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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. Pazuzu is an actual demonic god's name, so I assume that's where it came from. I was hoping it'd be a person masquerading as an AI.
  2. If they kill the birdwatchers, their appearance is still proof they're near enough civilization that they could find their way to it ... if Lottie lets them.
  3. I'm kinda hoping it's Coach coming after her. Either he came back with them (doubtful) or they abandon him when rescue comes and he finds his own way out later. I'd be big mad.
  4. Yes, the show would have been MUCH more interesting if he turned her in.
  5. The books focus a lot more on his tracking and survivalist abilities and how he uses them to find people, I wish we'd get back to that.
  6. Yep, this is the first year I've actually paid more attention to it. In the past it was on in the background because I just didn't care that much, but I like this cast.
  7. There are way, way, way too many adoption storylines on this show. Gabby Casey Brett Cruz Kidd/Severide Plus Brett was adopted herself.
  8. Just finished this and Harry is probably one of the most unlikable contestants on any show I've seen. So cocky and so off-putting. Hopefully he blows all the cash in quick order.
  9. I just binged all the previous seasons, so didn't notice how bad the cliffhanger endings are, but they are horrible. No episode feels complete because they all end like that, I hate it. I'd rather have the person revealed to be voted out, then the next episode start with their reveal of traitor/no traitor. But to not even share the vote makes each episode feel pointless. It definitely works better as a binge at once show than a weekly show because of this.
  10. I keep thinking it's Lottie that burned the cabin because she wanted them living in the wilderness and being closer to it.
  11. I also thought Walter because Shauna let Misty drive home drunk, now he messes with Shauna's brakes which puts her in similar danger.
  12. All of these key scenes being filmed without the regular actors are awful. I think I'm done with the show finally.
  13. So Seth will either get shot/killed or be the best undercover agent ever since lying is his full time job lol.
  14. I love how Misty is annoyed with Walter in the same way everyone else is annoyed with her and she's so oblivious to it.
  15. That week long wait was excruciating! I still can't listen to Battle Flag without this being the only thing in my mind.
  16. Episode is barely 4 minutes in, but that is some DAMN fine camera work in this opening!
  17. You know what I really love about this show? It's WELL LIT. Everything is bright and easy to see and it's a relief.
  18. Why is this show so boring? I don't know whether it's the new characters on the team or the plots, but it's just a snoozefest for me.
  19. I think the blonde girlfriend will be revealed as Sir and Christian's sister and she's been helping him/them.
  20. I feel like he's either unprofessional or overly aggressive 99% of the time and it's so off-putting.
  21. I'm always curious how they go about using real life events like this, where people affected/involved are still alive and potentially watching. Must be interesting from a clearance prospective.
  22. Yeah, Scola's screaming to hurry up would've slowed me down so badly.
  23. I'm pretty sure Matteo and Nancy will marry - that would get him a Green Card, wouldn't it?
  24. I don't know ... I see a lot of people that get more chauvinistic, sexist and right wing as they get older ...
  25. I'm almost expecting Owen to wake up at the end of the next episode and dreamt everything that happened. Either that or the writers just wrote a big fuck you to everyone.
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