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Everything posted by Morrigan2575

  1. Here's the thing, S2 refuted that whole all I ever thought about on the Island was you bit. In S1, yeah we saw him staring at the picture but by S2 it was Laurel who? In S2 he was in a relationship/sleeping with Shado, then Sara came back and now he's no longer even on the Island, he's going to spend an entire year in Hong Kong with Waller (who he'll probably sleep with). So the whole, your picture is the only thing that got me through my 5 years on the Island is kind of BS.
  2. Quite a few reasons, I think she show failed quite a bit in S2, I haven't actually really loved or been impressed by an episode after 209 (with the exception of 222). I feel like this whole season was a bit of a waste, so much built around Mirakuru just to get rid of powers at the end of the season. I hate the bringing people back from the dead (looking at you Merlyn). I hate the Bio Daddy Drama, I hate the Baby Mama Drama (that's sure to come back in S3). I hate the fact that the sent Sara off to have her soul destroyed by the LoA just so they could make Laurel (a character I hate) Black Canary...etc.etc.etc
  3. I know both Bex (Sin) and Celina Jade (Shado) were reading and recommending Olicity fanfiction on twitter. SA also gets a lot of crap from a particular part of fandom on his FB page because he's always posting Olicity stuff (like the Tangled pic). I'm not watching S3 (except for Feliicty related vids on youtube and following along here). However my hopes for Felicity in S3, we get to meet her family, maybe a friend, she gets a job or starts up her own company and isn't working for Oliver, especially not as his EA which I hated. I would very much like to see her learn some more self defense (Dig was supposed to be training her in 218 but looks like that got cut).
  4. Copied from TWoP hated the drunk sister destroys the wedding dress bit but, it was so ugly, that I forgive them. Rosalee looked really pretty in the new wedding dress. I'm really liking Truble I hope she's around next season. I going to assume Renard survives so I'm not worried about that. Looking forward to Wu's storyline next season, I'm glad he found out (again).
  5. That's from when she played Ruby on Supernatural
  6. Calgary Convention, the clips are up on YouTube. Trust me that comment about sex scenes not being sexy and really awkward isn't the bad part of that video. She follows up with something that really came off as arrogant.
  7. Olicity Queen has all of them up https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=olicity+queen+2.23
  8. Nope, nor any mention of PB but I'm not surprised he's old and yucky (according to the CW)
  9. Not sure if this is the right thread but CW Announced it's FAll Lineup http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/05/thw-cw-fall-schedule-2014.html I'm wondering if this means CL is now a series regular for S3?
  10. I am massively surprised at your post...I figured full on rage over the whole Laurel becoming BC aspect
  11. The EPs just gave an interview saying their depowering Arrow now that the Flash got picked up and Arrow is going back to it's S1 roots. I doubt they're going to bring magical/mystical healing waters into the the show if their depowering it.
  12. I think the show suffers from balance issues in general but they've certainly shown that Felicity can be the full deal, hopefully they're not full of BS when they talk about Felicity's backstory and such for S3.
  13. I think it mostly depends on the era, comics reflect the times so back in the day Lois was an idiot who needed saving every 5 minutes, Mary Jane was a vapid part girl, Jane Foster basically abandoned her husband and child the minute Thor can back to Earth (in all fairness they had Scott Summers basically do the same thing when Jean came back to life) I think it's the more modern takes on female characters (post Buffy/Xena) that make characters like Lana and Laurel really hard to take seriously as heroines or even relatable female characters.
  14. Which is why I kind of call BS on KC's comment that Paul, Alex and Katie had to kind of force Caity into building this back story with them because that wasn't Caity's method. Seems to me that Caity was talking to other actors about the character's relationships on her own..,
  15. Something to the effect that he and Caity had talked about their characters maybe having a closer relationship on the Island that we hadn't seen on the show yet and that they went to the EPs with their backstory and the EPs agreed with them.
  16. Except she doesn't stay in character in between takes (that I've seen) since she's posted several pictures on set with Paul, Caity, and the 4 Lances while filming 213. She's posted photos of her and Stephen sitting in their chairs between takes during 211. Heck there's a photo that Paul posted while they were filming one of the earlier episodes this season of Katie sitting around the set doing her nails while the crew were setting the lighting up. So, I don't believe that whole Method acting bit and in fact it's not like Stephen doesn't go into detail about his character too. We know that Stephen and Caity talked about what Oliver/Sara's relationship might have been on the Island and came up with a backstory for why they were hooking back up in 213 and we know from Dragon Con that Stephen told Barrowman when they were setting up the torture scene in 123 that he shouldn't walk too close when confronting a chained up Oliver because "Oliver" would try to head butt him. I'm not saying that there's some massive annimosity between the cast or actors or anything like that, I'm more than happy to just accept that KC is a bad fit for this role and isn't good at portraying anything other than bitchy characters (which is her forte).
  17. Very true, whatever "corruption" they do will only last until the next episode...they really are the Dog from Up...Squirrel!
  18. As far as I'm concerned 210-217 were filler episodes take them out of the show and you lose nothing as far as the main plot goes. I have no idea why but they seriously just treaded water with Deathstroke. Think of all the stuff they could have done with Slade's monolog, instead it's a last minute story of Quentin gets arrested for working with the Arrow to save Thea and Roy has a meltdown over Thea which leads to 220 and going mental. What's worse is that Quentin's story didn't stick not only is he out of jail, he's back on the force and got a promotion. I imagine Roy's issue will fade away now that he's been cured as well. I'm still waiting for Felicity's corruption and given how they handled Roy & Quentin it seems likely that it will be something quick in 223. I'm still betting on her having to kill someone.
  19. The monologue at the end of 2.09 was done by the director with (I'm assuming) knowledge of what the 2nd half entailed.The 2.5 promo was done by the CW it was not conducted by the EPs or anyone affiliated with the show, it used scenes from 214-218. I would not look at anything put out by the CW as some sort of clue of the show's direction. Going back to 209, both the Quentin and Roy aspects have been played out, we've seen Roy be destroyed by the Mirakuru and Quentin lose his job / go to jail. Obviously, neither was done directly by Slade but in I have to assume that their storylines were tied to the monologue, since there really wouldn't have been any real need/reason for these events otherwise. I'm not sure how they're going to pull this off with Felicity in the series finale but I'd be really disappointed if they didn't attempt to fulfill the Felicity part of the monologue after they did the other two prongs. Granted, I actually expected Slade's monologue to set up this really elaborate story where Slade would play mastermind, pulling all these strings over several episodes. Instead we get 7 filler episodes (210-217) and the Slade stuff doesn't really pick back up until 218.
  20. Screen Caps from the Sneak Peek...probably available on Monday/Tuesday http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-screencaps-from-an-unthinkable-preview-clip/17679
  21. Yeah, I always just assumed her body language in 218 was either internalizing her emotions or trying to comfort herself because she was worried/scared. I remember big speculation after the episode was that Felicity was sick, dying, suffering some mental affects. People used those photos to link Felicity to Ivo's daughter saying she was starting to suffer the same mental breakdown as Ivo's wife. I remember the speculation got so detailed that they even tried to link Felicity getting beat by the Clock King in 214 and losing Shrapnel in 210 as signs that her mental faculties were slipping. Generally I think fans just put more thought into the show then the writers. LOL
  22. That's pretty much the sum total of the speculation. Frankly I think the more obvious set up is that Felicity is going to be forced to kill someone in the finale to savw Oliver or another character and that's going to take a toll on her personality and her relationship with Oliver and Team Arrow.
  23. I think it's more the reverse hey lets come up with a back story for Felicity. Wait we had her counting cards in the one episode lets make her from Vegas!Quite honestly they could have gone with the card counting as being part of her genius/MIT background like that movie with Kevin Spacey.
  24. Wow, I heard recent stuff like Felicity was hiding a secret in 222 and that why she kept touching her head and was crying before Oliver started talking. Stupid me, i wasbwondering if Felicity had a concussion or something because of the accident, nope she's secretly evil and working for Slade. In fact it's all one long con, Isabel telling Dig she wanted to put a bullet in Felicity's head just a way to divert attention, Felicity working with Star Labs to make a cure, a way to give Oliver false hope. Felicity running Isabel over with a truck...totally staged she knew Isabel would be OK. Felicity giving Oliver the hero speech, just getting him back in the game, so Slade could torture him some more. In fact Felicity has been working for Slade the whole time, remember her fear of Kangaroos? Totally code for Slade.
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