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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Did any character in this season die outside the house on the street and beg to be brought back into the house? I am not sure why I have that memory. I appreciate the help, this season got very jumbled up for me.
  2. I am almost sure Michael was hit by that car in a previous episode and WAS brought back into the house. The second time he was not, which was the in alternate time line. Anyone?
  3. I am starting to binge watch this season. I am in episode 5. I really think that one hour a week is not the best way to view a season. I forget week to week what happened weeks ago, and even with binge watching I am confused about certain aspects I recall seeing weeks ago. For instance: if Dinah was given more episodes of her show, how could she do the show if there was an Apocalypse? Was she sent back in time? Was Michael hit by that car twice? The first time he was taken back into the house to become a ghost and in the final episode he was left on the street to die and that is how the whole story changed?
  4. I think the issue with the chemistry is coming from Kevin not Zoe. I think the problem is his acting skills, not the actual chemistry. He is just not "acting" that really into her. She is so gorgeous, and does not seem like she is going to "destroy" Kevin so I am not sure what the problem is. There is no romantic edge. He acts with her the same way he interacts with his sister, Kate. Kevin's eyes are blank. His face is expressionless.
  5. I loved this episode. I love every episode... but when Zoe told Kevin she was sexually abused I thought: they have to fit in every single trauma into the show. They put everything in, what condition or horrible thing is left that hasn't been assigned to one of the characters in the show? I love Jack.
  6. Quick question: who was sitting right behind Camryn Manheim in the audience? She looked so familiar but I cannot place her name. She was blonde, maybe a comedian.
  7. Thanks! I also don't even understand that whole plot line of the fights with the firemen outside the bar in this episode. The SI cop fought with them in episode one also. What is all that about?
  8. Please explain: who was the blond in the white robe who Ray visits, pays off, and gets a sex tape of? Who was in that tape? She talked about Lena and Lena said she knew her back in LA but she moved to NYC to be near her brother in Rikers. That whole scene confused me, even with Lena talking about her in the next scene with Ray.
  9. The content of this episode was beyond sad, but let's face it: it is history. What I have grown to love about Outlander is that it takes it's time to unfold within each episode. Nothing is rushed. Every scene is precisely measured. I had just come off watching this week's new episode of Ray Donovan, which played out in staccato lightening speed (and I loved that too) but the contrast when I watched this episode made me appreciate the style of Outlander. Plus, the set was filled with such detail. That plantation was actually in Scotland (where this season was filmed) and it really did look like it took place in North Carolina. Claire's face, when she looked out at the slaves, was so revealing. It was so realistic I felt as if I was there.
  10. I watched this episode On Demand. I am having a little bit of a hard time following some of the scenes, but all I can say is that this is for me the best season ever. The acting is mesmerizing. I have to watch this again to figure out some of the action, but this episode sizzles with excitement. Fantastic season so far!
  11. News about next season with SPOILERS
  12. I think the problem is they started not taking the show seriously and made it some tongue in cheek inside joke. It's like a parody of the show, like what would be in a skit on SNL. The characters are caricatures and the references are all over the place, even tonight with the Illuminati. This season does not know what it wants to be: a satire or a send up or what. I am one of the few that liked Freak Show. It never veered off course. It stayed true to the tone of the original season and I think with Hotel, it crossed over into being absurd. This episode was somewhat interesting with the time travel angle, but then it gets all muddled with other plot stuff. So they will go back in time and prevent that Apocalypse? So the whole season never happened I suppose.
  13. I think the 1972 song with lyrics ruined the drama of that 1767 scene. That wonderful Ray Charles classic has been used in the news and juxtaposed with horrible current events. It is done as a sarcastic political statement. But for this show, it seemed wrong and out of place. The scene would have played better if they even used Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 or even Ernest Bloch - Concerto Grosso No. 1. I hated the choice.
  14. I did not like this episode either. I actually turned it off after about 40 minutes in. Maybe the season is starting slowly and will move to a better place. But this episode for me was terrible and downright dull.
  15. I think this episode was one of the best of this series so far. I also think that Liev Schreiber did some of his best acting ever in this episode. He was so beaten down, so depressed, so consumed with angst and pain... yet he was able to pull it together and get back to what he does best. He is a "fixer" and a cold methodical killer with no compassion for his dying father. The man is unforgiving and emotionless. Damn, this episode was great!
  16. I am enjoying this season in a very sporadic way. I liked the idea of the crossovers. But, parts of this season seem so amateurish. And it seems like the actors are in some "inside joke," sort of enjoying the over the top humor (for instance when Sandra Bernhard called the president a "douchnozzle"). Why does Ryan Murphy have to keep inserting his own politics (even climate change) into the past two seasons? I may (or may not) agree with him, but it just is poor form. And killing that doctor who was with "Doctors Without Borders" belonged as some reference within a joke said by some comic at an open mic night in a comedy club and in this scene seemed cheap. As I said, I like some of the episodes of this season, but overall it is just too tongue in cheek for me. Is this season supposed to be a comedy? Some parts look like they were filmed as parodies for SNL. "The Name Game" in Asylum was funny but just seemed more sophisticated? (If that is the right word) and it fit in and was perfect. The show runners should have decided what it wanted to be a few seasons ago and not switched tracks, which I think it did as far back as "Hotel."
  17. Eh, why reference Doctors Without Borders and slit that doc's throat? It was just sick. Even for this show, they pushed the envelope too far with the "humor and satire" to the point that crossed a line and I just grimaced and rolled my eyes. Subtle humor can work too. I realize that they are laughing at themselves and not taking it all too seriously but that reference just turned me off. And trust me, I am not a snowflake. For me, this episode stunk like the the stray mouse that got into my car two years ago and died.
  18. He is always so appealing. I love the way he interacted with Kate. He seems to be such a balanced father. His character is so likable and he is a really nice guy. He will respond to you on twitter.
  19. I agree. This episode with Randall getting into politics was shoehorned in. He lives in Alpine! And it is boring. And Beth is boring. And Toby and Kate are boring now. They need to figure out a way to make the show seem more fresh. And that may be to time jump in to the future.... but they tease us with that storyline and it is frustrating and manipulative. Just let us know what is going on already!
  20. It doesn't say and explain what the charges were against Bridget.
  21. I do remember that Ray gave them Mickey in exchange for his daughter's release from jail. But, I don't remember why Ray's daughter was in jail. Anybody? Did she steal something? Or threaten that doctor?
  22. Well, I loved it. Yes, it is absurd and redundant but I enjoy watching it unfold. What happens to me every year is that I forget after so much time most of what happened in the last season, so I have to go back and read episode summaries. What is most absurd is that Mickey goes to jail and gets out and then goes back in again. What in the hell was that concoction he was drinking? How many people has Ray murdered? Yes, it is nuts that he has not been arrested. But I love how grim and emotionless he always is. He is like a walking zombie. And Ray, the fixer, getting beat up by that fat guy? I don't know... I always have to watch each episode at least twice to follow the plot. Also, what's so incriminating for the cop because he drove them from Manhattan to Staten Island?
  23. So Jack may have been in love when he was in Vietnam before he met Rebecca. Nice! Maybe the big three are the big four? Glad Kate is pregnant. And what are Beth's symptoms? What could she have? She was disoriented, maybe that is why she was fired? I am not liking Randall in politics. I hope he drops his political aspirations and goes back to his career. I love this show. I hate that we only get one hour a week.
  24. Excellent post, CLEOCAESAR! And THAT is what makes this show ridiculous. Because the writers have not shown enough investigation into what happened and shifted gears to tell a story about the characters during the missing plane and after they returned, the show is a fail. The focus should be a serious investigation into the time warp and theories of what may have happened, not the result or aftermath of that time warp with silly shadows and voices.
  25. They seem to be developing the relationships of the characters in the show and not focusing enough on the mystery of what actually happened. For me, without that missing piece in place, I just am not that interested in these people. I think that was the mistake LOST made. You need to connect some dots along the way and provide answers. THAT is what makes the show interesting. Unsolved puzzles just deteriorate into frustration and a guessing game. They refuse to provide that "big reveal" and keep building mysteries and then just like LOST so much remains a mystery it gets boring and ridiculous. I am still watching with one eye.
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