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Everything posted by nara

  1. LOL. I definitely think the story is about Claire and Jamie. Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting that she will be torn between Jamie and Dougal, but that she will add an extra layer of animosity between the two men. I could be wrong, but that does appear to be where the show is heading.
  2. I do like what they did with Dougal, because they are making him more worthy of becoming laird and courting Claire. I won't repeat my other comments too much, but I am convinced that a triangle is in the offing. It had to be someone who would reasonably think he could marry her (i.e., not someone like Geillis's husband). But come on, Dougal is no Jamie. Jamie could read the tax code out loud and still be sexy.
  3. Jamie seems to be under Dougal's training/command so I think it's natural that he would travel with Dougal. For example: Jamie mentions during the game/brawl that Dougal taught him how to play it. When Jamie is sent to work in the stables, Dougal is the one who gave him that assignment. Dougal even challenged Collum to overrule his decision, which Collum did not do. I don't think this goes against the idea of keeping Jamie out of sight because the people paying the rent may not realize who he is (he's just one of Dougal's men, Jamie McTavish, to them) and therefore, cannot give him up. It's only if he's recognized for who he really is that it's dangerous. I am looking forward to the Dougal-Claire-Jamie tension that is clearly building up!
  4. This episode had some great moments, but overall I found it to be the weakest episode so far. Great moments: Claire's reconnoitering -- this reminded of Frank's military intelligence experience, though I wish she'd made a reference to it. Claire winning everyone's love: Hamish (who is adorable and whom I want to see more often) and the other children, Rupert and Angus, Dougal. At first, I was annoyed that there was so little Jamie. However, I realized that they had amped up the sexual tension between Claire and Jamie in episode 3, so it made sense to dial it back in this episode. Otherwise, there is no way they wouldn't be jumping each other's bones If Jamie was the focus of episode 3, then Dougal was the focus of episode 4. I'm glad we finally learned why there is tension between Dougal and Jamie and a little more about the different families. I can't wait to learn more. I also loved the bonding of Claire and Dougal over the dying man. I don't get the impression that Dougal was attacking Claire, but rather, that he is attracted to her. I think he will try to marry her, which will create further issues with Jamie. BTW, I think that taking Claire along to collect rents is at least partially an attempt to spend more time with her. I loved the Angus/Rupert/Claire humor. I almost died laughing when Angus gave Claire an unwelcome upkilt view. Geillis looked absolutely lovely with this new hairstyle. I hope they keep it. I'm also curious to know how she came to be in town "with only her wits". Loved the hockey scene. really defined the Jamie/Dougal relationship Weak moments: Claire and Laoghaire: I'm not sure I understand why Laoghaire would come to Claire for help. I got the impression in Episode 3 that Laoghaire realized that Jamie fancies Claire. Why would she trust Claire to help her? I didn't care for the Wizard of Oz reference--it felt contrived. However, I did enjoy the fact that Claire was sabotaging Laoghaire/Jaime without acknowledging that she was doing so. Jealous much, Claire? I did get the impression that Laoghaire and Jamie continued to have a physical relationship, even though he was not emotionally invested, and that bothered me a little. I hope I was mistaken, because in Episode 3, I thought Jamie was done with her. Attack on Claire: I thought that it should have gone on a little longer. I wasn't yet afraid for her--and then Dougal stepped in. If it had gone on a little longer, I would have felt more danger.
  5. Not alone at all. Luckily, I'm more than happy to watch each episode multiple times until I get everything. A little off topic, but watching this show reminded of a video interview I had with a Scottish man. Between his accent and the poor sound quality, I caught about one-third of what he was saying! I had to improvise big time. If I spent 72 hours with Jamie pressed up against me, I doubt I'd be able to focus on getting my story straight!
  6. It was disappointing, but try to think of it this way...Jamie is interested in Claire, but Claire seems like she wants to be just friends, so that's not really an option. Laoghaire is very much interested in him so Jamie tries to give it a chance. They kiss. However, he immediately realizes she's not the one for him and he'd rather moon over Claire than be with Laoghaire. We don't yet know Jamie's POV on the situation, and I find this version more palatable than thinking he was just using the girl. However, my first reaction was very much like yours.
  7. I thought this scene was really interesting once I saw the rest of the episode. Frank, quite naturally, wanted to protect his wife. I thought it was a reasonable thing to want to do and what I would expect from any loving husband. However, it showed a bit of a lack of understanding of who Claire is. Claire is NOT the type to avoid risks when someone needs her help (in this case, soldiers). Examples: She actually says something about this in Episode 1 in her voiceover when she first meets Dougal's men. She says that she would be better off keeping her head down and her mouth shut (paraphrase) and then she immediately tells them "don't you dare" touch Jamie because they're about to break his arm. She knew by speaking that she was taking a risk, but she did it anyway to protect the hurt man. She also takes a risk in helping Mrs. Fitz's nephew when others this he has been possessed, and we know that at least one person (the priest) now thinks she's a witch. She takes a risk in helping the tanner's boy whose ear has been nailed to the pillory, because the townspeople would not appreciate her going against their practices for punishment. It's interesting that Jamie is very similar in this respect and also takes risks to help people. Examples: Taking the beating for Laoghaire, even though he was already badly hurt Helping Claire with rescuing the tanner's boy. He, more than Claire would face scorn from the townspeople. They might make exceptions for a foreigner not understanding their practices, but he would get no such allowance. Going to the "haunted" church with Claire even though he actually believes in demonic possession and had seen his own cousin suffer from a previous visit. What remains to be seen (at least by non-book readers) is whether two such similar people are soulmates or whether Claire is better off with someone who balances her somewhat reckless courage.
  8. My impression was that Murtaugh was actually calling out Claire for her own inappropriate behavior with Jamie as well as protecting Jamie from an unwanted marriage. Anyone who knows Jamie would likely be able to tell that he's smitten with Claire. And Murtaugh may feel that she's leading him on (visiting him in stable, calling him over to sit with her at the concert, etc.) while still teasing him about another girl. Murtaugh mentions that Jamie needs/wants a grown woman and then pointedly says that Claire is a grown woman. He's pointing out that she knows Jamie is crushing on her and she should not toy with him. In the first episode, Frank seems to sense that men fall for Claire quite a bit. He says something about that when he sees the mysterious man gazing up at her in her window. He also didn't seem to think it unlikely that she would encourage men without realizing it and even potentially have an affair. He seems to accept that as a part of who she is and that doesn't affect his love for her. Perhaps Frank understands her better than she does herself.
  9. OMG That was exactly what I was thinking! I wouldn't mind that character if Sam was playing him! I think it's okay. In real life, I've seen that too--married women who are convinced they are just being friendly when they are really flirting. They are not bad people, but just don't know how to "turn it off." She is trying to convince herself that she only misses her husband. Certainly, she loves and misses her husband, but trying to deny her attraction to Jamie is going to make it all the more explosive when she gives in. I wondered about that too. Claire definitely does not sleep there. She sleeps in the same room as she did that first day/night. My assumption is that he took her somewhere he could hang out for a bit without creating a lot of gossip. But then, things were getting too steamy (I loved Jamie's discomfort when she was opening his shirt!) and he felt it best to beat a hasty retreat. I think things happen for a reason. If he had won a GOT role, he would have gotten a lot less screen time (due to the huge cast and characters constantly being killed off) and would have missed out on the perfect role for him. I believe that there are big things ahead for this actor, and this show gives him more opportunities to demonstrate what he can do. Okay, now for my comments. Loved, loved, loved this episode. Lots of great scenes between with Claire and Jaime. Has anyone made a compilation of all their scenes together? I am normally not someone who wants to see graphic love scenes on tv, but I cannot wait for them to finally get together! I have not read the books, but I'm assuming that happens! The chemistry between these two actors is fantastic and so crucial to the series. Re: Jamie/Laoghaire kiss. I didn't quite understand the look that Jamie gave Claire when he saw her watching them. Was it amusement? Given that he was clearly besotted with her during the first concert and the sexy scene in the surgery, I would have expected to see more of a guilty look on his face (or at least embarrassment) when she caught him kissing Laoghaire. He was basically taking advantage of a young girl with a huge crush for sexual relief, and I would have expected him to feel a little bad when caught. During the dinner scene, he did look like he felt bad about it, but that look that he gave Claire during the kiss threw me a bit. I thought that perhaps he was trying to make Claire jealous, but I would like other people's thoughts on the subject. 2nd Concert scene. I loved that Jamie saved a seat for Claire--that's what would happen in real life. I did think it a little odd that he held her hand and led her to the seat. Wouldn't that signal something to everyone else in the room? Anyway, I found myself hoping he was still holding her hand when they were sitting down. I swear, this series has turned me into a 14 year old girl! Geillis Duncan -- I really that she is becoming increasingly suspicious, even while others are trusting Claire more. The actress is perfect. I didn't care so much for the "witch" scene between Claire and Mrs. Fitz because I thought it was designed to be something they could put in previews to freak us out. Although I think it's important to understand why Claire cannot trust anyone with her secret, I thought the witch discussion could have been more subtle than a daydream.
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