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Everything posted by Megan

  1. I really thought that was going to the tree Odin was hung from - Yggdrasil. Which I guess is "basically the basis" Jesus crucifix story.
  2. Are they going to be teams through out the whole competition? If not, what will Angelo do once he has to sew? I really like Angel and Minju but can they do something other than billow-y triangle?
  3. On her map was California outlined with the word Hideous across it? I swear I saw that. And the fact this is what she chose to teach on her filming day makes me think she was proud of this particular lesson.
  4. Ed's Mom literally added nothing. They should have had a couple if they wanted a multiple people pretending to be one person thing. She just watched him do stuff. Shubham looked like and reminded so much of Pete Buttegieg to me that it was funny that he was voted most likely to run for President and then revealed he ran for governor. Chris seems so familiar has he been on some other show?
  5. I know what they're going for with Marcus but how does he get kicked off the ski team for breaking up a party at his place of employment? And Justin just leaving him in jail, even if Marcus claimed he didn't want help is super shitty.
  6. I totally thought Mandy was played by Alice Eve. She isn't. She was acting very weird about Kat so I thought it was going to be some weird "I'm your real mother!" soap opera thing. Guess not.
  7. Alice Eve is somehow Kat's Mom right? Or maybe Aunt? Also, Kat is super dumb for not letting Justin's family pay for EVERYTHING. Costume, broken down cars, sandwiches, etc. if I were her even with her stolen baby background, they'd pay for it all!
  8. He might be too old already. I need to see him with longer messy hair. I also just happened upon a comment I made about the Gold Finch and that I had pictured Hobie as PSH also, so I guess my mind is really unimaginative and can only picture PSH in roles.
  9. I loved it, and going in I didn't think it'd hold a candle to my beloved Winona version. I actually cried when Beth died. I truly like it more than the 94 adaptation. One exception, Timothee Chalamet. Jo and Amy were so strong and he was so slight. Chalamet looks like a 14 year old. He didn't seem devastated to be rejected, more like "fuck it," I'm going to go party. If only Christian Bale was young enough to be Laurie again. Aunt March and Amy the only practical members of the family! It is weird that our only (?) classic novel about American girls and they were all British, Irish and an Aussie. I saw it with a 10 year who I thought would love it, and she thought the timelines were confusing and it was really long. Mostly around Beth's illnesses, I thought the short hair made it obvious, but I think if you don't already know the story it could be hard to follow.
  10. This season has been so bland. I do like Sarita and Cody Fern/Alex though.
  11. I always pictured Forty as a young Phillip Seymour Hoffman type. This Forty looks so much like Joe.
  12. Nancy looks very different this episode somehow? I love Ghost-y stuff so I wouldn't be against a bunch of spirits/whatnot in an old seaside New England town. I also have never read any Nancy Drew.
  13. Am I the only one that thought we had jumped years ahead and the TX Senator was somehow Payton? That was probably totally intentional and you're all "duh stupid." (Also, entirely possible I missed something that denoted the date at the beginning of the episode) It does annoy me that instead of launching their own political careers, Skye, McAfee, Alice, Astrid and James just want to work for Payton. All in all I really enjoyed the series.
  14. this breaks my heart. and so many people fervently working to return to this. purposefully. it makes me sick. hopefully the information available on the internet will make it safer but wtf. Just thinking about what women had to go through and what and how people want to punish women AND children.
  15. What's the deal with Jennie and Cole Hauser?
  16. Damn this still applies and they still deny that they had anything to do with it. (shakes fist at the sky) You guys there is an episode that addresses Trump's marriage to Marla Maples. And it's not the first time they mention him, he is mentioned in season 1 (or maybe 2 or both/more?) It's like Simpsons-esque prediction or Dickens Christmas Carol warnings. Also: Appreciate the agreement that Julia is that Great Aunt that your Mom forces you to allow to sing at your 1983 - 1988 wedding while you wear a hat (or that V headpiece) with attached veil, your dress has big ass puff (or lace v wrist so many v’s in the 80’s) sleeves and a bow at the waist. The bridesmaids wear taffeta also with bows. Or maybe her voice most closely resembles Scuttle in The Little Mermaid.
  17. So like 8 years ago I went to a Dark Crystal showing in Portland with my brother and our respective spouses who somehow hadn't seen it and we were like it's amazing you'll love it! It's one of those childhood defining movies! We were so excited. And it was fucking boring. (Except for Fizzgig of course.) We were like I guess it doesn't hold up. I wish they would expand the Storyteller series or Fraggle Rock instead. Reboots of the Muppet Show never seem to work and that’ll be on Disney's streaming service... which ugh when is it all going to reconsolidate to cable/satellite/streaming packages I don’t want 12 different subscription services. First episode is such a callback to the movie, the Barbarella-esque hand connection dream fasting, the girls have wings, podlings have always been on drugs I guess. It looks cool... but I don't know if I am going to venture past the first episode. (I don’t know why I mentioned the city cause it adds nothing and doesn’t matter)
  18. Keeping your hair platinum is a lot of work, and to me, it didn't fit into her character to be maintaining that prior to letting go the wolf. My preferred hair is (short and) platinum but it's really hard on your hair and takes a shit ton of upkeep. I've taken the last 6 months to give my hair and my wallet a break.
  19. Just started season one. I like it. Fun spooky teen dramz that I am sure will become super stupid the longer it goes on, like pretty little liars. Judgemental: Who in the early 2000's names their twins the trashy/trendy Mckenna and 80's Jennie?
  20. I've been dvr'ing Designing Women on some weird ass channel - 2 everyday at like 1am and 1:30 am for the last few months so I have been in the Designing Women frame of mind for the Hulu announcement. I did say waaay earlier in the thread I didn't think the show held up after seeing two of probably the worst episodes, but after seeing a lot of more it actually does. And they addressed a lot of pretty progressive issues for the 80's One thing that definitely is cringe-y is Julia's singing. I know Dixie Carter loved singing and the whole tale of getting to sing if Julia had to go a liberal rant but it's just bad old church lady warbling.
  21. I enjoyed it though I am not the target audience, thought it was pretty funny. But man, did Audrey have any other interests or interest in anything other than Motherhood and being a Mother? Definitely didn't seem like it in Season 2. Were we supposed to agree with her regarding her friends who didn't want kids? I couldn't tell.
  22. I had while reading, pictured Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Hobie but Jeffrey Wright is just as good, maybe better. Aneurin Barnard is cast well. I will also say. I did not like the book, or maybe it's more that it made me uncomfortable and I disliked everyone but Hobie.
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