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Madding crowd

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Everything posted by Madding crowd

  1. This was a tricky challenge; adding cheese to a fruit pie takes some finesse. Jennifer really wasn’t good at doing things quickly and she didn’t look like she was enjoying herself at all. I think I would try some the pies with mascarpone cheese but not blue cheese or goat cheese.
  2. I know that but the fact she thought only her kids would get this share would make any reasonable father say “ we have 18 kids and they are all going to get it.” Robyn cares only about herself and her kids and Kody cares only about Kody. I would like someone to ask Kody why he had all of these kids with women he says he didn’t love.
  3. I was happy to see Meri laughing at Robyn and Kody. Robyn expecting Meri to stick around for a husband that shuns her and appears to despise her is ridiculous. I 100% believe Robyn was crying because she is worried the show will end and she loves being on TV and the income it brings. Her whining about sitting on the porch with the others just makes me angry because she has made zero effort to get together with the other wives or kids. The idea that her parcel only goes to her kids while Kody’s is only for him might be the final straw that will drive Kody’s non-Robyn kids away. Knowing that your dad has zero thought for you would be enough for me to cut all ties. Once the cameras are gone I’m betting Robyn gets rid of the Sears junior secretary clothes and goes out to find someone new.
  4. I remember seeing this nutcase on Dr. Phil and feeling angry that people were subjecting their children to her. It’s one thing for adults to want to live such a chaotic, drug fueled life but subjecting children to that was evil. I still find it fascinating that people were so entranced with her considering she rarely seemed sober or had much to say beyond Love Wins.
  5. Posts have said she needs to be retired and put out to pasture. And it really isn’t just likely but a sure thing that editors work on this and all shows to craft storylines. All shows are edited and all critiques are shortened for TV. https://www.insider.com/behind-the-scenes-secrets-about-cooking-competitions?amp The attached article talks a bit about editing
  6. I like Nancy and don’t think women need to be put out to pasture because they aren’t young and skinny. Of course people like who they like but men are rarely forced into retirement the way women are. Carla and Duff are older than the average host too. Nancy liking booze is no different than when Mary Berry liked booze on the British Baking Show. Likely thought up by producers and played up much like Carla being quirky and Duff being grumpy. I assume they all criticize various aspects and the show decides what to focus on; I do notice they often show Carla talking about taste, Duff talking about texture and bake level and Nancy talking about decorations but they probably all talk about everything.
  7. This “ Golden” season is so short, I don’t know how these people could know each other enough for an engagement. Theresa would probably fit in better with his life but at least Leslie was honest at needing time with her family. I’m sure Theresa will need that time as well. I think he is very smitten with Leslie, but he might pick Theresa as the one who will fit in more.
  8. I didn’t see Whitney doing anything wrong and if you are traveling with a big group someone has to be in charge. I think Glen is a cranky old man and I probably wouldn’t want to spend time with him. I don’t believe Whitney forced him to do anything, he seems capable of saying no. I am side eyeing Angie a bit for bringing her whole family on this European trip when she barely knows Glen. I hope she isn’t taking advantage of him because she wants to be on TV and get free trips.
  9. The last episode seemed more about mental health issues than running a restaurant. I couldn’t believe they had all those customers with the guy yelling and dry heaving all over the place. Tess seemed like a sweetheart and needs to run far away from this guy unless he gets some serious counseling. This show is too much like Bar Rescue now.
  10. I think it’s fine to critique messy piping or over or under baking but I just don’t believe every one of these cookies has something wrong with it or that Eddie has such a palate that he can detect the tiniest defect. And cookies aren’t like cakes or other desserts where you can add layers. It is impossible to have a cookie taste exactly like a gingerbread/snickerdoodle whatever and also taste exactly like a flavored lollipop or something else. It can have some of the ingredients added but it can’t be 100% two different things.
  11. I like Eddie on other shows but he is too picky here and I find it hard to believe he really finds something wrong in every cookie. Ree is smug as well and she is no cookie expert. I do like seeing the decorated cookies but think the judging is too negative especially in the first round.
  12. Cameron and Claire are the only couple I like and the height thing doesn’t bother me. I’m 5’6 and my husband is 6’7 and we’ve been together 28 years and I don’t really notice it anymore ( plus we have a son who is 6’8). I don’t find Orion attractive and I wonder if he has anything in common with Lauren. Pride in your culture isn’t enough if you don’t like to do the same things, want to live in the same place etc. Someone who has never been in a relationship needs to start way slower than marriage.
  13. I’m not liking this as much as I did last year. The special forces guys seem to actively hate the participants this time around and it’s not fun to watch. It also bugs me to see people called all kinds of names for not being able to do something they were never trained to do. Even the special forces guys had to start somewhere; I just don’t believe they were perfect from day one.
  14. I could have done without the snide Plath comments about Christmas. Not everyone celebrates Christmas but I would never comment on other people’s beliefs or traditions. Olivia’s sister seems like she just wants to get Olivia upset and they didn’t get along for this reason before. I have a sister like this and it’s always some variation of “I noticed this and don’t think it’s right for you” but done out of jealousy. Ethan says he hasn’t changed but he clearly has so I think that was a producer driven conversation. He has a Christmas tree, he drinks alcohol, he travels around Europe. I can’t wait for Lydia’s reaction to Kim dating.
  15. I have the same blouse Janelle is wearing in her dinner with Christine and family; I don’t know how to feel about that lol! I hope Janelle and Meri see Kody talking about the love of his life. Enough is enough.
  16. I thought the movie was good but how could Vicky have been so naive? He can’t have been the first prisoner who tried to flirt with her. I’m also wondering why no one noticed them constantly talking to each other and Vicky always being his driver. It was sad that she had to die but it wouldn’t be good for her in prison.
  17. Leslie seems to have a lot of youthful energy and Gerry seems to appreciate that. Of course she is younger than the other ladies. I like Sandra although she shouldn’t be eating something that makes her sick. I’m glad this show is on and that so far it isn’t leaning too much on cliches ( I’ll take it back if they start playing bingo and go to early bird dinners).
  18. I wonder about Mark trying everything too. I’ve been a vegetarian since I was a child so I would never try meat or seafood; but I never understand why you can’t invest in something if you don’t eat it. I know they say they can’t be passionate about something unless they could personally eat/use it but I’m sure they don’t use 90% of what they invest in anyway.
  19. I guess I misunderstood the Fairy Tails , probably because their Instagram talks about dogs or cats at your wedding being “adoptable”. Either way, ridiculous. I liked the potato people, there used to be a place in all the food courts where you could get potatoes with toppings but I haven’t seen it in years. There are also a lack of malls these days so maybe food trucks would be a better investment.
  20. Do tons of people really want to rent dogs for their wedding? That is just so bizarre to me. I guess I could see having your own dog but does it have to have a bride/groom mate? I wouldn’t spend $600 for that and who watches the dog during the wedding? The jumpsuits were unattractive to me and I don’t see where you would wear them. And no one is going to wear it for years and then send it back to the company. Then the lady was upset that the judges were concerned about making money: has she seen this show?
  21. It was good to see Anna standing up a little bit to her creepy husband but I don’t get why she lets her so called best friend treat her so badly. A lot of things don’t make sense and even in horror they should make sense in the world we are seeing.The husband seems like a creep yet I liked him when he told his mother he wasn’t going to lie about his father for her. Anna tells Siobhan she wants an Oscar more than a baby but we have no sense she is very career oriented and she didn’t seem to care that much about the Golden Globes. Also don’t understand the house manager and why she would be with Anna and Dex. This would be scarier with less people acting creepy. I would probably think Anna was losing her mind too with all of the things happening. Why do they show the bodyguard so much and why do we care if he is married?
  22. Why would Gordon even bother with a restaurant that is closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday and doesn’t serve lunch? I don’t know what is going on with that place but it doesn’t seem they are serious about having a restaurant. I’m convinced they bought the place to have Gordon redesign so they could flip it and have content for the sons social media. I have never seen a pizza place that is closed every weekend.
  23. Something seemed off about this episode, almost like people playing a part. My son is convinced this was something set up for the boys video channels. This woman was bouncing checks as soon as the place opened and said she can’t buy anything with credit. How is that going to work going forward? Than the son talking about not being able to afford quality tomatoes. What were they using? The whole family seemed to be acting . There is no way the 22 has the experience to run everything and the mom and younger boys aren’t going to do anything. I liked the 22 year old but couldn’t stand the rest.
  24. Gerry gives off old man energy which doesn’t have to do with age but more with attitude. My husband and I are in our 60’s but we just have a younger state of mind. I think the insistence on women being super thin these days makes these women look frail and scrawny. When you add in the long thin hair it doesn’t look great. Still I give them credit for coming on the show and showing the world that older women don’t need to be in a rocking chair knitting.
  25. No one is forcing Olivia to stay married, if she wants to be single she can.What I meant by she could do worse is that if she loves Ethan and wants to stay married, I think he will be a kind and good husband. It was Olivia’s choice to move around the country, she says so on her Instagram. Ethan chose Minnesota because he has family there. Ethan does bury himself with his cars and Olivia takes off for Europe for months at a time. Wouldn’t work for my marriage but it might work for them.
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