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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I don't think that the bad news is about the baby - I can't conceive that the show would go there. Wasn't Grandma Bonnie terminally ill? Even though I was so annoyed at Emmett all season long, I thought the scene with he and Bay was very well done. Also liked Melody knocking some sense into him. I really like Mingo; he's grown on me a lot this season. I hope that he and Daphne stay together. At least Regina's boyfriend wasn't pulling a long con on her. Felt badly for Will. On the bright side, Bay seemed to be having a good time in China and picked up the language really well.
  2. Toby and Lily do not look like a couple to me: he still looks like a teenager and she looks much older than that. Not believable at all. I liked seeing Sharee and hope that she returns next season. I wonder if the cops see the portrait that Bay did of Will's mother at her art show and it turns out that she is some major drug kingpin? Just hope that it doesn't lead to trouble for ex-felon Bay.
  3. How did Eric's ex figure out that Eric was in Kansas City? How did she link Regina to him and how did she figure out that Regina is in KC?
  4. Are we now going to have a scene with Detective Lance putting flowers at Sara's grave...and finding it empty?
  5. Really liked seeing Jeri Ryan as Jessica. I miss Moira Queen and Jeri reminded me a bit of Susannah Thompson. Damian is a very good and believable criminal mastermind. He makes a much better villain than Slade. Still think it is Quentin in the ground. Loved Felicity voicing the need for a code name -- and like the interaction with her new co-worker. Laurel digging up Sara (gross!) can't possibly end well.
  6. Have really enjoyed Castle for years but something is off this year. I could barely sit through this latest episode. Really liked Martha/Beckett talk and don't mind Alexis the Wonder P.I. Cracked up at the blind priest running down the street. Did not like anything else - which is a real shame.
  7. Still in love with this show. TPTB have made a definite attempt to rehabilitate Michael but I still can't get over him skulking around during the murder investigation and being an asshat to Rafael. Still Team Rafael.
  8. I'm trying to recall whether Regina gave Will's mother too much identifying information which would allow her to track down Eric and Will? I believe that she used her correct first name but that was it?
  9. I really like Travis with Mary Beth so I wouldn't like to see Bay/Travis -- but anything is better than a repeat of Bay and Emmett. He has turned into such a jerk that I don't want him anywhere near Bay.
  10. I felt badly for Tank. I used to love Emmett and now I can't stand seeing him on screen. Really liked how Melody included Travis in the comment about how the babies would be his siblings too. I liked having more Bay/Regina.
  11. I'm not sure that I love the show but it doesn't annoy me like The Blacklist did. Glad that we found out a bit more about Weller.
  12. LisaM

    S01.E01: Pilot

    I've never seen any of these actors before with the exception of de Baptiste, who I fondly remember from Without a Trace and Broadchurch. I'll watch another episode but I was having flashbacks to my Blacklist annoyance - which I quit before the end of the first season. I hope that Jane starts to act like a kick ass heroine and the show doesn't portray her as relying on the manly strength of Weller.
  13. Prop houses for tv shows and movies have all of these items on hand.
  14. Now that the season is over, I'm still waiting for the payoff on Susie Chang's death. I recall reading that her death was supposed to spark an outpouring of grief, etc... but beyond the scene in the bar, I don't recall anything - and no further discussion of her. Unless her death is connected in some weird way to the person who kidnapped Maura, I think it was a waste to lose the character.
  15. This was my thought with Gregory Harrison - too recognizable an actor for such a short scene.
  16. While I enjoy seeing the familiar faces, I'm having a hard time getting into this season. I was glad to see Mary Beth.
  17. I liked the fact that Rizzoli and the LA detective got along very well. Too often tv shows will depict detectives from different departments to be competitive enemies. This worked well.
  18. Cracked up at "fish out of water" Jane in LA. I actually like the mystery tie back to the fire at Jane's apartment. Strange to see Gregory Harrison playing such a minor role (unless this is the precursor to him being a homicidal maniac).
  19. Agreed. I thought that Lily was going to tell Daphne that she had already had an abortion but I guess that would shut down the drama which will inevitably pour out over the next few episodes. Adding the Down's issue seemed to be unnecessary piling on. It also reminded me of the controversy in Ohio where there is a push to prohibit abortion in the case of Down's. I was looking forward to the show coming back - mostly to fill a void on my dvr right now. It was comforting to see the familiar faces but the episode wasn't great. i agree with the poster above about Bay hallucinating all of the Emmetts. Wasn't it established that she has the same condition that killed Angelo? She might consider whether the hallucinations are related to that medical condition. The multiple Emmetts were an interesting way to keep the character in the show but his continue presence keeps reminding me of how insensitive he seemed during his breakup with Bay. I hope that she finds someone else quickly. The Daphne/Mingo conflict was boring. I did, however, really like Daphne telling Emmett that she was siding with her sister and not with him. I hope that Mary Beth comes back soon -- I really like Travis and Mary Beth together. John's financial problems seem like a manufactured way to invent a storyline for the parents -- although it would be interesting to see John/Kathryn more on the same level as Regina. Speaking of Regina, I liked the scene with Regina and Kathryn. Not thrilled that Regina is keeping Eric's secret; it's only a matter of time before the son contacts his mother via the internet.
  20. Completely agree with this. She is so shrill - and one note - about everything. I really like Richard and hate that he ended up with her.
  21. I definitely thought he was implying that he was interested in Jane.
  22. I couldn't see Stef lying to Lena about the contents of the phone call - nor would she be so upbeat and happy throughout the rest of the party and in the house if that was the case. If indeed it is a breast cancer storyline, I could see the doctor ordering a sonogram just to be safe and that test showing a further issue. We've already had Shot Stef with a huge medical problem so perhaps it is not medical at all. Perhaps the bomb is completely non-medical - i.e. Stef wants to become a detective and Sharon sticks around to help because Stef is pulling ridiculously long hours. OTOH, the connotation of the word "bomb" is usually negative so I'm still betting on a health scare.
  23. Complete speculation based on Hollywood Reporter article linked above.
  24. Someone on Twitter (and possibly upthread here) pointed out that Lena was wearing the same outfit in the court for Callie's adoption as she was wearing in the Pilot when she met Callie outside of juvie. I hadn't caught that but it was a nice move.
  25. Isn't she into photography? I recall an early episode where Lena praised the photos she took on her phone. She also took photos of foster kids at an event at the School.
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