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Everything posted by Absolom

  1. I'm guessing that due to finances, Robyn and Kody are going to have to downsize to a three or four bedroom house. The last daughter in college can live in the dorm and visit during breaks. David and Aurora will have to fend for themselves (as they should) since Kody won't be able to afford them any more. Robyn's storage unit fees may break them. Solomon and Ariabellaboo have to learn to help around the house because Robyn can barely manage working and comes home to stay on the sofa. Meri vanishes from the narrative and goes off living her own life. Christine continues putting everything on instagram and Janelle finds a business she likes and can still run while visiting all her kids in rotation.
  2. We get at least one more. Christing and Janelle have mentioned filming it in interviews.
  3. I tend to think Kody's chances of getting the county to approve his redrawn plans, should he ever make it to the planning council level, are near zero.
  4. That's Kody's projection for redefining the lot borders. It hasn't been put into effect with the county after hiring surveyors and officially redoing the property lines, deeds, etc.
  5. Drunk driver, speeding, and no seat belts. The paps didn't help, but they didn't create the disaster all by themselves.
  6. I think they're all almost completely done with the show, Robyn, Kody, and all related matters.
  7. Four? FOUR? For a season of almost nothing? A month of tell nothings? At least it's over the holidays. I'll have plenty of distractions and interruptions as I let it play.
  8. They foolishly let Kody run the family and he hates Meri.
  9. Now NYC? Christine is definitely enjoying travel and going out.
  10. Hopefully, they'll come to the realization that this is all foolishness and stop procreating at a closer to reasonable number.
  11. Talking to the dead is maybe not a common TV or movie "trick" but it isn't rare either. Last night I was watching a different TV series and there was the lead's dead daughter showing up and conversing with him. It was done very similarly to The Crown so nothing was invented for this series, but a known story device was chosen. I know I've seen it in other shows, too. At least in The Crown they didn't drag it out with several conversations.
  12. Sadly Joy has never seen that kind of parenting and who would she ask? Jinger and Abbie are the only two I can think of who *might* be able to help her, but they each "only" have two children so she might not even think to ask them.
  13. To be fair Layla not understanding buying gifts for another child or wanting the same things for herself is normal for her age. This is the age where one first introduces doing for others and it takes time and patience for it to take. Plus some children have more empathy than others (usually not the first child).
  14. It looks like less than two years apart, but at least more than 13 months. I hope it's at least 18 months.
  15. I'm fortunate to be able to pay it all at once and be done with it. I have a secondary checking account with automatic transfer to it so the money is sitting there waiting for me. I should look into a senior property tax discount though. I'm not sure we have that although I did see something about deferred taxes. ETA: There is a deferral program and a state assistance program. The allowed income limits are astoundingly low.
  16. Why is property tax due right before Christmas? I know rhetorical question. My house insurance is also due in November. At least it's easier to remember to pay them together and be done with it. I'm trying to have a quiet day, too. It's been a bit of a week. I have to remember to pay the gardeners though.
  17. Some of the probiotics have as their possibly unstated purpose to help people "become regular." That is there is an intended laxative effect. I have to avoid those like crazy. To me they are instant digestive problems so yes it can happen. Combine that with stress and it's really bad.
  18. I think the doggies can smell it before they see it so they're on high alert as they approach. I used to fight that battle with mom's dog. We can only do our best and hope for the best.
  19. Awww one of her kids doesn't want to be "fixed?" I'm guessing it's Tim. She's been put on the back burner for wedding planning.
  20. Or Heidi asks to keep the bin and as Tim is saying goodbye, Heidi is refilling the bin to dump in the trash as soon as Jill's car is out of sight.
  21. There is a time to smile, nod, and take the advice "under advisement." Jim Bob apparently brought a lot of those moments. If asked if the task is completed, an honest response is I'm done with that. (Yep, I was done with it when you mentioned it.)
  22. I've seen hutches in kitchens where there was a blank wall and insufficient cabinet space, but they never block doors or windows and coordinate with the cabinets or furniture in the kitchen. I've never seen anyone move a hutch from its matching place in the dining room where there was room to make a mess of the kitchen except with Jill.
  23. I don't watch the show, but I love the titles this season. I'm not quite sure about the elephant in the room. Perhaps it's hypocrisy. Kody has lost his mind. What are the family members all dancing around?
  24. Right they're the ones held by a non-profit type organization or corporation. There are the Steve Anderson type places, but they rent a space and don't go for tax-exempt status because of oversight.
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