing her staff (who are not there to babysit your adorable baby) to pick up the slack. Not cool, Robin! Professionally: If you show up in a judge's chambers uninvited, then you're there as a husband, not as a law enforcement colleague. He had no business taking professional info he overheard and using it for his own purposes. Lola was right; he compromised both Mark and her by doing that. Again, not cool!! Btw, was there a resolution to the storyline where Vanessa lied about passing the bar? Is that still a secret? Wouldn't her employer know that by now? Was she supposed to be negotiating that case from a couple of eps ago? Did I miss something?
  13. Especially in Australia, home of the deadliest of everything on the planet!!
  14. Given the overall level of the women's costuming on the show these days, I'll take it. At least she looked like someone going to work. Don't forget making Ashland, suffering from a heart attack, sign a business deal in Victor's favor in order to get any medical assistance. Kind of makes Ashland's faking cancer seem a bit tame by comparison, doesn't it?
  15. I actually sat shaking my head after today's episode, realizing that somehow Nick and Chloe have become the voices of reason and Chance is acting (for now, anyway) like a competent police investigator. I don't know what to make of this, smh!
  16. I get it. He's got plenty of Big D Energy, lol! Yeah, those f-bombs got my attention too. And this is after Mark and his "Holy S**t!!!" a few weeks ago. Right?!?! This didn't even seem hard. Instead, Show decided to make this some "existential crisis", leading to the weirdest episode this show has ever produced. The only ( and I mean the ONLY) good thing to come out of this ep for me was the revelation of Lindsey Mendez' ( Sara) singing! Wow!! So of course, I had to go look her up and discovered that she too comes from a musical theater/ Broadway background. How did this show manage to get so many "Broadway babies " on its roster?
  17. I was thinking the same, until I realized that Sally wasn't actually in town yet during the Adam/Sharon years, was she? Does she even know that they were a thing? I'm sure she does, I just can't remember how she would have found out. And just think- if Grampire turns over the space for Noah to open his nightclub, we'll get to see that "dancing" on a regular basis!!🤪
  18. Has Show even bothered to mention where Flo is? Not that I care, but some sort of exit story throwaway line would be nice. Lujack's back!!! And yes, the years have been VERY kind to him...😚😚😚
  19. Of course he’s family when they need a cop in their pocket. Other than that, it’s Chance Who? It’s never the crime that gets you, it’s the coverup…
  20. Did anyone else feel like they were watching an episode of the Real Housewives of Genoa City today? It was actually laugh out loud funny when Phyllis was getting seriously ramped up again just by talking about Diane, and Ashley leans over and asks, "Are you okay?"
  21. Call me crazy (I'm watching episode 3 right now-- but don't worry, I'm not giving away any spoilers), but I'm thinking I wouldn't mind a shift in the show's focus to a certain gay former curate navigating his new reality, encountering a whole new set of acquaintances and friends at his coffee shop and at the university. He's no longer a representative of the church, but the same sensibilities that took him in that direction are still there. He's an innocent, but he's a very intelligent and well-read sort, and seeing his particular talents helping out the cynical and weary Geordie was actually something I would mind on a regular basis. Will (or any vicar that may follow) could still be a part of the ensemble, but Leonard would be the central character. It just feels like there are so many good stories the show could tell. Because as cute as Will is, I just don't need another rebellious, self- destructive vicar as the show's center.
  22. OMG, thank you! I was afraid it was just me! I'm actually going to have to rewatch it (the whole season, actually), because I really did not understand what the heck was going on! I love Endeavor, but this was not my favorite season.
  23. Yes, that place in the country was lovely, but it was waaaaay too much for 2 people. In fact, it had so much of everything ( dining table for 14, beds seemingly everywhere), it felt like the place was more of a hostel or guesthouse than an actual home. Nothing about the home itself or its location a half-hour bus ride from everything they need seemed to make any real sense for them.
  24. So let me get this straight. Adam is "fake" breaking-up with Sally as part of his plan to save her job and move forward with his plan to get revenge on his family and Ashland? Except that he hasn't let Sally in on the plan ( I guess so she can have plausible deniability), so she thinks that Adam has really just walked out on her. My head hurts, because this doesn't make any sense, and I suspect the writers have just ruined a perfectly good couple, spoiled the redemption of Adam , made a formerly dynamic foil to Victor look like a chump (again), and propped up the ridiculous Newmans (again). And it was all so avoidable and unnecessary. Writers, please prove me wrong. Please?
  25. Oh great, Donna has The Village Idiots back to cheer on her affair with Eric. Apparently, it was wrong when Donna was doing Eric behind her sister's back, but now that it's behind Quinn's back, well, everything's just peachy!
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