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Everything posted by scenicbyway

  1. The interviewer seems to not know what exactly "Swan Queen " means. Why do Regina and Emma have to be friends? Regina is single handily responsible for ruining Emma's beginnings and everyone's lives. Ugh. Why can't they just be civil to each other and leave it at that? Yay for Emma helping to get Hook's heart back!
  2. Excellent post. I'd say the pitchforks are missing because other than Snow, no one else knows about Regina and Robin's night in the crypt. They had a very public scene in the premiere in front of the diner with Robin leaving with Marian, we also saw Robin, Marian and Roland out for ice cream. No one in town probably knows (other than useless Will) what's going on. Emma's a little busy with DQ and Hook and other than thinking she broke Robin and Regina up by bringing Marian back she doesn't know what's happening. If they wanted everyone to know they should've shown them in the diner or Grumpy paying a visit to the crypt. I agree that it's hard to invest in Robin and Regina when they don't seem to fight for each other. Robin wants Marian to wake up so that he can tell her he loves Regina?? Regina wants Marian to wake up so that Robin will fall back in love with Marian? I don't see Robin fighting for Regina, I see him sneaking off to see her because he has strong feelings for her that seemingly came out of no where. I don't see Regina fighting for Robin, I see her hoping that Robin will forget her because she thinks she deserves to be miserable. I'd like to see them fight together. Robin's taking the easy way of hoping the book will re write the story. Regina's sulked for 8 episodes after a relationship that lasted for a week ended. Had Regina not know about the "tattoo" I doubt she'd be this sulky.
  3. Thinking more about the article...they are showing a picture of Hook and Emma, so it's fair to assume that one of the couples is Captain Swan, who we know Adam and Eddy have said they'd be taking their relationship to the next level--whatever that means. The other one has to be Rumbelle, if it isn't I may start fast forwarding every scene they are in. If Belle stays with him, that's not really a change, they must break up. I also don't buy "Outlaw Queen" as a beloved couple of the show yet, no matter what happened in that crypt.
  4. I read this bit of information as---the two relationships that are tested and changed forever are because one of the people in the relationship "leaves" and Storybrooke says goodbye to them. One of the couples is definitely Rumbelle because we think Rumple ends up in NYC (I wonder if the "Apprentice" offers him the same deal that he offered DQ all those years ago? The other "beloved" relationship is either Captain Swan with Hook "dying" everyone saying goodbye only to be saved by TLK at the end, thus changing their relationship (please oh please let this be it). Or, I guess, Outlaw Queen? Robin leaves with Marian after all? I guess this would make sense since Sean isn't filming for the show at the moment, but I don't see how it would change their relationship forever. I suppose it could mean Snowing, we didn't see Charming filming yesterday, but they've really been in the background this season, so why kill him off now?
  5. I would say that whatever happens to Hook and his heart between now and 4.11 means that for 4.12 he's alive and well. I think the heart/secret drama will be wrapped up by the end of 4.11.
  6. Finally got to see the episode... I thought it was really well done. Characters actually got to have conversations with each other! Rumple and Emma, Snow and Regina, Hook and Rumple, Hook and Emma's voicemail, Regina and Henry, Snow and Charming, Regina, Snow and Charming, Regina and Robin, Elsa and Emma. Who knew that we'd get so many conversations with just an extra hour? I'm not really an Outlaw Queen fan because it feels like it hasn't been earned, but I hope that fans that have wanted to see them together are happy now that the "crypt" has happened. Where's Roland? Where's Marian? Will has no point in this season. I get that they wanted to keep the actor and the way to do that was making him regular, but he's been really pointless so far. For those that didn't watch Wonderland, it's a complete mystery as to why he's there. What mattered the most to me about the episode, was that for all the angst he went through, Hook actually made it to the house FIRST. He was the one the most desperate to find her, he understands her completely and just as important, he understand Rumple. It took Rumple literally tying him down to keep him from getting to her. Rumple may have taken his heart, but Hook has proven time and time again that he will always find Emma and put her first. I have a feeling that Hook's troubles may come out in the shattered sight spell and Emma will forgive him as easily as Elsa forgave Anna. I don't really get what they are doing with Rumple. He's decided to go as dark as possible to the point of killing the Savior and finally killing Hook after all this time? His speech at Neal's grave meant nothing, his marriage to Belle means nothing. Pretty much everything that Rumple has done means nothing. What does he think will happen when he reaches total domination? The DQ is a great villain, especially as a foil for Rumple. Love that she wants to take him down specifically. The Apprentice, is the Sorcerer, right? Does it make sense that the Apprentice would've left the hat alone in that big house though? No one wonders who the house belongs to either? So many questions.
  7. Isn't awfully convenient that the person who's heart Rumple needs is Emma's boyfriend? I'm sure Ingrid wants remove the person who loves Emma the most and by having Rumple do the dirty work it keeps Hook out of the picture and distracts Rumple. Perhaps we'll see Ingrid was lying to Rumple.
  8. I'm actually hoping that Belle is the one who finds Hook's heart and restores it. It would be a nice full circle moment for them. But, I won't hold my breath.
  9. So Emma now true loves herself, true loves Henry, loves her parents but before she can true love Hook, I'm guessing she'll have to love EVERYONE ELSE in Storybrooke as well. Hook and Emma have been building for 2 seasons, Outlaw Queen has been a thing, sorta, since last spring and yet they've gone to the "next level." I get that pacing is different for all of the couples (Rumbelle has been in the works for hundreds of years) it just seems like Regina is still getting it really easy, where Emma's always being distracted by the current "evil" on the town. Emma gets a minute alone with Hook but Regina takes an entire night with Hood, who's still married? I don't get it.
  10. I haven't had a chance to see the episode yet (husband's birthday was yesterday and he's not a Once fan) obviously, taking Hook's heart is going to backfire in some way for Rumple. I can't help but wonder if Hook will actually end up Frozen, perhaps he take a hit from DQ for Emma, but of course he doesn't die because Rumple's removed his heart (just like Marian). I also wonder if they'd go the route of splitting Emma's heart to save Hook, in case Rumple really does use it for the spell. I really think we'd have to have a TLK between Hook and Emma before that could happen, but they do tend to mirror Charming and Snow quite a bit. As for the shattered site spell. Why didn't DQ just ribbon Elsa and Emma from the beginning to channel their magic? She's had the mirror ready for a few episodes and she seemed to be trying to get Emma to lose control. If control was what was needed, why not focus on that?
  11. I thought it was interesting that Emma said Rumple should help her because she'd just hurt Henry. Gold doesn't care a wit about Henry, he wanted to kill him up until the end of 3a, he only stopped because he got distracted by Papa Pan. The convenience of the "light magic go away forever" spell just sitting in a book on the counter is ridiculous. Why wouldn't Emma go to Regina about her magic being out of control? Emma knows there always a price with Gold, it make no sense. It also make no sense that suddenly Emma's magic is leaking out of her hands at every turn. If it's that tied to her emotions, how does she not zap Hook in every kiss or her family everytime there's an emotional reunion? She's just conveniently out of control at this point.
  12. I still say that Snow was Neal's biggest fan. She named her kid after him for pete's sake. Snow believes in true love and must've thought that since Neal and Emma had a kid and were separated by circumstances so that she could be the Savior, that they were just true love waiting to reunite just like she and Charming. All the signs pointed to Emma being disturbed by Neal and not wanting a relationship with him but Snow just couldn't see it. I'm not sure that she even sees now that it was a mistake to name Snowflake, Neal. I do think that Snow's been at a loss as to what to do with Emma since the Echo cave. What strikes me the most is Snow refusing to put Neal in someone else's care or even in his crib to give Emma some attention beyond the one time she took the photo of Emma. The Snow of season 2 would've been out looking for Emma with Charming and probably would've found her. In fact, I'm not sure why they couldn't find her since everyone tends to hide in the woods. Maybe Hook only checked the docks?
  13. "Darkness at the Edge of Town" and Springsteen's inspiration probably refers to Gold. He loses his wife and his money--who's married--Rumple--who's name is Gold? Rumple. I'm guessing Rumple leaves Storybrooke and Belle in Heroes and Villians. I do think Hook is key to Emma's magic. Elsa may help a bit, but it's Hook that has played the Anna role so far this season and I think that will continue. Obviously Anna wouldn't willingly hurt Elsa but we know she's the one who "urns" her. My guess is that we'll see something similar between Hook and Emma but instead of "urning" her he'll take whatever pain she was supposed to and end up frozen or out of commission for episode 9 and maybe 10. It seems strange they'd take him out that long when he's such a popular character but it can't be a good sign that Emma's wearing a sister ribbon in the next episode. Perhaps DQ convinces her that Hook is no good. Ugh.
  14. So the key to Rumple's world domination is killing Hook after all? He's got to be kicking himself for not doing it years ago or even yesterday. I can see why the DQ wants Hook out of the picture, she just wants her sisters back and as long as one of them loves someone else even a little, she thinks there's no room for her. She got rid of Anna and now she'll get rid of Hook, without actually doing the dirty work. So we'll have angst for the next 3 episodes and then a happy family reunion (Hook, Emma & Henry) in 4.11. I bet poor Charming will want to know where Hook is as well...
  15. I think Hook is missing or frozen for 4.09-4.10, he's back in 4.11 because it's the mid season finale and everyone gets back together before they tear everyone apart again. As for what the Snow Queen will leave behind....probably ice cream. I am curious about Rumple. He desperately wanted Snow and Charming together because they are true love. He even didn't kill Hook all those years because he knew that Hook needed to live. Whenever he needs something from Hook or Emma is threatens the other. Why now try to kill both of them? Does he not think they are true love? Or does he not need them to be together anymore since Neal is gone and other than being bad, there's no role for him? But again? I feel like we've been through this several times before. Snow going through the portal with Emma to the EF. Emma choosing Storybrooke as her home last season. Why can't it just be about Hook and Emma this time? She'll always feel some form of rejection from how she grew up, but does every arc have to revisit that?
  16. I haven't seen last night's episode and can't until Wednesday. I did take a look at the promo, and I think since the theme seems to be sacrifice, I think we'll see Hook sacrifice himself so that Emma can keep her magic. I'm not sure what to expect from Emma in the episode. We know she ends up wearing the "sister" ribbon in the next episode and we know that everyone is around in episodes 9 and 10, except for maybe Hook? I almost think Hook must get "urned" (even though that particular urn has been destroyed.) I'm not sure that the hat will play a role with Hook since it seems that only magical people can be sucked in. I could see DQ revealing to Emma that Hook knows about the hat and wants to trap her in it and maybe that's a catalyst for separating them. We know that some how DQ got Anna and Elsa to turn on each other momentarily, whether through a spell or lies. I'm guessing we'll see the same treatment with Hook and Emma since Hook is Anna to Emma's Elsa. Is it 4.11 yet? The angst is hard to take.
  17. I'm fairly certain the Jones brothers are full brothers. I still say Blackbeard is their dad. CM looks to much like them to waste that casting.
  18. I'm intrigued that Emma is back in her Red (beanstalk, travel back in time) leather jacket. It's a departure from the orange jacket she's been wearing for most of the season. Maybe this means good things for Hook and Emma? They always have a lot of drama (usually good) when she wears that jacket. It looks to me like, Emma wants to join in with the mommy and me group but the ladies aren't having it. I'd be ticked if I were her.
  19. I don't know. I've had several friends adopt children who weren't babies. In a special case like Emma's it would've taken longer for a permanent placement. I do find it strange that if the DQ could wipe Emma's memories, why she couldn't have just adopted her and kept wiping her memories. I still think Emma was a prime candidate for adoption. No parents, found on the side of the road---clearly abandoned. She didn't get a record until she was a teenager, there's a lot of years in there when she could've been adopted.
  20. My guess is that Aurora and Cinderella are hanging out together in Storybrooke and they have a run in with Will. But it will be nothing more than a blip on the episode. So this is the episode where Emma decides to run away from everyone. Great. I wish David would've done the interrogation. It does seem like a weird time for her to get jealous of baby Snowflake? The kid is 2 weeks old and needs constant care. Come on. I think that Ingrid accidentally kills her sister and to protect her other sister, their parents end up urning Ingrid and have Grand Pabbie erase Gerda's memories of her sisters. My husband has been watching the show a little bit, and a plot point that he's irritated by, is that little Emma would've had no trouble being adopted since that she was an adorable blonde child. I think he's right, she seems like a good kid and is pretty, so how was she really never adopted?
  21. Ok, clearly we need someone else to stand in front of the mirror. Rumple stood in front of it and nothing happened--does this mean it doesn't affect magical people? Belle's experience was that she had some hard truths to face--which she already knows, she just doesn't want to. We need to see Snow in front of it, if she turns evil, we'll know the mirror is evil. I wonder if the mirror is supposed to work like the echo cave did last year. Everyone's worst fears or secrets come out of it and they are resolved through the rest of the season? I thought the episode was fine, it was good to see there is a familial connection between Elsa, Anna and Ingrid. I could care less about Belle's adventure or past. Why am I supposed to care about Belle when she's only there to make Rumple think he can be good? Regina really does seem to be taking the high road in regard to Robin. He's a bit of a whiner, isn't he? I wish we would've had a bit more of Captain Swan stuff. We were so spoiled at the beginning of the season, and I fear we're in the desert now. The banter was cute and Regina pointed out they were making eyes with each other, but a moment alone would've been nice.
  22. I think Hook is the "death" this half season. Colin hasn't been filming as much. Hook hasn't been seen in scenes we'd expect him to be there for, like the big reunion on Main St. Adam said he was writing to the Empire Strikes back music when Han Solo is frozen in Carbonite. I could see freezing Hook and Emma having to save him or perhaps he's hatted and Emma goes after him just like he did in 3.11. I hope we don't have another failed TLK between them if Hook loses his memory...
  23. I feel like we are just waiting for episode 11 at this point to resolve/set the stage for 4b. How many times can Elsa say she's looking for her sister? We know already. It shouldn't be that hard to look up the names "Anna" or "Joan." She's either in the records or she isn't. They could've spent a few hours between Elsa, Charming, Snow, Hook, and Emma pouring over the books to determine she's not in them. Why would Elsa even think she is in town? Elsa didn't land in Storybrooke because of the curse! Oh, good, more Regina whining too, but Robin wants to "talk." Does he? Or does he just figure his wife is frozen, so... I feel like they've dropped the Hook/Rumple stuff, in favor of DQ. It wasn't that exciting to watch Emma, Elsa and Regina traipse through Neverland (I mean Storybrooke Forest) last episode, why would we want to do it again and probably again? I'm sure it will take Rumple saving everyone again from the Snow Queen anyway. I don't really care for more of Belle's backstory because she literally gets maybe a line per episode. The writers don't care about her character and when they actually write her, it's into an abusive relationship. No thanks. As for Emma's past. JMo said that she wasn't even aware of DQ as Emma's foster mom in her supposed past. I'm guessing they decided to add this new tidbit to Emma's life and fall back on the good ol'memory curse excuse AGAIN.
  24. Regina's pants were so bad, they were distracting. My husband even noticed and made a remark. Poor Snow really is getting the worst of the wardrobe lately. Mary Margaret always had a conservative wardrobe, but what they are putting her in now is just so frumpy. Cute clothes are still made for people who aren't currently wearing a size two. I'd say Ginny is probably about a 10 in the episodes now, acting with women who are 0's or 2's, it's ridiculous that they keep putting her in tents essentially. Maybe by putting the baby down, they'll start to show her in some better clothes. I just think if Emma or Regina were pregnant (and they are the same age as Snow) they wouldn't be wearing those clothes.
  25. I thought the review was actually pretty funny. There's no way to really take it seriously, I wondered if the writer was trying to be sarcastic even.
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