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missy jo

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Everything posted by missy jo

  1. Nope, you're not crazy! Pills can cause dry mouth, and dry mouth can cause tooth decay. I've had some decay due to all the (legit) meds I'm on, but not "meth mouth" level or anything like that, thank God. I've not heard of opiates prescribed for headaches. I thought Topamax was the "go to" for migraines, and it's not a narcotic. Was throwing up in the bathroom a withdrawal thing, I wonder?
  2. I've never liked when Nev goes back for the next-day "redemption" interview, but this by far was the one episode where he should have skipped it.
  3. Most of us probably agree that Andy's friend Bethenny has gotten a good edit this season. Can you imagine what a *bad* edit would look like?!
  4. I won't watch Heather on MSN because I know I'll take an Ambien and buy a shitload of YT and not remember it the next day.
  5. I feel you, but I actually love watching her get played. Can't stand Adam, obvs, but when they showed the concert, I was thinking how hard it would be to pretend to enjoy that. Then again, I'm an old hag and kids bore me to tears. And called Cole "a hot piece of ass!" All of that messy conversation was in front of Aubree. Also, she claimed to be over Adam "for two years" when we all know she was his side chick every time he broke up with Taylor. F'love Corey for putting "prescriptions" in air quotes. He's the real MVP of the episode. I would have thought that the dramatic opening of the drug test envelope was enacted for the cameras, but Leah was way too overjoyed at having passed. She acted like she won the damn lottery (and I guess she did).
  6. Um, I had a Mexican-American acquaintance who named his son Aryan. True story. I couldn't sleep for a week worrying about whether I should say something, but then I figured he'd probably find out soon enough anyway.
  7. I got to the last 100 candidates for Real World Miami (mid-90s) and I didn't even think to ask about money, nor did they give me any details about compensation. I was just happy to have free room and board, LOL. Those were before the days of reality-for-profit. We were so naïve. On topic, I loved how Jenelle said on this episode, "Nathan's and my fights used to be explosive; but now our fights, are like, fine." So that's good news, LOL!
  8. Negative?!?! What kind of Appalachian voodoo did she pull to pass a hair-follicle drug test?
  9. Yes, that's the first place their minds went to. These ladies don't travel on the cheap.
  10. Watching these people attempt to speak English makes me so glad my mother was a Grammar Nazi/Officer Spelling.
  11. She "sucks at relationships, so you don't have to." (In bookstores now.) Bethenny's always talking about how the tabloids make stuff up, but when Kristen talks to them, B is all, "Well it was in QUOTES!" Fuck off, Bethenny.
  12. I must be in denial because I won't believe she's leaving till I hear it from her! It doesn't necessarily sound that way in her quote from Reality Tea: "We have so much to talk about on what’s happening on the show right now, we just shot the couch [reunion show]… I mean, who can even think about next season, let’s stick to this season.”
  13. Sincerely Yours, Snark Kitty, Sasha2026, and Booger666 - I agree with all of y'all that Heather's reaction was ramped up based on the non-responses they were giving her. If I'm pissed and everyone "whatever's" me, it only gets me going more, like "how are you guys not getting this?!" This was my take on it as well. LuAnn needs to get over herself if she thinks Heather's goal was to catch her having sex, LOL. The blame is 100% on Ramona with her admitted "punting" of "Go talk to LuAnn." biak biak and gimmipizzauoldtroll - I agree that somehow this is linked to the Scottish chef. I'd have guessed ex-pats, but someone said they said "tourists" on WWHL. It's too much of a coincidence, but I can't figure it out. Also, if they were ex-pats, it would make sense for Alister the house manager (I watch with close captions, so I'd caught his name/title) to know they were bad news and try to dissuade the women from bringing them in. Otherwise, it's none of his business. Book Elitist Loved your #TeamHeather post, but I won't believe my girl's leaving till I hear it from her! Wire Wrap - cosign to everything you say Line of the night was actually to Kristen to Bethenny, with her "Who says I even want to be your friend at this point?" #owned
  14. Yes, I was totally serious - thanks for answering!
  15. I was looking for how to spell "Amurrica," the ironic spelling for right-wing backwards "America" because I think that would work well. However, I also found "amurca," which is "the bitter-tasting, dark-colored, watery sediment that settles out of unfiltered olive oil over time." That works. I have a unique last name and it's always been hell to pronounce, spell and correct people's pronunciation (if they ask). How do school teachers even handle the names these days?!
  16. Every American should be forced to watch this documentary Clockwork Orange-style. Like the previous poster said, the people who most need to see this documentary, probably won't be watching it.
  17. I was on a bunch of painkillers so I was like, "Hey, this isn't bad!" for the first four episodes. But I sobered up for the last two, and wow - this show is awful.
  18. And the pajamas. Don't forget the pajamas. Total "thinspiration." I could count Bethenny's ribs when she strutted outside to "light it up" with Heather (and quickly fizzle), but she's got a lot of muscle too. Can you really get that from yoga twice a week, because I want those calves. All these women look absolutely amazing, IMO, and I'd be more than happy to skin and wear any of them.
  19. OK, I'll just say it. That wasn't a cute baby.
  20. I was so glad to hear on WWHL that Jeff was not in on supposedly "pranking" Andy with Brandi Glanville via a fake fight, her throwing a drink on him and then crying on-camera for five minutes. Never believed it for a minute.
  21. Thanks for the details! I was wondering what they had been planning for Heather's storyline that related to "I am stronger than anything in my way" before they decided to make her this season's punching bag.
  22. I think a poster on the thread for this week's episode said it best - Heather was talking about "code-switching" and the ability to tailor your language to your audience. I think she was exceedingly patient with all of them, especially after they brought up her daughter and especially after they continued to go at it after she said, "OK, this is the point where it's getting uncomfortable for me ..." As a dedicated Bethenny-hater this season, I have many issues with her, but this is probably the biggest one. It's fine if your boyfriend does not want to film and does not want his home to be filmed. However, having your "arc" be that you have walls up and are alone (direct quote) while already having moved on romantically, should not have been allowed. Huge disservice to the viewers.
  23. I agree. That's why it grated when, at the beginning of the season, Beth was all, "Who is she?! Why is she talking to me?!" ** panic attack ** I was like, "Um, first of all it's her job, and also she's a civilized adult and not totally fucking feral like you are." I forgot about that. How awful. That's true! I remember people making comments about her hair in the early THs. Lastly, I heard nearly all of them use the f-word in this episode alone, including in THs where they have time to choose their words carefully. They all curse.
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