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Everything posted by ichbin

  1. Alana has already intimated that on her Facebook page. Her feed has a lot of negative comments. She's pretty snarky about her "haters". I didn't notice any admission that she could have handled anything better.
  2. Just imagine if this news had been made public earlier. I think we would be watching a whole other reunion this season. At the very least Kirsten would probably have been given a closer seat to Andy.
  3. I can't remember. Was Dani J there while the group was eating the stingray? I just realized that I don't remember seeing her.
  4. If there was even one scene of Dani J. committing some egregious offense against any of the others I might begin to understand the vitriol...but I don't recall anything that fits. I'm aware of editing, but I doubt that something meaty would have been left on the cutting room floor. Dani J. also seemed mature and willing to assume responsibility. I have to wonder if the others were simply jealous of her good sense to bring along a mosquito net which probably afforded Dani at least some relief that the others missed out on, particularly while sleeping at night. I honestly think all of those remaining are kind of despicable in their own ways. EJ and Jeff less so than the others, but seriously, would it have been such a bad thing for them to welcome Dani into their group? Would that not have been the Christian thing to do, Jeff? I don't consider them stellar individuals either. It bothered me incredibly when Shane thanked them for putting up with his personality prior to tapping out as though he didn't make valuable contributions to their group like the water hole he dug despite his physical condition at the time. Both of them seemed to accept his words like they deserved them. Definitely rethinking this show and whether or not I will continue watching since it has become a typical reality show gang up rather than an actual survivor experience. Alone on the History Channel was far superior. ETA: Spelling
  5. There are times that The Princess fits right in with them. During the scene when the others leave her and Luann alone to talk, just prior to them leaving Carole is shown uncrossing her legs in a what I would consider to be an unladylike way. Anyone else catch that? I thought it looked like some blurring had been edited in. Then when she stood she was shown with her dress hiked up and her hand reaching up under her dress pulling down who knows what. At her age she should know well enough to choose clothing that will allow her to move gracefully, particularly considering the cameras. I haven't seen moves like that in public since the days clubbing in my youth. If "elegance is learned" then most of this bunch seems to have missed the lessons.
  6. I guess I'm part of your minority. It doesn't seem like Ramona deliberately sets out to hurt someone when she blurts out something inane or inappropriate. She honestly appears to have her head too firmly implanted up her own butt to even consider how her words can be taken by others. Bethenny on the other hand appears to intentionally lunge for the jugular if she is annoyed or pissed off. Another difference I've noticed is that Ramona has been shown several times speaking one-on-one with the other housewives she has had issues with. Bethenny on the other hand seems to prefer an audience while she wields her words like weapons.
  7. Not necessarily. Dorinda was probably on her own for the night and alone in the privacy of her room at some point and the same for production personnel accompanying her and Carole on the London trip. My spouse also traveled extensively for business and I would certainly worry if I did not hear from him as expected. If it were me I also would have asked the hotel to check on him fearing he had been overcome with illness or slipped and fell, etc.
  8. When Sonja was on Watch What Happens Tuesday night and Andy asked her about her thoughts on the reunion she mentioned something "epic" Ramona had done with no details. Andy made some response indicating it was a first. Any ideas?
  9. I thought the two guys who had the misfortune to team up with Honora had it bad, but Shane got the really bad team getting stuck with those two witches.
  10. I agree that she looks different but I think it's because of a change in hair and make-up.
  11. Hilarious! Everyone went back into character and the story kept true to the original too. So great that even those who achieved greater fame returned (does anyone think Sean Penn would have considered playing Spicoli again in a Ridgemont HIgh sequel).
  12. My real life experience has taught me to be wary of people like Bethenny who choose to entertain by mockery and mimicry. Those I have known have will turn on a dime and use anyone as a subject if it will give them more attention. No one is spared and it's never in a good natured spirit of laughing with, but always mean spirited and laughing at. Bethenny was going at at full force in this episode. This week her subject was Ramona, next week it will be someone else. It's all fun and games until you suddenly find yourself as the target. It was nice to see Trinny at the the cocktail party. I remember the original, British, What Not to Wear. She and Susannah gave genuinely good advice. The whole London segment was a nice change of pace.
  13. Well, Little Ms. Superfan who got a shot at it in this episode seems to have fit that bill. It was a good thing that the guy she was with was a bit more prepared for the realities.
  14. To each his own I guess. I liked the first season and am enjoying the second season as well. It's definitely not a typical sitcom, but I don't see that as a bad thing..it's just different. The one improvement I see from the first season is that Emma's flaws are being highlighted as well as Bruce's. The shows make me laugh and that's what I want a comedy to do so I hope there will be another season next year.
  15. Also her hair, make-up, and outfit...she looked great.
  16. Every time I see Sam West I can't help but think of Fawlty Towers because Sybil is his real life mother.
  17. I could swear word was out after last season that Ramona was either gone or demoted, but she's still there hanging on to her apple, so yeah, I'll only be taking all as rumor until the next season begins. It seems like the only person Heather hasn't tangled with on the the show is Carole. She's either gone head to head or become aggressive with all the others, starting with Ramona, then Sonja, Aviva, Kristen, Bethenny, Dorinda, and now Luanne, pretty much in that order during her time there. I do wonder if it's a question of personality or targeting for a story line or air time. I do suspect she primarily is on the show to promote her other endeavors like Yummy and charities. I personally will not miss her if she leaves. ETA: Somehow I forgot about her thing with Bethenny!
  18. Bravo posted an article that actually confirmed what actually what happened before the march and Sonja doesn't come off smelling sweet. Some other tidbits about past episodes too: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-7/blogs/5-never-before-revealed-secrets-from-the-rhony?cid=soc_dg_fb_RHONY
  19. Yet it was still somehow better than the antique walking gown she wore to hike in Montana. Some may consider her quirky, but I suspect it's more a case of, "LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!"
  20. I can see that too, but whenever I see Marc Warren I always think Dougie from The Vice or Mr. Teatime from Hogfather. His eyes are so distinctive.
  21. What happened to Sonja's "sexy novel" that she spoke of during her first season? Also, when Kristen joined the cast there was talk about her line of greeting card boxes. I don't remember hearing about that on the shows though.
  22. They were a gift! So much pretension and hunger to be part of the NYC social set. I wonder if Francois and Johan ever did start speaking French. Their shopping excursions were awesomely cringeworthy the way he would sit back and watch her model outfits. I could watch Kelly saying "Johan face" while photographing Alex during her beach photo shoot on a loop and not stop laughing.
  23. Can't stand Heather. Haven't like her since her first season on the show. She was a total bitch to Ramona the first season she was on and that was excused by a lot of people because Ramona herself is so polarizing. She was lucky the same way going against Sonja and Aviva because one was a ditz and the other was so disliked, but still she was overly aggressive with them too. I'm not a huge fan of Bethenny either, but I'm glad she is there as someone who will stand their ground against Heather's nonsense. I'm glad that editing is starting to show more of the negative this season, like the face Heather made when Bethenny walked in. It doesn't look like she'll be getting the lucky edit this year. Also, is it just me or is there a little less of Heather and Carole beingjustthisclose this season? I'm guessing Josh didn't like the way he was portrayed last season because it seems like he is being careful not to give production anything to use that is going to make him look bad again this season. There is a fine line between trying to look cocky or self-assured and just being a plan old jerk. He seems to be playing it bland this time around. Smart! I swear I remember reading that Kristen had a second boob job not all that long ago (last 1 or 2 years maybe?). She must have gone for a really natural look...
  24. This has potential. I don't usually like stories with creepy kids but the first episode left me wanting to watch more. I hope it winds up going more traditional sci-fi than demon driven though.
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