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Everything posted by nara

  1. I call BS on the smiley picture at Annalise’s funeral! No way she ever took such a normal photo in the past 5 years. To me, that was a sign that the funeral was fake.
  2. Maybe Helen will realize she’s not much better than Noah and that will be what brings them back together.
  3. TBH , I think I would have enjoyed more a season of Cole dealing with Alison’s death. Do he and Luisa stay together to raise Joanie, who is the product of another affair? Can Luisa handle the ghost of Alison everywhere? Noah, who grew attached to Joanie, could have moved back to NYC in the wake of Helen’s remarriage and stayed involved somehow. Then, future Joanie would have made more sense.
  4. 1. I am not into women, but I think JJL would have been considered hot in Fast Times and Backdraft. 2. Like the Game of Thrones people, Treem does not seem to know what pleasurable sex looks like. 3. What became of Martin, the other Solloway? Did he become fairly normal? As I recall, he was the one who faked a suicide attempt in the first episode to get out of going to his grandparents, but we haven’t seen much of him since his stomach maladies got resolved. And Stacey will go on a killing spree in the final episode. They have not done a school shooting yet. I wish I were making a bad joke, but I am not sure I am.
  5. I think she may have some experience. Wasn’t her store In NYC one that had stuff for home decorating? Also, didn’t Whitney help with art selection? (Not that I saw anything extraordinary in the house.) I thought the attachment parenting was just a made up excuse to not let her mother hold the baby... Wasn’t the “accident” a half-hearted suicide attempt?
  6. As I recall, there was a robust discussion in this forum about whether or not he could have really bought that apartment, because it was suggested in the show that he did.
  7. I was glad that Charles made the decision to delay publication immediately. Regardless of what one might feel about his chemistry with and suitability for Liza, it showed that he is a good guy. I think the way Moore started attacking the credibility of individual accusers was true to life. That’s exactly how people like Weinstein handle similar accusations. If he can make several of them look less reliable, it will impact how people think about the entire group.
  8. You’re spot on. She immediately went into attack mode on Charles, whereas in the past she appeared more thoughtful and focused on her struggles with the marriage. Also, I thought Pauline’s reaction mirrored Charles’s reaction when he saw Liza out with Jay. To paraphrase, “I don’t understand why you’re dating a forty-something man who isn’t me.”
  9. The only issue I have with Josh’s anger at Liza is that he gave her a Hall Pass a few episodes earlier. As I recall, he was fairly pushy about it. Of course, that didn’t mean he wanted her to kiss someone else or that she should have done that, but to go from Hall Pass to proposal in such a short time shows his immaturity.
  10. I do think that the constant publishing company switcheroo is reminiscent of the Good Wife and that show really started tanking when they did that. And given that it’s been only 2 years in show time since this all began, it’s even more absurd. Also, it would have been better to have Charles mentor Kelsey (in his role as Chairman) before handing her the reins. I hope that he does that now that she is back home. Also, can we allow Zane to be competent, please? I think it’s clear that Liza does not want to marry Charles—and I got the impression he saw it too in the way she was backing away from him. It’s been such a short time since their divorces. Also, I wonder how much of Pauline’s unhappiness Liza absorbed. She felt that their marriage became all about Charles, and I think that Liza has the same fear. With Josh, she would never be subsumed into his personality and life, and in some ways she has the upper hand in the relationship. That being said, I thought the chemistry with Charles was very strong in previous seasons—though they have really downplayed it in season 6.
  11. I think that having a commercial during the super bowl is huge for an actor’s visibility, regardless of what he or she is paid. Given that Younger is clearly winding down, it was smart for him to do it. However, I do remember AdAge (I think) overall reviewing the commercial positively, but calling him “blandly handsome”. I think some people on this forum would agree.
  12. This is a problem on most shows that I have seen—they don’t know how to adjust fashion choices as women’s bodies change. This is true for makeup and clothes. (It was especially bad on Pretty Little Liars, as I recall.) Hilary’s makeup made her look orange for a while and these clothes are not styled well for her body. It’s a pity because I see women of all sizes at the office every day who look well put together. Thanks
  13. I am team Charles but I actually think she will end up with Josh, the anti-Mr. Big. She doesn’t deserve either one of them IMO.
  14. I have long believed that shows should not last more than 5 seasons and this show is evidence supporting my theory.
  15. Unreliable narrator. Whitney clearly sees herself as Cinderella. She may be working hard for the first time in her life and she’s unable to use her sexuality with her boss. In her mind, she she’s this as working ridiculous hours in sweatshop conditions. Again, I think it’s Whitney’s perception that her mom thinks she’s successful. I don’t think we’ve heard that from Helen’s POV. I think the writers‘ perception of the immigration interview is different from reality. I think a couple that met in college and is actually living together and having sex would not have that much trouble demonstrating that they are an actual couple. The question would be whether they have been together long enough to be wanting to marry each other and questions like favorite color would be less relevant. I laughed a lot too, but it was all about Noah and Margaret. Him thinking that a woman in her 70’s would have tampons was pretty funny. I may be giving the writers too much credit but I assumed that it meant that Whitney wasn’t really listening to what her mother was saying. A couple of people mentioned that Sasha resembles Furkat. I suspect we may see Sasha hit on Whitney in the future...That would definitely be a dealbreaker for Helen.
  16. Given the fancy train, I was surprised that Joanie was reading a regular paper book. I can see that her lack of awe at his stardom would be attractive to him. He’s used to women throwing themselves at him, so this would be a novelty.
  17. Slightly off topic, but I wonder if Noah’s kids would be as rude to him as they are if they learned the truth about Scotty’s death. I wonder if that will be revealed to them this season.
  18. I really do think it was her feet. However, the reaction was that Sierra felt it burning and itching, which caused her to scream. Helen didn’t know that was a side effect until she also started itching and needed medicine
  19. I assume Helen’s dad is going to be one more burden for her to bear. But it’s not that surprising that he has suddenly gone downhill. Regarding the Sollomanders, it’s pretty natural that they would be less bratty as they grow up. Plus, they are in mourning for someone they really liked. I don’t consider that a retcon.
  20. I actually enjoyed this episode. A lot of it reminded of when my friend died of a brain tumor, so I thought the death and funeral were pretty realistic and beautifully shot. I like the casting of Anna Paquin as Joanie. She’s a good actress and resembles Ruth, though I think her natural hair color would have been even better. I do wonder what her connection will be to Noah and Helen—he’s not related to her, after all. And I am pretty sure Cole is not in this season. I laughed a little at the portrayal of the future. You’d think they would have a better way to take medicine than swallowing pills.
  21. I initially assumed he was gay until he put the moves on Kathy. It’s more public than a private tutor, so I guess that is where the name came from
  22. I found episode a little dreary, but I liked the Leonard, Will, Mrs C drama. Will tried to appeal to Mrs. c’s ego to get her to return. Unfortunately, she was unwilling to return graciously and had to run the “rigor” issue in Leonard ‘s face. On another day, Leonard may have allowed that insult to pass. However, his ambition to move from curate to vicar has been thwarted and he’s in fear for his livelihood and freedom, so he could not let it pass. As appalling as the punch was, I think it will lead to a rapprochement between the men, especially when Geordie tells Leonard that Will’s father died by suicide that day. Honestly, this behavior all seemed pretty natural to me.
  23. I am a big LoVer, so was sad to see Logan killed off. (Doing a binge watch of old episodes as part of my grieving process.) However, I think that Logan was always destined to die young. He was always reckless and tempting fate as a young man. There’s always been something tragic about him, so I think this is a fitting end. I did expect that Veronica might have a baby after he died, but I guess they decided not to go in that direction
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