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Everything posted by mlp

  1. All four of the Final Four deserved their standings but I really wanted Jet to win or, if he didn't, Antonia. Both of them wanted it so much that I hated to see each of them lose. Having said that, I can't argue with Maneet's win. She earned it. Britt is very good but she's a relative newcomer so she'll have plenty more chances and I'm sure her successes have helped her career. It was great to see Eric Ripert and to see all the contestants react to his appearance when he walked out.
  2. FYI: This article reviews LCK at the end. https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2024/04/top-chef-wisconsin-episode-3-recap/?fbclid=IwAR1H-_vMssf_xoX0B51RBe4qwuh4TdqAsJV9SaoWg3QHHy-Vngw8R0yoDEI_aem_AYuqxRKH67cEvSMyB6uatKtfbLpAy8Zqz1bQwsxO-MRZxNQKmb09qkOz9-KPFXF3iH8WaSxDR-fSvdBIPqAnOlW7
  3. I've been expecting Von to be a finalist all along so I was very surprised to see him leave, especially after the editing made it seem like Jordan was going. I imagine that was what the producers intended so................they got me. Gordon has favored Jordan since the beginning. Can't imagine why.
  4. Someone on Reddit said this show would be off for two weeks so I think you're most probably correct.
  5. Obviously, this show is edited after it's filmed. Maybe what we're seeing/thinking is somewhat manipulated by editing or our inability to know what actually happened. I think they always have alternates available in case a chef has to drop out at the last minute. Perhaps Soo was an alternate and they brought him in after hat guy didn't do LCK for some reason so the next eliminated chef had someone to compete with. If he got beat, no harm done. Instead, he won 5 in a row and, boom, big shock all around - new competitor and good TV. I haven't the foggiest idea what really happened. I'm just trying to think of an explanation that makes some sense.
  6. It looked to me like he took the metal pan out of the oven with his bare hand. If I saw that correctly, he didn't leave it in there long enough for the pan to heat up or the egg white to cook.
  7. mlp

    The Dish With Kish

    I'm really enjoying this little show. Kristen is doing great. I met Marcel 12 or so years ago when he was in town cooking at the restaurant of someone he knows here. He circulated in the dining room and we were able to chat with him for a few minutes. He was very nice and low key. Also very cute. He has beautiful eyes. For some reason, I was surprised to see how much older he looks now with grey in his beard. Time flies.
  8. When I went to Bravo, it wasn't there. Neither was Dish With Kish. So I left, did something else and then went back. Neither seemed to be there but I refreshed the page and they both came right up. I don't know what that was all about. I'll be very surprised if Soo gets eliminated in LCK but he has had the better dish so far IMO. Limburger pizza with runny egg sounded ghastly.
  9. Michelle and Dan have been my favorites right from the beginning so I'm glad they both did well. I like Charly too but he doesn't seem to be doing as well. Bees and 95 degrees are my idea of hell so I'm surprised anyone's food turned out as planned. I couldn't believe that Tom had a long sleeved shirt on over another shirt. Maybe he burns easily but he had to be roasting.
  10. My opinion also. She was the only one I really was glad to see leave. I thought she was a bit too familiar with Jesse and the judges too.
  11. I was glad that Jet's cook off was shown first so I didn't have to worry about it for much of the show. I just want him to win this so he can stop being so hard on himself. I like Britt and it's obvious she's good at what she does but I loooooove Amanda so I was disappointed when she lost. I didn't see the big-small on her plate though and it seems the judges didn't either. The third round had me conflicted. I like Antonia and Kevin both. I hated to see him lose but he did great for his first appearance and Antonia has tried and tried again so I was happy for her. Maneet is a much better chef than I ever realized from watching her on Chopped for years but her success has inflated her ego to an annoying level. I was rooting for Tobias. Jet vs. Antonia is going to make me a nervous wreck even though I know it was over months ago.
  12. https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2024/03/top-chef-wisconsin-episode-2-recap-last-chance-kitchen-chef/?utm_source=realityblurred&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=reality-blurred-newsletter-issue-376
  13. Totally agree. Even the older kids are too young for that kind of responsibility and pressure. When I was looking at Bryson all dressed up while sitting in the theater, I could see exactly what he's going to look like when he's 40 or 50. He is taking everything seriously and he's probably the best one there. I won't be a bit surprised if he wins. I was glad the red team lost but disappointed that Remy didn't get sent home. She's really annoying. The small girl on the blue team needs to go too. Miles was probably the right choice but I felt a bit sorry for him because he was coping with everything with one hand and not whining about being disadvantaged. I liked him. I also like Alfred but he isn't going to last much longer. The Magic Castle looks like a gloomy tourist trap.
  14. mlp

    Chopped 2024

    After watching Tobias do well on TOC, I was surprised to see him go out first. I know that Chopped episodes are filmed long before they air. I'd be curious to learn how long before TOC this episode was filmed.
  15. mlp

    The Dish With Kish

    I've really enjoyed these little shows. I'm sure there's a general format and things they have to cover but the atmosphere comes off as largely unscripted. I've also enjoyed the peeks backstage. Kristen is doing great.
  16. Accents? That made me laugh because I live about 200 miles south of Milwaukee and they sound perfectly normal to me. It reminded me of when Jeff Mauro first came on the scene at FN and people were complaining about his awful Chicago accent which I didn't notice unless I looked for it. It also reminded me that, when I first moved to the Midwest from Buffalo, the locals thought I had a terrible accent. I guess you notice what you're not used to. Yes. Their jingle for years was "Miller High Life, the champagne of bottled beer." I toured the brewery years ago and the pipes and machinery several stories high were kind of awesome. And they gave us free beer at the end. :) I don't like Amanda. Apparently Charly is brighter than he looks. I like Michelle. The rest of them are still in a "to be determined" category. I don't even have most of their names straight yet. I did not know that it's possible to cook with hops. I'd never seen one and had no idea what those green things were when the segment opened. I was impressed by how well most of the chefs were able to cope with them.
  17. I could easily be remembering wrong but it seems to me that LCK never started until a few episodes in. Either way, I didn't miss hat guy. He wouldn't have stood a chance against Soo. I liked Valentine (except for the awful beard) but the other dish looked better.
  18. I always think the same thing when I watch the kids' baking shows. I've often wondered how the judges can put some things in their mouths.
  19. The cake was a failure but it was mostly Sabrina's fault. She screwed up something she claimed to be really good at and then blamed the mess on "time" during judging. I felt bad for Katelyn who was really trying to salvage the bake. Sabrina needed to go.
  20. That's pretty much how I always saw her. I thought of her as a beauiful ice princess with a very high opinion of herself. The only time I thought she seemed warm and empathetic was when she rallied around Fatima. I don't see Kristen as a warm and fuzzy type either (neither am I) but she seems genuine.
  21. I rather doubt she had any warm fuzzy feelings for hat guy. I sure didn't.
  22. Chris seemed like a nice enough guy but I couldn't get past the tattoos on his head and neck. I won't miss him. I think Von and Zach will make it to the finale but I don't have a clue about the third one. It'll probably be a woman but none of them have really impressed me.
  23. Me too! I was rooting against him as soon as he opened his mouth. Tom didn't think much of him either. :) Glad he went out first. I liked the pitmaster gal right away and I'm glad she did so well. Valentine seems nice but I hate his big bushy beard. I don't have the rest of them sorted yet. I wasn't a big fan of Kristen when she was on TC. She was clearly very good but she seemed to have zero personality. That was years ago though and I hadn't seen her since. I thought she did great. In fact, I liked her better than Padma. My only hope is that she doesn't wear sleeveless tops all season. I hate seeing that in a kitchen.
  24. She was my first choice to go home. She didn't seem to do anything except shred enough cabbage for nine plates. That can't possily take an hour. They didn't really show what else she was or wasn't doing. I won't miss either of those girls although I do think making a small 9 y/o the team leader may have been a deliberate way to eliminate her. I get a kick out of the blond boy with glasses. Alfred?
  25. I don't think I would have realized any of those desserts were supposed to be abstract bugs if I hadn't been told beforehand. Even knowing the assignment, I thought most of them were really reaching.
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