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Everything posted by Phoebe70

  1. I think Melanie has ADHD. Even after she was clean for 3 months, when her son came to visit her at the treatment facility, she was hyper and manic. It’s like she can’t sit still.
  2. Everyone’s commenting on how hot Binyam is...really? His body’s not bad, but that face? Ugh, no thanks. Is Cheesedick wearing lipstick? Dude has some seriously red lips. I’m getting Colt 2.0 vibes from him. How does a dorky-looking guy cheat on a gorgeous woman like Melyza? Inquiring minds want to know.
  3. I have a feeling Deavan is not being supported by only her parents. I’m guessing she’s on assistance which means us taxpayers are helping foot the bill. Judging by some of her photos, I’m not so sure she’s going to go far as a make-up artist. Their baby boy is adorable! I hope Jihoon can grow up quickly and start being responsible but I’m not gonna hold my breath. I loved Kenny until he announced that he bought a ring and plans on proposing when he gets to Mexico. I thought he was smarter than that. I have a feeling this relationship won’t last. Armando seems reluctant to come out to his parents, and lied to them about the reason for the camera crew. I think Kenny is his first gay relationship? I hope Kenny doesn’t get his heart broken. Not much to say about Britney and Yazam. We know how this will end. Is it just me or does Yazam look a little “off.” Then he said his parents are related to each other and it all made sense. Can’t wait to see how Ari enjoys childbirth in Ethiopia with no epidural. Good luck with that, princess.
  4. Tori and Zach sure are impractical. That house with all the stairs!! Not only is it impractical for 3 LPs, but Murphy is a big dog and might be prone to arthritis when he gets older. It will be difficult to navigate those steps. I also didn’t understand why they brought Jackson to the hospital to meet the baby. Tori was in a hospital bed, hooked up to various equipment. Hospitals can be scary to young children, and Jackson is very shy in front of the camera. Why not wait until Tori and Lilah come home to introduce him to the baby? And why the need to film it when you know he’s shy in front of the camera? Then Tori acts surprised that Jackson had a meltdown at the hospital! SMH.
  5. I’m not a fan of Caryn, but I have to give her props after watching last night’s episode. She was very involved with Jackson, making sure he was occupied (playing cars with him on the floor), keeping track of his sleep schedule, making food that he’ll eat (no scallops!), all with a smile and positive attitude. If she wasn’t there, there’s no way Matt would watch Jackson. He uses his disabilities as an excuse to avoid things he doesn’t want to do. Good lord, does he want an award because he changed ONE diaper? Judging from the outrageous amount of baby wipes he used, this is not a common occurrence. Caryn had her hands full with two children- Jackson and Matt!
  6. I thought Chris looked much better with the white hair and facial scruff. I loved Amy’s dress on her. I went to 2 proms in the eighties and none of the girls wore those fingerless gloves. Maybe at the mall or school, but not at prom. Raise your hand if you were shocked that Chris and Amy were voted king and queen at the prom that she organized. Anyone? I’m kinda done with LPBG. It’s so boring now. At least when Jer and Auj were on there was plenty to snark about. The show has run it’s course, IMO.
  7. That must be it. I knew he looked familiar. Am I the only one who thinks John Goodman’s voice sounds a lot different than it used to? I don’t know how to describe it. Almost gravelly and more like an elderly voice?
  8. The bank guy... I think he was in an old episode of Roseanne. Remember when Mrs. Wellman hit Roseanne with her car? Dan found a lawyer who was incompetent. I think the actor that played the lawyer is the same one who now plays the bank guy
  9. Did not need to see this! 😫 Or this!
  10. Warning: this is going to sound really petty, but I kept thinking about it when I was watching the last episode... What happened to Sara Gilbert? She looks so haggard and unattractive. I realize all the actors are 30 years older from when the original show aired but jeez, she looks rough. Becky, Dan, Jackie, DJ, Crystal, David, even Bev still look great. Darlene looks like she’s been on a 30-year bender. She used to have the most amazing curls! Her hair looks hideous now, and she just looks so...old. Much older than she really is. Does she look this bad in real life? ETA: just found out she is 3 years younger than me! Jeez Louise, I thought she was easily in her 50s.
  11. Ugh. Sounds like another scripted TLC show. I’ll pass. On a positive note, I have not seen any pimple-popping or nasty feet commercials lately.
  12. The 7-bedroom house they were looking at but it was not in the school district...if it was indeed the perfect house for them, couldn't Kody or Robyn drive them to and from school? I mean, what else do they do all day? It's not like they're working. This season is the worst Robyn's hair has ever looked. It's like she curled her hair, sprayed a ton of hairspray on it and forgot to brush it out a little. It looks so stiff and really ages her. Kody screeching, "We could've just stayed in Vegas. I would've saved a TON of money!" is very telling. I interpreted it to mean that moving to Flagstaff was indeed Robyn's idea all along.
  13. Where’s the hose when we need it? Maybe it can spray Lysol. Where’s Sofa Sloth?
  14. All over the world people are scared, terrified and worried about the pandemic. And then Mariah posts this on her IG. Some things never change 😂
  15. Truely is fine, weight-wise. It’s her precocious attitude I find annoying. She always has to be overdramatic, just like her mom. I think those who say Truely is obese are probably recalling when she was hospitalized with kidney failure years ago. I recall seeing her at her Princess Pee-Pee & Poo-Poo Party looking very thin and frail.
  16. Poor Audrey. She has easily gained 40 pounds since being with Mariah. Must be all those lattes and 2,000 calorie brunches. So Audrey is the only person (male or female) that Mariah has dated? And now they’re getting married? The odds aren’t good. I do like Audrey, but I feel like she can do so much better than Miss Wolx Cuterus.
  17. All the empty shelves...so strange. Am I the only one who has always has several boxes of pasta, sauce, canned veggies & fruits and soup on hand? Our basement has a 9’ x 9’ room. I put some shelving up and keep some extra food there. Stuff like the above-mentioned items, plus things like toothpaste, toilet paper, deodorant, shaving cream. When things are on sale for a good price, I’ll buy like 3 or 4 of them. Because of this, I have no need to go to Krogers right now, except for eggs. Do none of these people keep extra stuff at their house? It’s mind-boggling to me.
  18. Phoebe70


    #GIRLPOWER? That outfit looks like something from Justice (store for girls until around age 10, when they realize how tacky the clothes are). All that’s missing on that shirt are some sequins and a unicorn. Who wears these clothes? I never see an adult wearing this crap (thankfully).
  19. Rosemarie shares a one room apartment with a thin mat on the floor for a bed, has no toilet and washes her clothes by hand in a basin....so how can she afford a cell phone? And internet service? Sorry, but I have a difficult time feeling sorry for her after she pretty much admitted she wants kids with Ed because he’s “rich.” Did anyone else notice that TLC blurred out the Tide laundry detergent she was using? I’m confused...are there 2 Usmans? Is one of his roommates also named Usman?
  20. SMH about Robyn’s delusion of “God will provide us with a 6-bedroom rental within 60 days.” What is she smoking? God owes the Brown family NOTHING. For once I agree with Kody...it might be smarter to buy if there’s no rentals. At least you could have potential income property later on. Why is Ariella still sleeping with Kody and Robyn? Isn’t she a little old to be sucking on a pacifier? And lastly, why are they involving their kids in all their moving drama? Do Sol and Ariella really need to be a part of this discussion? I have no problem with Kody telling the kids, “We have to move.” I have a big problem with him divulging their difficulty securing housing, their heated arguments, their money worries. I think Aurora is a drama queen, but it’s no wonder she’s having panic attacks all the time.
  21. I don’t even think she’s being indecisive. I think she knows exactly what she’s doing. It’s all about exerting power and control. The only problem is, she’s no longer HBIC. If I were Kody, when she threatened to move to Parowan, my parting words to her would be, “Bye Felicia!” What a petty, conniving twit she is.
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