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missy jo

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Everything posted by missy jo

  1. Welp, that was the most literal slut-shaming I've ever seen! This show reads like the sadistic porn fantasies of a bunch of man-children who've never gotten laid.
  2. Body-shaming is way out of style. I'm not saying SG is doing that, but it could be perceived that way. I agree with you the new trend is clean eating, not chemical-laden faux foods. Also agree that she's far from a household name outside of reality TV world. Twenty-something's would have no idea. Dag ... PS I hope Jason's happy and enjoying some dating!
  3. It amazes me and kinda turns me off that all the HWs drop the F-bomb constantly in their THs, when I know they're literate enough to have other vocabulary choices. Use your words, ladies! Having said that, Heather's language doesn't bother me when we have other cast members making jokes about "braiding each other's pussy hair." The holla thing - I feel bad for her because Bravo chose it as her tagline, and continues to choose the taglines, but it's not something she goes around saying on the show.
  4. This. I have empathy/sympathy for tough childhoods, divorces and all the other hardships that people endure (including my own, LOL!). However, the fault lies in refusing to work through and solve those problems to the best of your ability as an adult. Beth has the very best of resources at her disposal and she refuses to utilize them. (No, I don't count the TV shrink she only consults when filming.) ETA: motorcitymom65: Ironically, Beth got her reality TV start on Martha Stewart's Apprentice, on which Martha uttered her classic, "There is no crying in business."
  5. The dietary issues with Brynn are troubling to me. Whether she likes it or not, Beth's total control over that ended when she filed for divorce.
  6. I have a chronic illness (more of a life sentence without parole kind of thing, than death most likely), and I almost envy Monty's ability to travel, hobnob and party these last months. He's made the most of the time he has left, that's for sure. #blessed I figured they meant all of us.
  7. Fillers, botox and the eyelift for sure; I don't know what else. It also irks me that she still denies having breast implants. As if!
  8. I agree, and I also think the editors went back and enhanced this story arc after the negative feedback of the first few episodes. "I'm in the midst of (another) life crisis and such a delicate flower, but I'm going to tell two widows that they need to rebrand DEATH." ** snore **
  9. Huge boxing fan IRL. Goes to a lot of matches and did some of the narration for Mayweather/Pacquiao.
  10. Just binge-watched. Love the show, and looking forward to its return. But yes, I agree with y'all, this felt like a series finale. Everything was wrapped up. ethalfrida, I love the character of Mickey too. What an entertaining psychopath. Question: Is Bunchy supposed to be retarded/special needs? I've been wondering that from the start, and still can't figure it out.
  11. I liked LuAnn, Carole and Dorinda defending Heather! I bet there was actually more, and that's why Beth backed down. She realized there was gonna be blowback for her behavior. Actually, when Beth went up to apologize, I was wishing Heather would just say "OK" and walk away. But of course B had to ramble on and on and eventually Heather kept having to say more in response. I was also yelling, "Don't apologize!" (to Heather). This should be her tagline! And: And: Yes to all three! I don't think Lu had nefarious intentions in bringing it up or that she was concern-trolling. Beth looks like she's in the middle of a legit nervous fucking breakdown, so it's normal to say something. Whereas it's *not* normal to cry at a damn dinner party, especially if you "don't want attention." (cough - bullshit - cough) IslandGal140 - I had to laugh, because I say "dance, monkey, dance" to all reality show participants. That's. Bad.
  12. During that three-way/lesbian phase/whatever talk at the restaurant with Ramona, Carole and Dorinda, did I actually hear Beth saying she wouldn't live with a man again before getting married?! While at that very moment she was doing precisely that?
  13. Heather fan here, checking in to say that I heard the collection groan across the nation when Heather called Avery "Ave!" AFA cultural appropriation, Heather's language doesn't bother me. I'm from South Florida and everyone picks up everyone else's vernacular. I work with mostly Mexican-Americans and vocabulary and in-jokes cross over there as well. I tend to pick up on what's around me, both as a habit and to make myself understood/as a shorthand.
  14. Heather's house ... dag. "But you don't look sick" is such ignorant bullshit that there is an entire website named after it. Brianna should be ashamed of herself. Loved the TH of the new girl talking about how great her husband is, interspersed with him treating her like shit. Tip o' the hat to the editors.
  15. Especially in a 30-day program! (not that I necessarily believe she's in a serious rehab)
  16. Um, Dr. Drew, how can you sit there with a straight face and give PSAs about preventing pregnancy when you're literally sitting next to a knocked-up chick and have just featured a newborn? Yes, she was huge! Maybe it was partly in comparison to Amber, who is very petite despite her giant pumpkinhead. If they were going to be so close-mouthed about the "trauma," then they shouldn't have mentioned it at all. I want to see an Instagram photo of a textbook! I feel so awful for his family. Can you imagine losing your son and then being completely excluded from your grandchild's life? The Abraham's are evil.
  17. I'd bet this was LVP saying what her longtime friend Kyle wanted her to say at the time. Now that Kyle has disengaged (I hope!) and Kim's addictions are undeniable, she doesn't have to keep her silence anymore. As far as Kim, I'll have two shows on NBC before she does. Check your local listings. And I agree Monty is her drug buddy. Brandi must have been jealous when she saw the finale episode, because the last scene of Kim at the party was her and Monty hanging all over each other and declaring to be "best friends." They were wasted.
  18. I think it has to be the condo board, because she has no problem showing her other homes and more dramatic aspects of her life. Heather got a lot of heat for the nanny example, but it actually made me respect her more. She could easily trotted out the "sick child" example and trumped all of the other ladies' issues. She could also use it as a ploy for sympathy and as an excuse for being a shitty human being if she so chose, in the same way that Bethenny uses her childhood and divorce for sympathy and as an excuse for being a shitty human being.
  19. She would from me. I would have an entirely different take on her.
  20. Oh, Monty. #Bless your heart, you're fucking delusional. Y'all are cracking me up with your book titles: 1. I Hate Your Hair 2. I Hate Your Face 3. ??? ETA: Actually, I gotta go with Rehoboth - the third book should be a compendium of all the blogs she's been saving up. I've been really obsessed with those blogs.
  21. I literally laughed out loud when he claimed that was due to the show; meanwhile half those girls are on their second kid already.
  22. Did anyone else think that Kathryn seemed to be Andy's favorite at the reunion?
  23. It cracked me up in this last episode when Ramona said that Beth's only guests at her birthday dinner were her assistants and her real estate agent. Preach it, Ramona!
  24. For sure, and same here! The issue is that she's pretending to be "alone" (her direct quote) and not in a relationship at all. I don't think that Beth necessarily has *editorial* control, although she most likely negotiated the product placement, etc., but I do think production and editing is trying to portray her a certain way for the viewers, and has adjusted that portrayal when it didn't go over well in the first few episodes.
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