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Everything posted by scenicbyway

  1. We weren't talking about the same thing...you're right he does say there's a price to pay for pulling the sword. Perhaps someone should talk to Arthur? I'm still not sure that Emma pays a price for saving Robin, even with the addition of a sparkly wrist, because we see in the sneak peek she's using her magic and still hearing Rumple's voice and voices from the dagger even when she doesn't use her magic. The darkness is consuming her either way, I suppose that's the price for taking on the dagger.
  2. It's not that simple though is it? Emma tried to pay the price for Robin (and it looked like she did with the sparkly skin) but then something came for him anyway eventhough it was Regina who asked her to perform the magic. What I can't figure out is that Rumple performed magic for his own uses, someone only paid the price when they asked for the magic. So does Emma have to pay the price if she's using for her own intentions?
  3. Best. Day. Ever. Even if for some reason Hook loses the fight to Rumple, it doesn't matter because he's holding Excalibur with he and Emma's names on it??!! Merlin only told Emma not to pull the sword from the stone, I imagine that either Rumple or Hook pull it. My money is on Hook since his name is on the sword. I wonder if Arthur knows more than he's letting on about Excalibur, perhaps Merlin has told him that the Storybrooke gang will free him from the tree but also take Excalibur? Perhaps that's why he's doing what he can with diversions to stop them (the ball, sabotaging the mushroom mission)? Seeing Hook and Emma's names on the sword should hopefully put to rest whether they are true loves are not. The most powerful weapon is inscribed with their names! Hook heard the sword calling to him through the door at Emma's, because it's calling to him just like the dagger calls to Emma. I love the little touches on this show too, in the sneak peek, Emma's holding on to Hook's hook and hand. Snow's tiara headband has buttercups on it and I noticed that Emma's ball gown has buttercups embroidered on it as well just like Charmings' shield. I still think that Hook's father will only be seen in flashbacks. It makes sense in that we've seen Killian as a noble Navy man, how he became a pirate, now we'll get to see him as a boy and that his dad either a. sacrifice himself for the good of his sons or b. became a dastardly pirate and abandoned his family, something Killian would never do even as a pirate. If they are role reversing the scene with Rumple and Killian he is coming to him for the woman he loves and because she has a son, I could see a flashback with Hook's dad maybe making the opposite decision, choosing to abandon the boys for power or piracy? It's subtle but as Hook is waiting for Emma, there are whispering voices in the background that cause him to focus on the door.
  4. I've seen an interesting theory pop up on Tumblr... The scene they are filming today between Hook and Gold is a role reversal. Just like Rumple came to Hook to ask him let Milah go because she has a family and a son, Killian will go to Gold about Emma because she has a family and a son. The difference will be that Hook will use Excalibur to fight Gold for Emma--because a man unwillingly to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets... I also wonder since Hook has Excalibur if he's the one who pulls it from the stone?
  5. And shouldn't she be the one fighting? I suppose the Hook/Rumple feud is ending where it started? I still don't see the point.
  6. I wondered if Caroline F. might have something against Marissa just because she'd just had a cooking lesson with Juliet. I would surmise that Juliet filled Caroline in on the fact she's no longer BFF's with Marissa. Caroline wasn't happy about wearing the Cougar shirt to begin with (but probably told by production she had to wear it) and Marissa's comments didn't help. I think who ever Caroline is isn't who we are seeing on this show, she seems to be fake to me, that this is all a persona she's putting on for the sake of her brands and former title. There wasn't much Julie in the episode, but considering how long she's been married to Luke (and the friends that come along with that like Annabelle) I'm surprised she's still such a fish out of water. She still reads as "AMERICAN." I don't get the same vibe from Marissa, but of course Juliet is the classic loud American. Filming just seems like really poor timing for Caroline S.. I would guess that she did care about what was going on with the business and having to let employees go, but having to go through that on camera would be awful. It doesn't really affect her financially, she'll still be rich, but on a personal level it would be embarrassing. She obviously didn't have much idea as to what she was doing and I'm surprised her "business" went on that long.
  7. Maybe they're just filming the fight to show what could've happened if Rumple had won? But what is the point? This fight happened 200 years ago, Milah is still dead, Bae is dead, what is to be gained? Hook has already "owned" his villainy in the scenario, and paid the price (his hand and Milah) so I can't see how revisiting the scene makes Rumple a hero or Hook a hero. Also, Emma crushed the Cutlass Hook used so again, what's the point?
  8. There was some speculation that she'd give birth in the "birth" episode, but I'm not sure about that. How is she squeezing into her costume if she's 2 or 3 months pregnant? Does this mean there's been another time jump or it will just take a while for her to show. Why is she in her costume to begin with? Perhaps this will take Regina and Robin out of the main action. Does anyone really care about the Zelena baby storyline anyway? I still wonder if the writers had a talking to from the network about carrying series regulars that aren't regular. This season we've finally seen Belle involved after being a regular for the past 3 seasons and Michael Socha was paid for a full season eventhough he was in what, 15 minutes of the entire last season? Couldn't they spend their budget better?
  9. Oh, Eddie. He did look happier the next day...but still, playing with crazy? IDK Obviously he's not looking for a relationship which is why he chose her over Amy but still... What is Leon's problem? Does he have cabin fever? He can't get along with Amy too? I did love when he took the protein shakes out of the fridge, is he really that clueless? I'm shocked they didn't show him serving beef cheeks this week. Also, why does every charter request chicken quesadillas? Why not just start the meal with them? Kate isn't easy to get along with, and I was surprised that Amy wasn't more on her side until she talked alone with Leon because she'd been there for most of the confrontations we've seen. Rocky's behavior cheering Leon on though was ridiculous. She doesn't see how he treats her? She is the voice of the guest and she's going about it in a polite way and he just wants to do his own thing.
  10. I'm so glad this storyline is over...at least after the reunion it will be over. The only one I found likeable this season was Heather with her "champs" life. Sure her husband is working constantly but someone has to for their lifestyle. Shannon became a little more likeable but her husband is still fishy. Tamera is Tamera, I do wonder how long Eddie will hang in there. I like that Meghan strives for honesty, I don't think she gets much of that in her home life. She needs to learn some tact but that will come with age, or not. I don't know what to believe about the Brooks storyline and I don't know why Vicki would choose him over her own daughter. Her daughter who is a nurse even if she isn't currently working. Maybe they needed drama and the show decided this was the way to go? Who knows, but I think it says a lot that Brooks and Vicki have broken up.
  11. I feel like there are major problems with the Outlaw Queen relationship. They barely know each other. They are basically together because Tinkerbell told Regina he was a sure bet. It's great that he felt an instant connection but for Regina she needed to proof in the form of his tattoo. As for Zelena/Marian, if Robin was so in love with Regina, why was he even sleeping with Marian? Wasn't the whole plan that he loved Regina and the separation was just temporary until Regina could find a way to bring them back? What was that whole scene of Robin wanting to call her on his phone? Why did it only take a couple of weeks for him to decide to start things up again with Marian? Yes, it was terribly wrong for Zelena to trick him, but wasn't it also terribly wrong for him to cheat on Regina? Didn't they have an understanding? As for parenting the new baby, I can't imagine that Robin will really expect for Zelena to have no part of the baby's life especially after Roland has lost his mother. Neither the Evil Queen or Wicked Witch are ideal mothers.
  12. Anyone else looked closer at the scene where Charming takes the seat. He appears to look over at Hook and Emma and neither one looks very impressed. They are clapping but their hearts aren't in it, especially Hook. I wonder if he's wary about Charming so eagerly trusting this king that they no nothing about or if he's ticked that there's been no progress made in helping Emma.
  13. So in the first episode, Rumple tells Emma he's there to help her become the dark one and he'll be there until she embraces the darkness. In the sneak peek we see that the darkness is getting through even with Hook there at that point. Isn't odd that Emma in the present is the Dark One but Rumple is still appearing to her? So she still hasn't fully embraced the darkness? Emma also tells the gang in the premiere that they are going to be "punished" because they failed her. Um, is the punishment no memories or is it supposed to be something else? I'm still not convinced that Emma has her memories. I'm really interested to know why she's taken up making dreamcatchers, I'm even more interested to know why Hook is still up and could find where she went. Perhaps the dagger has a silent alarm and it was his shift to watch it?
  14. What if...Hook is cursed in Camelot (sleeping curse or something else) and Regina doesn't/won't save him (Emma's line to Regina about worrying about saving a life would make more sense in this context). One of Emma's greatest fears (darkest fears) is that she will lose Hook. What if they did have a successful True Love's Kiss in Camelot and it's what not only saved Hook but also turned Emma finally into the dark one. Magic is still magic and it seems that every time she uses her magic there the cost to her is becoming more dark. What if the TLK is the final straw? How ironic.
  15. They can be cagey with the casting, remember that the casting notice for Rumple's mother was really for Merida. They do things sneakily to keep us guessing. It's also not out of the ordinary for them to say whether the character will be in more than one episode when they announce the character. Either way, if it's one episode or 3, it doesn't mean that Hook's dad is around in the present timeline. It could be three episodes of flashbacks. One or two centrics for Hook has not been confirmed. Adam and Eddy talk about all of the characters, Hook is in pretty much every episode. It sounds like with casting for the flashback that yes, will we get at least one centric which has been the norm the past few seasons. I'd be shocked if he ended up with 2 or more since he's not Emma, Regina or Rumple. I'm a Hook fan too, but I realize that no matter how much I'd like to see a Captain Swan movie every episode, there's a lot of characters that share the screen time.
  16. I agree, I went back to check the information about Hook's father. They are casting for a little Hook and his father for a flashback in a future episode. There is no information our there that his dad will be a recurring character. I do think in whatever episode he appears in that will in effect be the Hook centric episode. Admittedly, I'm in the camp that doesn't want Davey Jones to be his father. So while I wouldn't mind finding out if his dad is around despite being older than Rumple, I'm not crazy about the idea of Davey. I wish Blackbeard was his dad because the actor has a great resemblance to both the actor that played Liam and Colin.
  17. I still don't get why they are trying to pretend like seasons 4-7 never existed. In this current world, Castle is still pursuing Beckett all the while Beckett is still pursuing her mother's once solved case. But since 4-7 never happened the case never got solved. Where is Beckett living? Does the couch in her office pull out? Why is Alexis not questioning Beckett leaving her father? Why isn't Castle questioning Beckett leaving him? Does he realize that if he wasn't interfering at the precinct he would literally NEVER hear from his wife? It's not fun, there's no UST because they are married, the unresolved tension has been resolved. By splitting them up so Beckett can work the case that will never die it just means she loves the case more than Castle. He never really won her over to begin with. Also Alexis went from being a cheerleader and valedictorian to hanging around her dad's most fake PI office in 3 years? Did she have no social life beyond the one live in boyfriend? Is she back living in the loft? What is going on BTS? I'm sorry but most of those Castle/Beckett scenes were done on the phone, computer or with stand ins for the other across the room. If someone didn't want to work with someone else then why did they renew their contract? And what the heck happened to cause them to not want to work together?
  18. I've seen that theory too. But the last episode of this arc isn't "Broken Heart." They've gotten creative with episode numbering and length, a writer on the show confirmed last week that "Broken Heart" isn't the last episode before the break and Adam confirmed it. It would make sense for Adam and Eddy to write the finale. I'm not excited about the possibility of going to the Underworld, but it appears that Eddy basically let the cat out of the bag. I can't imagine how they will hope to draw more viewers with a greek mythology storyline? I would like to see Regina have to make a real sacrifice for the greater good (Giving up Henry for a year when she took 28 years from everyone doesn't count in my book). As far as I know, we don't know if this will run the whole year or not. Conventional wisdom says Dark Swan is just a half season since that's what they've been doing since season 3, however they haven't said definitively yet.
  19. But how are they betraying Emma by trying to find out what's behind the mystery door? Pretty much every plot on this show includes breaking into somewhere, normally led by Emma. Is it betrayal if they are trying to save her? I can actually see Henry coming up with this entire scenario if he finds out about the door and their suspcisions .
  20. I thought Hook proved in that scene that he does know how the Dark One's psyche works. He told Emma, he liked how she was, and how he liked breaking down her walls and that he had loved that Emma. Basically he was telling her that he liked her before she became this new confident Dark One. She had just told him she was over her insecurities and he told her he liked her even with her insecurities. There was no "blowing it" in my mind, because we saw the real Emma tearful before she disappeared. The entire point was that he got through to the real Emma which is something that no ones been able to do yet. Also, what heinous crimes has DO Emma committed? So far she's saved Robin's life, saved and kidnapped Rumple and stolen a dwarf axe, none of those are particularly heinous or dark... Maybe he's planning on turning those who don't cooperate into trees? I think he's planning to build his kingdom in Storybrooke because Camelot has been threatened or destroyed and he knows it. It makes no sense for the Camelot people to be in Storybrooke unless one of them cast the curse.
  21. I'm actually wondering if Emma knows what happened in Camelot. She's been asked by Henry and Hook and just gives a vague "sorry, I can't tell you." Perhaps she can't tell them because her memories are gone as well? All she knows is that she's the Dark One so that must mean that their mission failed. Emma's obsession with snuffing out the light and free the darkness makes no sense either because the whole reason she became the Dark One was to contain it and save it from taking everyone out. Whomever put Merlin in the tree is the one who threw everyone in Storybrooke and took their memories. My money is on Arthur or Guinevere, who seems to want to protect his kingdom at all costs. I can't quite figure out why he bothered to save Charming, perhaps he figured out how to get the mushroom out so thought he might as well save him? Arthur didn't want the gang talking Merlin through the mushroom which makes me think that he doesn't want him out of the tree. Arthur is just after the dagger to make Excalibur whole. I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks it will save his marriage if Excalibur is whole. I think Merlin is even less important than the Snow Queen was last season. It's just a diversion until someone does something in the last episode that will save the day. I don't think the darkness will be destroyed with a TLK either, if that was the case, it would've worked in Camelot. Although I did like Rumple's suggestion that she kiss Excalibur. I do think Emma will have to save herself but the way they are talking about the finale with Regina and Hook it will make it look like one of those two will save Emma until the last moment. I like the idea of Henry being a decoy so Regina, Robin and Hook can break into Emma's. Won't Rumple still be in the basement though?
  22. The fact that Emma essentially had Hook prisoner on his own ship adds even more depth to their scene. Did he really think she might kill him? Perhaps, we've seen Rumple go for him repeatedly because he's the only one left who met the real Rumple. If he had said, "I love you" would she've kept him prisoner? I don't think so, I think she just wanted lunch but he had no way of knowing that. Emma had complete control yet, Hook was able to get his point across.
  23. If Emma was going to cure Rumple with the ship, why the date with Hook? Why not just bring Rumple to the ship, crumple a floorboard over him and call it a day? She wanted to spend time with Hook, and it looks like they were out long enough to finish their meal and have a heavy conversation, we know Charming had his whole truck jousting moment while they were having their talk on the ship.
  24. I think it's interesting that we really haven't seen Emma yet do anything particularly dark as the dark one. The preview scene they had at San Diego Comic Con turned out to not be apart of the show (the writers have said). So the darkest thing she's done is refuse to be forthcoming with everyone, but perhaps even she doesn't have memories from Camelot? Nothing so far suggests that she does, it would be logical for her to assume that she's dark because they failed. So far we've only seen her use her magic for good in Camelot and she's only stolen Happy ax and kidnapped Rumple (which doesn't even seem that bad). She needed the sword from Hook but she could've just magicked in a taken it without him knowing. It's clear she just wanted to spend time with him.
  25. So Emma's go to Camelot outfits continue to be all white dresses? Everyone else is in beautiful velvet jewel tones and Emma's in all white? Way to blend in...
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