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Everything posted by revbfc

  1. Right on! I can't wait to get rid of my movie package!!! PS- Comcast can suck it.
  2. Does anyone know when HBONow will be available outside of Apple products? I want to whittle down my cable bill ASAP, but I don't want to have to invest in ANOTHER device. I have too many already!!!
  3. I'm glad I'm not the only person who was pissed off about Claire this season. How one goes from Lady MacBeth to Carmela Soprano is an interesting idea to explore, but I don't buy it. Not one iota. We see her change, but I didn't pick up how she developed her guilt. Having said that, all of her statements about equality in a marriage are valid...In normal relationships. She signed up for a political power couple, and that's what she has. It's her fault she wasn't good at diplomacy, it's her fault that WWIII almost happened, and it's her fault that no one in the administration takes her seriously. She wants to sit on the throne with Frank, but that is not how our government works. Were the tables turned, I'd be pissed of at Frank for being so presumptive in believing he also ran the country, too.
  4. I agree with everyone who loved Robin Wright's acting in this episode. Having said that, Robin Wright was not acting like Claire. When did she grow a conscience? Did the Northern Lights grant her a soul or something?
  5. I want the Daily Show to go on, but I also hope they look outside the for another host. How would everyone feel about Louis CK as host?
  6. What I expected from this show: -The rise of Saul Goodman. -Situations and a rogues gallery that could be seen as Vince Gilligan retrofitting the Rockford Files for the BB universe. -Bob Odenkirk being awesome. I got all three and that makes me happy.
  7. The Sovereign wanted to kill the investors while they were aboard G2. The rest of his plan was murky, but that's the gist of it.
  8. Quick question about the ultrasound scene. Did the doctor leave the room after the scream, or did she just stay with Laurie holding the wand (?) to Her belly? I ask because it seems as though the doc did react shocked enough to check out the situation. If that's the case, what was Laurie looking at on the screen? No one was holding the ultrasound wand.
  9. Catheters. Nothing says "AAAAAIIIGGGHHH!!!!!" Quite like one minute about how the new models have "eyelets that are smooth" so they "Don't pull or scrape." I realize that people DO need these devices, but do we need to see so many ads?
  10. Yeah, your version of Memorial Day does sound probable, WearyTraveler. Thanks!
  11. Has it been established that Nucky has been living in Havana? I thought he has just visiting on business.
  12. Amen to all those calling BS on the repeated break-ins. Also, I know fire looks better at night, but the town took the whole day before burning the GR cul-de-sac? I would have liked to have seen the entire town collectively keep calm until sundown.
  13. Cardie, Stating the difference between WBC and GR is not the same as advocating violence against one as opposed to the other. Do not accuse people of things based on conclusions from your imagination.
  14. Cardie, The Westboro Baptist Church is not in the same league of crazy as the GR, because the WBC is up front about what they believe and how you can be saved. They're still assholes, but they're assholes with a clear message.
  15. Agreed, izabella. I can't stand Laurie, and I hope Kevin signs those divorce papers when he gets home. Also, something has bugged me about the riot. How come the carnage was so minimal? Sure, we had the inferno, but I was expecting a lot more dead GR lying around. As it was most of the GR seemed beaten badly, but still alive. I don't advocate for murder, but when a show promises me a bloodbath, I feel a little cheated when it doesn't happen.
  16. I can only imagine the amount of ribald, profanity-riddled narration outtakes that exist for this show.
  17. WearyTraveler, Yes, that is what Patti said, but their actions speak louder than the rhetoric. If nothing matters, than why go through all the trouble they go through? They hold signs telling people "Stop wasting your breath," while smoking (literally wasting breath). They profess a futility for all effort, while putting in the maximum amount of effort. They destroy their own families to make a new family. I'm sure the central authority (or whatever passes for it in the GR) has aims that the flock are not made aware of. The big cheeses give the orders, and the followers obey. I believe that Patti believed what she said, but I also think those beliefs are a smokescreen for the GR leadership's true aims. I'm willing to concede that I continue to search for order, purpose and meaning where none exists, but I'd like to think the show is smarter than that.
  18. I think "survive" is a little much. Kevin would have lived through the night AND might have been able to manage the crisis to prevent the catharsis. Matt...He might have been seriously hurt trying to be the voice of decency. That I'll concede, stillshimpy. What bothers me about the riot is that the show seems to be saying that blood sacrifice indeed DOES have a place in modern, civilized society. Either that, or people sometimes need to hit rock-bottom before they can heal. The rock-bottom message makes a little more sense to me. Could we discuss the Job verses a little more? Sure, Job was not privy to God's thought process, but the reader does get that info. Job concludes that God's ways are not for us to ever know or question, while the reader KNOWS that ordeal was all because Lucifer made a (for lack of a better term) bet with God over Job's devotion. I know I've been critical of this show, and my opinions stand. Having said that, I loved the performances of all the actors, and this episode ALMOST makes up for the mountain of unanswered questions. Count me among those who wished this was the series finale. I mean that in positive way. After nine episodes utter darkness, we finally have some light.
  19. So the GR wants to be the embodiement of the world's collective pain over the departures so they can be a sacrifice? And the purpose of Kevin and Matt being away from town was so the bloody events could happen?
  20. Here's one of my all-time favorites from 80's:
  21. http://youtu.be/MPg6gsQj0Hw Here's why I dislike this ad: The talking hand that floats is supposed to be helping out people with poor judgement, but the punch line is that hand doesn't properly assess situations. Good going, Midas. Also, I have an idea to redeem the Bush's Baked Beans ads: Go full Godfather pt II. Duke is caught (though not confronted) trying to sell the secret recipe to a rival by the bald guy with the glasses. Next thing shot is the two of them on the lake fishing and the bald guy shoots Duke. It's a little dark, but I'd like it.
  22. Are we going to get any more kitten episodes this season? I'll just assume that spoiler policies are relaxed for this show.
  23. Dear Pam (?), I plan on crying a lot and trying 2 keep Hoyt alive with my blood. Or perhaps in a few years we'll have a long, drawn-out discussion about me turning him so we can be 2getha 4eva!!!!1!!!1!1! I know we'll fight about it, and I'll cry a lot, but I'm sure Hoyt will make the right decision. But 4 a little while, we'll just live as though nothing bad will eva happen. -Jessica Dear Andy, We good? I mean, I'm so sorry I killed 3/4 of ur children, but I've been trying soooooo hard 2 make it up 2 u. I mean, ur my landlord now, and I really, really, REALLY want us 2 b friends (I'm sorry, i just get so teary about these things). R u sure we're OK?
  24. They have to acknowledge ISIS. Even if it's a throwaway gag, they will mention it.
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