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Everything posted by ichbin

  1. I don't think we can believe much of anything she did or showed while appearing on the series. From what I've seen Stuart wasn't going to be sentenced until after Jen's trial which seems to point to him having made a deal in return for spilling what he knew about Jen's "business" and being a witness for the prosecution, I'm really curious how her now pleading guilty will affect his sentencing at this point.
  2. Take away all of her negative press and what's left is a person who is well suited for the role and can give it the performance it deserves.
  3. Wow, her attorneys must have known there would be some really damaging and irrefutable evidence against her and I'm guessing Stuart spilled his guts contributing toward that end. Hard to feel any sympathy for her.
  4. I almost didn't watch it based solely on that promo photo which put me off rather than interest me. I decided to look it up anyway and when I found it was an Australian mystery series I gave it a chance. It's not the best I've ever seen but definitely not the worst. Figured what Amanda's story was early on but the show kept my interest. Hope there will be more based on the other books in the series. Really dislike the way Amazon Prime has shoved shows off into this commercial version where we're forced to watch ads despite Prime going up in cost.
  5. The narcissists in my life do it when gaslighting. Even when confronted with hard, irrefutable evidence to the contrary they will continue to deny it until you think that you are the crazy one. Driven by fragile but very needy egos.
  6. I really liked this a lot but I have so many questions regarding S01E08! I hope it comes back and delves into some of that but if it doesn't I suppose the ending works in a fairy tale/happily ever after kind of way.
  7. I agree with your points regarding her likely missing the lifestyle and OTT continued grieving, but I question her living in London with Richard. I thought she living there when married to her first husband?
  8. I'd go so far as to say that holds true for pretty much every cast member of RHoNY for its entire run. I remember when Dorinda was relieved of her apple and so many people were upset that it her instead of Ramona. Ramona makes an ass of herself but I cannot recall an instance when she displayed anything close to the vitriol and rancor displayed by Dorinda on numerous occasions. Ramona needs to be saved from herself and not others saved from her. It seems the other way around for Dorinda. If Jill is shown footage contradicting her statements I'm pretty sure she would sheepishly admit to being caught while I have a feeling Dorinda would continue to double down and somehow place the blame on anyone but herself. I can only assume that production had plenty of good reason to remove her from the cast of RHoNY considering as I recall at that time she was still inexplicably a fan favorite with a lot of people simply concerned about her drinking. My guess is that a lot went on behind the scenes. After all, Sonja wasn't pulled despite having many drunken and low moments of her own.
  9. This was the best part of the show, particularly the bartender! That being said, Brandi is a pain in the ass and shit thrower extraordinaire. Each one of them is full of it to a degree, but none of the others comes close to matching Dorinda in regard to delusion and outright nastiness. If she thought hosting this particular season was going to show how wonderful she is and how wrong Bravo was to "put her on pause" she would be sadly mistaken.
  10. Those platforms looked like hooves...actually kind of appropriate.
  11. Why leave cupcakes in the bedrooms at all if eating there is forbidden! Is that a test? A set-up? WTF. The main thing is that it doesn't seem like an act or a character being performed for the cameras. She really seems to be the person she is displaying. It is really apparent when she is being interviewed when she seems very full of herself. I could never understand all the positive comments in regard to her on RHoNY, particularly toward the end. I think a lot of people blamed any poor behavior solely on the alcohol consumption. In my opinion that only brings out something more that is always there. This doesn't surprise me in the least! There was probably an uptick in pitches coinciding with RHUGT. The funniest thing about it is watching her lead a session. It looks like it's geared toward groups in retirement communities. Yeah, I don't think there is much of a market for what she is displaying. I wonder if she is planning to do an airbnb opportunity again and if this is part of the marketing? Oh, and then there is the control freak aspect too. Not for anything, BSM doesn't seem very impressive in comparison to other examples of Stanford White's work, both inside and out, and throwing in her taste level in decorating is the not so very juicy cherry on top of that cake.
  12. I can't say how exactly how she views herself but I'm pretty sure it is nothing like she has actually demonstrated while on camera. Most (probably all) Real Housewives have a pretty strong ego and opinion of themselves. Dorinda though seems to be at the top of the heap in terms of delusional grandeur. She seems to fancy herself as an outstanding hostess yet her behavior goes more toward making her guests uncomfortable. Her social manners are lacking. She can't hold her liquor well. She insists whatever she thinks is the right and only way without taking anyone else's points of view into consideration and behaves like a tyrant. Piggybacking off that, she cannot accept that everyone does not enjoy the same things as herself, the "magical" Blue Stone Manor itself a prime example. She is nasty, dismissive and more full of herself in a way that few other Real Housewives equal.
  13. I daresay worse! I hope this wasn't a calculated move on her part to make herself seem more interesting and needed back as a regular on whatever happens with RHoNY. She's making herself seem more unhinged than in her last season. Does she have a particular issue with trim, attractive blondes? I wonder because Tamra and Tinsley are somewhat similar in looks. When the cameras close in on Brandi's face...whatever she has had done resulted in turning her into a Madame puppet/Jocelyn Wildenstein hybrid. She is like an obnoxious child. On a show where most of the cast proudly wears their designer fashions it was startling to see her wearing that plaid bodysuit with woefully mismatched seams which screamed cheap. Does she really think that hyping booze and sex makes her interesting? She's the human embodiment of an insect buzzing around. The best bit of casting for this season was Phaedra and Eva. Imagine how it would have been without them and only the remaining cast. Jill can be a lot at times, but she can also be correct. I have a feeling her assessment of Dorinda missing being Mrs. Medley is probably on the money. Let's face it, the chances of her landing in a relationship with someone exposing her to a similar world at this point is probably slim to nothing.
  14. It finally came to me. Diana has a personality reminiscent of Anna Delvey as portrayed in Inventing Anna. Primary difference being that she actually has money of her own. I mean seriously, can't you just imagine her looking at Sutton and saying, "you're basic"?
  15. A major distinction to be sure. Ramona and Vicki are entertaining in their delusional obnoxious ways. Diana is working toward despicable and the opposite of entertaining. It's interesting that Sutton and now Garcelle are being targeted by this beast. Hmmmm, could it be because these are the two non-suck ups who are willing to call things out for what they really are and therefore are a threat to the those with both skeletons and questionable personas?
  16. I imagine had it been Rinna or Kyle with a similar issue the talking head response by Dorit would have been totally different. If she brought her squad along to WWHL, would you event want the same results? See below..
  17. When they were talking about how undetectable they are all I could think of was that photo of the back of Erika's head a few weeks ago the day she appeared on WWHL when her extensions were anything but that. It was the most flattering outfit I have seen her in to date. Additionally, she behave like countless stereotypical Eastern European bitchy ego-driven characters on countless shows and movies, usually comedies. I can't help think that she signs on for this show for some particular reason. She apparently has plenty of money and already hangs out with the rich and famous (and infamous). Supposedly a full life. No business or product to pimp. So again, why sign on to be a housewife? Definitely impressive. Not so impressive? That outfit she was wearing. There was nothing sly about her delivery either like so many other housewives when they appear on WWHL. She just called it like she sees it and I appreciated that.
  18. I immediately went to see if there was any mention of him being ill online. The weight loss makes a drastic change to his appearance. I was pleasantly surprised to find this streaming on Peacock today. Was it the greatest movie ever? No, however, it did not disappoint. It stayed true to the series. It was just what I needed today. Like comfort food, not the best, not necessarily nutritious, but it makes you feel good.
  19. I've known people who use cottage cheese, none of them related to a Nona though.
  20. I heard something like "strained cottage cheese" declared like it was the ultimate ingredient. All the old-school Nonas I've known would beg to differ!
  21. Clearly nothing has changed since her last season on RHoNY. That was disappointing. She really is! Seems nice and fun to be around also. I didn't watch RHoBH when she was part of that cast but I've read things over the years and watched the season of Big Brother she was part of. Exhausting! She treads the line between being obnoxious and pitiful and uses both as weapons. She seems to be her own worst enemy. I only watched part of the first season and all I can remember is Kim talking about Big Poppa which pretty much drove me away. Watching Eva and Phaedra makes me want to revisit the franchise. I've seen her make appearances here and there over the years since she left RHoNY and thought she seemed to have mellowed a bit...I apparently misjudged that situation! Another one who is as exhausting as ever.
  22. Neither did I. While she was doing her laid out stream of consciousness bit (while also sullying the upholstery) she sounded just fine. No slurring. Seemed like a performance. She did manage to get the camera all to herself, didn't she? It wasn't until later while at the table with the others that her voice sounded like the drinks could have been affecting it. I hope they show Diana to have some redeeming feature soon because at this point it has been nothing but negative. Ugh, and nothing entertaining about her.
  23. This is better than a lot of primetime sitcoms on broadcast TV. Like other platforms, not enough publicity given to a decent show. Peacock really should promote it more. I think I'm enjoying the second season more than the first.
  24. Often better for that matter. If it happened it sounds like she was edged out of some group or other. Probably some friend group based off of something like a charity, club, school, or something. It all depends on the make up and dynamics of the group. Say for instance the majority of people in it were like Garcelle who both recognizes and calls out nonsense... Thank you! If anything, I think Sutton showed restraint up until now. Diana came out swinging against her several times before this. FTFY
  25. Same here! So no problem for me reconciling what is going on compared to the novels. I enjoyed the first two episodes and will definitely be watching more.
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