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Everything posted by Morrigan2575

  1. Sakura I think you're right that's the stunt double, wow. This is what the fans point to as Laurel being a "Trained martial artist"? LOL that's so bad, so basically Laurel can beat up guys who haven't been trained.
  2. The guy who played Ennis sucked, the only decent actors in the episode were the guy who played Kol on TVD and the dirty cop.And if you're going to start knocking actors for being on The Originals/TVD might want to start with Stephen Amell.
  3. Interesting. Fans generally point to this scene to prove Laurel had mad fighting skills and KC could be believable in Arrow's intense fight/stunt sequences.
  4. IIRC they also chemistry tested SA and Celina Jade as well. So yeah that tells me that they're over cautious now because they saw how bad SA/KC turned out, of course YMMV
  5. IIRC that was for 2.19 when Laurel decided not to tell Oliver she knew he was the Arrow. Of course the biggest WTF of that statement is that it wasn't Laurel's reasoning it was Lance's. Laurel was all set to tell him and only stopped b.c. she got the call about Quentin. Then later Quentin is the one to give the great speech about how it doesn't matter who the Arrow is, only what he does. So really it's another case of the writers telling us that Laurel is awesome but we're being shown that she's not, it's another character (in this case Quentin) that is awesome. So WTF?
  6. MG said that S3 would pick up 5-6 months after the finale, it was in one of the multitude of interviews MG and AK did the day of the finale.
  7. Yes, it's "do-gooder" not, "good-doer"
  8. If you have any questions for EBR or CH http://www.warnerbros.co.uk/insider/articles/quiz-the-cast-arrow
  9. If you have any questions for EBR or CH http://www.warnerbros.co.uk/insider/articles/quiz-the-cast-arrow
  10. Nah, I don't think Oliver and Waller will have a thing. My guess is that Oliver will meet someone new in Hong Kong and Waller will do something that gets her killed...way more manpain that way.
  11. Wasn't Lady Shiva a member of the LoA pre-flashpoint too? I don't think they've changed that much about the character.
  12. Work or not that's what they're doing, S3 will start up after the normal 5-6 month time jump. I have no idea how that will work since Oliver is staying in Starling this time, unless they pull some lame, he returns to Starling in October after searching for Thea for 5 months? Supernatural did an episode like this, it was called "Weekend At Bobby's" and was one of the best episodes of that season. It would be fun to get a glimpse into the show solely from a supporting characters POV (i.e. not Oliver's life), of course it depends on which supporting character. I think Felicity and Quentin would work really well because of their roles.
  13. I don't think they will, the amnesia and lying storyline will play out in S3, probably in the first 3-5 episodes. I know that EBR said she hopes that Felicity will get to make mistakes and learn from them in S3 and I'm betting this will be apart of that storyline. Maybe also her mother/father story will play into it as well?
  14. It is possible, I've also heard talk that everyone but SA was signed to a 3 year contract so her talk is a negotiating tactic since her contract is up after this season. I would love to take her comments from Motor City Con about writing The CW to make sure she stays on the show forever and ever as reality and not a poor joke. Somehow I just think the writers are so wrapped up in their original vision that they can't admit it's not working. Or maybe they really don't see a problem with Laurel and think (as AK said months ago) that the only reason people don't like Laurel are because they want her to be BC already, and this will fix everything. I don't know but I don't trust them in the show, when it comes to Laurel it's more about what they say. I have no idea what they're thinking really. I know that John Campea from the Aftershow Blog (they interviewed SA in December and have a pretty big following) said he'd stop watching if they put Laurel in the BC outfit in S3. It wouldn't make much sense but when has anything about Laurel actually made sense? Hell even Roy, who started his journey to hero in 1.18 still hasn't put on a costume and his journey (for the most part) was shown even if they shoved it into the background starting around 2.13.
  15. Katie Cassidy has been talking about training and being ready to put on the costume in every post finale episode she's done. As much as I hate it, as stupid as I think it is, as bad for the show that I think it is, I'm sadly sure that this show is going to have Laurel be instaCanary because they somehow think this will save the character or make people love her.
  16. http://suzettechan.tumblr.com/post/87464809677/stephen-amell-at-eek-comic-and-pop-culture-fest SA talk fro. Alberta Con.
  17. While I agree that she will pretty much be a series regular in S3 (her mention in the Upfronts PR confirmed that for me). I sadly think the producers are dead set on making Laurel Black Canary. They were very vocal in their answers that the S2 finale would settle the BC debate and they did that lame ass jacket handoff.I'm betting Sara comes back using another hero name and (gag) trains Laurel to be the crappiest BC eva!
  18. They're totally different characters. Jade Canary is Lady Shiva - http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Shiva Less likely since Lady Shiva is a pretty big DC character, with connections to the Bat family White Canary is a little known villain only appeared in 11 issues of Birds of Prey. http://www.comicvine.com/white-canary/4005-71585/ This one would probably be more likely as it wouldn't impact anything else but they also made Isabel Rochev into Raveger so who knows? Although, this is kind of interesting. Apparently in BoP #5 (circa 2010) Dinah become the White Canary? Anyone read the issue? http://www.theweeklycrisis.com/2010/09/comic-book-moments-of-week-for-091510.html?m=1 (you have to scroll down a bit.) Did some digging, cant read why Dinah is wearing the White Canary's outfit but it appears to have been a frame up or something.
  19. I saw a post somewhere (can't remember where) with the comment that S1 was about Oliver journey towards being a hero, while S2 was Felicity's journey. I think that's a good description because Felicity's arc in S2 was really about growing stronger as a person and overcoming her fears. I mean twice in 2.01 alone we had Felicity fighting her fear of heights. There was also her journey as a person becoming stronger both in what she believed but what she was willing to risk/do for what she believed was right.
  20. I've always wanted to go to SDCC but I'd probably go postal with all the people. I can't even deal with Malls during Christmas.
  21. I don't know where to put this CL was at a Con in Chile today. Here's a little tidbit. Http://twitter.com/caitylotzarmy/status/472868155480879104 Apparently she can't talk about S3 because it's a secret. Given the fact that she's listed in the Upfronts Press Release I'm thinking it's a given that she's a S3 Regular and I'm betting (sadly) that she comes back as White or Jade Canary.
  22. I never liked Audrey or Jack/Audrey so please let the be the end of it. I really like this shortened format it's much tighter and seems fairly straight forward. Although, I can't help looking for a mole at CTU...I mean CIA. Got a wee bit nostalgic when Chloe told Kate to open a Socket. ..pretty sure that was part of the old drinking game.
  23. But that's not what happened in 213. Felicity had set up monitoring on a QC account which definitely falls into her purview. This was the same account she had been tracking since S1 when Walter had her looking into things. When she got the alert that money had been moved she went to Walter. When Walter blew her off she continued investing all of which was in her scope, the CEO should know what QC accounts are being used for. As CEO Oliver is responsible for the company and it's a publicly traded company which means they're accountable to shareholders and the Federal Government. What if the money being used wasn't to hide Thea's paternity but was being embezzled or used to fund another secret project? All of Felicity investigation was well within her scope as Oliver's partner in both QC and Arrow business. Now telling Oliver might be questioned but again she's loyal to Oliver, not Moira or Thea. However the idea that she was wrong to investigate is just IMO totally wrong it was a QC account she had every right to track it.
  24. Stephen Amell Phoenix ComicCon June 5-8 (only on the Saturday) https://phoenixcomicon.com/guests/1118
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