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Kiss my mutt

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Everything posted by Kiss my mutt

  1. Even whats her face’s daughter in RHOC clothing line is better than Kyle’s. She is a talentless shrew.
  2. So Brandon has multiple DUI’s and is an alcohol rep? Sounds legit.
  3. I think that Moishe May be bitter that Esti has the guts to break away and not come back. If he can’t, then she shouldn’t either.
  4. And Zach just got uglier to me every week and I didn’t think he was all that to begin with.
  5. I don’t think the GI bill covers pole dancing courses.
  6. Lol she should have been nicer and she might cut her a deal!
  7. If Derek doesn’t believe in divorce, I bet Katie will make a believer out of him in the end!
  8. I bet Katie’s SM accounts are blowing up and it won’t be pretty
  9. Dorinda looks like a female Carson Kressley with that hair cut, no offense to Carson. She looks like such a old lady, schlepping around that tote bag, shoulders hunched over with that duck walk and ratty ass cardigan. Sonja has had too much work done that her eyes are crossed and her face puffy and bloated. Ramona looks matronly with those oversized bazoongas and Tinsley probably needs a crap machine to breath through that fucked up nose. Luann is the only one that gets the concept of “less is more”. Leah needs to lose the hair extensions but I’m glad she’s not kissing ass so I can overlook that.
  10. Katie is just full of suck. Of course, that stupid brat cheated on dereck. What a loser. You know it’s bad when your dad thinks you’re an ungrateful bitch ass shrew. please, no, I hope in the name of all things holy, Mindy did not take that asswipe back.
  11. I’d love to see how Leah and Bethenny got on or didn’t. I’m warming up to the new girl though she’s a little basic.
  12. Omgosh,yes! I pointed that out to my husband a few days ago. Is there a forum for this show? I couldn’t find it. It’s so good-wish it had more than four episodes.
  13. Some people think it looks trashy to have tattoos Some people think overweight people look unkempt Some people think overdone breasts and lips and ratty hair extensions look desperate Some people think letting your hair go gray looks like you’ve given up Some people think short hair on women looks unfeminine. It’s all hurtful. Let me know when we’ve moved on.
  14. Meka and Mindy deserve do overs! Taylor and her wigs can just fuck off though. If Dereck were a little older I think he and Mindy could work out. Brandon and Michael have rocks they need to get back to.
  15. Did they ever move into a bigger place. I’m happy for her but I wish she would have picked a man who actually provides for his children.
  16. Ramona just looks “dated” in general. She just can’t pull off anything and always looks and acts out of step in a sad old lady way to me. I think her love life is about as lackluster as the rest of her. She was probably always that girl that tried too hard to be cool, but came off looking desperate.
  17. And Barnett’s family will give him the big “I told you so!” Amber is in hog heaven.
  18. Right, that is why I said “with time”. He may not ever catch up with her and that alright but she’s also been in her career for a fairly good while and he’s just starting out.
  19. Jessica is tiresome. He got a late start in his career and maybe with time he won’t travel as much but the people I know in software sales do pretty well with time. If they stay together he’s going to need some freedom from her constant direction.
  20. And by the looks of it she’s not even being supported that well having three kids in the old mold house. She definitely pulled the short stick on husbands. Ben is such an ambitionless dud like he was raised by Jim Bob himself.
  21. I don’t think Darcy would know how to function in a normal, healthy relationship. I would love to see her come out on top for once and expect better for herself
  22. I absolutely love cooking. Cleaning up is what sucks. I sometimes wonder if Austin just wants to say he loves her “organically” rather than as a reaction to pressure so it feels authentic to him. Although, he does everything else Jessica tells him to do so who knows?
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