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Everything posted by revbfc

  1. Never thought I'd see the day where a fast food ad would paraphrase Morrissey.
  2. I saw the trailer once more (it was played before Minions), and it really works great in 3D. The big question is if kids today will embrace Peanuts like our generation(s) did. One child in my row spoke up after the trailer saying "That dog is a know-it-all!" Yes, I laughed. I also got worried.
  3. "Fisticated": the name of my upper-class porn film.
  4. I absolutely hate the Mazda commercial below. The message I take is "Have your mid-life crisis with us!" That line "reminds you of when you were you" enrages me.
  5. I hope that works -- it's the first time I've posted a spoiler at previously! Thanks, Browncoat!I really loved this movie! My only real issue is that Bob stole the show so much that I totally forgot about Kevin until his big scene.
  6. I did not stay until the end of the credits. What did I miss (in spoiler mode, of course)?
  7. I'd be OK with WW witnessing the big fight and being like: Having said that, I think the DC people would be OK with WW beating up Superman. It's just far cooler to have a non-superpowered being able to do it.
  8. Low talk works in real life. Grand cinematic productions demand annunciation. When the volume needs to be adjusted continuously so one can either hear dialogue or not blow out the speakers, there's a problem. I liked the movie, but I think it could have been tightened up. I also thought it was repetitive in that Tatum was constantly rescuing Kunis. That's all the movie was to me: a montage of rescue scenes. Speaking of repetitive, why do the Wachowskis constantly have human farming as a running theme in their movies? It's not very shocking anymore. Also, did Jupiter end all harvesting in the universe? I don't think that was covered.
  9. I share your trepidation, but I also welcome the possibility that Kryptonian colonists met some Anazonians and got their asses handed to them. Wonder Woman HAS beaten Superman in the comics, so It's not such an outlandish theory.
  10. I do agree with the many posters who said that this was a stone-cold bummer of a season. Having said that, I'm cool with it. For the entire series we've heard dire warnings of "Winter is coming!" Well, guess what? It's here, melon farmers! Winter ain't pretty, Winter doesn't show up on your terms, and this is only the beginning. Expect things to get much, much worse. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing how "worse" plays out.
  11. -Asking "Why not me?" is looking for answers. -Characters have asked and speculated about the reasons. The whole show is about people looking for answers they will never get. Fine for life, bad for a show. -Kevin's visions ( and his father's visions) are unnecessary if they are not germane to the plot, or simply red herring filler. -Holy Wayne is pointless if his powers weren't connected to the event. -The only people not looking for answers, the Guilty Remnant, are pointless because they want to move forward less than the regular people.
  12. If you don't want answers, fine. That's your thing. For me, the morass of deep grief isn't compelling by itself, and the show keeps dangling clues that the show runners promise will never pay off. If it's just dealing with loss, then show that and quit spending time on issues that are superfluous to the plot. A show about nothing worked for Seinfeld, but a show about an epic quest for nothing is getting tiring. Also TWD explained how the virus spreads, but no real answers there. Also, TWD does a much better job with giving us characters who are pushing forward constantly. more than that, TWD has characters who are likable, and scenarios that make me not care that the zombie scourge will never end.
  13. What are the chances that Jaime turned that boat around?
  14. So the scene with Bighetti and Hendricks was misdirection? That's dirty pool. Still a great episode.
  15. He's getting better!http://youtu.be/Sh8mNjeuyV4
  16. As we all know, there's a big difference between "all dead" and "mostly dead."http://youtu.be/X90qKQAMh8A
  17. I really dug Theon & Sansa's "Thelma & Louise" bit.
  18. OK, when did they explain that? Was it the CDC, Atlanta stuff in Season 1? <-(I ask, knowing we're about to get WAY off topic.)
  19. To correct the mistakes of a lazy writer.
  20. If a natural disaster killed 2% of the global population, I'd accept no answers. But the event this show is premised upon demands an answer.
  21. revbfc

    The Star Wars Saga

    If you could pick the director for a Star Wars film (episode or stand-alone), who would you choose and why? I'll start it off: PT Anderson Why? I just love how he films his movies. Landscapes are more epic, mundane details seem to come to life, and I'd enjoy seeing him apply his skills to a popcorn flick.
  22. But anyone who has seen Parsifal knows the Spear of Longinus' true power is that of healing ;) .
  23. I'm not. This is "Lost" but without any real hope for answers and much fewer likable characters. I do believe we're on the same page about everything else.
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