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missy jo

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Everything posted by missy jo

  1. I agree with the several PP who's pointed out that of course Jace will act out in general or be uncomfortable around cameras. My concerns are the few facts that we've either seen or have been mentioned: trouble in school (mentioned several times and school conference), wetting the bed (trademark sign of regression, brought up by Barb). Third, and we know this is "abuse," is the fighting and screaming in front of Jace, about Jace. AndI know Barb does her best, but as had been said, she has availability issues, plus has a bad track record with her other kids. I truly hope the best for him. I agree with this quote below, and perhaps if they're excluded from filming, Jenelle will sign away her parental rights. I'd bet every penny I have that she in no way, shape or form wants custody of that boy.
  2. I agree. Similar to how the saying goes, "If you marry for money, you earn every penny of it." Despite all the trash talk and possible past misdeeds, few of these reality TV folk have unblemished pasts and his doesn't particularly stand out to me.
  3. I know that Jenelle makes for great train-wreck TV (and I won't lie, I love it, dude), but she needs to be cut from the show for the sake of Jace. This season they've shown that he's already acting out in school and has started wetting the bed. The only time she claimed to want to see him this episode is for her own needs, and then she didn't pay attention to him anyway. She just needed Barb to complain to about her life because her other "friend" had already put her time in for the episode. When she said, "I wouldn't trade Kaiser for the world" she sounded like she'd trade him for a cigarette. I have 1000x more maternal instincts toward my cat than Jenelle has for either of her children. I hope she or the court end up terminating her parental rights for both children.
  4. I understand why Leah wouldn't want to talk about her drug problem, but I what I don't understand is why MTV has allowed her to call it "therapy for anxiety and depression!" So happy Jeremy finally said it on-camera. Not because she deserves to be embarassed or anything like that - I'm sure everyone wants the best for her - but because it's so frustrating hearing it called one thing when everyone knows it's the other!
  5. Rocky annoys the heck out of me, but she's nowhere near as bad as Kat, to the point that I don't think I'd have watched if she were back this season. So I'll take Rocky with her ping pong eyeballs in the fetal position on the deck over Kat any day of the week.
  6. This is exactly what they've shown her doing this season, and maybe she's ramped it up now that she found a "new daddy" for Aubree. She shouldn't say anything negative about her daughter's father TO her daughter. I also don't recall in previous seasons her having this many conversations about Adam right in front of Aubree (for example, with her mother, etc.) Thanks to everyone who pointed out that Cole wasn't even "the pink one" in the so-called Father's Day drawing, according to Aubree's own words. I assumed the drawing had three people in it till I got a closer look. Cole was not even in the picture! More blatant encouraging of Aubree toward this new dynamic. Cole’s really hot and above Chelsea's paygrade, especially with her voice and baggage, but him talking in the same baby voice as Chelsea takes him from a solid eight down to a three. He was even talking like that in the buggy when he was riding shotgun with Chelsea's Dad! I guess those two mental midgets deserver each other, which is fine, but stop pushing him on Aubree, please.
  7. I think I caught something during Kail's segment. The Teen Moms conduct their phone conversations on speaker for filming. But when Kail called Jo about Isaac being late for the soccer game, she was not on speaker and we only heard her side of the conversation. Interesting. Another gross thing about Kail is how thrilled she was that Jo missed the game. She could barely suppress her grin, but her eyes were still twinkling over his failure. Like all the PP, I agree there's something big missing from Jo's side that they're not telling us, what with not wanting to go to court and missing the game and graduation. Missing the game due to a time mix-up isn't a big deal, but the rest of it isn't in line with his character. Loved! It! Jo is a great Dad who moved to another state just to be close to his son. And that bitch has to up and move away within months. I never bought the "we've outgrown this house" bullshit. PS: WTF with having to celebrate the end of each school year with a graduation?!
  8. They're just not very religious. At all. During the "Tell Nothing," one of them (Robyn?) said she'd be into polygamy regardless, and Tamron Hall had to *remind* her that it was supposed to be because of their faith. During the convo, neither Kody nor the wives seemed to be able to explain this supposed faith and they didn't seem to have much interest in or knowledge of it. At least *pretend* to be into it!
  9. Sounds just like "Ruby," who had a show of her own named after her a few years back. I don't recall if it was also on TLC? Both women have this weird thing where they preach fat acceptance, but at the same time are not happy with their weight. I understand it's a conflicted issue.
  10. Yeah, that was the first inkling viewers had that there was anything potentially questionable about it. As for the psychic, when he said he wasn't "seeing" the cancer, my first reaction would have been that Brooks was cured, not that he was lying. If Brooks is lying, then he deserves what he gets, but if he didn't, then I feel disgusting for even watching this.
  11. I was gob-smacked at Chelsea's "your father sucks and Cole's your new daddy" talk last week, but wow did she double down on that shit in this episode! I started copying all the posts I agreed with, but there were too many, so shout outs to lasandi and Chicken Wing among others. 1. Stated both in VO and to her Dad: "I asked Aubree IF she wanted to make something for Cole for father’s day." Aubree already knows she gets positive reinforcement for saying yes. 2. The parental alienation/coaching scene - Chelsea: "Why do you think that's bad (to have a lot of girls)?" Aubree: "You said it was bad." If parental alienation isn't illegal in South Dakota, it should be. More leading questions: "Do you wish you saw [your Dad] more?” “Are you excited for Cole to move in?” “At least you have Colie!” “Do you think me and Cole are going to be together forever?" “Do you think Cole is kind of like a Dad for you?” “Is it nice to have someone like a mommy and daddy in the same place? Because you never had that before." (Wow, sick burn on Aubree. Way to rub the salt in the wound.) And Randy is old enough to know better. He's always snickering and chuckling over Aubree’s father’s shortcomings. What's so enjoyable about his granddaughter being disappointed? "She's starting to look at Cole as a Dad anyway." No, just no. "I just wish he would go away now. Adam, we don’t need you anymore." Yes, you finally found someone else to hook up with, but life doesn't work like that. And hey, Adam may be dating a lot, but at least he isn't telling Aubree they're her "new mommies." Chelsea's 21 (?) so it's most likely she and Cole won't be together forever. If and when they break up, Aubree will never see Cole again. Same with a broken engagement, and even if they were to get married and he was her stepfather. Here's why it's personal for me. I had a stepdaughter when she was aged three through eight who loved the hell out of me. When I divorced her father, he never let me see or speak to her again. No goodbyes. IDK what she was told about where I went and why, but she had to be devastated. These are crucial ages, and these new mommies and daddies can go away. Forever.
  12. This. Because she didn't stop hooking up with Adam until she met Cole. Wonder what Randy thinks about all those reunions where she admitted it? I've never been a fan, only comparably, but I've grown to despise her. Mainly because by now I know what I'm going to get with those other three wretches, and I'm surprised at what they've shown this season with her parental alienation of Adam. You're only hurting your daughter, Chelsea.
  13. MVP of this episode is Jeremy for finally saying "prescription pill problem," and for runner-up, Jenelle's lawyer, who said everything that viewers are thinking. Parents who coach their kids to think and say negative things about their other parent are evil ... Chelsea.
  14. I think it might have been a bit of both, in that her "font analysis" of the crew members was a hit last year, so they suggested she do the Greek Gods this time. I believe she came up with those choices though! Rocky's and Leon's were perfect.
  15. I have a chronic illness, and one of the biggest pet peeves is unwanted medical advice or information. I can't imagine how enraged I'd be if someone kept interrogating me about why I didn't go to the doctor they suggested, like I have some kind of obligation to do so. Actually, everyone I know would be way too scared to treat me that way. Brooks was *very* calm and reasonable during Megan's latest grilling and rehashing. He doesn't owe her or Shannon or anyone else a damn thing!
  16. Fuck Chelsea for the way she runs down Aubree's father to her. Before the past few episodes and in past seasons, Aubree was always shown as excited to see her Dad. If that ever changes, and I hope it doesn't, it should be down to her father's own behavior and not the hints from her own mother. I think Chelsea's always gotten a good edit, because they have to have one "success story." But as she's said on each reunion, she never stopped hooking up with Adam until she got this boyfriend, including when he and Taylor were on a break. It makes me wonder if Chelsea has *always* talked about Adam in front of Aubree and put him down, but they haven't shown it. I also *hate* the "you have a new Daddy now" thing. At this point in the show, Cole is just some guy Chelsea's been dating for 10 months. It's way too early to move him in and too early to call him "Daddy." (And if Aubree stumbled into that on her own, which I don't believe for a minute, then she should be gently corrected.) I don't like the parade of "new daddies and mommies" all these kids have seen over the years. ETA: Now they're showing the "airing of grievances" with Chelsea and her Mom. "Does Aubree have bad behavior when she comes back from Adam's?" Talk about a producer-driven, leading question to shit-talk her daughter's father some more on camera.
  17. Team Kate all day! I'm a snarky gal myself and I understand how it comes off the wrong way with people sometimes. She also gives good TH. I agree that Rocky, at minimum, might have ADHD (no judgment, I have it too). I was also concerned about her severe mood swings in the past couple episodes where she was crying to her Dad about Kate being mean to her and saying, "then I don't even want to live!" I get drama queens, but that crying jag seemed a bit beyond. Emile. Oh, Emile. I think he's used to hooking up, and so he thinks dating is for the olds. He's cute and probably gets a lot of girls, but ... can I just say he seems like he'd be terrible in bed? In fact, I'm sure of it. (No, I don't know him, LOL.) So he might have a lot of one-night-stands/hookups, but not too many callbacks.
  18. I love that Meghan is the only one that we know *for sure* "pretended" to have cancer. Shannon seems much more like a neurotic Virgo (I'm one too, so no offense meant!) than a fiery Aries, whereas Vicky shows the worse traits of Aries. About Tamra and Ryan, how is marriage such a weighty decision and yet bringing another *human being* into the world is no biggie?!
  19. I was coming here to post that! I agree with Javi that they should go to court, because Jo will probably end up paying less than whatever Kail talks him into. The nerve of that woman: "Keep the same amout of time with Isaac, but pay me more money."
  20. What the heck was that about?! A normal person would have asked, "Where do you find the pillows?" not instruct the other person to fetch them one. I'm not a fan of Leon either. He's got that standard Chef Superiority Complex and diva attitude. (Can you tell I've dated chefs?) I liked Eddie's TH, "Kate's vicious. She's great, she's a good friend, but she's vicious when* ..." My goal in life is for people to describe me that way. A good, vicious friend. *can someone help me out with the end of that sentence?
  21. Same. It's also interesting/funny to me how Brianna always brushed off her mother until she was all alone in the middle of nowhere, and then she realized that she actually needed her. Saw the car scene again. Brianna says "ugh" twice. "Ugh, you wanna give me a car?! Ugh!" Bet she didn't return it to the dealership later!
  22. Noooo! I am way more upset about this than I should be about a Housewives show, LOL. NYC has always been my favorite franchise, and it officially turning into All Bethenny All The Time might make me stop watching.
  23. I feel like they've done a huge retcon on Theresa's character in the past few episodes. She's gone from a dominatrix forcing Bunchy to scrub the shower with a toothbrush to a blushing bride. Huh?
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