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Everything posted by scenicbyway

  1. I guess I'd be surprised if they thought they couldn't get her for 4b. She spent 4a just attending fan conventions. I almost think they brought her back because she needed the work and they like her. I'm so not excited about Zelena being back. I'm even less excited by Regina's perceived happy ending being willing to give her up for the woman standing in front of him. This is the same guy who had sex with Regina while his wife was in a coma, so I guess it shouldn't be all that surprising.
  2. Exactly, damage control. The thing is...how will they now retcon Robin choosing Marian because she's the one that's there once he's inevitably reunited with Regina? I can only surmise Zelena will now be pregnant with Robin's baby. The ultimate betrayal for Regina. It was just Emma, Snow and Charms looking for the author. Snow tells her they know the author. Emma tells them that stealing someone's baby to ensure there's isn't evil isn't and never will be ok. Snow and Charms say they really regret it and were acting out of fear. Then Hook and Henry join the party to continue the search but Rumple offers the author a magical quill and whisks him away before the search party find him. Typical
  3. You've got to be kidding me. I don't believe for a second that they planned for Marian to be Zelena last season or even in 4a. I feel like this is an episode that should've happened in 3b. There's no way the Rumple we saw in 3b would now team up with Zelena in 4b. Sean was the best part of this episode. I tend to think he overacts, but he did a nice job. As for Robin now choosing Marian because she's the one that's there with him now. Give me a break. What are we supposed to believe at this point? In 3a we see Marian tell Regina it's ok that Robin chooses her. We see Robin choose Regina. That's why "Marian" has to leave Storybrooke. Now suddenly "Marian" is upset that Regina is a phone contact? She knew that Robin chose Regina and he's only there out of obligation! This is so ridiculous. We're supposed to believe that Regina's "Happy Ending" with Robin will only last if she's right in front of him? I just think it's pointless to bring Zelena back. We really needed a fourth Queen of Darkness added to the mix? The backstory on Robin was fine and there was finally a little for Will to do. I'll never understand how Will is a "regular" but Robin is only a guest star.
  4. Good grief, who would've thought that Shep is the responsible one of all of the guys on the show? He has a business (beer in coolers, really?), is building a house, and is willing to talk to Craig about his irresponsibility. He was also willing to clean up the party the next day. His one flaw seems to be his lack of commitment with women. Landon is so boring. She doesn't interact with the cast at all. I realize she's trying to rebuild her life, but there's no mystery there. She just seems like a wounded bird, which doesn't really fit in with the rest of the show. Her story doesn't feel complicated or compelling. She acts like she has no money, but getting divorced in California means she gets half of what ever he earned while they were married. She should be set. I don't blame Craig for trying to have some fun. He's only 26, he's been in school since he was 5. He probably does want a break before he becomes a real lawyer. How's he's holding down a "day" job while doing everything else is a mystery. Does the boss want the publicity from the show, are they related somehow? Anyone else would've been long ago fired. Cameron is still my fave. I wish we got to see more of her life, not necessarily her husband, but she always seems to intersect with what other people are doing. Throw a party Cam! The TRav, Kathryn, Whitney triangle is so silly. Whitney is obviously jealous of Kathryn and out to destroy the poor girl. I like that we're seeing that Kathryn is fairly strong herself. She does have immature outbursts which are age related. But she understands the full picture much better than TRav. I think T is just used to doing whatever he pleases and can't understand why Kathryn might think what he's doing is inappropriate. She wants to be a full partner and he can't wrap his head around that. His standard of "if we don't fight for a month, I'll marry her" is ridiculous. He wanted an heir, he got one, he either needs to marry Kathryn or set her up with a place in the city for life. Anyone else that that "fundraiser" was just a setup for the show, much like the "second" christening?
  5. I remember watching Bethenny and Jason's show when he would want to take Bryn to see his parents in his hometown. He wanted Bryn to have grandparents. Bethenny went along once and complained the entire time that she was in the sticks. She was also really uncomfortable with his parents being nice to her. I think Beth doesn't know how to be loved but wants to avoid that with Bryn, which is good. I too think that Beth wanted a baby and so found a guy she thought was easily despensible. Jason would've gotten money from the two reality shows, he did help her launch her brand. Yes, she worked hard to get where she is but her sudden wealth came about while she was married and I do think he played a role in that. Bemoaning that she's homeless is insulting to everyone, not just homeless people. Her fortune is in the 70 million+ range? Why is she moving hotels every two days, people generally in her situation just set up camp at a hotel. Fancy hotels have residents all the time.
  6. Dorinda actually seemed "real," I'm not sure why she'd need a housekeeper for that shoebox of an apartment. Are there really two or three bedrooms there? We could see one right off of the kitchen and tiny living room. I'll be interested to see if she has a Hamptons House. Her annoying daughter can go away. She's taken a break from college to go shopping? I guess Mommy will pay for everything. Ramona looks like she's in hell. I do feel sorry for her, it seems like Mario blindsided her and then blamed her. Watching Ramona on the show it's easy to see how he could've felt that way, but it's hard to see that Ramona didn't see it coming. Where was Heather in this episode? Love that Luann is back, she brings a little class and some funny judgments. I do wonder if she really downsized because she wanted to...Why is she still talking about Jacques though? Haven't they been broken up for a couple of years at this point? Sonja is a trainwreck, jump off while you can interns! Carole lives in Carole's world. Didn't it take her 10 years to write a sequel to her first book? Why would she sign a long term contract when it clearly takes her so long to be inspired again? I would guess the money went to pay for her renovation. Bethenny, I'm glad that she's back, she brings some needed energy to the show. Whining about being "homeless" is ridiculous though. Why doesn't she just base herself out of the Hamptons until the apartment is finished?
  7. Once is Emma's story. Thinking that through, I'm not surprised that Emma chooses to take Regina's place with the dagger. The thing is Regina, the "Evil Queen" is the big bad of Snow and Charming's story, not Emma's. What we've been seeing with Regina and the Charmings' is how they've come to reconcile in the "happily ever after." Emma's story prior to her "happily ever after" is still being told. Regina might have cast the curse that separated Emma from her parents, but the real big bad of her story (and Hook's) is Rumplestilskin. Until Rumple is dethroned as the Big bad, or they mutually decide that their love is strong enough to persevere, Emma and Hook can't have their happy ending. Without knowing what's happened to Rumple of course, having Emma take on the dagger (the thing that gives Rumple his power) isn't that far fetched. Emma has the greatest potential for light and dark magic (according to Rumple) which means that with the dagger and a light and dark side she's easily more powerful than Rumple was as the dark one. Think about the irony of Hook spending hundreds of years trying to find a way to avenge his love by killing the dark one only to have the one he loves become the new dark one. Hook, Emma and Rumple's stories have always been the most connected. Hook and Rumple blame each other over the loss of Milah (a happy ending) and in the next generation, we see Neal and Emma lose what could've been a happy ending because Neal is afraid of his father. Emma's true love existence was key to Rumple finding Neal and in the end, losing Neal again. I think Emma takes on the dagger, not only to save Regina or everyone, but because she finally believes that she and Hook are strong enough to take this on. She knows he will find her. So while their separation is painful (why couldn't they just call her back with the dagger?), she believes he'll find her. I expect he'll have another run in with Rumple before he gets to her. I'm sure Emma disappearing is the cliffhanger for the end of season. But the thing is, the writers always leave us with a spark of hope and mystery. In season one it was Snow and Charming being reunited, the mystery was the purple cloud. In season two, it was Hook coming back for the group, the mystery was what would Neverland be like. In season three, it was the love montage and the mystery was Elsa's appearance. In season four we know Emma disappears, but perhaps there's a scene with Hook setting off or finding her in some other land. We know they have words when they part, I expect they were words of love. I do think that Emma's story will only last 5 seasons and what we're seeing is the run up to her "happily ever after." With a show like Once, they could just pick a new character's story to tell, perhap's Lily's.
  8. I don't really get all the hate for the reception. Where are you supposed to receive 1300 people? A parking lot isn't ideal but they'd probably rather have their friends around them than not. Cake and punch receptions are the norm in this part of the world. I had cake and punch at my afternoon wedding and with rare exception that's all I've ever come to expect at a wedding.
  9. Was anyone really crying out for Zelena to come back? I feel like we've already seen this story. Won't she just want to control Rumple and get revenge on Regina? I'm guessing that Zelena has Gold's heart, hence "Heart of Gold." I suppose this will help explain away why Rumple is actually redeemable--he hasn't had his heart so it was easy to choose power over Belle. Perhaps Zelena keeps squeezing it and that's why he's grabbing his chest. My guess is that she can't actually control him with it because there's a loop hole with being the dark one and only the dagger can control him. Looks like Robin gets roped into getting Rumple's heart back? Who cares. Does Henry not look out of place with the Charmings' and the Jones' on their little night time outing to the forest? As for the Author-Peddler. Obviously, someone else is the real author at this point because this guy was banished before Emma was born, yet Emma is in the book. Heck, Prince Charles and Princess Leia are in the book and that just happened a couple of weeks ago. I'm guessing the finale is re-writing history ala Regina and Robin instead of Hook and Emma like last year. We'll find that Regina was manipulated by the author every time it wasn't Rumple manipulating her and she'll finally be the misunderstood hero she's always been. How this effects Emma or how she forgives her parents is beyond me.
  10. So now we know how Cruella and Ursula got to the land without magic...why didn't they just raise Lily????!!! I'm side eyeing that scene hard with Hook and Emma hugging, Henry just sitting there and Charming and Snow having a full convo about being found out by Emma. There's know way the rest of them couldn't have heard them! Is the entire town now immune to the sleeping curse? Thanks a lot Mal. I do like how the story played out in the EF, Snow and Charms did regret their decision. The Peddler is just a Meddler/Writer. So I guess the Apprentice is the Sorcerer? Watching the preview for the next episode just makes me mad. Is the writing team out of ideas?
  11. This season was exhausting. I really enjoyed the additions of Eileen and Lisar. Eileen ended up being almost a nonfactor though. I think many were expecting for her to be just as crazy as the characters she plays on soaps (Brandi, I'm lookin at you and your wine glass) but the reality is, she's pretty level headed and lives in a "normal" for a tv actor house. She seems to have a fairly normal family life too. Bless Vince and Eileen for trying to find a way to connect with these crazy women. Lisa V was also kind of a non factor. I felt like any of her scenes could've taken place on her other show. It's great to see the house and all but I never got the impression that she's actually real friends with any of the other ladies. Yolanda and her life are pretty to look at but she really doesn't see the whole picture. She thought she could fix Brandi with cleanses, yoga and beauty treatments and that's not how real problems are fixed. I thought her vitamin iv at the spa was bizarre. I am glad they went to Amsterdam for the trip and got to meet her family. Kyle is Kyle. I've never seen anyone cry more. She truly is the baby of her sisters. Brandi is a train wreck. She has no self awareness. She doesn't understand why people take what she does the wrong way? It's because she's going about it the wrong way! If everyone thinks you're doing something wrong or inappropriate, it's because you are! Please don't invite her back for another season. I think from the get go it was decided that Kim's sobriety would be the theme of the season. I think it was really the only way for Kim to be on the show. She was a nonentity in the last season and I think she needs the paycheck so she agreed to revisit her sobriety. Lisar was the driving force on this theme but she's also the one who had to sit through that crazy car ride. I wonder why Lisar ended up so afraid of Kim. Is there really something that she would happen to know about Harry? It's just so strange.
  12. So Henry Daniel Graham Cora Sandwich Mills is it? He should have more than one middle name seeing as he's royalty and all. I'm guessing that Regina "copied" the page and the real page is still in the book?
  13. I'm trying to figure out how Hook is around if the dark curse never happens. We know he spent 28 years frozen. So, if there's no curse, Hook isn't frozen and should be about 70 when we see "bad" Emma. Perhaps they'll get around that by just having history change from this moment and people are whatever age they are now when we see them in the EF?
  14. Landon is just boring. She's pretty and wealthy and a friend of Shep's but other than that I'm not sure what the point is. Of course, Jenna really didn't make sense on the show either. I'm surprised they didn't make Danni a cast member but perhaps she only hangs out with Kathryn? I actually think it was a good idea for TRav, Kathryn and Kensie to spend the first six months with the baby on the plantation without any distractions. If they were going to bond as a family that would've been the time to do it. I think if they had lived in town the baby would've spent all her time with the Nanny and her parents would've been out (separately) on the town. Cameran is wise to suggest the suburbs over downtown. If Thomas doesn't know by now if he wants to marry Kathryn, it's not going to happen. Kathryn will be taken care of until Kensie grows up through child support for her. If she saved some of that money she could probably live off of it the rest of her life. It's pretty clear that Whitney is jealous of Kathryn. I think everyone sees it except for Kathryn and Thomas. Craig is on a downward spiral. Why does he have to show up for work at 9 if he gets his work done on time? Part of your work is showing up at 9! If you're not showing up, you're not getting your work done. Does he think a judge will just change all of his hearings to the afternoon because it's more convenient for him? I get that he doesn't want to grow up but bagging on the Bar Exam isn't the time to do it. I'd like to know more about JD and why he's Thomas's BFF. Lastly, the time to ask Cameran if she'd be interested in you Shep was when she was single, not newly married. And no matter what she says, of course she'd be interested, maybe not as a husband, but as a date.
  15. Now that the Jolly's back...Killian and Emma can move in? No new set needed? Especially if she has a falling out with her parents?
  16. I don't feel sorry for him, I imagine he and Emilie have a good laugh counting their paychecks when everyone around them actually has to show up and work for more than a minute an episode.
  17. The get cocky and careless and think it won't matter if they share their plans. I'm sure Rumple revealed his plan to Ursula over a bowl of ramen.
  18. Great episode! I liked Ursula's story and happy ending. I'm sure Poseidon had regretted his decision the moment Ursula turned herself into the sea witch. It was nice to see them both get a good ending. Yay for the Jolly Roger being back. Maybe we'll see Blackbeard come to Storybrooke to get it back? I think Hook is worried because he found that he was still willing to go dark in order to get his happy ending. He's not as reformed as he hoped and he thinks it will cost him Emma. I like the reveal that he believes Emma is his happy ending, other than the kiss, what was Emma thinking in that moment? This is also the second time Hook has outwardly stated his feelings, first the echo cave, now the cabin, when will we see Emma do the same? I feel like the Robin/Regina moment was just put in for shippers. Why would EQ be protecting Robin from Regina? Of course the author is in the book, it doesn't write itself!
  19. I feel like it's just one really long Good Witch movie. I'd like to watch a series but so far it's like they are just in a movie where they've killed off Jake. It's pretty obvious who she'll end up with. I'm not sure what to think if Grace and the boy next door, because they'll eventually end up as brother and sister. I really want to like it, but the focus was always on Cassie and Jake and to have killed him off just seems odd. They could've had James Denton just cast as Jake instead.
  20. The second Christening was obviously for the show. I'm guessing they didn't want all the cameras around for the first one and decided to stage one for the show as a way to get everyone back together for the season. I did think it was odd that Danni was there but perhaps she's Kathryn's friend. Poor Kathryn having to live in a mansion on a plantation. This is what she wanted. She only went after the boys with money last season, Craig actually liked her but when she found out he wasn't rich and would have to work for a living, she dropped him like a hot potato. Cameran is awesome, she gets along with both the guys and the gals and says what everyone is thinking. I think Whitney is the mastermind behind the whole show. When we get tired of poor Kathryn or Craig he brings out his mother to lighten the mood. I can't wait to see Shep and Whitney try to live together. Landon's laugh is annoying but I'm chalking it up to being nervous so far.
  21. I don't know, this show isn't very deep sometimes, I could see them doing a literal switch.
  22. Let's say that Emma goes dark and becomes the evil queen and Regina is the Savior for her happy ending. I don't see how Henry would be apart of Regina's ending, how would he exist? I do like the idea of Hook and Emma being together even if she's dark, but again, how is he alive? If he gets a happy ending as a hero, wouldn't Liam and or Milah be alive, and he would've died hundreds (eye roll) of years before because he never would've stayed that long in Neverland seeking revenge on Rumple? Not really looking forward to a two hour Regina-Emma movie.
  23. Mystery solved! Maleficent is Carmen Sandiego! I hope they go to Reykavik! So Imposter Hook/Rumple has gotten to second base with Belle? But Hook and Emma just get lunch at Granny's? Emma fretting over Regina is completely out of character. Especially if the QOD are just drinking in the vault all night. I did like that depressed Mal had 90's crimped hair... I'm guessing that Hook was babysitting Henry and Neal this episode?
  24. Operation Mongoose Pt. 1. Obviously no one has pointed out to Henry and Emma that Mongoose kill Cobras. If Henry ends up alone because of the "Operation" it'll be kinda funny. Unfortunately, it will probably mean two hours of "save Henry" all over again. I don't really doubt that Regina actually turns out to be pregnant at the end of this season. I think it probably means that we won't see any more development in Captain Swan until next fall. I'd love to see an engagement or even another date but I won't hold my breath. I think the writers assumed the show would only run five seasons, but now that it looks like it might go longer they are slowing down the CS development.
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