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Madding crowd

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Everything posted by Madding crowd

  1. Page should be arrested for putting the life of a federal officer in danger and basically sending a killer after him. I understand Mike acted inappropriate but he didn't kill Lena and his goal was and should be the entire operation. Page is acting like it would be Ok for the entire group of girls including herself to be killed in order to save one person. That is never going to be the protocol for a large scale operation. On top of that they all put themselves in constant danger by ignoring orders, going in to situations without back-up and getting personally involved with people in every case they work on.
  2. To me, a meaty texture is just as unappealing as a meaty taste. I guess people who are newly vegetarian might miss the texture of meat, but for those of us who don't like or miss meat, it isn't a consideration. I also have heard many people describe mushroom dishes as tasting like meat. I'm sure Tiffani's dish was good, but I would rather have the challenge be named a protein dish rather than a "meat substitute" dish which almost always means something that looks and tastes like meat or in this case seafood. My vegetarian friends and I look for dishes with protein, but never seek out "meat like" dishes although I assume people who like meat and are vegetarians for other reasons may do so. Again, nothing against the chefs, just the nature of the show assuming everyone wants or misses meat.
  3. As a vegetarian since I was 8 years old, I'm always thrilled to see veggie challenges. I probably would have liked Dale's more, because I don't like anything that tastes like meat. Of course he needed to do something more with the tofu to make it have flavor. As far as the desserts, flour less chocolate cake has been around forever and there was no surprise in the dish. Dale's Mochi had a surprise filing which sounded yummy to me. I agree Rob was pushing his evil look for Tv.
  4. The decorations are terrible in these hotels. And what good is cleaning and decorating two rooms and leaving the rest as is. It would make more sense to decorate one room and put them in touch with a local decorator to help with the rest. Of course, much like the other shows like Bar Rescue, the majority of the show must be spent on showing the owners being jerks. So no one was running the hotel, the kitchen used both the old menu and old food from the previous owners, no one of the three owners every ventured inside their own hotel rooms to see if they clean and now everything is perfect because of Gordon's visit? And no I don't need to see Gordon taking a shower or getting out of bed in his undies every episode. It adds nothing at all. I would like to see him talk to them about a cleaning regimen, show them how to cook all of these stunning dishes and perhaps have them work with a consultant in the hotel business.
  5. I used to complain about this on the TWOP boards, but I still don't see what is in it for any of these club members. The majority of motorcycle clubs are law abiding guys who just like to ride. The others are in for money or drugs. These guys are not drug addicts, appear to have no money or no life to spend it on if they did, and they and everyone they love are in process of killing or being killed on a daily basis. Yes, MC clubs have each other's backs; but to commit to a way of life that will lead only to death or prison makes no sense to me at all. I watched all the previous seasons so I will see this through; but the lack of even one likable character makes it difficult. I know we are supposed to be rooting for Jax, but I just want him far away from his kids and hopefully they can be raised by a good person who can adopt them. I also don't buy Katey's explanation regarding Gemma. She said Gemma is not a psychopath because she is aware of what she is doing. Psychopaths are aware of what they are doing, they just don't care. Do we think Charles Manson was not aware of what he was doing? Katey does a good job of playing Gemma, but she can't justify her actions because there are no justifications. I used to like Juice somewhat but he has become a cowardly killer like the rest. I almost hate Unser worst of all because he was a law enforcement officer and now is just a cowardly lackey for Gemma. And I had to cover my eyes during the torture scenes which means they were brutal since my favorite show is The Walking Dead and I have never covered my eyes once. If the scenes fit in naturally with the story it would make sense, but there was no real reason for the man in the wheelchair or the Chinese guy because it's obvious that Jax will somehow found out it wasn't him and then Gemma will just find another target.
  6. I thought the finale was terribly boring, especially since 3 out of the 6 couples left in the first 10 minutes of the show. They should have done some kind of game or activity, anything would have been more interesting. Still can't figure Graham out all. He seems quiet and not a famewhore, he paid no attention to other girls, why was he on this show? For the second week in a row I have to defend Ashlee. I think what she said made perfect sense. She wanted to continue to get to know Graham and was confident in her feelings, but they didn't know each other well enough to discuss marriage. Of course, stir the pot Michelle had to ruin things. Did Michelle ever think that maybe Graham liked Ashlee and she should leave it alone? I have always had guy friends but notice that when a woman friend is always talking a guy out of seeing a girl, she usually is interested in the guy herself. I feel sorry for Cody. He seems like a really nice guy (not my type at all), and I don't believe for a second Michelle will be content with him. Any woman who takes dating advice from a little girl is not looking for true love. I have no doubt Michelle will pop back up on some other show, leaving her daughter for weeks again. As for Marcus and Lacy; they both seem kind of immature to be married. Lacy seems sweet but the awful makeup she wears would be a huge distraction. I wonder if they paid Marcus to propose, he is only 25 and has just been in love with Andi. As for Sara, I did wonder why she didn't come right out and ask Robert why they didn't have sex. Why do some of these people talk around every subject? I didn't understand what she was really asking or what Robert was feeling. And he didn't have pants on when they went into the fantasy suite; I find it hard to believe he would put on pants when he was already in a robe.
  7. Amanda's outfit was boring and didn't look like a gala outfit, nor did it highlight the jewels. She could indeed send paper bags down the runway and the judges would love it. I wasn't overly thrilled with any of the dresses tonight but I liked Korina's because I am partial to southwestern designs and it was different. i also liked Emily's and Sean's was nice and accented the jewelry. For the first time I didn't like either Fade or Kini's designs. Fade's was boring and Kini's should have been in a different color. Sandyha made a cocktail dress rather than a gala dress, but at least it was pretty. Char was a snooze, Tim should have waited for his save.
  8. I hope Max makes it and even though he is a stock character, the actor brings a sweetness and gentleness to the part which is endearing. I also like Taylor and Grant a lot. Some kids are kind of goody too shoes, I was that way as a teen. I think both Carter and Elizabeth are acting like people who have been traumatized. I don't fault Elizabeth for setting some rules though. As a mother of a 16 year old myself, it is very hard to walk the line between too many rules and not enough. And if my child had been kidnapped and returned I would want to hold on tight. She will get better in time. I am also a teacher of teens and the kids who brag the most that their parents "don't care what I do" also give off the strongest vibes of "my parents don't care about me". Kids need structure, love and rules. I do have a bit of the problem with the actress who plays Carter. She doesn't look like a teen to me and she has a constant smirk on her face which is annoying. I also think the actor who plays Crash was miscast; he just looks like a preppy type to me. As far as whether Carter could be held responsible; Mr. Madding Crowd is a police officer and said she could potentially be held responsible because she was with Crash when the attempted robbery/shooting took place. There are plenty of criminals who try the "I didn't know my friend was going to do that while I waited in the car" stuff and they are always held as accomplices. However, considering Carter's age and the potential testimony of Max should he live, she could get out of it. But not be brought in all by the police? I wouldn't buy it.
  9. I just found it odd that Brooks was trying to impress girls by doing their nails together. Wouldn't do a thing for me. I do wonder why any of these people are on the show, especially the latecomers. Are they getting paid big bucks? Do they want their 15 minutes of fame? I doubt if any of them are looking for relationships; they all are good looking enough to find someone to date in the real world. They need to add games or something for the people to do. It is boring to watch them sit around and drink and probably boring for them as well; you can't really drink in the hot sun for 15 hours a day without getting sick. I actually think Ashlee, crazy as she is, probably wanted a date card cause she is bored out her mind. She is usually seen drinking water so she doesn't have the fun of being drunk all the time. I wouldn't mind Michelle so much if she gave a snarky commentary on things. Almost all her talking heads though are teary confessionals about: 1) She doesn't have a guy 2) She has a guy but doesn't want him and 3) Some other woman doesn't have a guy. Boring stuff. So is this going to end with them simply leaving the island with no fanfare? Somebody has to win something right?
  10. I never understand master bathrooms which provide no privacy. I don't want anyone including my spouse to watch me use a toilet and I wouldn't take a shower without a door to close .
  11. Yes, and her flips take a long time to sell because people don't want the ugly light fixtures, hexagon tiles in every bathroom and nothing but dark, dark, wood everywhere. She renovates and stages every house for her own tastes, not what would likely appeal to buyers.
  12. Brooks looks better than he did on Desiree's season, but he is too giggly and girlfriend-ish for me. Sarah annoyed with her immediate statement that she might have to dump Robert, the only man who showed an ounce of interest in her, with Brooks arrival. Brooks didn't seem interested in her (or Jackie either) that much. It doesn't really make sense bringing new people in, because it isn't likely they will stay unless you have a meltdown of sorts. Jessie is a creep, but these women have done the exact same things so they don't get to judge. And what was that weird shadow/tattoo thing behind Christy's ear? Ii still don't understand why Graham and Ashlee are on the show. They never show Ashlee and Graham just serves as Uncle Graham to all the girls, giving advice. And he shows no interest in any of the girls so he either really likes Ashlee or just wants to stay on for some reason. Michelle is getting way to much time and I used to like her but I'm tired of her tearing up every five minutes. Either you like Cody or you don't, no one will force you to marry him. For what its worth: she could probably do worse than Cody. She looks too blown up and plastic for many guys and her whiny personality would drive the rest away
  13. Nicole is a niche flipper-her homes only appeal to people who want their homes to look like they are living in the 1920's or whatever time period the house is from. I live in a historic area, and almost all of the homes have historical details, but still have modern kitchens and bathrooms. All of Nicole's homes are dark, she uses old-fashioned granny style light fixtures, and every bathroom has the old style hexagon tiles. This just doesn't appeal to everyone. She also is not always professional. In one episode, she measured wrong for the toilet in a home, so she went to her own house, ripped out her toilet and carried it dripping and used into the flipper house. She also was once using a power tool outside while wearing sandals and no gloves or eye protection. I guess that's a round about way of saying I don't think she is the best judge for this competition. She doesn't like anything contemporary and really hates buying anything new. Since these are not old houses, she has to judge them as they are, but her general attitude comes through.
  14. I also can't figure out how the outdoor spaces and garages relate at all . It looked like they kept showing the same two units, where are the other two? Plus is the pool for all four units? What about the garage? Thought it was kind of a boring episode all around.
  15. I don't like how dark the characters have become. Of course, they never seem like they report to anyone, but wouldn't the higher ups know something is going on? And Mr. Madding Crowd has been in law enforcement for over 20 years and agrees that no agency on earth would sanction bank robberies where innocent people could be hurt (and I know they didn't know in advance about this one, but there would be huge repercussions and media stories). These people act so terribly unprofessional. I agree Mike has changed but I don't think he is a big a jerk as Briggs. Mike did the right think in pulling Page out of the sex dungeon, agents have to look out for each other. It would be one thing if it was just Page and the one girl but there were many girls being held so the protocol would be to save the agent in the hopes of continuing the operation and trying to save the rest of the girls. He did the wrong thing in hiding the girl's murder, but he was not responsible. Page is and has been acting unprofessional for a long time. And then we have Johnny who is sleeping with the daughter of a drug boss, Charlie who committed an armored robbery at a bar, Briggs who does something unprofessional every week and the other guy (blanking on his name now), whose personal life takes over his professional life as well.
  16. I would never dress like Heidi but somehow I'm OK with what she wears. She is a beautiful woman who doesn't take herself too seriously and knows what she likes and doesn't like. I would take her over these stars who are so insecure someone has to dress them to go to the market.
  17. Korina and Amanda should have been on the bottom. Korina's sailor suit was terrible and Amanda's dress said nothing wedding to me. I actually didn't mind any of the other outfits too much, taking in consideration that they represent a different type of wedding. I don't like bright yellow, but Sandyha's dress could be in a wedding somewhere. I also didn't mind the red outfits too much and thought they should have been safe. Loved Kini and Sean's outfits. Kini is just an outstanding designer and he should have won for making the top. And sorry, I know people love Dita but I just can't deal with tattooed Betty Page women-you don't live in the 50's. The other guest judge was boring and I couldn't understand much of what she said.
  18. I love this show but think they need to restructure it so more people can win something. Maybe they win something in the first round and can double it bin the chase . Basically the final round requires answering more right questions then the beast, which almost never happens. The show Deal or no Deal ended because almost no one won the million dollars and people got sick of rooting for contestants that always failed. It would also be cool to actually challenge the beast, like making him answer more questions in both rounds.
  19. I couldn't stand looking at the guy's disgusting teeth and along with the crying and shaking i thought maybe he was into meth, but his teeth looked a little better at the end. It makes no sense that people were existing without pay. How do you buy toothpaste, a birthday present or go to a movie? Also don't believe for a minute this woman was hired to give hula hoop lessons. Most of the people we saw at the Inn were middle aged, not likely to hula hoop. I didn't like the decor of the new rooms either and I could have done a better job. The odd triangles on the wall along with the fake log look just didn't go together. The reception room also looked like just another hotel room, I would have walked right by it. And GR must have some kind of love affair with his own body to insist on semi nude shots each episode. I mean he is thin but no dreamboat by any means.
  20. No one is going to want exposed electrical wiring around their ceiling. Of course Nicole is not the most safety conscious (on her show she is often seem wearing sandals and no gloves while handling dangerous materials). I also don't think teams should be awarded specifically because they blew their budget. I was also amazed that the off center plumbing in the bathroom was not addressed. I honestly wouldn't bid on the married couple's property because of that and because the kitchen is crowded and the blue frames nailed to the wall. I like the sisters and twins units the best. I can also understand wanting to have some color in the design because it is a TV show after all. As a buyer I could easily remove curtains, throw pillows and even paint if needed, but plumbing fixtures or major wall repairs or drying a ceiling would make me turn away.
  21. I think Lucy is disgusting and not attractive at all. And as much as she says she is a free spirit, like every other free spirit before her, she really wants some guy to pick her and goes about it the wrong way. Prancing around naked, grabbing Jesse's junk and crawling in bed with a couple is just desperation. A real free spirit would seek out experiences and relationships in a more natural way. Sad to see Clare leave, she was my favorite of the girls. I wonder if something more was said or done because it looked like she was pretty upset. Don't think I will be a fan of Christy either; she is another one trying too hard and looking desperate. And then their is Aunt Michelle (as someone else said); she is in everyone's business, gets more than half of all TH's and now we are supposed to think she cares about Cody moving too fast? I also don't want to hear about her daughter since she continues to leave her for weeks at a time, so mother of the year she isn't. Sarah and Lacey seem a little dim to me and AshLee is well, Ashlee. I don't understand if Graham really cares about her, or if he is getting something out of this experience, it is weird. Robert and Cody seem like nice guys (although I don't think Robert really cares about Sara), Zac and Jesse seem like dirt balls. I kind of wish Kalon had stayed on. I think he is 100%producer made up, so I wonder what he is really like. He is too shiny and sweaty for my tastes though.So what happens at the end of this thing? No one wins anything? Seems like it will be an odd way to end.
  22. I don't think Nicole is a fair judge; her whole show is dumpster diving and using old stuff. Of course she is going to favor plain wood staircases and bare beams. I think bare beams look good in certain types of houses, but just looked unfinished here. Their room was all furnishings and clutter. I hated the blue frames on John and Whitney's wall. I would dread having to take them all down and cover all the holes. The sisters and twins had beautiful rooms and people could always bring in a cabinet for under the stairs.
  23. I was married 20 years ago and know things change but I don't understand the need for two full dinners either. Why can't you just have appetizers during cocktail hour and then dinner? These brides complain if a full dinner isn't served during cocktail hour. Also don't see the need for take home candy stations and photo booths; it just seems juvenile to me.
  24. Fade's dress was beautiful; can't believe it wasn't in the top three. Didn't like or understand Amanda's tacky dress. Even the trim looked wonky, it was bottom 3 for me. I guess the winning gown was a pretty color but I don't get the fascination with fringe. Sandyha seems like a special snowflake type to me. Yes, the other designers could have asked for the money but she acts entitled to me. Mitchell deserved to go but Korinna should have gone instead of Christine.
  25. Historic hotels usually don't have modern amenities like fitness rooms, so I don't know why Gordon made a big deal about that. I'm guessing he needed some kind of surprise and didn't have a beer garden to remodel. I also wish they would show him assessing the ability of the kitchen staff to cook this "stunning" food. It seems obvious the food was bad before the awful sisters took over, and I'm going to guess the previous manager(with the bad hair) was no better either. These shows take an approach that the staff is always fantastic and the owners hold them back. I would guess that the sisters did nothing, and the staff are lazy and do nothing too.
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