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Everything posted by ichbin

  1. That's the only actual storyline he and his wife have ever had since joining the cast. One can say whatever they like about Teresa, but since the beginning she has had a variety of real stuff going on outside of merely fighting with a cast member. A pregnancy, breast augmentation, she has had storylines involving some of her children, had her husband's bad behavior exposed, issues with her parents, the cookbooks which did have a certain amount of success at one time, and of course the court case, subsequent incarcerations, and husband deported. She has brought it and had allowed herself to be exposed. It might be infamy but it's a whole lot more than what her brother and sister-in-law have brought. Without Teresa we wouldn't know they existed. She's the meat and potatoes of the show while they're just a bit of wilted parsley on the side.
  2. Sadly, all too true. I have to say though that she doesn't look bad overall but just needed about 3 or 4 inches less height in the crown of that construction on her head. Yup! The thing is that Tre can be a monster but acknowledging that shouldn't give her brother and his wife a pass on any of the crap they have pulled. They're just better at packaging themselves. They're no more loyal to Tre than Tre is to them. There's plenty of lousy behavior to go around....here's hoping that rumors of Margaret getting less than a flattering edit in the next season are true because I feel she is long overdue. I can't believe how old she looks now. Tall too!
  3. I know what you mean! The whole show has only gotten better with time. It's at that happy place where the writers and cast all really gel together.
  4. That was pretty much shouted to the audience during the plane ride when Sam told her he was going to photograph the caribou for National Geographic and Liv said it was the wrong season.
  5. Yes, a nice contradiction to some of the somewhat vacuous appearing offspring of some other housewives. This comes from raising a child to be successful rather than simply famous. I know, right! On the rare occasion that I do mention it I find myself being looked at like I am undergoing reevaluation. I think it is reeks of desperation to maintain relevance combined with some OTT acting that seems to have been influenced by some weak community theater. He seems like one of the last people who would make that kind of appearance on this kind of show. I have a guess about that. When the shit hit the fan regarding Tom I can see Sutton being concerned about how her association with Erika might land and that she might have talked to production about that. I can totally imagine a scenario where production could have manufactured that sit-down under the guise of addressing concerns with rest of the cast.
  6. I have my doubt about her being drunk at all. It shows in the yes of everyone I have known when they've had one too many. Lisa was bright-eyed and clear spoken. Gaslighting. Gaslighting not only Sutton but more importantly the viewers because Sutton bringing those receipts revealed some things which were far from flattering.
  7. If that's the case then it will probably play out with some phony baloney reconciliation and Melissa winding up as her maid of honor and her brother walking her down the aisle.
  8. I am! It's just a really sweet show and I'm glad it's back.
  9. But then there wouldn't have been an opportunity to showcase the his "acting" ability.
  10. Wow...that is really something. Is that Diana in the upper corner and also featured in the Hurricane video? Seems to be the musical video equivalent of vanity books.
  11. That was an apology? Or Crystal taking offense over Erika's tone deaf comments regarding her eating disorder culminating in that chicken nugget moment which all seems a bit on the dark side. Or Diana taking offense over Erika making her fiancé's big RHoBH moment all about Erika. The boy can carry a tune but that was far from the voice of an angel. I wondered if he had perhaps been on one of the competition shows and looked him up. He's apparently been in the business since he was a child and if Wikipedia can be believed at seven also played Chip in a national stage production of Beauty and the Beast...for some reason that made me laugh out loud. Judging by her appearance this season I think she's going to soon hit the wall hard as far as her looks are concerned. I foresee her looking and behaving like an elderly Mae West at some point in the near future. Throwing in the booze is only going to hasten the transition from pretty mess to frowzy mess. She always looks like she's on her way to star in a dinner theater production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum with her 60's showgirl aesthetic. There used to be ads in 60's magazine for fake pony tails that cost something like a dollar that were supposed to be matched to your own hair sample. I think of that every time I look at her. Seriously! All I could do is look at his less than svelte frame and wonder if that glass was gauged in measurement terms of pints or liters.
  12. I've been thinking that a lot, starting with the first episode and why the windows in the house where the mother and daughter were killed were not nailed shut.
  13. Seriously! If she didn't glean anything telling about her actions from the readily available seasons of RHoNY she was on there is little this season of UGT will do to make a difference. If anything I'll bet she feels more empowered now. I can imagine her watching the episodes while toasting herself on having nailed it.
  14. I think I know why Dorinda doesn't want people eating in their bedrooms. She probably thinks they have the same eating habits as her. When she picks up that slice of pizza while in bed it was upside down. She eats with her mouth open. I'm guessing she doesn't want the other splattering food all around them like she probably does.
  15. Move over, I'm with you. But hypocrisy runs rampant in this group and she's got plenty of company. Since I am from the same area believe me that this thought comes up in my mind at least once each episode. I simply do not understand the love she has gotten from fans on social media. I definitely don't buy the daffy old rich lady routine either. I will say this though, I had no problem with the concept of a baked potato with caviar fixin's bar as a lunch between sisters.
  16. I agree. Erika came across as someone who has actually misused laxatives as a weight loss aid. It was like she was confused over why someone would have an eating disorder when there is such a remedy available to them, meanwhile being completely ignorant that many people with eating disorders do just that and that it is a problem. This was one of the few times that I think she might truly have been showing something of her genuine self. I'm going to bet that none of the ladies is going to take her to task over this like they would if the same things had been said by Sutton.
  17. OMG, I missed that! Makes sense though as it would be one less opportunity for her to do so herself.
  18. Can we talk about that dress (or was it actually a tunic) in this episode! At some point it becomes a matter of simply needing to grow the F up. If all you have to throw around is OTT sexuality you don't really have much going on.
  19. Diana's talking head look...it finally came to me. It's like she or her stylist wanted to go for the Young Rose Nylund look, but with boobies. Betty White died around that time, perhaps that was the influence.
  20. I take no joy in sticking up for Erika, but she did elaborate on this point being that Garcelle's sons interacted and conversed with the adults at the party instead of being off in the corners totally engrossed in their phones like a lot of other kids their ages.
  21. Acting! Not so sure I would have been diving into the ocean either.
  22. She, daughter and housekeeper picking up avocados in the yard made the cut for this episode. Imagine how boring the stuff that didn't make it was. No wonder was still trying to make something out of the Sutton matter from over a year ago relevant again. Doesn't seem like she has much to offer.
  23. Thank you for saying this since I thought I was alone in feeling that way. 😂 I'm with both of you, so partly of three! I'd like to add the chummy displays with domestic workers in on this one too (looking at you Crystal).
  24. I don't either. Maybe that she has always been a 2nd or 3rd tier television performer married to an aging has-been might have something to do with it. She prances through episodes here trying to make Harry seem like he's still sitting for People covers and making a push for her daughters to be some kind of Hollywood royalty. She may still do the occasional acting job on something that isn't very big or popular but this show appears to be where she has landed and it doesn't seem to be propelling her career outside of it. I think she tries super hard to pick the sides here that she feels will elevate her more here, be it via good or bad means. To me she just seems to be scrambling all the time. Maybe getting chummy with Diana could channel into a seat at a charity event that would give her the opportunity to air out some of the garage gowns. Maybe she thinks Erika is sinking so low that it make herself rise higher in comparison. Who know.
  25. $$$??? Does she personally socialize with any of those A-list celebrities on a casual level or are their connections generally related to charity events?
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