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Everything posted by TVForever

  1. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm grateful for any storyline that will take Kalinda out of the show. I used to enjoy her character, but now I just can't stand her. I'm just done.
  2. I LOVE this show, and I can't figure out why! Not usually a fan of this type of reality show, but I find myself laughing out loud while watching and looking forward to each episode. I just like the whole family (although Grayson is a little smart-alecky for my taste but I'm hoping he'll grow out of that) and they're just a lot of fun! Looks like this show has found the secret formula. I'm going to enjoy it while it's here.
  3. Yay! Fashion Fund is back! I was hoping House of DVF was going to follow this example, but sadly no. So I was especially glad to see this show come back. The group of 10 looks like a great bunch, and I'm ready to see what they've got in store.
  4. Actually, Eli talks to Peter in pretty much the same way when he needed it. Alicia, unfortunately, needs even more "direction" because she is a political neophyte. She still thinks that the rules of common sense apply when you're a political candidate. Eli knows all too well how the game is really played. Little by little, Alicia seems to be starting to learn this. It's actually been fun watching her missteps.
  5. Actually, as frustrating as that was to watch, it made perfect sense to me. Sandy is working to assert her position as the alpha female in the group, Ruby's a bratty teenager who will play the three adults against each other at any opportunity in order to serve her own needs. And Hank, oh my goodness. I just find him the most annoying guy. Sarah had the chance to be with the handsome rich guy (last season)who had his "stuff" together, no issues, and clearly adored her, or Hank. And she chose Hank. Oh wait. She was engaged to the cute younger teacher 2 years ago, who also had his act together, no issues, and clearly adored her, or Hank. And she chose Hank. Oh Sarah.
  6. Thanks for the heads up about the new season of Fashion Fund! I'm setting my DVR for it now. Frankly, I think House of DVF would have been great as that kind of show- that "fly on the wall" type of documentary, perhaps following the whole group of young women as they are brought into the DVF fold and TRAINED to be a GROUP of brand ambassadors, not this "catty, cutthroat, send a girl home every week" nonsense. Let us watch and learn as the newbies become fashion industry and DVF insiders. That's the show I would have loved. But I guess the producers forgot to call me when they were coming up with the concept, lol!
  7. To be fair, getting sick and nearly passing out is not something we can generally control. I figure, at least she had the thought to remove herself to the restroom instead of playing it out in the middle of the party. As far as I could tell, the real drama came from all the anxious folks flocking and squawking around her like chickens with their heads cut off. If not for all of that carrying on, she could have been attended to very quietly with little disruption. Instead, they all carried on as if she had been shot. Can't blame the poor girl for that. That said, she did plenty to get herself sent home. I actually liked her quirky style, and there are plenty of fashion brands where I could see her, but not DVF. Neither her style nor manners fit here. I'll give the show a few more episodes at least. I'm disappointed that it looks like it's going to be just another catty "reality" contest, but I'm a fashion industry fan, so I hope to get enough of the good stuff mixed in with the foolishness to make it worth my while.
  8. I like that London realtor; he's sort of becoming the "go to" London guy much like Adrian Leeds has become the realtor in all of the France episodes. Hope we get more of him in future episodes.
  9. I have loved Elspeth from her first appearance, but this episode was just a little too odd for me. This is one of my favorite shows however, so I can live the occasional "off" episode. Cary just seems to be in a bizarre place right now- I'm actually starting to forget how his current mess got started. And Kalinda-oh somebody help me there. I've been trying to recapture my "like" for the character, but I think I'm just over her at this point. I hope that changes, we'll see.
  10. Is the actress on maternity leave or sort of cutting back due to her pregnancy?
  11. I agree with you. I've always considered Zeek as loving his family, but in "my way or the highway" fashion. He seems to have backed off a bit (prior to the surgery), but only because Camille was really starting to take the "highway" last season, after years of giving in to Zeek's tantrums. I attribute most of his crankiness right now to the aftereffects (physical and emotional) of such a big surgery. Oh Crosby. I was hoping that after seeing him and Adam almost switch places regarding the Luncheonette, that Crosby was becoming the more mature Braverman brother. Now I realize it will always be one step forward, two steps back with this guy. You have a wife and two very young children who depend on you-enough already with the motorcycle obsession. I get it- you still want to flex your testosterone and that's tough to do in a minivan, but surely there's a happy medium? A sportier car, perhaps? Pickup truck? Poor Amber. She's become a hot mess, just like her mother has presumably always been. Thank goodness for Drew, who has always been more sensible, to the point that he now seems almost like the older sibling. Yes, his advice about Amber getting back to drinking and "toking" shortly after giving birth was bizarre, but I'll attribute that to his age, and just trying to make his sister feel better in the moment. Overall, it's been his advice that has kept her from making bad situations even worse. I liked Camille's change of direction last season- please don't let her spend the final season with nothing to do but play Zeek's nursemaid/mother hen. Just some random musings on the show I love to hate. I'll miss it when it's gone.
  12. It seems to me like Crosby is growing up and becoming the more responsible Braverman brother while Adam is becoming more whiny and immature with each episode. I too, feel we haven't seen the last of his motorcycle accident. Maybe it wasn't a red herring after all. Oh my goodness, that Snowflake Academy. Every time I see it, I think back to last season, when Supermom Kristina first came up with the idea, and that great teacher she loved (nearly to the point of crushing on him) very kindly asked if she was sure, letting her know that he has seen this before, and that the enthusiasm for opening such a school often falls flat in the reality of such an undertaking. Are there any actual professionals at this place? Because the only adults I ever see are Kristina and Adam, and he's supposed to have his own job somewhere else! Looks like that teacher was right- Kristina opened a school for HER KID that she just allows other kids to attend. In which case she should have just homeschooled him. I miss the old house. It was the most charming place.
  13. Can Pie Town please just give Adrian Leeds her own show? My absolute favorite realtor on HHI, with a close second being Nina Fennessy from some episodes in the Caribbean ( I think St John, someone please correct me if you remember).
  14. Funny you should mention that Japan episode. My brother and I STILL scream like banshees about the wife in that episode. We try to cut her a little slack because she's a military spouse who obviously didn't have a say in moving to Japan (and seemingly would never leave Ohio if she didn't have to), but REALLY! Go with the flow, lady, you married a military guy. You don't know where you'll end up.
  15. I liked this couple. They just seemed really cute and enjoyed each others' company. This is another episode where I wish the producers had waited a little longer to do the followup- I was hoping we would get to see pictures of their traditional Swazi wedding.
  16. The little girl who plays Diane is now officially my favorite little child actress! She is just adorable, and unlike so many young actors, you don't see her "acting".
  17. I've been wondering this as well. It could be purely coincidence, but it does seem odd to have a very blond twin and a very dark-haired twin, especially since the two "moms" are 1 blond, 1 dark. And now that I've seen the last episode, and we all know now that Lori has a past (with David, at least) and didn't choose Carter randomly, my suspicion that Lori and Carter have a biological bond is even greater. I just haven't quite figured out how this could have happened without going into full-on "suspending common sense", soap-opera type stuff. Or, this could be a red herring, meant to make us have this very conversation. If that's the case, bravo show writers!
  18. Rusty, I'm still trying to figure out the whole outfit.Not the finest moment.
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