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Everything posted by Phoebe70

  1. Every time I see the pooping toddlers from the Outdaughtered commercials, I have two thoughts: 1. Gross, no one needs to see that! and 2. I feel bad for those toddlers that will one day grow up and be teased mercilessly by their classmates. How embarrassing and completely unnecessary. Is Jesse hoping for an endorsement with Louboutin? He can't just say, "She threw her shoe at me" he has to mention that they're Louboutins. He's just as snooty and brand-conscience as Darcy is.
  2. Yes. My ring is very similar to Rachel's (except mine is real LOL). While it's a beautiful ring, it is not very practical since the diamond is set up so high. I'm not much for jewelry, so I rarely wear mine.
  3. No way did Noxema get a nose job due to an accident. Judging by her huge honker in the "before" photo, she obviously did it for cosmetic reasons only.
  4. I'm confused as to why Jesse got so mad for Darci putting her bare foot on top of his shoe? Is he a "sneaker head" who collects them and freaks out if he gets a speck of dirt on them? Something seems off. I'm wondering if Darci did it on purpose as a passive-aggressive move to tick him off.
  5. Ok, I can't be the only one who noticed this....when Karine was in bed with the blue blanket over her face, Paul had what appeared to be a haircut. The back of his head was shaved. But when he's marrying Karine at the ceremony, he has his regular scruffy head of hair. What's going on?!
  6. Who here really believes Big Ang will quit smoking? Anyone?
  7. And let's not forget the folded pizza as an appetizer!
  8. Did Darci ever say why they were staying at an AirBnB as opposed to her condo? Is it because her twin lives with her? I personally would much rather be in my own surroundings, with my own cookware rather than living out of a suitcase. The whole steak thing was strange to me. Why cook a steak in a skillet? They're so much better on a grill. And aren't you supposed to cover the rice-a-roni when it's cooking so that it steams? I'm surprised she even cooked rice-a-roni, as opposed to regular rice.
  9. Whoops! I thought they were words that the groomsmen used to describe Oddj. Still nauseating though.
  10. Conceited, fake, hipster and whiny all come to mind.
  11. Ok, I was curious (and bored) so I googled their wedding. Apparently Audrey asked all the groomsmen to write words that describe her. She then had signs made for them to hold with their word walking down the aisle. I think it's hilarious that Jacob's word used to describe Audrey is simply "Auj." It's like he didn't even want to waste time on something so stupid. And of course, it all has to be about Audrey. At the very least she could have had words that represented them as a couple.
  12. For some reason, Direct TV Now app taped two old episodes of LPBW. I have no idea why, as I don't have it set to recording anything. Oh, and the title of the show was in Spanish. Weird.... Anyhoo, out of boredom I re-watched one of the episodes. It was the one where Jer and Auj get married. Jer's hair was very short, almost shaved. My 14 year old daughter walked into the room, glanced at it and said, "Oh my gosh! He was so cute back then! What happened?!" And he was cute back then. In these earlier, pre-marriage episodes, he actually smiled and seemed ok. Ever since he got married to her, he seems borderline depressed and way too serious. It's like night and day. How sad. Speaking of that wedding episode, I practically gagged when the bridesmaids and groomsmen were walking down the aisle and the groomsmen were holding handwritten signs like "Passion," "Sexy Rasp (??)," "Babe," "My Wife" and "Fiery Fox." GAG!!!! And then her dad walks down the aisle with a sign reading "She's Yours." Ummm, no wonder the dad was grinning from ear-to-ear. It's like he was announcing, "Good luck, Jer. She's your problem now!"
  13. Rambo Ricky and his head-to-toe camouflage, complete with a do-rag and coordinating fanny pack. Oy!
  14. Do these men not think before they pack? Tarik with that King Tut tank top and red plaid Elmer Fudd hat that looks too small for his head. I understand that he wants to go for that younger, edgier vibe, but let me tell you something, Tarik...the young guys don't wear that stuff! He looks like Carlton (Fresh Prince of Bel Air)'s chubbier, less-attractive brother.
  15. How exactly does one sit through a 6-hour church service? I mean, do they let you take a potty break, or at least give you a snack?
  16. Funny story. I'm 5'5" and weigh 130 pounds and wear a size 6. I was in China and saw a shirt I liked in a store. The store owner said, "Oh, you like? We have size extra-large for you!" I felt terrible then, although I now laugh about it. In Angi's defense, she must feel like a cow compared to all those thin Nigerian women. I felt sorry for her.
  17. My 12 year old daughter and I watched this episode last night. She showed me something briefly on her phone, took maybe 15 seconds. In that time frame Darci and Jesse went from lovey-dovey to screaming and crying. My daughter and I just looked at each other and laughed. I think Darci and Jesse live for the drama, and the cameras.
  18. So Jon and Rachel have been "dating" for over a year, Lucy is 8 months old...and yet, Jon hasn't done any research on babies? Rachel and Lucy arrive and it appeared that he didn't even have a mattress on the crib? Lucy makes a noise that didn't even resemble crying, and Jon instructs Rachel to make her stop crying because it's stressing him out. Huh?!
  19. So many cringey moments on this episode. I don't know what one is the worst: -Angela bragging about Michael's 2-3, um, performances the previous night, -Michael telling Angela in the car on the way to meet his mama that she needs to put enough make-up on to "look younger," -Jon and Rachel wanting to be intimate with his mom down the hall. And yet, Jon seems somewhat disappointed with the real, in-person Rachel, - Tarik looking like an chubby, sweaty version of Carlton from Fresh Prince. Hazle looking uncomfortable. He claims he didn't know that the condo only had one bed. Yeah, right! -Ricky waited hours at the restaurant. Melanie finally showing up wearing the same skanky outfit as in her photo...but with braces. Saying she was hours late because she had "plans." Sounds legit lol. -And finally Darci. Wanting her "babies" to meet their soon-to-be stepfather. I don't know who looked more uncomfortable...her "babies" or Jesse. But the most cringe-worthy part were those 10 inch high heeled boots she wore...on a boat!
  20. They're fold-down bassinets. They're typically only available in the first aisle, since they take up so much room, and they're first-come, first-serve. I would have loved to have gotten one on the 14 hour plane ride home from China when we adopted our daughter, but they were snatched up fast. I'm more fascinated at how calm Lucy is. Do you think Rachel ground up a Valium and mixed it in her bottle?
  21. True. We weren't lucky enough to get a bassinet seat (we were on a plane full of newly adopted babies). But even with the bassinet seat, she seemed to do remarkably well with Lucy. But then again, Lucy seems like a pretty chill baby. And as much as I dislike Rachel, Lucy is one cute baby!
  22. I am amazed that Rachel was able to fly with a baby by herself to Europe. My husband and I adopted our daughters from China. They were 8 months and 11 months old (they were not adopted at the same time). I remember the 14-hour flights with a baby on my lap and it was DIFFICULT. even with my husband helping out. I wonder if the filming crew helped out, because Rachel didn't seem that frazzled by the time she arrived in England.
  23. The "trust fall" photo seems odd to me. I'm surprised that they allow their children to wear clothing like that. I remember in earlier episodes the wives wore wear long sleeves underneath short sleeve shirts. Even when they went to the beach (Hawaii, I think) I remember the wives wearing very modest swim suits that didn't show much skin. So I guess it's ok for their children to not wear modest clothes? If that's the case, I'm happy that at least their children can dress like their non-polyg school peers.
  24. You're a better person than I am. I can't stand the tone of her voice, how she acts so condescending to the other wives. Like when she was confronting Meri about not being there for the birth, she spoke in this weird, slow, soft voice as if she were talking to a child. And what is with this BS about not feeling "safe" around Meri. Unless Meri is wielding a machete and coming straight at her or something, I think she's always been pretty dramatic.
  25. The video is no longer available when I click on it.
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