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Kiss my mutt

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Everything posted by Kiss my mutt

  1. I generally love accents but Larissa just sounds annoying. She’s just nasty.
  2. I have to wonder if people would have a problem if Asuelo were a girl with that mentality who married an “normal intelligence” American man. It’s really problematic to me either way and those two should not be on this show.
  3. If Pole every becomes self sufficient, I’ll eat a steak and as a vegetarian, that’s how confident it will never happen. He’s waiting for his parents to die to see if he gets an inheritance. Hopefully they only put money into a trust for the baby to go to college and get the hell away from his loser father. I can’t help but think Karine could have done better when she still had her looks on her side Aselu has a mental disability and it just skeeves me that she she’s having sex with someone with the mentality of an 8 year old.
  4. Dumb question, but why does Libby needs ANOTHER dress? She is so ugly
  5. There is no way in hell I could be with someone like AJ. I can’t stand men that have to be jollied along like petulant children and the inability to handle frustration we all have to deal with in life. I know they do a lot of traveling and I can imagine all the emotional fires Stephanie has to put out when something goes wrong, like flight delays, an uncomfortable bed, etc. I’d rather take my chances traveling with a toddler.
  6. Sounds like Erika needs to get a hysterectomy and be done with it.
  7. I probably would have watched Jamie’s childbirth if Jessica delivered him, but otherwise I never want to hear anything about Jamie’s reproduction again.
  8. Sometimes I have to wonder if Asuelo is even mentally competent to give consent. He’s so childlike it would feel like looking for a 12 year old sexual partner.
  9. Sandy goes from laissez-faire to micromanaging so much it’s confusing as to what her style is.
  10. I know Lara must be a bad egg if she’s making me root for Hannah.
  11. Lol I’m sure there are married men here she could play house with. She is going to end up living with her daughter if she keeps this up.
  12. How does David know Lana sounds excited if they only communicate via chat? If I were a lesbian, I’d be insulted that Steph “plays” at being a lesbian like it’s trying on a new pair of heels. Heck, I am insulted anyway.
  13. Missing why Stephanie is being so c*ntastic about Erika’s past relationship. Steph hasn’t come out to her mom because she’s afraid the gravy off that train will slow down to a trickle. Did I hear that Steph gave it up? Lots of wonderful mic drops this show
  14. I must be out of the loop because I didn’t even realize the next season was due to come out! When does it start?
  15. I got divorced in NC and there is a one year separation period before you can file. It’s archaic and ridiculous I wonder if Jamie is feeling negatively about her abortions and that feed into her no hold barred, do whatever, need to procreate. I know way too much about this chick’s reproductive history.
  16. So does Stephanie and we pick on that. Not to mention Ashe.
  17. I have to say I am quick taken with this series. So understated, poignant and humorous. Fabulous acting. I have a little bit of a crush on Shulem. I was hoping there would have been a returned love interest with the woman he met on the train.
  18. Was she up for the part of Judy Garland? She would have been great in that role.
  19. Kevin needs to do ALL reunion shows. Loan him to TLC too!
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