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Everything posted by Morrigan2575

  1. GreenArrowTV vote for best actor http://www.greenarrowtv.com/2014-greenarrowtv-awards-pick-the-best-actor-male-from-arrow-season-2/17880
  2. That's very cool. I didn't know who he was but it sounds like he's a big deal.
  3. They've pretty much enacted a strict policy of doing chemistry tests on every possible romantic partner since. Caity/Katrina, Caity/Stephen, Stephen/Celina, Emily/Grant and Grant/Iris' actress.
  4. People are still speculating on John Diggle really being Jon Stewart and becoming Green Lantern?
  5. Yep, saw that. I'm glad they cut it because it wouldn't have felt right.
  6. Actually it would make sense, Felicity's father abandoned her so she'd probably argue in favor of Oliver taking a role in "Connor's" life while Oliver would think it's best to stay far away in order to protect him. I can easily see that leading to more backstory on her childhood and growing up with a single mother. ETA: Crack Casting Choice for Daniel/Ted - Justin Hartley :D
  7. Ah OK. I saw those photos but I was told the other girl was someone from a UK Reality TV...Made in Chelsea?
  8. Apparently Benedict Cumberland and Tom Hardy are on the short list for Dr. Strange. I'm not sure I buy Ra's Al Ghul being on Arrow but he's a good choice for the role.
  9. I didn't know Adelaide Kane was there just heard about Nina, Julie Plec and I saw the two leads from The 100 were in Spain along with ERB/CH.
  10. Quarks - I'm confused as well, I'm not sure I understand your comments about different worlds.
  11. Yeah I think it was August/September time frame. I know how I hope it goes but probably not.
  12. I wasn't criticizing the actors so much as the costs. I remember going to D*C back in the day and I think it was $20 or $25 for Chris Judge and I was like WTF? That's too much money....so for me $40 or $50 is just insane. LOL I saw that Barrowman was charging $50 for autographs and $60 for photos at Supernova...guessing Australian dollars not US. And yeah I've heard of actors signing stuff for free or taking pictures with you while signing something. I guess it depends on the mood their in and if they have the time.
  13. And we've seen this, in Chile Caity was asked about S3 and she said she couldn't say anything, it was a secret. She's obviously under a contractual obligation not to reveal her status for S3.
  14. The panels are organized by the convention not by the studio. It was the DCC Presents track it wouldn't matter who from Arrow showed up they would have all been on the same panel. You can find information online, it's amazing how much money actors make off of conventions. http://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/1r9ns2/can_trek_actors_make_a_living_off_of_conventions/ As for why KC/Barrowman appeared on a morning news program together if not for the Studio/Network involvement? I don't know, could be the studio, could be their publicists getting them extra attention for the convention.
  15. None of this is decided by the Studio/Network, these public appearances are personal and done to make $. This isn't an Organized event like SDCC or the show's appearance at NYCC where the studio sets them up for media support and fan interest. You have to pay $ (good $) to get autographs/photographs...CL was changing 40/40 per and SA was charging 50/50 per. The WB International Press Tour/Event that EBR and CH did was major media representation set up by the Studio (WB), Nina Debrov and Julie Plec were in London too, promoting TVD. Also from the Spain interviews you can see the lead actress and one of the lead actors from The 100 at the same press event as CH/EBR. Last year, SA did this tour on his own, so I think it's actually interesting that they sent EBR (along with CH) as the S2 representation instead of KC. It's also makes sense in a way since SA, EBR, & CH were the only Arrow actors invited to the 2013 WB Mondo Press Event, the studio obviously knows/feels that these 3 actors are very popular overseas.
  16. I don't recall him saying she was a badass, I recall that live tweeting event where he commented that they threw that Laurel/Gunman scene in the episode to quite (answer) the fans that were worried they wouldn't treat Laurel right in S2. Whether he thought she was actually badass or just trying to placate the Laurel/KC fans on twitter is unknown (to me). LOL - I just saw the tweet, I remember the part about placating the fans but not the ass kickery. I still think it doesn't mean he necessarily believes it, just that they gave her a fighting scene to please her fans. But, who knows?
  17. Wow, small world. I loved reading that stuff because it was different from the story I originally heard. Originally we were told that Chlollie happened in Warrior because of the actors throwing in that hand holding scene at the end of Roulette and fans going nuts over AM/JH's chemistry. So it was really interesting to get a reflection of the BTS events that showed EPs/Writers actually fighting for it as far back as S8. I wonder if that's exactly what they're doing? I really don't know, I can't see how these EPs who have repeatedly made it a point (in and out of show) that characters have to go through a long evolutionary process that involves suffering and major life altering situations in order to become a vigilante/hero or villain...just not Laurel. How do they think the fans will react? Do they think no one will care? Because at this point it's not just about characters/actors/ships it's about totally destroying everything you've done with your Hero in order to prop up a failing character. Oliver needed to go through 5 years of hell, training, being stripped of his humanity to become a Vigilante and then spend 3 years slowly learning how to become a hero, to regain his humanity but Laurel she just magically going to be the bestest costumed hero ever because why again? Comics?
  18. That's not much of a stretch, they Chem tested everyone post SA/KC debacle, SA/Caity, SA/Celina, Caity/Katrina, EBR/Grant, Grant/Iris (don't know the actress' name).I fully expect a Chem test between EBR/Daniel as he's being brought on specifically to be Felicity's LI. As for the EPs bringing the new character on to get Olicity fans out of the way, doesn't make sense since he's clearly being setup as an Oliver rival...dun dun dun Oliver/Felicity/Daniel triangle. Also to go back to Smallville, couple of quick points, Oliver was supposed to be Chloe'a LI in S6 but they switched last minute and paired Oliver/Lois and Chloe/Jimmy. When Chlollie actually happened in S9 it wasn't to shut Chlarkers up by giving Chloe her own hero so Clois could happen. Chlollie was not part of some grand plan by the show runners in fact it was BQM and another EP/Writer that had to fight for the pairing because most didn't see it. They cut the Chlollie scene in Hex so the audience didn't see it (I think it's a deleted scene on the DVD) the Roulette scene was written as a test run to prove to the writers room that it could work. BQM gave this information away when he was reflecting on the Warrior anniversary. It showed up on a Chlollie community on LJ. I found the BTS stuff very interesting. Also keep in mind that by the time Chlollie actually happened, Chloe had gone from crushing on Clark to that awful Jimmy relationship to Davis and finally to Oliver. That was S6-S9...pretty big difference between that and having Olicity go from ILY in 2.23 to oh hey look over here at the new hottie forget Olicity in 3.01!
  19. I haven't read the books so I don't understand the reference, would you mind explaining? I liked this finale a lot, might have been the best one to date. I've read the Wikipedia links on my favorite characters so I was interested in how the Tyrion/Shae stuff went down since the couple played differently on screen. I'm also curious as to the change regarding Tyrion's first wife. I thought finding her, was a big motivation for the next book(s)? I guess I didn't pay that much attention to the wiki bc I didn't expect Varys to leave with Tyrion. The Brianne/Hound fight dcene was awesome but I was kind of surprised and saddened by Arya's unwillingness to kill the Hound. I'm afraid Arya Stark is really dead at this point, I don't think she can ever come back from the darkness. Bran's storyline got interesting, pity they had to kill the brother, I liked him.
  20. Pretty sure they don't look at the official facebook page, that might be monitored by The CW. Twitter is the way to go for the EPs.
  21. TV Echo posted this link in the Relationship Thread but I think my post belongs here since it's talking about S3 . This comment from SA makes the whole Laurel=Canary thing to me even crazier. They've done such an amazing job of paralleling Oliver/Sara as characters they have differences and diverge now but they're origins are very similar. I mean how much difference do you think there will be between Sara with the LoA and Oliver with ARGUS. Both basically indentured servant to their saviors. Both being trained and made harder (physically) both being stripped of their humanity, turned into killers, etc. I just don't understand how/why the producers are doing stuff like this and then think the fans will be happy with Laurel being BC.
  22. The irony of course is that in interviews they (EPs) almost always refer to Sara as Black Canary while still using Arrow for Oliver.
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