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Everything posted by TVForever

  1. I think I like Caroline Brooks a little less with each episode. "Adam, would you like Mommy to cut you some chicken?" "Yes, Mom." "Maid (I missed her name), would you take this plate down to Adam and slice him some chicken?' What the heck, Caroline? And by the way, when people who have actual boarding school experience are telling you that you don't really want to put your son through that, maybe you should listen. And all of that yelling and screaming at your friends! What was all of that? Sara was right- something very clearly triggered Caroline in that moment.
  2. Watching them standing around, all smug and self-satisfied; I had to remind myself that this was fiction, because I was seriously having some FEELINGS!! And will someone please remind the former stripper that Sally has already run a company, thank you very much, that wasn't handed to her by a rich husband or daddy. Nikki, please tell us what skills you had that entitled you to be a CEO, or COO, or whatever executive level positions you've held. I want bad things to happen to the Newmans at this point. And I want Adam and Sally to triumph. Let's get it on...
  3. Yep. Especially during " that time of the month." Trust me, nothing about that setup they showed us is realistic for a pair of opposite-sex siblings of that age. You might be able to get away with it with very young kids, but what pre-teen/teenaged girl wants to share any kind of bedroom (let alone a closet-sized one) with her brother. Or vice versa? On vacation for a few days, maybe. For regular full-time living? GTFOH with that. What parent would even want that?
  4. I like Deacon too, and would like to see him integrated into the show more. Give him an apartment, some dayplayer friends, maybe even a girlfriend? But it can't be anyone already on the canvas- too much weird history with EVERYBODY. Bring on someone new- we could use some fresh faces.
  5. #FreeSergio!! I don't get it. I know that many of these "storylines" are just that, and the real stories are somewhat different ( after all, Sergio and Caroline really are married), but Sergio is a good-looking, seemingly nice guy. And even though Caroline is an attractive woman, she's a middle-aged woman whose baby-raising days are behind her (and who could blame her?) Older women marrying younger men is nothing new, but marrying a younger man who very ,very clearly wants to have children-- I see problems ahead.
  6. You've caught up fairly quickly, because you've pretty much nailed Donna. I'll be the first to admit that the actress has an admirable figure, but prancing around in bathing suits and her Forever 21 wardrobe just feels so "mutton dressed as lamb". And enough with that stupid honey pot silliness! That was Eric and Donna's sexxxxytimes schtick from 20 years ago, and now it just feels old and tired, and Donna sitting around "half-clothed" on the lap of a fully clothed Eric just reads squicky. And now what? No wonder Quinn's not breathing hellfire down on Donna (not that it wouldn't be fun to watch); she got the better end of the deal. Quarter has the potential to be a dynamic pair in love and in business, and I hope Show gives us that. As far as Eric and Donna go, outside of nooners at the country club, what do they really have? What are they even supposed to talk about? Show needs to flesh out Donna's character a bit, give her a life outside of being Eric's honey bear. Bring Justin back and let them be friends and confidants- maybe he could even be the Henry Higgins to her Eliza Doolittle. Marcus, Dayzee, their child (Donna's grandchild, whose name escapes me)- all potential story.
  7. Watching Adam get the football yanked away AGAIN is not fun. Why do they keep doing this to him? Why does he keep putting up with it? I think this is the vibe Show is going for:
  8. I think Luke already suspects as much. He was so focused on winning, that I think he's just beginning to realize what he's done. Same here with Lola and Mark's relationship. It's been my favorite thing about the show since it's beginning, and that scene was laugh out loud funny ( no, seriously, I actually laughed out loud and rewound/rewatched it a couple of times!)
  9. I've got some thoughts on Ashland: I loved RB in the role, he worked on his own and as a pretty good romantic partner with AH. I think his sudden departure and replacement was jarring. Now, I'm a RN fan from way back (Hi, Josh Lewis!), but he just didn't seem to fit this role in the same way, and he doesn't really have the same chemistry with AH. Now I think the show can use this to their advantage. Now that the last tie has been cut between Ashland and Victoria ( and in kind of an ugly way, too), I'm ready for Ashland to stay in town and go "full-nuclear" on the Newman family, Victoria included. Unleash the Locke-ness monster, as it were. After all, he was originally introduced as a ruthless businessman to be feared. Let's see that guy again. The show needs another one, because we've watched TGVN pull all sorts of unrequited wrong for 40 years(?), Jack has been turned into a simpering wimp, and the Chancellor-Winters are just silly puppies. As for a romantic partner, I thought he had decent chemistry with Diane. Although she seems to be all-in on Jack for the moment, a revitalized Ashland with Diane by his side would make Victor and Nikki's heads explode! Throw in the fact that Harrison is Ashland's putative son and Diane's bio-grandson, and Victor's "sort-of" great-grandson (with Summer being Harrison's stepmom), there's the potential for more story. And I can't believe I'm about to say this, but even pairing him with Phyllis could drive all kinds of story, as long as Show tones her back down a bit, because she's been turned into a raving harpy of late. And speaking of raving harpies, I could even see Chelsea pursuing him, although I couldn't quite see that match working out. Bottom line, I like the idea of Ashland as a character, and hope that RN is given a chance to make the role his own, rather than being stuck with trying to continue what another actor started. As others have noted, Ashland's not broke, he's only lost the "go away" money that Victor gave him, not the proceeds of the sale of his company to the Newmans, or all the big bucks he had already. He's still got plenty of money and gumption to be a foil for TGVN. Let's get it on, Show!
  10. Make room for me at that table, y'all! I was actually taken aback by how handsome(?) Ridge looked at that "wedding", because that is definitely not my usual reaction to him. And that's exactly why I don't feel the least bit sorry for Paris rn. She torpedoed that ceremony with all the sanctimony she could muster. And she didn't even really know these people! They were her employers, not her friends, and whatever was going on was not her business. I believe he went off on a 3-hour tour with Flo and Shauna.
  11. Someone remind me- was Jordi Vilasuso's departure sudden or unexpected in some way? Because the storyline was absolutely headed towards a Rey/Chelsea affair, or at least a heavily emotional entanglement that would threaten his marriage to Sharon and set up a weird rivalry with Adam over Christian. Heck, Show already had Rey moving in a "stepfatherly" direction with the kid. Lots of storyline coming down the pike there, and then, POOF! Rey was dead and all those storline setups went down the drain. It certainly wouldn't be the first time, lol! Isn't this exactly how it played out with Abby, Summer, and Austin? If I recall, we didn't even find out about Abby and Austin's affair until after he was murdered.
  12. Y'all, please remember this as the moment I officially started to hate Nate: When Elena told Nate that she wanted to cut back on her work in the clinic so she could support Nate more in his new adventure and they could spend more time together, his response was, " That's all I ever wanted." Then they went on to kiss and make googly-eyes at each other. I wanted to throw up. Where to start? First of all, why can't Nate and Elena acknowledge that they are both following their dreams, and frankly, if Nate's hand hadn't gotten messed up, he would still be a doctor, and all that entails? They aren't the first couple with demanding careers- they can make it work. So Elena's going to give up her pursuits so she can stay up under Nate's armpit? And he's just so happy about that?
  13. I thought I read that, too. She's an actual realtor who used to be an actor ( or maybe she still does some). Just like (believe it or not) Ryan Serhant of Million Dollar Listing NY, who was an actor many moons ago, but obviously found a more successful path.
  14. I have had just about enough of Lola groveling for Sherri's forgiveness. Sherri made a mistake, and she needed to own up to that. Whatever "look" Lola gave her when the 500k bombshell was dropped was just that- a surprise to both of them. Lola did nothing wrong. Doggone it, if Sherri's determined to be mad about that after the trouble she caused (inadvertently, but still), then she should go.
  15. Quinn, don't even waste time feeling bad about this. Go directly to Carter, stop him from marrying that child Paris and get your man! Leave Eric to his ridiculous "honeybear". Ever notice that Eric and Donna's scenes always have old-fashioned soft porn music playing?
  16. Grace is right about Carter, but not for the reasons she thinks. That still doesn't give her the right to go barging into private offices at a place where she doesn't work having conversations about this! Also, will someone PLEASE sit Grace down and inform her that Carter did not do Zoe wrong, but it was the exact opposite?
  17. And it finally hit me why Lily's dress is driving me nuts: It's not a completely awful dress on its own. It's just not what the CEO of Big bucks, International, la-dee-dah company would wear to the big bash. She's dressed more like the college intern from the mailroom that got invited to the party because everyone in the company got invited, but she doesn't really have the wardrobe for something like this so she's wearing her cutest "freakem" dress that she wears to go clubbing with her girlfriends.
  18. Same here in Virginia, probably everyone in EST. The other time zones might get lucky, or they’ll hold off and wait and run it tomorrow for all of us🤞🤞🤞
  19. What in the Hope of the Future was that girl wearing today????
  20. Good catch. I also noticed that they did their post-case get together on what appeared to be the restaurant/lounge of the hotel instead of at Catherine's cafe/bar. It made me laugh when Catherine told the commissioner "I'm going to bring you a large rum," because I was thinking that's not her bar, where was she going? I wonder what happened with all their usual filming locations.
  21. Anyone else feeling a "Who killed Ashland?" mystery coming?
  22. I'm so glad this show is back. That's all I've got for now...
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