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Everything posted by ichbin

  1. Now I'm wondering if he went to see his father's body on the chance the phone was there and he could grab it. This character is always ducking and weaving. One of the best TV episodes ever! It reminded me of the episode of The Good Wife when Alicia and Cary left to start their own firm. There was the potential for leaks coming from several sources, even emergency services or other airport related areas. Whoever is responsible for the casting of this show deserves rewards.
  2. Yes! This is good news. Hope it takes off. I miss these loons.
  3. How does one reach their 30's or 40's without knowing about importance of keeping properly hydrated under a variety of circumstances? Why would someone with potential leakage issues decide to forgo underwear? Just the heat and humidity alone in a location in Southeast Asia! Anything to absorb the inevitable perspiration. I don't doubt that she was feeling unwell but I can't help but believe there was some drama queen acting thrown in for good measure. I cannot fathom why someone decided to cast her on RHoNY and then this. She's never really shown herself to be a team player. Most of the self-centered characters across the franchises still do their thing within the context of a group situation. This one is that difficult child on the playground who demands all the attention but can't interact well with the other children. Please let us hear no more about that missing bottle! It would be enough to just watch these dumb-dumbs go into shops and restaurants in a foreign locale without throwing in the ridiculous attempts at drama for the sake of the cameras. They could do an entire episode having them just eat street food from the carts, not restaurants which could be mighty entertaining. Show them haggling with street vendors. Lots of opportunities there to deal with the locals. It's a different world than they are used to.
  4. Micah turned into Cicely Strong's drunk girl character in this episode. I initially thought Chelsea seemed to have it all together, but that opinion has been eroding as the episodes went on. For Kwame's sake I hope they split because it seems like he will be facing a life of reluctant acquiescence to keep any sense of piece in their union. Now she reminds me of a 30+ Tracy Flick.
  5. Here is some more, and it is direct from Dina's mouth, in regard to her reason for not wanting to attend the wedding: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqtyYi_pE0C/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading
  6. Consider the source, of course, but here is another possible side of the story. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/7674754/rhonj-rachel-fuda-john-full-custody-son-troubled-ex/ If it is true about the boy's mother's circumstances I have to wonder how the kid feels about having it dredged up in the media thanks to dad and step-mom wanting to be on TV.
  7. I can't help but wonder if there was a big power shift behind the scenes between seasons 12 and 13. Margaret, Jackie, and the Gorgas don't seem to be betting the same type of editing as they were in previous seasons. Even the leaks to the bloggers, particularly pertaining to Joe and Melissa, have been showing quite a bit more on the negative side than I can remember reading in the past. If so, all I can say is bravo to Bravo! This in no way indicates that I think any of the remaining cast is in some way superior to the others, just that it is about time it is shown that the others are no better. They are all shit-stirring narcissists.
  8. From what I can see it was announced last August that Bravo would be airing the wedding as a special after this season ends. I wonder if that means the decision was not made or finalized prior to when 13 started filming. At one point I can remember Teresa saying that it would not be on TV. What I suspect is that Melissa and Joe decided to pull out of the wedding and make a stink to give themselves relevance this season. I then suspect Teresa finally had her fill of them using her to build themselves up and decided not to go along with a big reconciliation either in real life or for the cameras. Could be that once the wedding episode was announced that Melissa and Joe then found themselves on the outside looking in by way of their own machinations. Once it was decided that it would be filmed and aired I'm guessing that production requested having some of the cast in the bridal party and Jen and Dolores were they only two who made sense. If Danielle had been around longer she probably would have been pulled in also. I think Melissa's face upon hearing the bridesmaids news might have been the first time we might have been seeing some genuine emotion from her. What the %^&! was he going on about? I couldn't make any sense of what Joe was talking about. He gave no details about this supposed Pizzagate 2. I actually rewound it because I thought I had missed something but still was none the wiser. OMG! Does she have a stylist who hates her? Just because she was nipped, tucked, and lost weight does not mean she will look good in anything. It has to be one of the worst TH looks across all franchises.
  9. https://ew.com/tv/love-is-blind-season-4-micah-irina-talk-being-mean-girls-in-pods/?utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_entertainmentweekly&utm_content=manual&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_term=641f52c9dc8e300001bad3dd&fbclid=IwAR0PgPdPlrwKcTOlZOCZp7NxnznRNdOFfEjzUcY-1JO-rbQmjnHzM91wRX0 So basically what we saw is not editing, it's who they are.
  10. It seems Micah has a type in terms of friends...now her connection with Irina makes a sense. That doesn't mean I think she is any prize herself. She might be presenting a better face during the last few episodes but that toast she made let us see she is the same girl who conspired with Irina earlier. If Marshall is lucky Jackie will completely gravitate to Josh because she shows promise of being a source of a whole lot of needless drama. I'm not convinced they're a great couple but Chelsea and Kwame do seem to be the most reasonable and mature of the bunch with Brett and Tiffany a close second. Brett and Tiffany are the best couple by default of nothing else. The fact that Zack initially dropped Bliss in favor of Irina would and should be a lot for Bliss to completely get over at this stage. Something tells me she is going to come to her senses and if not break up at least put off getting married until they can spend more time together without the cameras. I
  11. What kind of super pheromone was Irina emitting that Zach chose her over Bliss while in the pods. If Irina ever showed herself as being charming or appealing in any way it must have been left on the editing room floor. Micah, like, is totally annoying, like, because she cannot stop saying like, and ,like, between that and her, like, voice she is really hard to ,like, listen to. OMG, yes! As soon as I saw the mother that is exactly what I was thinking. They honestly don't seem like a much of a match though and I'm hoping for him to ditch her at the alter. Jackie and Marshall also don't seem like a good match.
  12. FTFY because it holds true for each and every one of the featured cast on this (and probably every) franchise.
  13. Robert Patrick was completely distracting me during each of his scenes...then I realized why. Those eyebrows which now defy gravity when compared to his earlier years.
  14. Micah and Irina seem more intent to be putting on performances as auditions for future dating shows rather than participating in the "experiment". Considering the sound alone of Micah's voice I'm astounded that she attracted one, let alone two people on a show where that is all they had to go by. Their particular brand of toxicity is kind of ruining it.
  15. I'm too busy imagining that the original RHoNY would still have been filming regular seasons if not for Leah. If anything, her deportment so far on this franchise shows that she is a major fly in the ointment regardless of her co-stars.
  16. Want to bet that is exactly what they will be doing with it when not filming? If they did in fact purchase it and not lease it was probably with the idea of it being used as an investment property more than it being a second home. In that case I can understand why they wouldn't want to invest additionally in furnishing it too.
  17. I think it gives a good indication of just which housewives production felt were thirsty enough to settle for just about anything offered in exchange for another spin in front of the cameras. It's my guess that season 2 was the least expensive to produce overall so far.
  18. Leah is still the same eye-rolling, attention seeking, and obnoxiously still stuck in her teens ass that she was on RHoNY. Couldn't stand her then and her absence from things Bravo has done nothing to change my opinion. Whitney doesn't fit in with this group at all and it seems like she realizes it. Heather seems to have learned nothing from her third season and instead is doubling down on the same behaviors that have successfully eroded her initial popularity. The others are RH veterans and know the way this game is played. So far though I'm enjoying this more than the last season at Dorinda's.
  19. I look at it this way...my purpose of going to "the shore" is the sandy beach and ocean. I would hope to get as close to that as possible, otherwise why go unless you only want to get on a boat or some other kind of watercraft and stay in a pool. Jenn's shore house seems fine to me for the purpose it was intended...days spent on the beach. Her kids probably love it for that reason plus the boardwalk! Comments here make it sound like some kind of a ramshackle hovel and it's far from that.
  20. I'm guessing it has something to do with the production company being able to contractually take their pound of flesh from profits if a business is promoted on the show.
  21. I thought I remembered something about Jenn and some pillow side hustle she had going and found it again...https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-jersey/style-living/jennifer-aydins-ultimate-beauty-pillow-lips-lashes-brows
  22. We have...https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-jersey/style-living/jennifer-aydins-jersey-shore-vacation-house-video
  23. There have been slight indictions all along but after that Hawaiian cigar statement I'm wondering if editing has been covering up a whole lot more. There was prosciutto, a giant mountain of it that looked like slices slapped on the side of a huge lump of foil...in the heat of summer. I actually rewound it because I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I'm right there with you! Whenever I learn about some acquaintance or their family member getting engaged I feel like I should start lighting candles in the hope an invitation never makes it to my mailbox.
  24. Some of this series is a bit ridiculous so far but I can suspend disbelief enough to make it watchable. I will admit that I bounced around several times in my guesses regarding who was guilty and that is the best I can expect from a crime/mystery type show. I ignored it on the list for a long time and not sure what made me watch it now but I'm glad I did.
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