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Everything posted by Phoebe70

  1. Has Jenelle never watched House Hunters? Good grief! If you're having an open house, you need to make sure the house is in pristine condition. Hire a cleaning company, shampoo the carpets, patch up the holes in the wall, and remove boxes and other clutter. My house sold in 6 weeks during a time when the housing market was cruddy. We made sure the house was spotless for open house, and baked chocolate chip cookies to make the house smell nice. Obviously selling this house isn't a huge priority for Jenelle. Who would hire this woman to be their realtor? Thanks to Toodles for taking one for the team and going to the open house!
  2. Please no more weddings or babies in Season 10. I'd love it if Kodouche was courting someone. Robin and Christine would no longer be the popular wives. Even better, if Kodouche was hiding this woman from them until he announces the engagement. Another thing I'd like to see: Kodouche with a short haircut, to accentuate his baldness and gut.
  3. Didn't there used to be a Previous Seasons link? I can't find that anymore. I'm trying to find Season 1 and can't find it anywhere.
  4. Me too! At first I thought maybe it was the inside of her lip that was pierced. And it wasn’t even centered properly, which triggered my OCD lol. WTF was up with buying flowers for the person who was so obviously cat fishing?
  5. Wow! Holy photoshop, Batman! When did Jade ever look that good (and skinny)?!
  6. Just saw an older episode that was recently on my DVR. South Dakota couple with a young daughter named Rozley. The husband with that weird mustache that curled up at the ends...WTF was up with that? I kept waiting for the rest of the barbershop quartet to pop in. The wife was really attractive, I thought. WTH was she doing with him? Does he actually go out in public with that monstrosity on his upper lip? If I was the realtor I'd have a difficult time keeping a straight face. Snarky, I know, but his mustache was SO distracting!
  7. I don't buy Nathan's friendliness and cheerfulness for a second. He used to butt heads with Barb all the time, but now that Jenelle has David he's all of a sudden going out to lunch with Barb? He's a con artist. On camera he tries to downplay his criminal history. He talks in a softer tone, even has the meek girlfriend who cries on cue when she hears Kaiser is being abused. I don't buy Nathan's act at all. I think he's almost (not quite) as scary as Jenelle and David. Sure, he might be a better parent than those two yahoos, but that still doesn't mean he's a good parent, or person. He's just the lesser of the two evils.
  8. Darn! I was hoping he had cut his hair. What is with these Roloff boys and their girly hair? I hope Zach doesn't get in on that trend.
  9. I'm betting money that with baby #3 on the way they buy a new, larger house. Whenever they show the inside of her house it just seems so small and somewhat dark, but maybe all that clutter makes it look smaller than what it really is.
  10. I have no problem with Jace ordering a steak, but you know darn well that if Mtv wasn't paying the bill she wouldn't allow him to order an appetizer, steak, daiquiri and a Coke. And from the brief look I saw, it appeared he didn't eat very much of it. I hope they got a doggy bag for the leftovers. I allowed my child to have a Coke or Sprite with dinner at restaurants occasionally, but my child does not have ADHD and I was always militant about good dental hygiene. I hope Jace brushed his teeth well after all that sugar.
  11. Regarding Jer's hair, on IG all their followers are saying NO, he should never cut his hair. I mean, really? Who are these people? They can't think that rat's nest on his head looks good.
  12. This is me. I take a hot bath several times a week in my large, jetted tub to unwind. I could bathe in a smaller, non-jetted tub that is in my daughter's bathroom. Having no tubs at all in a house would definitely be a deal-breaker for me.
  13. Granite is no longer in style? They'll have to pry my granite counters from my cold, dead hands! I love my granite. It's so durable and really adds a lot to our kitchen. Did you see the guy who wanted the number of bathrooms to match the number of bedrooms? He was upset because one house had 2.5 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms. Bizarre.
  14. Last night I watched the episode with the family who was moving from Florida to Tennessee. They had 3 young children and they both worked from home. Her budget was $250K and his was $350K. I can't believe they didn't choose the third house for $305K. It was huge, gorgeous and had pretty much all the updates they wanted. Instead they went with the $240K house that they ended up paying $246K for due to a bidding war. The master bedroom was on the main floor and the kids' rooms were in the basement! Their children were all pretty young, so I'm surprised they even considered that house. Actually, it seems that 75% of the houses these people choose shock me anymore.
  15. Nina was nasty and didn’t deserve her husband or “Jon.” I feel sorry for her poor children.
  16. If you follow Auj on Instagram, you have to check out her 4th of July photos. That outfit, those red boots she's wearing. So cringe-worthy. Why does she like to dress like a little girl? Jeremy is wearing a button-down oxford shirt with Birkenstocks and a baseball cap. Interesting look. Oh, and Ember is wearing an actual WATCH on her wrist! WTF?
  17. That is one weird web page. Did Audrey write it? Did a child? Did someone write it who is not fluent in the English language? The wedding ceremony was "in her backyard?" I thought it was at the farm. Maybe it's wishful thinking on her part, as she obviously wants the farm. She is "famous by her nickname Auj Poj." Gee, that's something I'd like to be famous for. "She started writing since she could write".....almost spit out my drink on the keyboard when I read that. And they mention not one, but twice, that she was a ballet dancer in her "early days." Well, my daughter took ballet for one year when she was four, does that qualify her as a ballet dancer too? SMH
  18. My friend's daughter is in the Marines and she is married to a Marine. They have 4 children. They make REALLY good money and are in their mid-30s. They do have to move around every few years but each time they end up purchasing a house rather than renting, which doesn't make sense to me.
  19. Ok, that makes more sense! LOL. At first I thought it was her daughter sleeping, then I thought maybe it was client who was asleep. Either way, not sure I would feel comfortable with her anywhere near me with fire.
  20. I watched about 10 minutes and gave up. What I want to know is: who does their hair and make-up on these reunions? Every single one of them looked hideous, and they're all normally pretty. Brianna had those bright red lips that distracted me every time she spoke. Lacy's hair and make-up aged her, and not in a good way. Jade's excessive make-up made her look like Miss Piggy. Interesting that Ashley had a white dress on and loose curls. It was like she was trying to look demure and innocent...ha! The only one who looked halfway normal was Kayla, in my opinion.
  21. That was strange when they asked if the table was included in the price. It looked like just a regular dinner table and not something you would place randomly in the foyer. I really liked the 2nd house with the high ceilings (the one that the wife wasn't able to go see with him). I was a little surprised by the house they ultimately chose. The wife was concerned about toxic paint, but the houses they were looking at were all built in the 2000s. It's not like they had lead paint. She was an odd one.
  22. I was surprised that he agreed to such a small kitchen. He's a rather large fellow, and he looked cramped in that kitchen. The "kitchen island" that he purchased was on wheels and it didn't give him much extra space. A small kitchen would be a deal-breaker for me, as I too love to cook. I could deal with an outdated kitchen because you could always renovate it, but you can't do much with a small kitchen unless you start knocking out walls.
  23. The acrobatic couple that was moving to Melbourne, Florida....what a joke. She classified herself as a "lipstick hippie." And of course he had to lift her up in the air at the houses they were looking at to make sure they could do their acrobatics...um, couldn't you do that outside as well? She was so smug and irritating. I wonder what his daughter from a previous marriage thought of her. The daughter looked less than thrilled at the red quilt her new mom bought her. It didn't even coordinate with the wall color of her bedroom.
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